Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 243: Stalker

   Su Lun fiddled with his own silk thread and puppet dolls, and got a lot of finished products in the middle of the night.

   approaching dawn, a little curled up, so he meditated cross-legged on the carpet.

   He needs necessary rest to regain his energy.

   Meditation practice needs to be able to endure loneliness and often requires strong perseverance. But after getting used to it, the efficiency of practice will be higher and higher, and the time required for sleep will be shorter and shorter. High-efficiency meditation has the effect of deep sleep, which can give the body a better recovery and increase the "energy" in the body.

  Su Lun has now advanced to the third level, and the upper limit of his body's dark spiritual power has been expanded again. . [Isaac Alchemy Heart] It can provide him with endless dark spiritual power, and the progress of extraordinary practice is steady and fast.


  Blizzard City is roaring with snow and wind all year round, and the night will be very cold.

   There will be fewer and fewer people on the street as the night goes on.

   When the sun rises near dawn, the temperature will reach tens of degrees below zero. Any skin exposed to the air will feel pain like being rubbed by a rough whetstone. Even professionals are not willing to wander outside in such low temperatures.

   Because of this, Su Lun found something strange.

   "Huh... have you been spotted?"

  In meditation, he suddenly opened his eyes.

   I was not so sure before, but after observing it for so long, he was finally sure that someone was actually watching.

   Besides, there is more than one.

   In room 307 on the same floor, there was a guy sticking to the crack of the door and watching for half a night; there was a shivering guy in the alley at the main entrance downstairs; there was another in the warehouse behind.

   No one is bored until such a cold night, hanging out outside.

   The three stalkers were very cautious, and at first glance they were trained professional spies.

   Two second-order and one third-order.

  'S hiding place is a blind spot of vision that cannot be observed in Sulun's room, and it did not create any movement that may be found.

   If Su Lun has no soul perception ability, he really can't find out.

   But now, his soul perception is not too wide, but it happens to cover the "owl hotel" and the small half block downstairs, and he can't hide his every move of stalking people.

   Su Lun also suspected that he might be a member of the "Red Shark Pirate Group" before, or that someone had been spotted buying things in the black market.

   But obviously, it's not.

   He was pretty sure that he hadn't seen these three "soul fires" before, but only appeared after he bought Uta.

   and has received vocational training, that is to say, it is very likely to be someone from a big power.

   In other words, there is a high probability that they are not their own enemies.

   "Come to Uta?"

   Su Lun twisted his brows, and felt a little confused.

   Yuta is only an alien slave in the eyes of humans, and no one should stare at her for a long time.

   Even if there is a grudge, he will do it immediately.

   But looking at this posture of staring, the other party doesn't seem to have the intention of doing anything, but just staring.

   seems to just want to master Yuta's movements.


   Su Lun's mind flew around, pondering various possibilities.

  Because he lacks some necessary information, it makes him unable to determine the purpose of those people.

   Thinking of this, he raised his eyes and glanced at the white-haired girl sleeping on the bed, intending to ask when she woke up.

   At this time, the injury is probably almost recovered, and the nutrient solution and medicine have infused her body with vitality. Feeling the gaze, Uta opened his eyes suddenly!

   Dalu people are the children of nature, they have a beast-like intuition.

   Yuta seemed to wake up from a nightmare.

   At the moment when she woke up, her eyes flashed with a wolf-like caution and keen luster. When he turned over, he turned into a four-legged attack posture, his hands and feet turned into wolf claws, and his shiny nails also leaked out. In a blink of an eye, he entered a state of combat.

   Before she was completely animalized, she met Su Lun's gaze.

   The guard in Yuta's eyes dissipated in an instant, and the half-beast body quickly returned to a human form.

"you're awake?"

  Su Lun took off the clown mask and showed his face, "Don't exercise too much, the stitched wound has not fully recovered."

   He warned, and said: "There are clothes by the bed, you can put them on first."

   When Uta heard it, he realized that he was still naked.

   Under the warm light, the skin is smooth and shiny like a warm jade, and the body lines look very natural and full of wild beauty.

   The Dalu people believe in the goddess of nature. Many thinking and concepts are different from those of human beings. There is not much twisted expression on her face.

   She didn't know what happened after the coma, but the memories from before also poured into her mind. Looking at the stitch marks on her hands and feet, she also understood that the man in front of her rescued her and healed her injuries.

  As a druid, she is good at healing. For the first time she was treated by human medicine, Yuta muttered instinctively: What a strange suture medicine...

  The stitching precision is a little beyond expectation.

   In a blink of an eye, she looked at the skirt Su Lun prepared for her again, frowning her eyebrows.

   She is used to wrapping animal skins, obviously she doesn't know where to start with such complicated textiles.

   Suren also saw Uta's dilemma, gave some pointers, and she wore on.

  The fluffy skirt can just cover the soft silver tail. Putting on the hat again, the pair of plush beast ears can also cover up.

   looks like a human being.

While Uta was getting dressed, Su Lun also opened his mouth and said straightforwardly: "Elder Uta, I said before that I need your help. Also, if possible, I would like to see the current patriarch of the nobleman, Ai The descendants of the Sac family asked me to bring a few words about the vows of the year."

  The druids of the Daru tribe are a bit of tribal priests, and there is nothing wrong with calling them elders.

   "The oath?! You... humans still remember the oath?"

   Yuta heard this, his blue crystal eyes trembled slightly, obviously not calm.

   She looked at Suren and asked: "Surren...Mr. You are the heir of Sir Isaac?"

   She seems to be a little bit slurred about the word "Mr.", but the human lingua franca she learns seems to be a respectable name, so she uses it.

  Su Lun nodded: "Yes. But there is someone else who asked me to speak."

   He is Seleya's disciple, and he is naturally considered to be Isaac's heir.

   But the fact that Mr. Mirror is the daughter of Sir Isaac cannot be disclosed at will. He intends to meet the current patriarch of the Daru clan in person and tell him the words commissioned by his senior sister.

   Hearing this, Yuta pondered for a moment, as if thinking about something, and did not respond directly.

   In a blink of an eye, she looked at Su Lun and asked: "You said... do you need my help?"


   Su Lun saw the caution in her expression, and didn't mind.

   The current relationship between humans and Dalu is not good. Even if he rescued her, it is reasonable for the other party to be cautious.

   He said: "My mental power is distorted. I heard that the Druids of the Daru clan are good at healing and may be able to solve this problem. So, I want to ask."

   It was probably the first time dealing with humans, and Yuta seemed a little cautious.

   After hearing Su Lun’s words, she hesitated for a moment, and then asked, "Can I take a look first?"

  Su Lun: "What do you want to see?"

   Yuta: "I need to hold your hand."

   Su Lun handed it waywardly.

   Yuta is like a Chinese medicine doctor, holding Su Lun's hand, and then watching a green light emerge from her hand.

  Su Lun didn't think there was anything special about his body, but he also felt as if there was a will into the sea of ​​knowledge, wanting to spy on the "beast" he was imprisoned in the cage.

   However, it doesn't seem to go well.

   probably felt the violent negative emotions, as if a sea of ​​blood rushed down face to face, Uta was instantly taken aback, and his hand shrank like an electric shock.

   She has never seen such a terrifying will.

   Yuta's face suddenly became very solemn, and the look in Sulun's eyes was also very strange, "You...your situation is very dangerous!"


  Su Lun nodded, smiled kindly at her, and said, "I know my situation. That's why I want to ask if there is a solution."

   "Sorry, I can't solve it..."

   Yuta Qiao's face was slightly embarrassed.

   Originally, she thought that the human in front of her had saved herself, and she could also use the healing technique in return.

  The Dalu people do not owe their life-saving benefactors.

   But she didn't expect it to be so difficult. It was a problem she had never seen before.

   Su Lun is not surprised.

  Mr. Mirror said that only the seventh-order archdruid could solve the problem, and it was only natural that Yuta could not solve it.

   He just wanted to say that it’s okay, but he listened to Youta and said again: "In this case, maybe only the archdruid of the clan can do it..."

   Su Lun curiously asked: "There is an archdruid in the clan now?"

   Yuta responded: "Yes. The patriarch and several elders are the arch druids."

   Su Lun felt a little unthinkable. If the Dalu tribe really had seventh-order masters, their tribe would not be in the current situation.

   He thought of something, and asked in a weird tone: "Excuse me, the noble elder, what level is it now?"

   Uta responded: "Fifth Tier."

Although she didn't understand why Su Lun asked this question, she seemed to capture the confusion in her tone and instinctively explained: "Hundreds of years ago, our Daru tribe had a battle with the deep sea giants. It also led to it. ..."

   said this, she stopped suddenly.

   seemed to realize that some of the content in the words involved the secrets of the family, and didn't know whether to talk about it or not, her trembling eyes showed her inner struggle.

   After hesitating for a moment, Uta could only change his words and said: "I can take Mr. Surun to the holy lake. You will understand when you meet the patriarch."


   Su Lun raised his eyebrows slightly, showing a kind smile.

   Although the two didn't talk a few words, he could also see that the Daru people's heart is simple, and they don't have the intrigue of humans.

   So when you encounter a sensitive topic, Yuta's expression will turn stiff, making it clear what she is thinking at a glance.

  Su Lun didn't mind either.

   Going there is just what he wants. He has gained insights, and if he can solve the problem of his mental distortion, he also sent a message to the senior sister.

   Moreover, I got information from the "smuggling gang" again before, and there is indeed a group of "Nightmare Spiders" in the Silent Forest that he needs to clone as one of the target candidates for the main material.

   The lord monster is hard to find. As the master of that forest, the Daru tribe wants to know more.


At this time, when Su Lun wanted to ask for clues about the material, Uta seemed to have thought of something, and his face was embarrassed: "The holy lake is only our Daru clan leader. But I may not be able to take you there personally. I am. I must find a way to rescue my people as soon as possible, otherwise they will be sent away by the slave merchant..."

   "Save someone?"

   Su Lun was not surprised to hear this.

  I heard from the slave merchant that she was caught before because she came to Blizzard to save the people.

   But hearing this, Su Lun suddenly flashed some thoughts in his mind, thinking of the three people who were watching outside at the moment.

   "Hmm... that's right!"

   Frowning thought for a moment, Uta thought of a compromise.

She tore off a piece of bed sheet with a "tear", her fingers condensed a beam of light, and then wrote some daruwen on it, and handed it to Su Lun, saying: "You can go to the'eagle mouth pass in the west of the forest.' ', there are my people patrolling there. They see my token and will take you to the holy lake."

   As she said, she also drew a simple map of how to get to the pass on the back of the bed sheet.

  Su Lun looked at the token and saw that Yuta didn't mean to help himself at all, but planned to save others by himself.

  Think about it, he didn't rush to express his position, and asked: "Elder Uta, have you noticed that someone is staring at you?"

   Yuta looked at a loss, apparently unaware, and wondered: "What do you mean, Mr. Sulun?"

   Suren said: "I found a few people watching near this hotel. Not surprisingly, they are staring at you."

   Yuta is still confused.

   Obviously, neither of them figured out the purpose of those people.

   What treasures may be on Yuta?

   Not right... Some treasures were also found as long as they were caught.

   Then why are you staring at her?

To no avail, Su Lun thought about it: "This thing may be weird. Then, don't rush to do it. I'll find out the news first. Your tribe is going to sea, and it may take several days. To find out the situation of the escort. It has a higher success rate than hands-on in the city."

   Not to mention that he has no money now and can't buy that batch of demi slaves.

   Even if I have money, I am afraid that it can be bought under this situation, and I am afraid that there will be changes.

   He wants to figure out the situation first.

   If he can really help some time then, he wouldn't mind planning to be a pirate.

  Uta listened to Sulun's plan, which sounded much more reliable than if he went to save people alone and recklessly.

   Although she felt a little sorry to let humans help, thinking of her people, she also nodded, "Thank you, Mr. Su Lun, for giving you trouble."

   Su Lun smiled and shook his head.

At this time, he took out a mechanical communicator, handed it to Uta, and said, "This is a communicator. The method of use is very simple. We have a few secret codes... First of all, I have to confirm that those people Is it really staring at you."

   Yuta listened to Sulun's plan with a serious look.


   Not long after, a figure smashed the window of Room 303 of the Owl Hotel and jumped out. "Hua La" a crisp sound of glass broke the silent dawn.

   Yuta jumped downstairs and quickly rushed into the alley.

   Embarrassed, hurried, panicked, like an escaped slave.

   This movement also instantly attracted the attention of nearby stalkers.

In the room, Su Lun felt the two groups of soul fire on the street quickly chased up, and murmured: "It's really directed at her. Those guys should have some means to track Uta's whereabouts... ."

   What did he think of, he threw a corpse left as a living material in the room, creating some scars that were caught by wolf claws.

   Then set a fire to burn the body.

   used Space Teleport again, and moved to another room open in the hotel.

   This movement immediately made the hotel lively. The fire in the room was extinguished before it spread, but the body was burnt.

   Room 303 became a murder scene where a slave killed his master and escaped.

   Seeing the corpse, the stalker in room 307 of the hotel also left.

  Su Lun mixed in with the crowd watching the lively and observed for a while, and found no abnormalities, and then left.

   He has confirmed 100% that the person who is following is directed at Uta.


   As a druid, Yuta is not weak.

   Especially in the snow, she has a lot of sneaking methods, so don't worry.

   Su Lun waited for a while, but he didn't hear the movement of the battle. He was also sure that those people just wanted to stare at her and didn't mean to do anything.

   He didn't care any more, and went back to the room to rest for a while.

   When it was dawn, Su Lun left the hotel.

   He hasn't forgotten that there is a guy who is still being "wind tormented".

   The central square of the city, here is a huge white stone statue, which was carved by the residents of the city to commemorate the first city lord of Blizzard.

   On the edge of the square is the headquarters of the City Security Office, and there are more than ten crosses standing at the entrance of the steeple building. People were tied to the cross, both men and women, all naked.

   This is the guy who violated the law in the city and was sentenced to wind by the security team.

   Some have become popsicles, and some have a breath.


   The cold wind blew all night, and Jike, with his bare ass, was also puzzled, he was not dead?

He is well aware of Blizzard City’s rules He is not dead, which means that if someone pays a security deposit for him, those guards will apply antifreeze to himself and turn on the heating pipe of the cross. Hot water.

   But even so, Jike has only half his life left.

   The sun came out and the sun shone on him, which made him feel that he was still alive.

   Just when he looked in a daze, he heard a movement in his ear: "Boy, your punishment is over. Remember next time, don't do it again!"

   Someone untied the rope, and Jike collapsed. Some skin stuck to the place not touched by the heating pipe, and some skin was torn off, scarlet scary, but not much blood flowed out.

   Then he felt someone put a thick cloak on him.

   The moment the cover was closed, Jike felt a strong warmth.

   Seeing the slave opened his eyes, he saw a figure wearing a black cloak from the back. The man put on a mask and said, "Let's go. Let me take care of the wound in another place."

   Jike only felt that the sound was familiar, but he felt that his brain was frozen in the cold wind all night.

   After waiting for a while, he reacted, and he was unexpectedly happy: "Mr. Nicholas?"


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