Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 250: Riding a wolf

Source of "Mechanical Alchemist":

The alchemy cloak had begun to condense on the corpse. Seeing that the outline of the [Void Scythe] had appeared, Su Lun also thought of the scene when he ignored the defense of the mecha just now: "This kind of void cloak, It suits that guy Kay. Tsk tsk, I have a chance to mail him a set..."

Before the colony was completely dissociated, he directly put the corpse into the storage space.


But at this time, Su Lun's eyes immediately revealed an unexpected surprise: "The folding space has been expanded nearly twice?!"

Folding space is his ability to awaken when his second-level advanced comprehend space ability, which is very convenient for loading things.

The volume of the space will increase as the rank and dark spiritual power increase.

Originally, the expansion was not too fast, and Su Lun still felt that it was not enough, and some large objects could not be installed.

But now, it has been directly expanded twice?

Su Lun also immediately understood that this was an improvement brought about by stripping away the "Fourth-Order Space Law Fragment".

Moreover, not only did the storage space expand, but the improvement in the understanding of the laws of space made him clearly feel that the process of opening the space was extremely silky.

It is very obvious that the space affinity has skyrocketed!

"This is about to take off..."

Su Lun couldn't hide his joy. .

The increase in spatial affinity means that he will use the space displacement distance to be farther, and the operation speed will be faster...

The most important thing is that he wants to learn other space spells, and the difficulty side drops!

As one of the supreme laws, the "Law of Space" can store objects and move. In fact, the combat ability is also very outstanding.

Su Lun has always wanted to learn some spatial spells, but even if he has such a strong learning ability now, his progress is very slow.

After learning the several space scrolls that Mr. Hei had brought in before, after so many months of learning, I barely learned a life-saving [Flash].

Others such as [Hand of Imprisonment], [Twisted Barrier], [Void Strangulation]... and so on, the powerful attacking and killing techniques, one more weird than the other, but none of them have been learned.

The fundamental reason is that the spatial technique is too difficult to understand compared to other elemental techniques, and the magic matrix that needs to be constructed does not have enough laws to understand, and there is no way to construct it at all.

As soon as the fragments were stripped away, he instantly felt that his "spatial skill tree" had grown from a budding state to a small tree.

With the support of strong branches, thick branches and leaves (skills) are also natural.

Thinking of this, Su Lun had a flash of thought in his mind: "Whether you are waiting for Tier 4, do you want to also put on a Void Cloth outfit for yourself?"

Since there is no source of Void Reproduction Equipment, I have never thought about it before.

But now, the "King of the North Sea" obviously has a source of materials, and this road is completely workable!

If it’s a winged flying suit, it’s okay, but it doesn’t seem to be the most worrying choice...

Aggressive reproductive outfits are also good, killing is invisible...

Or it can assist in the casting of spells, such as enhancing affinity and law perception...

Or space defensive colonies?

Su Lun flashed through countless advancement possibilities in his mind.

But now the understanding of the void creatures is almost blank, and I don't know what abilities are highly compatible.

Thinking that the Tier 3 colony has not yet arrived, he is not in a hurry, and he will go to the "Pirate City" to learn more in the future, and it will not be too late to make a decision.


Many thoughts only flashed in a flash.

Su Lun cleaned up the corpse, and the chessboard space was also unlocked.

Although the fight took a lot of time, it was also in Suren's budget.

Now that the spatial displacement ability has greatly increased, he is even more calm. Thinking that even in the face of those two Tier 5 pirates, even though they couldn't beat them, the chance of escape was at least ten times higher than before!

Besides, he also felt that he would not meet two fifth-order captains when he went out.

Those pirates must have confidence in "Void Blade" Suleiman.

The strength of this guy is indeed the same.

If he doesn't match Su Lun, even if he encounters a Tier 5 professional, he has a certain chance of winning.

What's more, the space colony also restrains mechanical warriors.

No matter how you look at it, Suleiman shouldn't die.

Therefore, Su Lun also expected that as long as the pirates were not sure that this guy was dead, they would definitely not call a helper. Those two fifth-tiers didn't have time to get out. After all, Huo Qi is their main goal tonight.

According to the original plan, Su Lun felt that when he came out, he should see a group of pirates on the deck with a face full of consternation.

There was plenty of time, enough for him to destroy the pirates of these two ships, and then leave calmly. Even if the two Tier 5 pirate captains heard the news, they couldn't catch up even if they wanted to chase them.

The plan is perfect.

Su Lun had deduced it many times in his mind, and didn't think there was any omission.

But I didn't think about it, but when it came out, it was different from what I expected.

A fierce battle is taking place on the deck of the pirate ship?


Su Lun was slightly surprised.

He was looking at a group of pirates, fighting around a white wolf covered in blood.

The pirates shouted and quarreled.

"Haha... I didn't expect another one to come back to die!"

"Hey! Brothers, catch this white wolf alive! This is a rare breed that can sell for at least a few million!"

"Damn it, be careful, don't get bitten!"


There were many pirates, and two or three hundred people survived on the two ships, many of whom were Tier 3 occupations. They were holding various net guns, lassos, and whaling forks, looking like they wanted to catch the white wolf alive.

"Yota? Why is she back..."

Su Lun looked at the white wolf, and naturally recognized that this was Uta's transformation.

It seems that she wants to come back and help herself?

Being surrounded by so many pirates, Uta has already struggled to deal with it, but she didn't see the slightest retreat on her face.

Although it didn't seem to be of any help or even added trouble, Su Lun's eyebrows were slightly bent and smiled.


The fierce battle on the deck was raging, and seeing the burly mechanical armor reappearing, the two fighting parties were suddenly stunned at the same time.

Especially those pirates were shocked.

It wasn't the deputy captain Suleiman who came out?

how is this possible!

Even the mechanical warriors of Marfa, the Void Colony can be completely restrained!

But in the eyes of the white wolf, there was a look of relief: Mr. Su Lun is still alive...

Su Lun didn't give the pirate time to figure it out. As soon as he showed up, he turned on the ship-cutting knife energy storage tremor and rushed towards the crowd.

But not all void colonies can be a threat to the mechanical armor. Those low-level colonies can only make the blade sharper, and they can't stop Su Lun at all.

Another pirate ship has sunk, and people from exactly two ships gathered on the deck. Su Lun swung the ship-cutting knife and slashed, and the six-round Vulcan cannon also fired suddenly. The pirates shunned it, and soon a large pile of corpses piled up on the deck. The deadliest thing is the damage to the hull of the mechanical armor.

Su Lun harvested the gray fog on the pile of corpses and sighed softly: "Go!"

The white wolf knew it, and immediately jumped into the sea.

The sea is the home ground of pirates. Once they jump into the sea, they are as flexible as marine fish, and they can't kill them in a short time.

Su Lun didn't stay any more, and jumped down.

In the air, he wielded the ship-cutting knife and cut out two huge gaps in the hull that could not be repaired. The sea water poured in, and the pirate ship also showed signs of capsizing in an instant.

At this time, the pirates were too busy to take care of themselves.

However, the mechanical armor only had the ability to leap into the air at short distances and could not fly. After Sulun destroyed the pirate ship, he took the armor.

He originally wanted to untie the eight-armed spider spear and walk on the sea, but he didn't think about it... a white shadow quickly took over his fallen body!

Su Lun had discovered Uta early, and didn't avoid it, just riding on the soft wolf's back.

"Hurry up!"

The white wolf in the incarnation of Uta gave a stern cry, and the light blue wind element was condensed from all four legs.

Without waiting for Su Lun to say anything, she rushed all the way, turning into a white rainbow on the sea, and rushing in.


At this moment, the fog on the sea is already thick.

Before long, the pirate ship slowly sinking behind was no longer visible, and the gunshots went out.

After running for about a kilometer or two, the white wolf in Yota's incarnation also slowed down.

It seems that her explosive ability to sprint on the surface of the sea is not lasting.

The white wolf plunged into the cold water and started swimming.

Because of the injury, the blood was soaked in the sea water, soaking a large area of ​​red.

Yuta didn't stop.

Seeing this posture, she probably wanted to swim back to the shore with Su Lun.

The merchant ship has been sailing for a whole day, but it is hundreds of kilometers away from the coast.

Su Lun felt that she was kind, and in order to avoid embarrassment, he did not say that he had the ability to walk on the sea, so he quietly rode on her.

After waiting for a while, the pirates behind him were completely silent, and he asked, "Elder Uta, why are you back?"

The White Wolf uttered something, his tone was calm, but he showed firmness: "The Daru people will never abandon their friends and escape alone!"


Su Lun was startled as he listened, slightly...don't know what to say.

Yuta returned without hesitation to answer, naturally repaying his mortal heart.

She probably felt that if she didn't come, Su Lun would definitely die.


Before Su Lun was alone, he bravely faced an enemy a hundred times his own. This action would be done in anyone's eyes. But the chances of survival are not high.

What's more, Uta can also see it, although there is that "strange iron armor with white air". But obviously, the Void Colony can restrain this kind of equipment.

She felt that she could save people when she came, but she could at least share some of the pressure.

Although Uta also believed that Sulun said before, "there is a way to get out".

But she was also worried, if he made a misjudgment, she didn't know the power of the void?

One more thing, even if he is really sure to get out, he can't get out without a boat...

Dalu is a race that knows how to be grateful.

She would never put the warrior who saved her and her own people into danger.

At least, when she herself is still alive, absolutely not!

Although I met for a few days, Uta had already recognized Sulun as his friend and "the best friend of the Daru tribe" in his heart!


From midnight to midnight, the night is very dark and there are microwaves on the sea.

The white wolf paddled all fours briskly in the sea, and the sound of "crashing" came from his ears.

The atmosphere seemed cold, lonely, helpless...

One person and one wolf were silent, swimming quietly towards the coast.

The sea water was slightly colder again, and Su Lun felt the deep sincerity of the Dalu clan, but a faint warmth rose in his heart.

He didn't have a good time to explain the whole process. He had actually calculated it, and there was almost no danger.

But Yuta came without hesitation, and that was enough.

Although this rescue plan was done smoothly, it also made Su Lun feel that it was worthwhile for the first time.

It is not a gain or loss at the level of interest.

Rather, he felt that he had received a kind of return that would make the "heart at ease".

The White Wolf swam for a while, and there was no movement at all behind him, and it seemed that the pirate had completely given up on the pursuit.

Although Su Lun felt that the transformed Uta might really have the ability to swim hundreds of kilometers ashore. But he couldn't just watch the injured woman continue to swim with her in the cold water.

It was very foggy, and he didn't see the trace of the slave ship before.

This vast sea is not a road, there are roads to find.

At sea, if you deviate a little bit, it is very likely that you have missed it.

Suren wanted to explain his problem with the boat in a way that is not embarrassing, "That... Elder Uta, it should be safe now. You can take a break, I have..."

Before he finished speaking, Uta thought he was embarrassed to ride himself, but he said, "It's okay. It's not too far from the coast. I should be able to swim to the shore."


Su Lun's eyes twitched as he listened.

Thinking of any rhetoric, it seemed to be embarrassing, so he said directly: "Well... you are injured, I have a portable boat, we can float on the boat."

Yuta's tone was full of surprise, "Where is the boat?"

The level of science and technology of the Dalu people is still in the Stone Age, and most of the Dalu people have never been out of the forest in their lives. If it weren't for the arrested slave team this time, Uta hadn't even seen the stone house, let alone the mechanical equipment. Although she had heard some things about the human world from her ancestors, they were all impressions from a thousand years ago.

As for the dinghy?

Naturally, I have never heard of it.

Su Lun didn't say much, took out the inflatable boat, punctured the compressed air bag, and threw it into the sea.

In an instant, a life raft was fully inflated.

Yuta was startled when she heard the "hiss" of the inflatable, but she looked at the floating "strange ship" in a blink of an eye, and she was also full of curiosity.

How could something so small just now suddenly become so big?

Su Lun jumped onto the boat and gestured to her: "Elder Uta, come on too."

When Uta heard it, it suddenly became clear that humans had already invented this kind of ship.

She watched Su Lun stretch out her hand to beckon her, and the hair on her body quickly faded and her human form was restored.

There is no such thing as "Hulk Pants" in this world that is against the laws of physics, at least not in the Dalu people.

After the deformation, the body becomes larger, and the clothes will be cracked.

Uta changed from the state of a giant wolf back to a human form, again naked, and his unconcealed figure was exposed to the air.

She was pulled aboard by Suren, and a little red glow appeared on her cheeks.

It's not because they are naked and shy. The Dalu believe in nature, but they don't pay much attention to it. Didn't the wolves in the forest wear clothes?

Instead, I realized that I seemed to be "stupid".

Obviously Mr. Sulun has a boat, so he doesn't need to carry it by himself.

Su Lun looked at her expression, forget it, didn't take out the engine, and just relied on the paddle.

Lest she be more embarrassed.


The sea water in the life raft was dried by magic, and it immediately warmed up.

Suren gave Yuta a blanket to drape.

There were many wounds on her body, and Su Lun also took care of her by the way.

Uta had the ability to deal with wounds himself, but he couldn't refuse.

The Dalu tribe is not as shy as a human girl. She looked at the man in front of her to treat herself with wounds, her lower abdomen, back, thighs, shoulder armor...without a slight twist.

I don't know why it was such a coincidence. The two met twice in this scene.

Su Lun also had no distractions, and soon healed the wound.

Finally rescued the tribe, Yuta felt relieved that the boulder he was pressing on his heart had also fallen.

She showed an unprecedented ease on her face, looked at Su Lun, and said, "Thank you, Mr. Su Lun."


Su Lun smiled and nodded at her as a response.

After handling the wound, he took out a large linen shirt and handed it to Uta, and explained a little: "This dress has buttons, so you can button it up like this."

Uta did not refuse either, took off the blanket, and put it on him in front of Sulun. The beautiful figure, as soft as a cheetah, was also covered up.

At this time, she looked serious and said sincerely again: "Mr. I represent me and my people, thank you for your life-saving grace. You are our eternal friend of the Daru people. !"

When Su Lun heard this, he smiled and said, "You are welcome. I am also considered a descendant of the Isaac family, and I will also follow the contract. I am also honored to be the Daru tribe and your friend, Elder Yuta. ."


When Uta heard this, he nodded solemnly, and then a bright smile appeared on his face.

At this time, she didn't know what she thought of, and there was a flash of light in those pure eyes. Then, she tore off the corners of the shirt she was wearing, and with a skillful hand, she quickly woven the linen into a rope.

Su Lun was still a little curious about what she was going to do.

At this time, Uta's right hand suddenly turned into a beast, revealing sharp wolf claws.

Then a gleaming wolf claw fell off.

Suren watched Uta trapped the wolf claws with the woven rope, and made a simple necklace with Daru characteristics.

At this time, Uta looked serious, but said with a little nervousness: "Mr. Sulun, this is a thank you gift from me. Although it is not as exquisite as your human jewelry, but...please don't dislike it."

【Wolf Claw Talisman】

Detailed explanation: The talisman made by the natal wolf claws of the Silver Wolf tribe contains the most sincere emotional sustenance of a Daru tribe. It has the blessing of druids and can bring good luck to people.

Su Lun smiled and took the wolf claw necklace and put it directly on her neck. At the same time, he said, "Thank you for the present."


Uta looked at him with a smile.

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