Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 255: [Black Sam’s Cursed Gold Coin]


Seeing her head fall to the ground, the "Elemental Witch" Frida was shocked.

Originally, she was still hiding in a tree waiting for Celtic to join forces to pinch the enemy, but she didn't think that it was just that she cooperated many times, and the combined killer move that succeeded again and again failed!

The enemy didn't choose the response they expected, but instead, because of this small mistake, directly ruined the life of their head.

She wanted to go to rescue, but it was too late.

The puppet's large-scale frost spew made her dare not approach at all. Once stuck, there is only a dead end waiting for her.

This time, she also knew what the invisible means of killing was going on.

As previously expected, it is definitely a [Forbidden Object] level weapon.

"Damn it, how could you provoke such a freak!"

Frida scolded in her heart.

After fighting for so long, she also discovered that this was indeed a genuine Tier 3 professional.

Speaking of treasures, whether it is mecha or forbidden object, some top nobles may have this background.

But this guy's own strength is the most incredible!

Puppets, Secrets of Silk Control, Arcane Art, Law of Space...Each ability proficiency is beyond the reach of ordinary Tier 3 professions.

She has never seen a puppet master, but who can control hundreds of puppets at the same time?

Moreover, the body combat power is still so strong? !

Rather than saying that this guy is alone, it is better to say that this is a puppet army of one person!

Moreover, the killing intent that made her scalp numb made her, a Tier 4 professional, feel terrified.

Now that it was a fact that the head Celter was killed, Frida immediately gave birth to a retreat.

She knew very well that she couldn't kill the puppet master not far away by herself.

Although she didn't know any means to perceive herself in "Elemental Escape", all the signs indicated that she was discovered by the other party. Intuition tells her that if she stays, one mistake will kill her!


Su Lun naturally sensed the guy who had escaped from the ground, and had no intention of chasing her down.

The "cocoon world" created by the witch's hair was physically isolated, and could not stop the woman from beginning to end. She wanted to escape, and it was difficult for Su Lun to keep her.

Su Lun walked to the headless corpse, and the surging mania finally subsided a little. He didn't dare to continue to use the phantom of death to swallow the gray mist on the corpse casually.

The blind box was not drawn very well, and there were not too many useful things in the scattered fragments that he digested. Su Lun frowned slightly, and muttered in his heart: "From extravagance to frugality..."

He didn't entangle either. After all, he had to find a way to mentally aberrate, in order to fully display the effect of the second-stage Reaper's talent.

Now that there are no two Tier 4s, he can also free up his hands to concentrate on dealing with these slave hunters.

Of the seven or eight hundred people who came in, there were probably dozens of them left under the strangulation of the puppet army. .

Su Lun wanted to harvest them all, but at this time, a group of green flames suddenly appeared on the cocoon wall made of silk thread, burning through layers of silk thread, and made a hole.

The surviving members of the slave hunting group fled out in a swarm.

"Huh... a curse?"

Su Lun looked at the flame and immediately identified the source as a good fire curse.

It is not surprising that there are one or two good treasures in this large-scale slave hunting group.

However, Su Lun looked at those who fled, and did not catch up.

In the [Puppet Theater] that left, the puppet’s combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced, and he may not be able to escape cheaply if he goes.

The most important point is that the dark spiritual power has been exhausted to the pre-warning value, and the fight is about to continue. There are many enemies, and he may first retreat strategically.

However, it didn't seem to be a fight either. Hearing the movements of those outside, it seemed that he didn't come to him to fight to the death. The people who escaped merged with the one or two thousand people in the stockade. They didn't even care about the demi slaves, and hurriedly fled into the forest.


Su Lun raised his eyebrows and chuckled, not surprisingly.

As long as that dark-skinned woman is not stupid, she will definitely not be stalking.

She now knows the secrets of Suren's space, and naturally understands that it is difficult to kill him by just the number of people.

On the contrary, in this jungle, you can't kill the enemy. It is a nightmare for a large team like him to be targeted by hunters.

Su Lun didn't plan to chase after him either, looking at the corpses all over the floor, the red light in his eyes gradually dissipated.

A **** killing calmed those restless negative emotions.

He controlled the puppet and began to clean up the spoils of the battlefield.

Regardless of the "cocoon world" of this silk control secret method, the effect is good, but just the arrangement, it cost nearly 10 million riso of the curse crystallization. Alchemists are the most money-burning profession, but they are not fake.

Suren intends to regain his blood on these spoils.

The soul fragments of these hundreds of people are not a small gain.


In the forest, the only remaining two Tier 4s of the Sun Slave Group evacuated most of them in embarrassment.

The people in the cottage before did not understand what happened, and only heard the evacuation order from the communicator.

On the way,

"Frida, what's the matter?"

"The head is dead, hurry up!"

"What! Is the enemy a Tier 5 professional?"

"No! But...too late to explain, that guy knows the secret of space, we can't kill him at all. Also, he is a lunatic at all, and now he thinks that his spiritual power is collapsed and he hasn't chased him. I really wait for him to recover, he It will definitely kill all of us here!"


The dozens of people who survived still have lingering fears.

They told their comrades about the horrible battle just now, talking about the overwhelming silk thread and puppets, and everyone seemed to describe the horrible experience of walking through the door of hell, and the scalp of others was numb.

Just one person killed two Tier 4 professionals in their regiment, and still a quarter of the main force?

This was a huge loss that even if they had captured this Demi village before.

Everyone in the slave hunting group escaped faster.


"This...what the **** happened?"

On the top of a giant tree, Yuta looked at the enemies fleeing in embarrassment, and was already speechless in shock.

She originally wanted to help, but Su Lun isolated her from the battlefield.

Seeing the enclosed space as a cocoon, she was anxious and helpless.

Originally thought that Sulun was just a mental distortion that caused those uncontrollable behaviors before, but Yuta also thought about how to save people.

But there were so many enemies that she had surrounded the silk cocoon, she was alone, and there was no way at all.

I didn't expect the change to come so suddenly.

Suddenly there was a noise in the slave hunting group. The Tier 4 sorcerer who had been guarding the stockade hurried over, took out a strange oil lamp, burned through the silk wall, and then a group of people escaped in embarrassment?

Before Youta hadn't figured out what happened, the enemies in the entire cottage dispersed in a rush and fled into the forest!

Uta looked at the panic of those people, and immediately realized that something has happened to Su Lun.

Without any hesitation, she rushed in and saw a scene that was completely unexpected: the man was cleaning the battlefield with a flat expression.


Suren watched Uta come in and greeted with a smile.

Yuta worried about his mental state and asked with concern: "Mr. Suren, are you okay?"

The two are friends now, she didn't shy away from her, her hands condensed green light clusters, and she touched directly under the sun of Su Lun, as if she wanted to check it out.

Su Lun did not refuse, only smiled and shook his head, "I'm fine."

When she heard this, Uta's brows loosened, and the examination did not reveal any serious problems, she was greatly relieved.

In a blink of an eye, she looked at the corpses all over the floor, her blue pupils were full of shock.

Only then did she realize that Mr. Su Lunzhen really defeated the enemy with her own power.

Although I feel unbelievable, but having witnessed everything with his own eyes, Youta said with sincere emotion: "Mr. Sulun is so amazing..."

Su Lun shrugged noncommittal and asked, "Those people are gone?"

"Yeah. All escaped into the forest!"

Yuta remembered, and his eyes suddenly lit up, "By the way, the people of the Bailu tribe were not taken away!"

This also means that the tribesmen have been rescued?

Suren was not surprised.

Naturally, it is impossible to take the slave away.

He said to Uta: "Go and see your people, they should still be tied up. I will tidy up here."

Seeing that he was okay, Uta nodded sharply: "Yeah!"

She hurriedly wanted to run to the village, thinking of something, and smiling brightly: "Our Dalu people have a prophecy that the warriors who follow the ancient contract will save our people... I think Mr. Sulun must be in the prophecy. 'Warrior'!"


Su Lun raised his brow as he heard it, but he had personally experienced the Daru clan's predictive ability.

Hearing this, my heart felt strange.

I have saved the Daru people several times.

As for the Warriors?

He also smiled, he should be referring to Mr. Mirror.

A crisis of the destruction of the tribe was resolved, Uta's frowning brows also eased, and that pretty face was full of excitement. She ran away, turning around to recruit, "Mr. Su Lun, I'm going to see the people in the stockade first. I'll come to you later~"


Su Lun nodded looking at her and continued to clean up the battlefield.

The puppets helped sort out the trophies on the corpses and put them in storage rings.

The broken dolls were also put away, repaired, and can be used again in the next battle...

The broken parts and the bullets that fell on the ground were not let go.

Su Lun is not rich now, and even has a huge funding gap.

In order for the puppet doll to have a strong combat effectiveness, in addition to the craftsmanship, the hardware materials must also be used well.

He now wants to make a Tier 3 doll of "black iron quality". The materials are more than 5 million. Recently, a few silver [Ice Dolls] that can be engraved with Tier 3 Rune runes cost more than one. Ten million.

One hundred is one billion, which is far away.

The next fourth and fifth-order dolls are more expensive.

In this battle, he also realized the usefulness of the puppet army, and in the future, he would definitely have to go with the crowded tactics.

Without a family background, he can't play the profession of "Puppet Master" at all.

It costs money to replenish alchemy bombs, and money to cast spells...

There is also the study of mechanical puppets, which are the real money-burning heads.

Except for the few forbidden objects, Su Lun's current family background together, it is estimated that there is no complete set of [College-Class Ship Slayer Ⅸ Mechanical Armor] can not be produced.

"Huh... the puppet burns money..."

Su Lun couldn't laugh or cry in his heart.

Now that the enemy is gone, he can count the spoils with peace of mind.

The eight-armed spider spear is controlling the spider spear to count the common trophies.

In such a large team, low-level professionals have almost nothing good except for standard equipment and some belongings.

He set his eyes on the two Tier 4 corpses that he had killed before.

The alchemy cloaks condensed on the corpses were all pretty good, all of silver quality, a set of [Gong Xiong Stitch Clothes] and a set of [Ironback Centipede].

The melee colony is in high demand on the market. Although there are some damage, it is probably worth tens of millions.

Su Lun looked at the storage ring again. That "thorn bear" Celter was the leader, and there were so many good things in the storage ring, and he was pleasantly surprised at first glance. The storage ring is not big and there are not many things to hold. I missed the past and saw a huge gem.

"This...should be a gem stolen from the stockade?"

Su Lun looked at the unpolished sapphire the size of a fist, and guessed the origin of this thing.

Even he has never seen such a big one.

Such a large piece of high-purity gemstone is excellent whether it is used to make jewelry or as an alchemy material.

Estimated at the auction house at least hundreds of millions.

Suren put it away.

He didn't intend to sell it. It happened that the high-level puppets needed this to inscribe the runes. The high-level gems on the market were monopolized by the nobles, and they couldn't be bought.

There are also some alchemy objects of good value, but they are of no use to Su Lun, they are all things that sell money.

However, Suren finally found a rune box in the storage ring.

When I opened it, it turned out to be a very rough gold coin with a human head printed on it.

In the memory of his harvest, there is a legend about this thing, and the omniscient eye immediately identified it as a vocabulary he could understand.

[Black Sam’s Cursed Gold Coin]

Detailed explanation: Legend has it that you can find the sunken treasure of pirate king Sam Bellamy by collecting three gold coins; some incomplete ciphertext information is inscribed on the gold coins;

"The treasure of the Pirate King?"

Su Lun looked at this thing and became interested.

80% of the things that can be collected by a large-scale slave hunter are reliable.

Moreover, the omniscient eye also identified some hidden information.

Su Lun has also heard this legend.

There are endless seas in this world, and there have been pirates throughout history. There are not many people who can be called "pirate kings".

The legendary pirate king "Black Sam" Bellamy is the most recently recognized pirate king by pirates and officials.

And the current "king of the North Sea" Oleg is just the king of the North Sea.

Bellamy did not engage in any forces, he liked to take risks, explore unknown routes, and then rob the nobles.

Yes, they are "Rogues".

That guy has a good reputation among the poor, and he has been full of legends throughout his life.

He is also a powerful alchemist, collector, navigator...

His pirate group dared to **** everything, even the nobles like dukes and princes, or even the royal family.

Because of this, he has countless treasures in his hands.

However, thirty years ago, it is said that he led the top pirate group to explore the unknown waters, encountered a sea monster and a storm, and the ship sank.

It is said that several survivors have survived, and the legend of "Pirate King Shipwreck" has also been passed down.

Legend has it that in addition to gold and silver treasures, there are various high-level curses on the ship, such as [forbidden objects], ancient weapons...

This is also one of the biggest temptations for countless adventurers from future generations to rush to the sea.


Sulundo only glanced at it, then pulled it away.

Not to mention whether the legend is true, even if it is true, how can it be easy to go to the sea area where the Pirate King can sink the ship?

What's more, there is only one gold coin now, and if you don't make up three, it's useless to dream.

Su Lun didn't worry about the things that he couldn't touch.

He took out the body of the [Insect Control Master] before.

Looking at the storage ring, Su Lun was fortunate that his previous choice to kill him was right.

It really made this guy use those weird poisonous insects, it's really hard to say who died.

【Insect Control Master】Is the alchemist of the mystical system, the one named Petra specializes in the poisonous insect line. His storage ring was filled with various poisonous materials and jars.

Even though Su Lun is now very resistant to toxins, he can see the many toxins identified, and he feels cold in his back.

What surprised Surunluo was that he also received a "cursed object"!

[Annistora’s Poisonous Incense Burner]

Description: I want to refine the most poisonous toxin in the world;

Cursing characteristics: The fuel in the incense burner is the venom gland of the ancient viper "Hydra". When it is lit, the deadly smell will attract poisons in a radius of dozens of miles. After fighting and devouring, the poison has a chance to advance to the poison king and produce higher levels Mixed toxins; the toxins are spread through the air and are equally deadly to humans;

Detailed explanation: A Venomancer named Anistola in the last era refined an alchemy that cultivated poison;

Suren looked at the dark fuel in the incense burner and raised his eyebrows.

Looking at the description, ordinary gas masks cannot prevent the toxins. He also happened to have a [Plague Doctor's Crow's Beak Mask], which happened to have anti-drug properties, and he didn't know whether the two cursed objects were stronger or weaker.

But it seems that it is not very useful to kill people. The air emits toxins very slowly, and it is easy to be found.

For high-level professionals, a little bit of poison can be avoided.

Probably the purpose can only be used for gambling?

The Venomancer is not a partial one, it is still a branch of the serious "Plague Law".

Su Lun looked at this incense burner, and thought of something in his mind: "Or, get a poisonous doll?"

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