Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 272: The origin of the omniscient pupil

Sulun killed the two weird giants, and immediately detoured to avoid the battle area, and chose another road to quickly evacuate the battlefield.

The two third-order weirdness taught him a vivid lesson, letting him know that the monster that cursed the space was terrible.

Su Lun is also more careful, not only paying attention to the soul fire within the range, but also always paying attention to the fluctuation of those spatial cracks.

This time, it was pure luck. What happened was a monster that happened to be physically controlled and could be killed with a black sickle.

Otherwise, if it is a monster with certain special abilities, it may not be good luck.

But worrying about encountering monsters is one aspect, Su Lun also faintly looked forward to encountering more in his heart.

After finally encountering [Activated Silver] this top puppet material, he did not intend to give up this excellent opportunity.

This kind of unnatural material cannot be found in the outside world. .

The silver content in the flesh and blood of the two corpses just now was not high. He estimated the extent to which it could be made into a silver bracelet at most.

It was far from the small goal of getting a complete alchemy golem.

He needs more.

But I am afraid of encountering clusters, or higher-order weirdness.

Very ambivalent mentality.


And while Su Lun was walking and thinking, the fighting in the center of the city in the distance suddenly became fierce again. People like the Luying Royal Army have encountered some tricky monsters.

Listening to the voice, Su Lun suddenly changed his mind and muttered to himself: "Those guys should have encountered the monster with activated silver. Maybe they have stock in hand?"

Thinking of this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

The army is not like him alone, unable to fight and run.

Those members of the Divine Judgment Legion encountered monsters in this cursed space, and there was almost only one way to go head-to-head.

Therefore, not being annihilated by the monster group means that the monster has been destroyed by the group.

They must have gained a lot of "trophies" in their hands.

However, there were sixth-order leaders in those two thousand regiments, and Su Lun didn't dare to make any ideas.

Thinking of this, he was somewhat uninterested: "Senior sister has at least two days to arrive. These guys break the cursed space..."


There was a flash of inspiration in his mind, and Su Lun didn't think about the issue of trophies anymore, and suddenly thought of something else.

Before he looked at the power of the ruling legion, he also felt that they could push this cursed space horizontally.

But now that I have seen the strange intensity with my own eyes, this idea is not so firm anymore.

Change to other ordinary cursed space, they may be able to push flat.

But here...

Now that it was basically determined to be the "place of the burial of the gods", Su Lun felt that no matter who wanted to push horizontally, it was definitely not that easy.

Otherwise, there were so many top powerhouses of the Dalu tribe, and they would not die here.

Thinking of this question, Su Lun suddenly found "Hua Dian".

"It's weird... Since knowing that this cursed space is so dangerous, where do those guys have the confidence to force the whole army?"

A thought flashed through his mind, and he felt that something was wrong.

Many thoughts were connected in a line, his face became slightly weird, and he had an inexplicable guess: "It's not that they are not sure at all, but what death order they have received, and this space must be broken... just here? "

Thinking of this, Su Lun instantly felt that his whole body was not good.

He had seen the power of power in Jiulingdon. With the command of those nobles, countless hunters had to go forward to open up wasteland.

Although this sacred ruling legion is not a slave group, under this system of centralized monarchy, the power of the monarch is supreme.

It is not very pleasant to say that it is the slave of the queen, but it is also true.

Listening to the intensity of the battle in the distance, it is not the kind of destructive movement that pushes horizontally.

It is not difficult to guess that that army also fought very hard.

Su Lun felt that his guess might be the truth more and more, and murmured quietly in his heart: "I followed you because you came in so decisively..."

Never at this moment, he hopes so strongly that the opponent's strength can be pushed horizontally.

At least the opponent can push horizontally, and he can also follow the fish.

He couldn't push it horizontally, he wanted to follow the group of sharks and be swallowed by a bigger monster.

Nothing more,

It's all here.

Su Lun felt a little painful.

Seeing the black whirlpool above the hall in the distance, walking there seems to be able to get out.

Be careful, the problem shouldn't be big.


The battle in the distance became more and more fierce, and the shock wave of the battle even spread to Suren.

He felt that things seemed really big.

However, the good thing is that those guys attracted most of the monsters in the ruins.

With no other choice at the moment, Su Lun moved forward cautiously all the way.

He didn't dare to explore those buildings either, everything was to save his life.

Fortunately, he was lucky. He avoided those areas where there might be monsters. Although he also encountered a few ghost-type aberrant monsters, it was probably because of the corpse energy of the carrion body. They seemed to have not found Suren. It just floated away.

Not long after, Su Lun had already arrived near the center of the city.

The city's street scenes that were unrealistically seen on the walls of the city before are also clear now.

It was a white stone square about the size of ten football fields.

At the end of the square is a step nearly one meter high, which leads to the highest point of the city in a hundred steps.

A very huge palace violently broke into Su Lun's eyes.

The palace is composed of hundreds of giant stone pillars and round arches. There are two giant sculptures on the left and right at the door, one holding a huge sword and shield, and the other holding a long-handled axe.

However, there are extremely many cracks in the space here, and it is unstable, appearing from time to time like lightning.

There are traces of fighting from the square to the main hall.

The fierce fighting left crumbling and shattered stones everywhere on the streets.

Su Lun did not dare to approach.

The Black Crow flew closer and watched Lu Ying and those people counting the battlefield.

"Two thousand-man legions, now only half of them are left?"

Through the vision shared by the black crows, Su Lun roughly estimated the number of the British Lu army.

Including the wounded, there are probably only a thousand people living.

Can imagine the fierce fighting.

In the square, blood was flowing, in addition to human corpses, there were mountains of monster corpses.

There are two-headed giants that Sulun has encountered, as well as all kinds of strange creatures that have never been seen before. The skinned humanoid monster Tier 5 lord level [Greeder], like the weird Tier 6 [corpse worm aggregation] gathered by countless black earthworms, and the sludge [rotten god]...

Seeing those monsters, Su Lun's eyes became more solemn.

It is also fortunate that these people are going to thunder, otherwise he will really meet, he doesn't think he has the ability to clean up these monsters.

In other words, if it weren't for the army to come, a few 7th tiers would not necessarily be able to achieve this level.

However, what surprised Su was that the purpose of those people seemed very clear. The sergeant cleaned up the battlefield, dismantled and put away the positions built by mechanical equipment, and walked straight to the palace on top.

Su Lun waited for a moment, nothing happened.

He didn't think those people had gone out, there was a high probability that there was something special in the palace.

Of course, under normal circumstances, there are big bosses in such places.

Su Lun naturally wanted to follow the past to take a look, but he looked at another building that was shorter than the palace in the distance, which was the temple he had seen before.

He thought for a while, and the controller Black Crow flew in.

The black crow quickly flew a punch inside, and Su Lun looked at it carefully, "Huh... there are no monsters?"

Thinking that the previous battle in the square had attracted the monsters.

Moreover, what made him happy is that he actually saw the complete relief through the black crow's vision!

"Is this really the origin of the "Pupil of All-Knowing"?"

Although the black crow's gaze was swept away, Su Lun could clearly see the complete version of the mythology that he had seen in the temple of the giant tree.

A bearded man with a halo behind the horse came to a spring, pointed to the spring and wanted to drink.

The giant guarding the spring did not agree.

Then the big beard pointed at his arm, probably because he wanted to exchange his arms.

The giant also didn't agree.

Took out gold again,

Still didn't agree.

Finally, the beard sacrificed his eyes and successfully drank the spring water.

Most of the relief was missing before, and Su Lun didn't know why the beard drank the spring water.

But looking at the details on the next few reliefs, he roughly guessed that the bearded man hung upside down after drinking water, and he gained "wisdom"!

This is so similar to the awakening ceremony of the [All-Knowing Eyes].

Moreover, this story has a follow-up!

The more Su Lun looked, the more he looked forward to it.

The bearded man fell on the tree, and some strange symbols fell from the tree...

The reliefs I saw before have been corroded, and I can't see what those symbols are.

But in front of him, it was clear.

Suren is now studying the Rune of Rune, and he is quite accomplished in the study of the rune language with countless variants.

When he saw the symbols falling from the tree, he immediately felt inexplicably familiar: "This is... Rune?"

When Su Lun's thoughts turned, he felt that it was wrong again, " seems more complicated. This should be some kind of advanced text similar to runes."

It's a pity that the reliefs only have shapes, and there are no laws on the level.

Su Lun was not sure what text it was.

Then he looked at the relief at the back.

That big beard left an "eye" by the spring water!

Then one day, a giant thief came and stole the eye and installed it on his head.

The thief became a cyclops.

On the last relief, the giant-eyed giant jumped from the palace full of clouds and landed on an island, reproducing a race of cyclops.

This is the end of the mural.

Su Lun looked at the fairy tale, and his thoughts flew.

Obviously, if the carvings in this giant temple were not fabricated, they really happened in ancient times.

"So... I'm going to find the Cyclops, maybe I can know if this myth is true or not?"

Su Lun feels that even if the content on this mural is not from the [All-Knowing Eyes], it has a lot to do with it.

However, the Cyclops have been recorded in ancient books, and they are now extinct.

"Perhaps Mr. Jing should know?"

Suren raised an eyebrow.

This is the meaning of mentorship. There is a senior sister who knows all kinds of ancient secrets in ancient times, and she has questions and questions.

Mr. Jing was arriving in two days, and he was not in a hurry to use the communicator to ask.


Except for the frescoes, there is nothing of value in the temple.

Su Lun didn't want to be extravagant, but was afraid of triggering other documents.

After the crow looked around, he was about to go to the upper hall.

But at this time, Su Lun subconsciously made a finger movement and murmured: "When I am in a dream, I will look at my fingers and then realize that I am dreaming."

I have done it countless times before, and there is no abnormality.

But this time, his face changed drastically!

"I'm in illusion?"

Su Lun was shocked, and the hair on his back burst instantly.

Before entering, he knew that there were a lot of dead spirit creatures in this cursed space, and he was always guarding against those mental attacks, and he had always been very careful.

I didn't think about it, but I was still recruited.


The thoughts in Su Lun's mind flashed away, but the movements in his hands were not slow.

He drew the musket at lightning speed, aimed it at his head, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Now he is proficient in various psychic techniques, and he also knows that he has a very small probability of making a misjudgment (or being affected by other factors).

With this shot, it is possible that he crashed by accident.

But he is very clear that 95% of the probability he is hit.

This probability must be a bet!

Although I don't know when he was recruited, if he doesn't get rid of the illusion quickly, the consequences will be disastrous.

With a "bang" gunshot, Su Lun's eyes went dark.


Just like waking up from a dream, my mind was blank for a moment.

Su Lun sensed the presence of the body again.

The super-high brain development and mental power also allowed him to react in the shortest time.

The memories of the fragments were also connected instantly.

"I'm not dead!"

Su Lun felt something immediately, his left hand was still making finger movements to confirm whether he was still in the illusion.

His right hand had already pulled out the [Runeman Leather Umbrella] on his back, opened with a "poof" to cover himself, and without hesitation, activated the "Night Domain" of the black umbrella.

Because Su Lun knew very well that his strongest mental defense method was this black umbrella.

The evil spirit sealed by the black umbrella surged around the body, and was afraid to float too far by the pressure of the surrounding dead spirits.

At the same time, Su Lun looked at the finger-circling movement of his left hand, and he must have said in his heart: "I'm out of it!"

But at the same time, even if he could control himself to calm down, the adrenal hormones soared.

The great terror shrouded in death made his scalp numb.

Because in front of him, a very disgusting and terrifying monster appeared.

【Abbas Thousand Eyes Roshan】

Detailed explanation: Tier 5 golden aberration monster, a mental aberration monster condensed by many biological organs; corroded by the aura of the necromancer, the aberration monster has extremely strong mental power and is good at visual illusions to control prey; unable to move, the body is extremely weak;


Su Lun looked at the monster and exploded in his heart.

This is the most disgusting monster he has ever seen since he traveled through it, not one of them!

In front of him was a tuft of scarlet flesh, with red tentacles like earthworms on the edges.

However, the most numb scalp is the dense eyes on the rotten flesh.

It is still irregular in size, with the largest basin size, and the smallest compound eyes like flies, thousands. Crowded on the rotten meat like a sarcoma, like a splicing of countless biological eye organs.

You can see that the hairs are standing upside down.

The moment Su Lun awakened, the monster seemed to be taken aback for a moment, and a thousand eyes looked over.

Without hesitation, he closed his eyes and retreated violently. At the same time, with one hand and five fingers to grasp the void, more than a dozen puppet knives and guns came out, crackling and slashing the monster.

Like the information identified, the monster's body defense is extremely weak.

It was this slashing knife, mixed with foul-smelling dark green blood spewing out, and the sound of countless evil spirits wailing in pain was heard in their ears. That sound, sounding more frenetic than scratching a blackboard with nails.

At this moment, Su Lun had retreated hundreds of meters, the colony was released, and dozens of puppets appeared, covering the group of rotten meat monsters with firepower.

Finally, the world is quiet.

The mental shock that surged like a tsunami disappeared.

Su Lun knew that the monster was dead.

He just walked over, watching that the rotten flesh showed the special luster of the cursed material, and he was suddenly relieved.



Su Lun had a kind of rejoicing for the rest of his life.

He never thought that he was still outside the square, how could he suddenly wake up from the illusion and come to this temple.

"Visual illusion... It should be that the crow had already been recruited when it saw this monster."

Su Lun had a lingering fear when he guessed something.

This monster can make him hit without realizing it, how powerful it is.

In the pile of minced meat, there were many eyeballs staring at him like a dead eye.

And not far from the pile of corpses, there are still twenty or thirty human corpses that have not been eaten.

These corpses are all wearing standard armor, and they are naturally members of the Judging Corps.

Su Lun didn't notice that his eyelids twitched.

Almost GG.

If you don't react in time, kill the monster. On this pile of rotten meat, there will probably be another pair of eyes fused.

But fortunately, it was killed after all.

The gray mist had floated on the corpse, and Su Lun calmed his mind and harvested his soul.

"Obtain the soul fragment of'Abbas Thousand Eyes Roshan', you have realized the mystery of [Visual Illusion]..."

"You got some violent and messy information: ‘labyrinth, seal, corpse, danger...’"

"Spirit +8.5"

"There is a maze under the palace above? It's dangerous?"

Su Lun stripped the monster's soul and frowned.

After all, the distortion is strange, and the information obtained is very vague, just some scene fragments in the general thermal imaging picture.

Su Lun's eyes were solemn, and he pondered for a moment.

At this time, a fist-sized spar also appeared on the monster's corpse.

He also condensed his thoughts and picked up the stone.

【Thousand Magic Crystals】

Detailed explanation: a very rare curse material, containing a special mental matrix; wear it with you to block mental illusions that are not higher than the level of the item's law; it can be used as the advanced main material for the illusion profession to make certain unlocking spiritual resistance Sexual alchemy potions;

Su Lun watched the materials put away.

From the rotten meat team found a pile of stones like opals.

Appraisal, it can replenish mental power, good material.


Su Lun looked at the harvested materials with slightly complicated eyes, "There are really deadly dangers everywhere..."

I thought that everything would be fine with Black Crow, but I didn't expect to encounter such a monster that I had never seen before.

This cursing space taught him another lesson.

Su Lun didn't plan to stay in this evil place, nor was he ready to explore.

He glanced at it, and the relief he saw in the illusion before was in the temple.

The content is exactly the same as before.

However, this time he used the omniscient pupil to appraise the mural, but he let out a whisper.

This mural is not as simple as it seems.

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