Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 221: Not much else, many prohibited objects

   Su Lun jumped out of the sea, and then took cover in the dark, and disappeared instantly.

The    Chengfeng is not too far away from the port. It swims for a while, and the space teleports for a while, and soon it comes to the U-shaped bay.

   The focus of the battlefield was on Mr. Jing and that even Tier 6, and no one noticed that Su Lun had already climbed the rock wall of the harbor. This level of battle spreads widely, and the captains of the squad can still swept aside, but the low-level pirates can only step aside and wave their flags far apart.

   Su Lun watched Mr. Mirror on the battlefield with one enemy and two. Although it was a little difficult to deal with, there was no life-threatening danger for the time being, so he didn't have to enter the arena in a hurry.

   He needs to find a suitable opportunity.

   There are many pirates, only sneak attacks. .

Su Lun notified Mr. Jing with a communicator, and said concisely: "Sister, your soul is marked. You should be able to perceive the person who marked you. My sickle can guarantee an accurate attack range of up to two hundred meters. , I have a plan..."

   didn't mean to come too long, and directly said the plan, the other party would definitely understand.

   There is only one chance to shoot, and one hit must be guaranteed.

   The current situation is that Mr. Mirror is besieged by "Frost Troll" Gal and "Lieutenant General" Grace. She wants to kill the person who casts a soul mark on her, but she can't do anything.

   Besides, the team leader is not weak, he can run.

   There are also a group of other pirates staring at him.

   Therefore, the predictable outcome is that Mr. Jing will be consumed alive by these pirates in the end.

   Soon after the plan was announced, there was a response from the communicator, with only one word: "Yeah."

   can't hear the joys and sorrows.

   But the calmer the tone of response, Su Lun realized that the situation is more critical.

   If I don’t need help, my senior sister will definitely say it straight.

   Su Lun didn't delay any longer, sprayed himself with a deodorant potion, and changed into the pirate suit that he stripped off earlier.

   A yellowed linen shirt, a shaggy brown armor, a scimitar and a musket, and a red turban that was dirty like a rag. The pirates floated on the sea all year round, and did not change for about ten and a half months. The mixed stench of the strong smell of the sea and the smell of sweat is three-thirds of the smell on the clothes.

   However, changing into clothes also made Su Lun feel more secure.

   In this way, as much as possible to avoid those professionals with a keen sense of smell.


   Everyone's attention is on the battle on the ice.

   Su Lun in a pirate costume glanced down from the cliff and touched it.

   He didn't dare to appear in the pirate's field of vision swaggeringly.

   Fortunately, hundreds of pirate ships have become the best shelters, one by one, they are frozen on the ice.

   Sulun found the opportunity, and a space teleport appeared in the cabin of a pirate ship. Here is an artillery compartment, filled with shells and gunpowder everywhere. There are also several deadly corpses with mushrooms on the ground.

   The exterior of a pirate ship is as bad and sloppy as the interior. Don’t expect those illiterate pirates to behave. It’s common to urinate and urinate wherever you are. The cabins where ordinary sailors lived were cramped and filled with a stench, which was sickness and decay.

   Su Lun didn't stop, felt the layout of the cabin of the ship next to him, and teleported over again.

   Either there are corpses in the cabin, even if there are a few live openings, the lower-level cabins are all low-level pirates, and they are killed at will.

   The specific location of the "target" was determined. It was hidden in a pile of people, surrounded by many captains. Mr. Jing couldn't kill it, and it was even more difficult for Su Lun to kill him.

   must use conspiracy.

   The battle outside is getting fiercer, and the shock waves are higher than the waves.

   Like a hammer drum in the ear, the trembling people are agitated.

  Using the ability of space displacement, Su Lun just passed by ships carefully.

   was originally aimed at killing people, but when he was passing by, he actually got through the cabin of a special "slave transport ship".

   The pirates have been in Old Lingdon for a long time, looting a lot of "trophies." Not to mention the treasure, there are slaves.

   This cabin is actually one or two hundred mechanics wearing white lab coats!

  Su Lun looked at the signs on their clothes, and immediately found the corresponding information from his memory. These guys are the mechanics from the "Secret Research Institute No. 1" in Old Lingdun, who also made the "Super Robot Warrior Project".

   It seems that these pirates also know the value of these mechanics.

   is probably going to be caught and sold, or coveted this item.

   But... after all, there are not a few living people left.

The space on the ship is very limited. The scientists who were regarded as treasures at the Secret Research Institute of Old Lingdon were stuffed in iron cages like cattle. A cage of more than ten square meters was stuffed with dozens of people, and several cabins were closed. They are densely packed with chains and shackles.

   When Su Lun came, except for a few people, there was one who was trembling with cold, with less air intake and more air, and the others became ice sculptures.

  The physical fitness of the mechanics who are interested in scientific research is not comparable to that of professionals. Even if they are professionals, the direction of advancement is not combat ability.

   In the battle of the three Tier 6 professions outside, the shock wave was higher than the wave, and these mechanics were locked in the slave compartment.

   The "Frost Troll" Gal's brain is not very good, and the fighting icy air covers a wide range of indiscriminately. These physical strengths are about the same as ordinary people. The mechanics can't escape, and most of them freeze to death on the spot.

  Su Lun looked at the faint "grey mist" in the cage, and swallowed it as he passed by.

   Although the death time has been longer and the soul fragments have dissipated a lot, but fortunately there are a lot of them.

   This harvest has gained a lot of mechanical knowledge.

   The memory fragments of scientific researchers are pure, and there are few messy memories.

   Therefore, even if it dissipates a lot, the value is very high.

  Theoretical knowledge, manufacturing experience, and various incomplete drawings, parts, manufacturing experience...

   Su Lun suddenly had a lot of advanced mechanical knowledge in his mind, most of which were related to "super mechanical warriors".

   This gave him a lot of inspiration for making mechanical puppets, which raised his mechanical knowledge a lot.

   However, the situation was urgent, and he did not digest it carefully.

   moved to the next ship again.


  Su Lun told Mr. Jing his battle plan in the newsletter.

Mr.    Mirror also cooperated to make the outside movement bigger and bigger to cover himself in the cabin.

  The plan is to kill the guy who used the "soul token".

   But Tier 5 professionals are not so easy to kill.

   Even if Su Lun has a strange black sickle in his hand, it is difficult to sneak attack.

   He had learned from Mr. Mirror before that professionals who have advanced to Tier 4 generally have instincts similar to "danger perception".

   is like Su Lun's own "malicious perception" skill.

   And this "danger perception" ability, the higher the rank, the stronger.

   It can be said that there is almost no possibility of being successfully attacked by low-level professionals.

   So he is also very self-aware, and has never expected to go to Yin two sixth orders.

   I didn't even think about it.

   At such a close distance, if any murderous intent is revealed, it is estimated that it will be exposed in an instant.

   Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to lock the target position in a conventional way.

   But if you don’t look at it, you won’t be able to catch the target, and how to aim with the knife is a big problem.

   Su Lun roughly estimated the distance and hid in the cabin. After reporting his hiding position with the communicator, he condensed his breath and waited patiently.

   Waiting for Mr. Mirror to create opportunities for him!


   The entire U-shaped harbor at this moment is like a boiling elemental boiler. The ice element and the fire element collide fiercely. From time to time, there are various other thunder, wind, darkness, high-level technical collisions, and various elemental explosions...

   "Frost Troll" Gal and "Lieutenant General" Grace did not give Mr. Mirror any chance at all. They were fighting, and they didn't rush to kill them, so they planned to slowly kill them.

  Although those team captains are not qualified to participate in the battle directly, they still have the ability to join forces and protect themselves.

  Mr. Mirror wants to kill the "target" that exerts soul control, and they will immediately move to the battlefield, instead of fighting head-on, just wait for the two pirate chiefs to come.

   "Hahaha... that guy is getting weaker and weaker, he is going to die!"

   "Boss Gal, blow his head!"


  Mr. Mirror is like a tiger falling into a pack of wolves, even if it regenerates fiercely, it is weak, and is consumed by those cunning wolf wheels.

  The atmosphere of the battle, the pirates have repeatedly seen the results of the battle.

   Like countless times in the past, it has become a "sleepy beast still fighting".

   But the pirates didn't notice at all. They were like a flock of driven sheep, gradually being forced into the "predetermined area" by Mr. Mirror.

   The noise in his ears became louder and louder, and Su Lun was like a qualified hunter, lying silently in ambush.

   At this moment, suddenly, he got a message from the communicator: "The target is in your ten o'clock direction, the ship one hundred and fifty-one meters away, and the main mast of the deck is eight meters up."

   When Su Lun descended from the cliff before, he had already observed the layout of the entire harbor.

   The super high degree of brain development allowed him to clearly write down everything he saw.

   At this moment, when he heard the precise coordinates reported by Mr. Mirror, his brain started to operate like a machine, and immediately calculated the position of the target accurately.

   Without any hesitation, he raised his hand with five fingers to grab the void, and controlled the living corpse to chop towards a wooden wall in the cabin.

   In order to avoid minor errors in calculations, this knife estimated the limit that the living corpse could bear, and then issued a cross-cutting blow with the largest arc.

  Su Lun doesn't even know who he is going to kill, how could the other party perceive it?

   is like shooting blindly with closed eyes, whoever is shot, whoever is unlucky!

   What's more, at almost the same time Mr. Jing cooperated with him to act with murderous intent to cover the audience.

   Like the scorching sun, everyone will ignore the tiny candlelight!


   Su Lun waved his sickle and cut it down. Suddenly, the noise outside stopped.

   The pirates got together to watch the excitement. Su Lun knew that the knife must have hit some people, but he wasn't sure if he must kill the "target".

   After a while, it was as if cold water had dripped into a pan, and there was a loud noise outside.

   "Damn it, an enemy sneak attack!"

   "Captain Yark was killed! Be careful, the soul chain has failed!"

   "The enemy is on the'Vulture', catch him!"


   The pirates are deep-fried.

  Before the tigers were chained, they didn't panic.

   After getting out of trouble, how terrible should it be?

  At this time, Mr. Jing's voice came from the communicator: "Good job!"

   Su Lun was overjoyed when he heard that, the big stone in his heart fell.

   It is worthwhile for him to take this risk!

  Only when Mr. Jing is out of trouble, will his chances of survival be higher!

   The living corpse died suddenly, and Su Lun did not dare to stay at all, so he collected the sickle and the shroud. Knowing that he had been discovered, he teleported quickly and left the cabin.

   His space movement is not enough, it is impossible to compare the speed of high-level professionals.

   As soon as they moved out of the cabin, the pirates’ murderous intent, like hundreds of needles, pierced him together.

   He can clearly feel the violent emotion of the group of pirates trying to devour him alive.

  Almost at the same instant, Su Lun discovered that several Tier 5 captains had locked himself in at the same time. In the blink of an eye, people were already surrounded by him, and there was no escape.

   At this distance, even if Mr. Jing wanted to save, it was too late.

   But, Su Lun dared to do it, why would he not be prepared?

   He had long expected that he would be exposed and would be besieged by a bunch of Tier 4 and Tier 5 pirates.

   confronts one alone, maybe there is a chance to escape.

   What a pity... there are at least dozens of them in this harbor!

   Su Lun didn't panic either. He took out a chessboard that he had prepared a long time ago, and then directed a ray of light towards a pirate not far away.

   The light hit the pirate in an instant, and then the scene that surprised the group of pirates next to him appeared.

   They watched...the two disappeared at the same time!

   The few captains who just wanted to kill the killer rushed into the air and stared at each other for a moment.

   But someone who knows the goods instantly reacted.

   "That is the special space created by the curse! It is sealed off, he is here and can't escape!"

   "Look for the cursed thing that breaks the space!"


   A group of pirates are in chaos.


  This chessboard is naturally the [Steinitz's chessboard] that Sulun got from Oliver Danze before!

   This treasure can pull the target into a pile of independent space.

   For the puppet masters who know the "Puppet Theater", it is really easy to use, almost invincible of the same level.

   But it's a bit tasteless for Su Lun.

   Because he doesn't use this thing, and among the professionals of the same level, he has never encountered an enemy.

   has always been useless.

   But obviously, such a good baby is only used for single use, and its use is a bit narrow.

   Suren has developed a new feature of it, just like in front of him, to avoid high-level enemies.

   directly pull in a low-level enemy, and the two will appear in this chessboard space.

  Su Lun didn't have to face the group of pirates outside, just deal with the one in front of him.

   As long as he does not die, he does not die, the space will not be unlocked.

   However, the only drawback is that the space will still be in its original position, which is equivalent to being "guarded by the corpse" and always face the group of pirates after going out.


  Su Lun doesn't think that in a pirate group that can be king, there is no professional who can handle this kind of space magic device.

  Hiding in this chessboard space is not a long-term solution.

   But at least Nen gave him time to breathe.

   "Sister, I will rely on you next."

   In the black and white grid space, Su Lun whispered in his heart, and casually wrapped the bewildered pirate opposite with silk thread.

   didn't kill it either, just hanging there.

   After he did his hands, he was exposed, as if he was physically tempting the enemy, and then he pressed the assistance of waiting for death in Central Asia, and there was no combat power, and he could only wait for the ADC to help him.

   Su Lun has no doubt that his senior sister has this ability.

   If there is a problem with this plan, she will definitely tell it before.

   will never let Su Lun take his life to create opportunities for her.

   So there are risks, but as long as the plan is not unexpected, the chances of success are greater.

  The matter has come to an end, and there is no panic on Su Lun's face.

   He took out [The Shroud of the Iceman of Oz], wrapped it around himself, and disappeared into the air "transparently".

   Then, he lay flat.

  Su Lun, who came out of Jiulingdon, had a low rank, but there were many curses and forbidden objects.

   This "forbidden object" that can completely enclose the breath, no one outside can perceive it.

   thinking, once the board space is broken, it can last a while.

  The people in Old Lingdon knew that he had these things in his hands, but the pirates didn't know it. Waiting for them to figure it out is enough to give Mr. Jing a chance to do it.


   Su Lun didn't know what was going on outside, so he lay down quietly.

   As expected, Mr. Mirror did not disappoint him.

   The pirate has not broken the board space yet, suddenly, a voice came from the communicator: "Unlock the space, I'll save you!"

   Su Lun felt relieved, and he did not hesitate to tick and kill the pirate.

   The chessboard space was instantly unraveled, and the tide of murderous intent hit, and Su Lun immediately numbed his scalp.

   Countless pirates glanced fiercely at the location where Su Lun was, just looking at them, as if they could pierce the deck.

   But after a moment, he was stunned.

   They found out that the corpse was out, and they didn't see Su Lun's shadow!

   Anyone who perceives it does not realize that there are people here.


   This idea came to all the pirates' minds at the same time, and the killing intent stopped on the spot.

   There is no target, who to kill?

  Su Lun just breathed a sigh of relief, but didn't want to, a bit of cold air hit the sky over the earth.

   Normal people were taken aback for a moment, but there was another person with abnormal intelligence in this pirate group!

   The reckless "Frost Troll" Gal Ke, holding his mace angrily, knocked him over regardless of whether he was there or not.

   "What a strong fighting instinct!"

   Su Lun sighed for a moment, and did not move, because at this time, a figure faster than the ugly giant flashed over.

   She accurately caught Su Lun who was lying flat on the ground, the bat wings shook behind her, and immediately flashed out of the harbor.



  Su Lun only felt that he was flying fast, and a strong sense of overweight dared hit, but his heart was instantly relieved.

   Even with a person, Mr. Jing is very fast, the wind whistling in his ears,

The "Frost Troll" on the ground, Garr, stood on the ice and ran all the way, and finally roared to the sky, unable to chase ~ Even the bald woman who turned into a human-shaped dragon was slower than Mr. Mirror. A big chunk. What's more, she was alone, even if she caught up, she couldn't help it at all.

   After a short while, the Black Barrier Reef Castle behind him disappeared at the end of his vision.

   The last killing intent that was locked by someone also disappeared.

   finally escaped...

   However, Su Lun looked at the thunderous storm zone in the distance ahead, and his face was unsightly.

   The Wind Rider entered the chaotic storm zone...

   When the communicator asked, the ship would not sink for a while, but they also experienced the power of nature for the first time, and their course was not under control at all. A group of people who have no experience in controlling ships are drifting along in the storm...

   And the worst part is that Mr. Jing spouted out a mouthful of muddy blood.

  PS. Brothers, don’t say in the comment area that I’m going to collapse or something, okay? From the first day I opened my book, countless people said that I was going to collapse, that would collapse, the monetary system collapsed, the combat power collapsed, the plot collapsed... but I have not collapsed until now. At least up to this point, I dare to say that a long period of plot in the future will be in the outline, and it will not collapse. Don't be a prophet, okay? I really want to say, wait until the day I really collapsed, okay? When the time comes, you must lie down and be scolded. Now this is a very author mentality...Next month, I will try not to salt fish...


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