Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 267: Reproduction·Spiritual Tentacle

Sulun ran Uta all the way, looking a little embarrassed, but there was a relieved expression on his face.

Because of the preparation, the quick kill plan did not cause any accidents after all.

This time, he successfully hunted down a Tier 4 lord Mind-grabbing Demon, and his Tier 3 alchemy colony was finally settled, and the biggest goal of coming to the Northern Ice Field was achieved.

Su Lun was naturally happy.

Although the [Hell Ratchet] that is going crazy behind him is a bit unsolvable, the monster's body can hardly move. As long as it avoids the tentacles that emerge from the ground, there is no danger.

Because they had prepared the evacuation route in advance, Sulun and the two ran out of the swamp smoothly.

They ran into a dense forest and stopped.

The ground is strong here, even if the monster's tentacles can reach it, it can be easily spotted.


The two were panting, Uta caught the relaxed expression on Su Lun's face, smiled and asked, "Success?"


Su Lun nodded.

Without the information of the Daru tribe, and without Yuta accompany him on the adventure, he would not have this great opportunity.

The Mind Reaver can be said to be the most ideal material for [Spirit Tentacle], and he is looking forward to the amazing effects of successfully refining the equipment. This kind of cloning and refining is very special, and it must be done while the brain cells of the Mind Devil are not completely dead.

He did not dare to delay, "Go, let's find a safe place, I want to refine the colony as soon as possible."

Uta grinned and bared his fangs, "Okay."

Not long after, the two found a wolf cave.

Uta went to inspect the neighborhood, and found no traces of high-level monsters.

Su Lun was relieved now.

Because the main materials are hard to find, the refining process of the cloak cannot be disturbed, and no errors are allowed.

Uta also saw that this attire was very important to Suren, and she didn't bother, so she kindly helped guard outside the cave.

The corpse was still fresh, and Su Lun did not dare to waste too much time, and took out the corpse of the Demon Demon.

Because the other ingredients have already been prepared, you can get started anytime now. .

As soon as the eight-armed spider spear was untied, the smelting formation required for refining the colony was drawn on the ground.

The flaming six-pointed star formation method lighted up, and Su Lun held a scalpel and accurately took out the complete brain of the heart-diving demon, and then started the refining refining according to the refining sequence that was already well-known on the drawing.

Not long afterwards, a flickering orange-red light flashed in the huge cave.

This refining lasted three days and three nights.


Spiritual reproductive equipment is very partial, it is also very troublesome to refine, and requires a lot of experience.

Fortunately, Su Lun was proficient in all areas of forging, so that he could refine on his own.

He is now multi-minded and multi-purpose, one person is seven or eight people.

He himself is a master craftsman, a master of runes, a master of enchantment, a master of material person is worth an entire large forging team.

His superb thought control ability also allows him to methodically refine his cloak into shape.

Finally, the evening of the third day.

Su Lun looked at the finished product floating in the alchemy light and smiled with satisfaction.

This is a translucent tentacles like a jellyfish.

[Spiritual Tentacle of the Mind Reaver]

Detailed explanation: Dark gold quality alchemy reproductive equipment; third-tier containment value rating above S+, fourth-tier A+, mental power not less than 750, and deformity rate less than 5%; after fusion, the ability to obtain mental tentacles, mental spell resistance +88, Mental strength +70%, mental spell penetration +10%, nerve reaction speed +22%, intelligence +5%, brain development +0.3%;

"Tsk tusk... the integration conditions are very demanding."

Su Lun identified the attributes of the cloak, and his eyes couldn't hide his joy.

Certain attributes of the finished product were even better than he expected.

Mental resistance and mental spell penetration are both very useful spell ability enhancements. After the successful fusion of this cloak, the mind control effect he wanted to achieve was even more perfect.

At the beginning, Su Lun just wanted to get a Tier 3 spirit lord monster, but he didn't expect to encounter a Tier 4 mind grabber.

Under normal circumstances, he has to use materials to degrade and make the colony "golden quality" or "silver quality" in order to ensure that he will not be distorted after fusion.

But because his own mental power has been distorted, he has a super high mental power. This also happens to meet the fusion conditions that can only be met when he is Tier 4 under normal circumstances.

Also considered a blessing in disguise.

Su Lun looked at the newly released [Spirit Tentacle] reproductive outfit, meditated to restore the dark spiritual power for a while, and then immediately began to merge.

Arrange the six-pointed star alchemy array, pure crystals are placed on the six starbursts, the secretive powder of mercury and lizard powder draws mysterious patterns, and then the blood of the heart-removing demon activates the entire formation.

Su Lun stood in the center of the six-pointed star formation. He picked up the cloak in his hand, and said: "Follow the law of equivalent exchange of all things, praise the glory of the original creator, and use alchemy to witness the miracle of creation..."

The hot light covered the entire cave, and the wonderful fusion reaction proceeded fiercely.

It's not the first time that Su Lun has merged with her reproductive outfits, and her heart is like still water. His body is also well tolerated, even if the process of fusion of spiritual reproductive equipment makes people drowsy, he successfully merged smoothly.

Two hours later, the light of the fusion formation completely dissipated, and Su Lun suddenly opened his eyes from meditation: "It's done!"

As expected, he perfectly integrated the tentacles.

Su Lun couldn't wait to try his new ability. The double surgeon pinched his seal and yelled softly: "Regeneration·Resolve!"

In the next instant, a white six-pointed star formation lighted up from under his feet, and Su Lun immediately felt the difference.

【Spiritual Tentacle】is an intangible thing, and no entity can be seen.

But Su Lun still saw from the mirror image a faint white halo around his entire body surface.

He also clearly felt that like his own spider spear, the "invisible tentacles" that can be controlled at will!

The tentacles can be thick or thin, and Su Lun condensed a bunch of mental power into a hand. Then he tried to pick up a stone on the ground.

The magical scene happened immediately.

The stone seemed to float against gravity, slowly rising from under his feet to in front of his face.

"Mental power imperial..."

Su Lun narrowed his eyes slightly.

Although I felt very strenuous, it was hard to hide the joy in his eyes.

There is a world of difference between "spiritual imperial possession" and "imperial imperial property".

Because Qi is an entity, professionals who know how to control Qi are more or less familiar, such as sword aura, sword aura, shock wave...

The mental power is basically inaccessible to normal people's perception methods.

In layman's terms, it ignores obstacles and cannot be blocked!

There are traces of qi that can be blocked, and there is no trace of mental power.

This ability really needs to be developed, and it is definitely an invisible killer.

But obviously it's only now.

Su Lun took a while of the stone and wanted to move it farther, immediately as if a child was holding a gold and heavy object, overwhelmed.

With a "clang", the stone fell to the ground uncontrollably.

But even so, Su Lun was very satisfied.

I really want my mental power to become stronger in the future, and the ability of the Space Guardian will also become stronger.

However, the imperial objects are only a supplement to the [spiritual tentacles].

What Su Lun really wants to care about is the ability of the tentacles to control life forms!


"Huh... haven't looked forward to it yet."

Su Lun's eyes were deep, and he muttered to himself, "I hope it can be..."

He knotted the double-surgery seal again, and then untied the [Qiansi] costume.

At this time, light blue silk threads floated out of his hand.

Su Lun tried to cling to the silk thread with his spiritual tentacles, and it spread over smoothly.

"Sure enough, this idea is feasible!"

After the attempt was successful, Su Lun was overjoyed.

He tried it before, and the witch's hair is a very good conductor of mental power.

Thinking about the combination of hair and tentacles, it will produce amazing qualitative changes.

Sure enough, he succeeded!

It's like installing some wires to the battery, and he can carry the "current" to farther places.

This will instantly increase the control distance of his mental tentacles several times, dozens of times!

It also becomes controllable, penetrating, precise, stable, and not easy to collapse!

This is also one of the most important reasons why he chooses this kind of advanced dressing.

Breeding equipment must not only fit the profession, but the combination of multiple performances will make the practical performance of the breeding equipment superimpose and produce some magical effects.

This is why those ancient families have their own set of exclusive "advanced sequence". Hundreds of years of trial and error have tried to come up with certain combinations of reproductive outfits and employment materials that can achieve the greatest combat effectiveness.

The thoughts in his mind were still flying, and Su Lun immediately planned to try.

At this moment, he took out a living corpse from the storage space.

Then, he carefully touched a silk thread with mental tentacles to the nerves in the back of the living corpse.

He had read various human anatomy diaries of "Forensic Doctor" Gerrard before, and now he knows almost the human nervous system.

At the moment of this mental tentacles, Su Lun immediately felt the feeling as if he was holding a "Transformer" in his hand and could play casually.

A "manipulation signal" to raise his arm passed through his mind, and the living corpse really raised an arm!

Moreover, it was not jerky because it was the first attempt, he tried various manipulations very familiarly.

Because when Su Lun killed the Mind Demon three days ago, he also easily stripped away the [spiritual tentacles manipulation experience] from the monster's soul!

It is a mythical bloodline talent that the heart-reaver can control any intelligent creature. Although Su Lun could not strip off his talent, he also stripped out his experience in using it.

Have sufficient proficiency in how to control.

Under the control of Su Lun, the living corpse in front of him began to perform various complicated movements.

The smooth movements are exactly like a living person, without any stiffness at all.

It's not like the "thread-raising puppet" before!

One is not enough, then two, three, four...

Su Lun didn't even have to hook his fingers to control the silk thread as before, and the living corpses perfectly performed the same actions as when he sent out the "control signals".

Nerve signals accurately mobilize muscles and control spiritual surge...

"Now my career as a puppeteer has really taken off."

Su Lun's eyes trembled.

Seeing this, he truly saw that the route he planned for his future was feasible.

One line controls a living corpse, and the manipulability of the puppet army is finally coming!

Although it seemed that they were manipulating living corpses before and now, the essence was very different.

Before it was physical manipulation, he needed to control hundreds of silk threads to manipulate the living corpse and make it perform the desired actions. But because it is controlled by external forces, some movements are very restricted, and the agility of living corpses is very poor.

Now only a piece of silk thread is needed to directly bring the living corpse back to life.

As flexible as his own shadow.

This also means that Su Lun liberated a large amount of silk thread and can manipulate more puppets at the same time!

This also means that the living corpse that controls the sickle is no longer stiff, and the possibility of hitting the target is greater; the control of the heavy fighter armor no longer requires countless threads, one thread can solve it, and it is more flexible...


After a while, the entire cave was filled with various blue-skinned corpses.

They are like banquets, some people dance, some beat the beat, some...

Obviously there is only one living person, but it is very lively.

Su Lun enjoyed such a horrible scene.

He gradually became proficient in the manipulation skills of the new colony [Spirit Tentacle], and also tried some shortcomings.

For example, the control distance, the farther the letter transmission will be, the more inaccurate it will be.

One more thing, he thought that the "multi-tasking, multi-use" ability was enough before suddenly felt that it was not enough!

A single silk thread can control a living corpse, no matter how distracted it is, there will be no more distractions than silk thread.

However, this is not a big problem. These will gradually improve when the mental power increases in the future.

"Tsk tsk..."

Su Lun is satisfied with his new ability.

However, although this mental tentacles are strong, there is also a problem, that is, they can only control living bodies.

Except for the living corpse that controls the black sickle, the other puppets are all puppets, as well as machinery.

This mental tentacles can't exert the strongest combat power in a short period of time.

"When can I get Archduke Raphael’s ‘Neuromechanical Technology’ and create a mechanical puppet army, will it really take off..."

Su Lun sighed with emotion when he looked at a mechanical armor that could be manipulated by a living corpse in front of him.

Now that the first step has been taken, the future is promising.


Not long after, Su Lun collected the group of living corpses, and finally walked out of the cave for the first time in three days.

As soon as I walked out of the soundproof barrier, I heard a movement. It was Uta who was alerting on a branch.

Uta apparently found him too, and jumped down the tree excitedly.

She looked at Su Lun, who was beaming with joy, "Mr. Su Lun, have you succeeded in fusion?"


Su Lun nodded and looked at her again, "Thanks for your hard work these days."

Yutawan'er smiled, not caring about the fact that he had been in the tree for a few days.

She didn't mention the topic, but instead cared: "Su Lun seems to be in a good mood now, is the new costume very good?"

She was also very curious about what it would be like to refine the monster like [Mind Demon] into a cloak. After all, it was an evil creature that the patriarch and them all felt helpless.

"show you?"

Su Lun smiled, suddenly thinking of something, he raised his hand and pointed slightly.

Yuta blinked, just a little curious, thinking he could see something.

But suddenly, she was surprised to find that her hand was raised uncontrollably?

Su Lun didn't dare to try directly on Yuta's main nerve, but cut off the nerve signal transmission of the arm and controlled her to make the movement of raising the arm.


Uta said softly, and immediately understood something, and was shocked: "This is the monster's ability to control!"


Su Lun nodded with a smile, and asked, "How do you feel?"

Uta thought for a while, and said, "I can feel the mental power invading. Um... if you rely on will, you should be able to break free of control."


Su Lun nodded, thoughtfully.

The Heart Reaver has the talent of mythical bloodline, and can control many spirit puppets.

And Su Lun himself is a human, even if his mental power reaches the same level, the effect will be much worse.

He estimated that he is now doing his best to control Tier 3 or even Tier 4 professionals.

But this degree of control is hard to say.

Factors such as target mental power, willpower, and equipment will affect the control effect.

The more dispersed, the harder it is to control.

Some specific data requires a lot of practice to try.

However, the problem is not big.

Su Lun originally wanted to use this cloak to control the living corpse.


It was already evening when Su Lun came out, and the two were not ready to walk at night in the forest.

Yuta seemed to have prepared his prey long ago for Suren to come out, it was a cheetah. Not long after, the golden and oily barbecue was already scented on the The quiet and primitive jungle has the fragrance of birds and flowers, which is a suitable scene for rendezvous.

They hadn't seen each other for a few days, and the two were tired and crooked for a while, the red flames outlined a graceful and wild posture.

Uta asked, "Where are we going next?"

Su Lun thought about it and said, "I want to go to the'curse valley'."

He now knew that an army of the Lu British Empire was already in the ruins, and he knew roughly what was going on there. Although it is dangerous, there are new means now, and the ability to protect itself is even stronger.

Such a large ancient relic, I naturally want to see it.

Moreover, Mr. Jing also asked him to confirm some things.

Uta listened and nodded, "Okay."

She also had the idea for a long time, just like the ancestors, to see if the Daru ancestors left the hope of revitalizing the ethnic group in the ruins.

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