Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 246: Solve the trouble

After Su Lun left, the Star Hotel, in a luxurious suite.

   On the soft recliner, Katyusha with a drunk face lay lazily on the chair, and the maid was using a hot towel to wipe her alcohol off her body.

   She was really a little drunk, her face was dizzy, the flush on her face showed a girl's peculiar flattery.

   An old mother gently rubbed her temples, and Katyusha muttered with her tongue out: "It turns out that it feels like this is how drunk feels. It's quite interesting. It's just that the head hurts and it's not very comfortable..."

  The old lady was a little helpless, and said, "Miss, you didn't know how to drink, you shouldn't drink so much. If you want the lady to know, you have to say that the old slave is negligent. Do you need to prepare a hangover potion for you?"

   Katyusha waved her hand, "No... this feels pretty good. It's rare to get drunk once~"

  The old lady took care of her since she was a child. She looked at the drunk Katyusha in front of her, her eyes full of kindness, and said earnestly: "Just leave those things to the people below. Miss, you don't need to go in person."

Katyusha felt that her eyelids were a bit heavy, but her drunkenness made her mind sharper, and said: "If you don't go to see the world with your own eyes, how do you know what the world looks like? The teaching I have heard since childhood is that common people are dirty Dirty and humble, pirates represent sin. Laziness, disease, greed, sex...all the sins of the world are gathered in the tavern. But the real world is not like this. This is just the arrogance and prejudice of the aristocracy... "

   After a pause, she said another meaningful sentence: "How can you write a good story without experiencing the world firsthand."

The old mother listened and sighed slightly. She also knew that she couldn't persuade the already assertive lady in her own family. She turned to say, "The old lady has sent a message. There may be major changes in the Northland. I want you to go back as soon as possible and say It's not safe here."

   "The original story script can no longer be deduced, there must be unknown factors mixed in..."

The girl with closed eyes on the deck chair didn’t know if she heard it, she murmured like a dream: “The royal family of the Marfa Empire is about to announce the recognition of Oleg’s king status. Although the mob will not be able to make a major event, they will carry on Luying’s back. This is a huge trouble. The royal family of Bona, Grand Duke Raphael, and the pirate chiefs of the West Sea and the South Sea will not let Oleg be so easy to'rule the king'. The era of great chaos is coming, do not make any preparations, No matter how old the family is, there will always be times when..."

  The old grandmother listened, her expression flashed a touch of complexity, and she remained silent again.

   If this lady in my own family is not a daughter, that would be great.

   Katyusha came up like a drink, with some intermittent words in her mouth.

"There is a prophecy circulating among the demihumans: the warriors who follow the ancient contract will save the tribe and bring back the holy artifacts. According to historical records in the Atria period, the Darul tribe and the human alliance have been a thousand years ago. Don’t give up... the family has just treasured the tip of the [Spear Brionac Spear], what a good material..."

   "The story must have a reasonable logic, so that it will not be traced back by the wise. I did not participate in the incident, how do I implicate the cause and effect? ​​Why are we all in the stories of others..."

   said, Katyusha's slightly opened eyes flashed with a ray of wisdom and reason.

   She seemed to have thought of something, and then whispered: "Oh, it's rare to meet an interesting guy..."

After    finished speaking, she finally fell asleep.


   Blacksmith Inn.

After    came back, Suren and Jike hardly went out.

   He would take an hour or so every day to teach this newly recruited disciple.

  Jike is really talented in alchemy pharmacy, especially the study of bombs!

   is obviously an orange seed. His father once asked him to grow into an apple, which largely concealed his outstanding talent.

   Now under the guidance of Su Lun, he began to grow wildly.

   Even the traveler Su Lun was amazed by the divergent thinking that day.

   Don’t think that Su Lun’s current knowledge is countless times that of Jike, but if he really wants to invent a new type of bomb, it’s really not possible.

  Creation and creativity are also one of the best talents of alchemists!

   "Teacher, can we use silk thread to control the missile, change its trajectory, and achieve precise hits..."

   "Is it possible to use special creatures like "split worms" that are sensitive after splitting to create a bomb trigger device that can be remotely controlled?"

   "Teacher, do you think my idea of ​​‘heat tracking’ is correct..."

   "Conventional drug formula bombs are limited by the amount of medicine, but the energy that actual organisms can contain is endless, such as: professionals. Can we make biological bombs..."


  Su Lun showed that he didn't have much time to teach, and Jike also cherished this rare opportunity.

   In just two days, he asked all the doubts accumulated over the years. Those problems are all sorts of strange, like stars in the sky, numerous and complicated. Many of them were in the preparatory colleges of the Luying imperial capital, and the teachers were not able to solve the problems.

  Su Lun also used his exaggerated amount of knowledge to answer one by one.

   Even in some unknown areas, his current thinking ability can provide Jike with an idea to deduce quickly.


   Today is the third day.

   Jike knocked on Su Lun's door, "Teacher, it's dinner."

After    knocked on the door, he walked away and twisted the door handle.

   The master and apprentice also had a tacit understanding. He knew that the teacher would control the silk thread to open the door.

   opened the door and looked at a figure sitting in the room from the back who was immersed in research.

   Even if the teacher is so knowledgeable, he still works so hard...

   Jike sighed with emotion.

   As a teacher, he doesn’t know everything he says, but he really knows everything!

  Su Lun was still drawing a drawing of a part on the mechanical armor, watching Jike come in, and then glanced back, "Yeah."

   The food is on the table.

   opened the dinner plate, and the smell of meat filled the room.

   I ate roasted venison at noon, and some fruits.

  Su Lun is not short of money, nor will he treat himself badly for food.

   The teacher and the apprentice will have a meal together in the room, and Jike will take this opportunity to take out the notebook and ask the questions accumulated during the day of study.

   Even after eating, Suren’s eight-armed spider spear did not stop.

   Eating, answering questions, studying machinery, drawing... Do some work at the same time, without affecting each other.

   Jike looked at the gleaming eight-armed spider spear behind Su Lun, and couldn't hide his envy: "Teacher, when can I have such a powerful costume like you..."

Su Lun also smiled and said: "If you work hard, you should be able to advance to a formal professional in half a year. Then you will consider the choice of functional and combat attire. My path is not for you. , You have to go your own way..."

  Jike is at the age most suitable for advanced levels. After learning the top secrets taught by Sulun, he will start much higher than the average person.

   There will be more choices whether it's reproductive outfits or employment materials.

  Su Lun is also very optimistic about the future of his disciple.

   Hearing this, Jike nodded with a serious face, "Yes, teacher."

   Knowing that Su Lun was leaving today, his expression was a little sad.

   At this time, he asked: "Teacher, are you leaving today?"

   Su Lun said: "Yeah. I have some things to do. When things are done, I may come to the Imperial Capital in the future."

   Sabina should have gone to the Imperial Capital by now, and there is a volume of [Isaac's Alchemy Manuscripts] in the Royal Academy Library. There is also the most complete inheritance of alchemy knowledge.

  Emperor Lu Ying is probably going to visit.

   Jike is not too old after all, and he seems a little sentimental: "Teacher, meeting you is the greatest fortune in my life."

   Su Lun smiled and warned: "Try to become stronger, even if you want to become a mechanic, you must have enough strength if you want to go further in the future."

   After a pause, he suddenly remembered what Qianjo had said to him, and said: "You can only see more scenery if you stand on a high place."

   Jike listened, with a touch in his heart, he stood up and respectfully said: "Teacher, with your teaching, I think I will be admitted to the Royal Academy. I will see you next time, I will not let you down!"

   Su Lun smiled and shook his head, not caring about the red tape.

   But suddenly, he sensed something, his eyes flickered, and he asked: Is it finally here?

   turned his face, he looked at Jike, and said with a serious face: "Jike, studying is one thing, but you know, before returning to the Imperial Capital, are there any things you haven't handled well?"

   Jike is also very clever. As soon as he changed his mind, he immediately thought of something, "You mean... the poisonous woman?"

  Su Lun nodded.

  Jike thought of something, his face changed drastically: "Teacher, do you think they will find a hotel?"

   Su Lun chuckled and said calmly: "They have already arrived."


   Jike is just a student who has just graduated from the preparatory college after all. He has no social experience and does not understand the sinister society.

   His father Benson was killed, but if he did not die, then the Benson family property in the Imperial Capital would not be available to both Marian and Marian. If things are revealed, they will still be wanted.

   Therefore, they will definitely find a way to kill Jike and will not let him leave Blizzard City.

   Su Lun guessed it. Without telling him in advance, he also wanted to let his disciple experience it for himself.

   Before the two talked, the door of the room was gasped with a "boom".

   A group of scornful guys broke in, about twenty or so. All of them were wearing leather, tattoos, ear studs, cockscomb heads, exploded heads, and the words "gangster" were written from top to bottom.

   Blizzard City cannot be armed, this rule is for outsiders.

   For the Earth Snake, there is a lot of room for manipulation.

  Su Lun also felt that after these people entered the hotel, the two security team members who patrolled the street quietly left, obviously trying to avoid the murder scene.

   Jike stood up immediately, without any fear: "What do you want to do?!"

   Su Lun naturally recognized the person who came. This was a member of the "Smuggler Gang" of the Earth Snake.

   However, he didn't say a word, watching him silently behind Jick how he was going to face it.

   At this moment, Jike has taken out two bombs in his hands.

   This group of people obviously came prepared, and the first two also took out explosion-proof shields.

   This group of people dared to rush in so straight, probably because no one would dare to smuggle them in Blizzard City. The Afro Tier 2 professional in the lead sneered: "Someone has spent money and wants us to invite you there."

Jike looked at the opponent's gunpoint at himself, and shouted angrily: "Did the dog and man call you? I am the young boss of Benson Firm. They murdered my father and tried to seize my property. Don't be fooled by them. !"

   Hearing this, the exploded face was full of contempt, and he obviously knew what was going on. He looked at the bomb in Jike's hand and sneered: "Boy, I advise you not to be ignorant of good and evil, just follow us obediently."

   Jike heard this and was still fighting for reasons: "I won't go with you! You have no right to ask me to cooperate, you are kidnapping!"

   Hearing something ridiculous about the explosive head, he digs out his ears, "Hehe, I never said that we are not kidnapping! What's the matter, you want to teach us the smugglers to do things?"

   Jike listened to this arrogant remark, anxious and angry, and he was at a loss for words: ""

   But at the same time, he was terrified.

   The notoriety of the "smuggling gang" has long been known to him. Merchants of all sizes in Blizzard City have to be stripped of their skins when they purchase and ship goods. These guys are in Blizzard City, but they have heavenly energy. His father had warned him that he would rather offend the authorities than to get offended by this group of people.

   This group of guys, like evil wolves, get in trouble, and it will be endless trouble.

   Although he also thought of Su Lun behind him.

   But there are too many people on the other side, even if the teacher's methods are amazing, I am afraid it will be inevitable today.

   What's more, if you really do it in the city, you will definitely be caught by the security team, and the end will be a dead end.

   Jike also realized that things were bad in an instant, regretting that he hadn't thought of this earlier.

   Holding his last hope, he shouted: "If you dare to do it, the security team will definitely catch you!"

   Explosive head raised eyebrows and smiled, "Ha ha... the security team?"

It was when Jike was at a loss what to do, but he heard Su Lun finally speak behind him, "Jike, for some people, it doesn't make sense to reason. In the eyes of some people, as long as the benefits are sufficient, human nature and the law can be trampled on. "

   Jike felt very complicated when he heard this, but he was more guilty: "Teacher, I'm sorry, I am the one who caused you."

   Su Lun shook his head.

   These people won't come, he planned to solve the trouble before leaving.

  Since I am a teacher, I naturally don’t want my disciples to be killed by a casual visit.

   Now, it just saves time.

   looked at the masked man in front of him, with a slightly different color in his eyes, and asked, "Friend, which way did you go?"

Su Lun didn't respond to him, and smiled: "If I'm not wrong, someone should have promised you Benson Fur Co.'s fortune and let you arrest people? Hehe, did he promise 60% or 70%? "

   Jike on the side heard it, and then he understood why the gang would intervene in this matter!

   at the same time angry and angry, that couple of dogs and men, actually used his property to reward themselves? !

   There was a look of exploded head, Su Lun's calm attitude made him wonder what the other party came from. "Brother, what's the matter with you?"

   "He is my disciple."

   Su Lun said so much nonsense, naturally he wanted Jike to understand some truth.

   He did not expect to influence the other party, and said: "What is going on, you should be clear. I want to ask, can you just let it go?"

   As soon as he said this, his response was more than a dozen gunpoints.

   As a local snake, the smuggler gang is used to being arrogant. How could it be persuaded by this sentence?

   Besides, the Benson family's fortune is not a small amount. With this oily water, how could it be possible to give up!

   squinted his head and stared at Suren like a poisonous snake, and said in a threatening tone: "I advise you not to be nosy...In Blizzard, it is not a wise choice to offend our smuggling gang!"

   He also faintly guessed that the other party might have some abilities, and moved out of the banner of the gang.

  Where can Sulun be afraid?

   He snorted, "Oh, I just ask. After all...there must be a reason to kill."

   As soon as the words fell, a violent red light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

   When the people in this room didn't react at all, he suddenly [flashed] in front of Jike, slapped his hands, "The secret of silk control? Slaughterhouse!"

   Murderous intent shot out of Su Lun's eyes, and his hands were scratching in the void, and the cyan silk thread floating in the air suddenly appeared.

   These dense silk threads are all made by him these days to cut silk threads!

   This group of gangsters are only two and a half second-order gangsters, and they are as crisp as paper paste in front of the fourth-order silk thread.

   But at the same time, gunshots were heard loudly.

   Numerous musket bullets also hit Su Lun's body, crackling and cracking out numerous holes in the room.

  The battle is over in an instant.

   In this cramped room, these guys don't even have a place to escape.

   Su Lun is safe and sound.

After    killed these people, he finally felt that the restless mood in his heart was relieved a lot.

   At this time, he sensed something and said: "I will come as soon as I go."

   said, the figure disappeared in the room


   The smell of blood came out, and Jike looked at it again, and in the huge room, there was only one living person left.

   Looking at the stumps and broken arms all over the floor, there is nothing but incredible in his Killed?

   Teacher killed them all?

   The palm of his hand holding the bomb was full of sweat, and Jike's brain went blank for a moment.

   He has never killed anyone before, and it is the first time he has seen so many dead people, all with broken limbs!

   The blood ran across the feet, soaking the floor stalls into a dark red color, with intestines, intestines, belly, and organs full of meat.

   Like building block toys scattered all over the place, Jike ushered in an unprecedented shock in his heart!

   While he was still stunned, the figure flashed, and Su Lun appeared at the door of the room again, and he was holding a human head in his hand.

   Jike glanced at that face, what was the head of Raman, the former captain of the family guard!

   My God, it took only a few breaths of effort, the teacher actually killed a Tier 3 professional?

   Jike's eyes were full of shock.

   Su Lun greeted: "Go away."

   Jike was still a little dazed, and asked instinctively, "Teacher, where are we going?"

   Su Lun spit out a few words lightly: "Cut the grass and remove the roots."


   Twenty minutes later, a private nursing home in Dongcheng.

  Su Lun waited at the entrance of the hospital for a few minutes.

   Suddenly, there was an explosion in a VIP ward on the second floor of the nursing home.

   One minute, Jike walked out calmly.

  Su Lun looked at him and greeted him: "Now the trouble is solved. Let's go, I will send you aboard."

   Jike: "Yes, teacher."

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