Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 230: drawing

   The warship left the port and the Knights returned to the castle. This beautiful coastal city quickly recovered its calm.

  The battle destroyed large tracts of houses, and the casualties were not small.

  Mr. Mirror After they retreated, Lord Ozark seemed to wake up from his anger, realizing what a stupid thing he had done.

  Because of a trash son who caused troubles everywhere, he offended an old friend and got into a super strong man with a mysterious origin, and almost brought him the disaster of the Ackerman family and the city...

   The point is, no matter what the woman's background is, he doesn't even take care of the fact that the kidnapping of women spreads out!

   Calm down, Earl Osaka did not pursue him, nor did he give an order to search for any remaining parties in the city, as if nothing had happened.

   Because of this, Su Lun walked on the street, and there were no guards coming to ask for trouble.

   On the other hand,

   Viscount Primo was killed, this breaking news spread at a rapid speed throughout the Port of Catalunya.

   In pubs, squares, and streets, the residents spread word of mouth, telling stories about the battle in Commercial Street everywhere. .

   No one was angry because the order in the city was broken, and no one was sad because the lord's son was killed.

   On the contrary, it was a joy.

   The civilians all secretly praised the hero who killed the people.

   After the scourge died, businessmen, tourists, residents...everyone finally dared to let their beautiful wives and daughters walk on the street.

   No one dared to say why they were happy, but they were celebrating everywhere.


   It was too early for the auction, and Su Lun went to the Adventurer's Guild to inquire about the main material information he needed to advance.

   But I didn't get the result I wanted.

   Spirit-based monsters are very rare. Although the material prices are high, few adventurers will pay attention to that kind of monsters. For ordinary adventurers, the spirit system is a very deadly existence, can kill people silently, and usually choose to avoid it when encountering it. What's more, it's still a Tier 3 monster, and it's really going to happen, and Tier 4 professionals may not be able to come back alive.

   Without consulting any news, Su Lun offered a reward.

   Soon, a professional intelligence merchant contacted him.

   got a few pieces of information that I didn’t know had not expired.

  Su Lun chose two slightly more reliable notes.

   One is a sea monster with sucker tentacles that can radiate mental power to confuse the crew and is suspected to be [Nightmare Octopus] one year ago near the "Strait of Lomon" in the north.

   Another piece of information is that somewhere in the "Silent Forest", an adventurer has heard of a spider that can make people die in a nightmare, suspected to be [Nightmare Spider].

   The information is a bit vague, but news is a good thing.

   Anyway, it will take some time to advance to the third level.

   And to make a third-order [mental tentacles] reproductive equipment, what he needs is the brain tissue of the monsters taken from the living body, and he must go there in person.

   So he wrote down two coordinates, and also traveled through the legendary Arctic Icefield by the way.

   In case you can't find it, there is also a "Blizzard City" on the ice field, where adventurers in the ice field are mixed, and there may be more detailed information.


   The slave auction at night was on Oak Street in Nancheng, near the Nancheng Fish Market near the sea, and it happened to be on the toes of the "boot" shape of Cadourant.

   Suren came out of the Adventurer’s Guild, asked about the route in the city, and took the steam train to cross most of the city along the coastline.

   It is said that when the train track was built, the track was still on the sea.

   But the sea level has risen in recent years, and the train tracks have gradually been submerged in the sea water.

   However, it does not affect the normal operation of the train, and it has become a landmark of Caldurant-a steam train running at sea.

   It was already night, and the sky was shining brightly with stars.

   The endless starry sky is reflected in the sea, and the train seems to be traveling in the Milky Way.

   The water steam train runs along the seashore, pushing the front of the car away from the sea, stirring the Milky Way with waves of ripples, like a sea-blue long skirt studded with bright diamonds.

  Su Lun leaned against the window, looking at the beautiful scenery in front of him, slightly fascinated.

   The starry sky is in the sky, reflected in the sea, and it is greeted again...

  At this moment, it seems that there is also a brilliant galaxy hidden in his eyes.

   After a short while, the train arrived at the station and came to Oak Street.

  Su Lun looked at the red and green signs that were dazzling at night, and then realized that the tavern street was also here.

   The girls in cool clothes greeted the passing pedestrians enthusiastically.

   "Handsome guy, drink? Come to our giant tavern..."

   "Come to our windmill tavern, there is the best rum from the imperial capital..."


   The auction house was not far away, and there was still a long time before the opening, and Su Lun did not rush into the venue. Thinking about it, he stepped into a tavern with the sign of "Dolphin Tavern".

   He stripped those **** from the Sea Snake Gang, and had some impression of the name of the tavern.

   He walked into the tavern, and the scene in front of him overlapped with those fragmented memories.

   This seems to be an "intelligence black market" in Cadurant.

   There are two brands at the bar, and one is priced for drinks.

  「Sailor Beer£100/Za」

  「King Guillotine £188/cup」

  「Gold rum £3000/bottle」


   Suren snapped his fingers at the bartender at the bar, and greeted: "Come on with the'King Guillotine'."

   There is also a sign on which is a wanted pirate with a head portrait.

   is densely packed with a large area, and the highest is naturally Oleg J. Popov of "King of the North Sea", offering a reward of 8.47 billion.

   But this is just a number, no bounty hunter will go to the top powerhouse's idea.

   and then marked in red are some pirates that frequent the nearby waters.

"'Cyclops' Saiyam Ula, leader of the'Cyclops' group, a Tier 5 professional, offering a reward of 136 million risos; the charges are as follows, plundering the'Thorn Birds Chamber of Commerce' transport team and slaughtering more than two hundred people... "

   "'Drunkard' Zelko Jones, the leader of the'Black Shark Pirates', Tier 4, offering a reward of 74 million risos. The charges are as follows..."

   "'Anchorman' Bryce Framing, first officer of the'Lazy Cat Pirates', Tier 4, offering a reward of 30 million rissoles..."


  Su Lun looked at the following, and roughly saw some rules of rewards.

  Probably all the professionals who are offered a reward are Tier 3 or above, and Tier 4 is tens of millions.

   The threshold of offering a reward of more than 100 million is probably the big pirate of Tier 5.

   The sixth order is about one billion.

   The "Frost Troll" Gal Popov and "Lieutenant General" Gretis Olmedo, whom I have seen before, are also on the list.

   After getting the wine, Su Lun sat at the bar alone, listening to the boasting and chattering of the drinkers in the tavern.

   I heard the most, naturally, the "Viscount Primo was assassinated" during the day.

   He, the client, naturally knows what's going on, and he laughs from time to time when he listens to the demonized story lines.

   There are a lot of sailors and fishmongers in this tavern, who have been in the sea all year round, and they all have a smell of sea that can't be concealed by alcohol.

  Su Lun didn't underestimate these people.

   Observed for a while, and he also found that among these guys, there were some vigilant gazes from time to time. These guys are not ordinary people.

   Ordinary people are not as tough as that.

   is probably a pirate informant.

  The port of Catalunya does not welcome pirates, but in the face of huge profits, there will always be speculators who will do ugly businesses.

   The pirates need intelligence for robbery, the looted goods need to be sold, the meat ticket is tied, and the ransom transaction also needs an intermediary...

   Therefore, in a seaport city like Port Catalunya, there are many pirate informants, spies, and some black market merchants doing "gray business".

   Su Lun listened for a while, listening to a mess of free information.

   but not much useful.

  Think about it, he took out three silver coins and stood them beside the wine glass.

   This is the "code word" used to communicate with the news merchant, indicating that you are a knowledgeable person.

   Not long after, a thin man with a black felt hat walked over, and with a wave of his hand, he quietly put the three silver coins into his sleeve.

   He ordered himself a glass of wine and sat next to Su Lun: "Hey, buddy, what do you want to ask for?"

  Su Lun glanced at this guy and said lightly: "Who was the person who was assassinated by Viscount Primo during the day?"

  "It was two outsiders who started their hands, and they seemed to know the "Earl of Blood" Antonio. "

  Su Lun took a sip of wine and said coldly: "I want to know something useful, not the nonsense that everyone knows."

   The man in the felt hat had a shrewd look in his eyes. He listened and quickly explained: "No, sir, please don't doubt the intelligence ability of my "knowledge-all" Polly! This is already the latest information, and no one knows the identities of the two outsiders now! However, I do have a top-secret information here..."

   When Su Lun heard this tone, he knew that he had to add money.

   He took out a few silver coins and put them on the bar without hesitation, but pressed them with his hands: "Then talk about some information that you think I would be interested in. I think it's worth it, so I will pay..."

Polly thief looked around for a while, and then said, "The woman who did it is a high-ranking blood. "North Sea King" Oleg has offered a very high reward, looking for a group of people wearing neck-patterned cloaks. Guys, one of them is the blood family. If you are sure, sir, you can consider accepting this reward..."

   was offered a reward by pirates?

   When Su Lun heard this, his expression remained unchanged.

   Before rushing to kill a few captains, it is not surprising to be offered a reward by pirates.

   However, the good news is that neither the pirate nor the earl’s mansion has much specific information about him.

   Mr. Mirror is too eye-catching, all the intelligence is concentrated on her.

   "What else? Is there any other interesting information?"

   "I got news that there will be a lot of boutique treasures from the black market in this auction, and there are many ancient objects..."

   "I don’t know why, there have been a lot of big arms dealers in the harbor in the past two days. I guess there may be some large arms deals recently, but the intelligence is still very limited..."

   "A very special ship came from the harbor. Some people suspected that someone from the espionage department of the Royal family of Lu Ying came secretly to Catalunante..."

   "The cargo of the'Red Dolphin Chamber of Commerce' contains a lot of valuable antiques, and that lot is worth at least several hundred million. The ship will set sail the day after tomorrow..."

  "The big bounty hunter "Fist of Justice" Hodge lives in the "Moon Bay Hotel"..."


you get what you pay for.

   This guy is also well-informed and knows how to watch his words and actions. Su Lun spent money to get a lot of interesting information.

   After drinking most of a glass of wine, Su Lun also had a general understanding of the situation in the Port of Catalunya in his mind.

   Seeing that the auction world is almost over, he was about to finish drinking, and then left the tavern.

  At this time, the noise in the tavern was strangely quiet.

   "Puff", "Puff"..."Kach", "Kach"...the sharp sound from outside the door.

   Without looking, Su Lun's keen sense of hearing could tell that it was the sound of the friction between the steam boiler and the mechanical device.

   is dense, there are a lot of them, at least one mechanical guard.

   looked over, and sure enough, a squad of steel guards had just passed the tavern gate.

   Everyone looked sideways, and the tavern suddenly became quiet.

  Because the costumes of these guys are so eye-catching!

   They are wearing standard full-cover fighter armor, and their mechanical physiques are extremely majestic, just like human bears. On the left shoulder of all battle armors is a three-dimensional silver eagle, and on the right is the national emblem with a royal blue background and a golden Mafa steam and hammer pattern. Enchanted armor covers all the joints, chains, rivets, mechanical power pipes... In the overall design, a strong dark industrial wind blows on your face.

   They also carry huge exaggerated steam warhammers on their backs, alloy shields, saws, broadswords... and all kinds of heavy external firearms with exaggerated shapes.

  The individual steam boiler provided power for the heavy armor. Every step I took, some white steam spewed out of my feet.

   looks clumsy, but moves slowly.

   The paint on the battle armor is mottled, which is obviously a trace of the battle.

   Just looking at the pressure of the people's breathless aura, people know at a glance that this is a group of real elites who have come down from the battlefield.

   This is the core technology of the Marfa Empire, an external full-body mecha.

   With a helmet on, one person is a moving steel fortress!


   The layman sees the excitement, the insider sees the doorway.

   Others only think that these armors are fierce and mighty, but Su Lun stared at the details and couldn't look away.

   He looked at the battle armor on the head of the bearded beard, his eyes narrowed, and he whispered in his heart: "The sixth-order composite rune...the Marfa Empire's military rune skills are really high."

   He is also proficient in machinery and runes himself, and he can see the power of the armor at a glance.

   gave an appraisal, and his heart was even more shocked.

"Armand alloy, magic pattern brass, dragon blood black iron... are all super rare metals. Not to mention the technological content, but the material cost alone, the price of this general-level armor is probably worth it. A city..."

   Su Lun was full of emotion, and after judging the runes and materials, he had roughly estimated the combat power of this mechanical armor.

   This set of armor has achieved the ultimate in conventional element resistance and resistance in the house.

  It can be said that when encountering a traditional professional whose damage output can't exceed the defense limit of the armor, this guy stands still and can't move.

   Not to mention the output ability that the battle armor did not show, and the combat power of the beard itself...

   Su Lun judged in his heart: "This kind of mechanical warrior is at least equivalent to a Tier 6 professional. If you encounter ability restraint, you can even compare to a Tier 7 professional!"

   The technical content of this suit of armor is so complicated that he is now sighing with excitement.

   However, this top armor is also an example.

   Enchanting and runes do not only need to use rune technology, but also need equivalent materials that can withstand high-level inscriptions.

   At least the armor of the sergeant behind the beard is much inferior, two sets of Tier 5, and the rest are Tier 3 runes and Tier 4 armor.

   When Su Lun saw this team of mechanical warriors, it was like seeing a bunch of moving high-end mechanical technology.

While seeing the greedy eyes, he unconsciously reflected in his mind how to deal with it, and analyzed: "The resistance of the creature and the monster is very high, the firepower is fierce, and there are not many weaknesses that can be used. The mental defense is weak, and the perception is also It can be used... if only one can get a set and study it in detail."

  Think about it, Su Lun asked Polly, the "Master of Everything" beside him, "Who were those people just now?"

  Poly said: "That's Bloor Turner, the commander of the "Imperial Hammer", one of the four ace regiments of the Malfa Empire. Now that the two countries are at war, this guy was originally a negotiating ambassador in the imperial capital. No one knows why he came to our seems to have arrived this morning. "

   Su Lun suddenly thought: It turned out to be the ambassador group, no wonder the armors are so advanced.

   He asked again: "Is there a channel for this kind of armor?"

Polly seemed to hear a very incredible question, and smiled: "Hey, man, I said don't think about it. There are high-priced rewards on the black market of War Armor, but I have never heard of anyone getting it. Marfa's officer battle. Armor has a high technical content and is equipped with a self-destruct system. If it is dismantled in an incorrect way, or if a soldier is actively activated, it will explode and damage the core components. Even on the battlefield, very few complete armors are captured. "


   Su Lun listened, not too surprised, technical protection means.

   But he thought of some other things, and his eyes showed thoughts.

   These guys, why are you running here and appearing here?

  Looking at that direction, went to the auction?

   Wait, what major arms dealer, Lu Ying’s royal spy department, are all the intensively visited Port of Catalunya in the past two days?

  Su Lun guessed that there might be something else in this lot.


  Su Lun only came to Catalunya. He came to participate in this auction for the Daru slaves. He didn't know what merchandise was in the auction.

  Not even the intelligence merchant knew, and Su Lun didn't try to guess too much.

   It will be announced soon.

   I drank the wine, and the opening time of the auction was about the same.

   Su Lun didn't stay in the tavern much, and went straight to the auction venue.

   The auction site is an old theater remodeled, and entry requires capital verification.

  Su Lun displayed millions worth of property, and only then received a temporary catalogue of auction items at the door.

   is approaching the opening, all kinds of gorgeously dressed gentlemen and ladies who seem to be wealthy enter the venue one after another, talking about upcoming auctions.

   It seems that the auction has already notified other big customers of some information, and retail investors like him only now know what will be auctioned.

   Looking at the product catalog, Su Lun immediately felt a familiar feeling: "Huh... something from the old Ling Dun?"

  The underground world is a line of dark warlocks, and many of the output, occupation materials and colonies are not the same as those on the ground.

   For example, those cursed crystal ore, this is a dark energy gem unique to underground veins!

   And finally, there is a "final item" with a question mark...

  Su Lun saw these things and immediately guessed what the main source of goods for this auction was.

   These 80% are the stolen goods intercepted by the Fourth Fleet of the King of the North Sea from Old Lingdun!

   "The final lot... won't it be the drawings and materials of [Super Robot Warrior]?"

   All kinds of information that Su Lun had obtained, thought of this possibility.

  Marfa Ambassador, and arms dealer...

   He also felt that only this thing would attract so many people with sensitive identities.

  Mechanical warriors are mainly used in large-scale wars, and a large base is required for the group to have combat power. Those who are interested in that kind of drawings are either mechanics or big forces. And Su Lun stripped a group of research institute mechanics' soul fragments before, and he also knew that the technical threshold of "Super Robot Warrior" was extremely high. He felt that the pirates didn't have the skills and resources to get some mechanical army, and it was useless to use those blueprints.

   Keep a copy in hand, and then sell it to the big forces, to maximize the benefits.

   As Su Lun thought, people had already entered the venue.

   An opera hall is similar to a movie theater, with a stage in front and a two-story auditorium.

   He sat in the corner under the leadership of the waitress.

   Not long after, the lights focused on the stage, and the auctioneer came on stage and opened the show directly.


   looked at the lot catalogue, the slave auction was in the midfield stage, and Su Lun had to wait slowly.

   Soon, one by one auctions appeared.

   Breathing methods, ancient magic scrolls, ancient books, advanced materials, mechanical drawings and finished products... all are rare in the world.

  In the ground world, because the base of professionals is large, the demand is large. At auction houses in big cities like Catalunya, the “silver-grade” furnishing materials are also rare and sought-after products on weekdays.

   But in Old Lingdun, there is no shortage of ancient relics due to the excavation of relics, and there are a lot of gold-quality materials and relics. The pirates looted too many treasures...

   This batch of high-quality goods has directly set off a wave of bidding frenzy among various auctioneers.

   Su Lun frowned as he watched the auctions one by one.

   Some of these lots, even he knows the origin...


   The auction is in full swing. At this moment, it is in a private room on the second floor.

   A woman with purple hair looked at the auction now with great interest.

   This is exactly the fourth female Ekaterina Lance from the family of the Grand Duke of Lance, the lord of the six northern provinces.

   She seems to be very interested in auctions such as ancient books, and almost always bid for them when she encounters them.

   Not long after, an old housekeeper hurriedly walked into the room and reported: "Miss, it has been confirmed. The final product of the auction is the complete drawings of [Super Robot Warrior] and some research materials. Are we ready to bid?"

Hearing this, Ekaterina didn't have much surprise on her face, but she shook her head and chuckled lightly: "Bid? No. Those guys from the Marfa Empire are bound to win, we can't shoot them. They offer us, we Can't get out..."

   The old butler seemed to know her own lady’s temperament very well, and then asked: "Then the old slave, go there?"

Ekaterina apparently had noticed a while ago, and shook her head again: "The drawing must be taken. But we don’t need to do the interception first. This time, the Military Intelligence Department did not hesitate to expose many important things buried in the north. Anzi, those guys won't let the blueprints flow to the enemy country. Let them fight first..."


  The old butler thought for a moment, and then fell silent.

Ekaterina thought of something, and the joke on her face grew stronger and stronger, "I'm afraid it's going to be lively this time, haha... the group of pirates are also shrewd. They put this drawing out for auction, just to make war Fighting more intensely, they are good at fishing in troubled waters."

After a pause she said again: "Oleg, the pirate leader, this time is about to be'the king'. At that time, the war will also involve our six northern provinces. Although it is not all bad. ...Be prepared in advance."

   Old housekeeper: "Yes, miss."

   Ekaterina: "Oh, there is. Send someone to stare at the kinship woman, to find out who she is and what she is going to do. I always feel that she will be a big threat to us in the future."

   Old housekeeper: "Yes!"


   The auction room was very lively, and outside the auction room, a group of people in various professional costumes met mysteriously.

   "Are you sure that the final lot of this auction is the drawing of [Super Robot Warrior]?"

"Yes, sir."

   "Those **** arms dealers haven't disclosed any news yet. In order to make huge profits, they really don't even care about the safety of the empire!"

   "Behind the several major arms dealers are the top royal family and nobles of the empire. They are not afraid of our MI..."

   "Forget it! mobilize all the available manpower. If you can't shoot it, even if it is to intercept the Malfa Mission, you must not let the blueprints flow out!"

"Yes, sir!"


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