Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 210: Mr. Mirror's rank

     "What a terrifying power, is this God..."

   Just a glance, Su Lun felt that his body was subjected to an unspeakable shock, and the mirrored body was shattered.

   Before he had time to sigh, before his body was completely collapsed, he watched that "Theresa" reacted faster. He didn't care about Su Lun, the black wings that had originally represented the status of the "angels" of the gods shook suddenly, and the figure rushed toward the center of the ruins.

   turned out to be... escaped!

   This is completely different from the look of the world just now. At this moment, he escaped very decisively!

   After the mirror image was broken for a moment, in the distant tower, Su Lun suddenly opened his eyes in meditation.

   Looking again, Mr. Mirror on the side has disappeared.

   "This fallen angel seems to know Mr. Mirror..."

   Su Lun muttered in his heart.

   In the situation just now, it was obvious that "Theresa" recognized the ability of mirroring and was scared away.

   After all, the S-rank talent is extremely rare, and it is unlikely that a person will meet a second one in his lifetime.

   What's even more unfortunate is that it is still at the dawn ruins, the place that once made him almost fall.

   You don’t need to think about it, you will definitely feel that you are "acquaintances".

  Su Lun also became more and more curious, what kind of position is Mr. Jing's, which can make a **** flee?

  Although it is only a remnant soul, as far as the combat power he has just shown, a Tier 6 professional does not necessarily scare him so bent on fleeing.

  Or maybe...Is it reminded of the terrifying experience of being calculated to death by Sir Isaac thousands of years ago?


   Su Lun didn't think about it, he cared more about other things.

   He raised his head and looked at the sky that was not far away. Just now the fallen angel condensed a huge eyeball, and it began to dissipate because he fled.

   The feeling that made his eyelids jump suddenly disappeared.

  Su Lun didn't forget that there were still corpses all over the floor.

   Mr. Mirror should be chasing the "Theresa", and he can't get along with that level of battle.

   There is no need to blend.

  Mr. Mirror is not the only one in the mirror organization. She is sure if she didn’t explain anything.

   But Su Lun couldn't be more happy to touch the corpse.

   The entire army of the Duke’s Mansion was annihilated. In the previous battle, the monsters nearby were probably killed or scared away.

   is dangerous, it shouldn't be too big.

   Su Lun did not hesitate much, unfolding the eight-armed spider spear, and quickly ran towards the place where he was fighting before.

   After all, the soul fragments on the corpse will dissipate over time.

   Su Lun's speed is very fast, and before he rushed, the "gray fog" still looked very clear.

   To be cautious, he used the omniscient eye to identify it everywhere, and found no other danger, and then walked towards the corpses all over the floor.

   The first harvest was naturally the two fifth-order memory fragments.

  The closest is the corpse of the red beard exorcist.

   "Obtain the memory fragment of "Matic Doyle" *6"

   "You have mastered a lot of "exorcism knowledge" and comprehend skills [13 ways to dispel evil spirits]"

   "You got the alchemy formula [How to prepare the sun exorcism holy water]"

   "You have gained some occult knowledge"

   "You have a lot of "1~5 level alchemy knowledge""

   "You understand the incomplete fifth-order sacred law"

  「Spellcasting experience +175」

  「Spirit +8.4」

   Generally, the knowledge reserves of legal professionals are many times greater than that of melee ones.

  The exorcist profession belongs to the "mystery" in the legal system.

   These guys have a deep study of those side-by-side and unpopular knowledge.

   Su Lun harvested the gray fog expectantly.

   Although I feel that the amount is a little bit small, a lot of knowledge has made up for his blind spot in occult cognition and broadened his vision...

   is also just right.

   He clearly remembered that the last time he absorbed the Tier 5 professional, the state of haunting lasted for a long time.

   But now, there is a lot of knowledge pouring into my mind, but it is digested very quickly, and it is still very clear!

   is like the digestion of swallowing dates, and the digestion of chewing, the nutrition that the body gets is completely different.

   Su Lun realized this difference instantly.

   With the same amount of memory fragments, the current digestion efficiency is at least 10% or 20% more knowledge than before.

   Even some fragments that are not systematic at all, are still in the memory and have not been forgotten.

   "Spiritual power secrets and brain development will also increase the efficiency of harvesting. This is good news..."

   Su Lun's thoughts flashed, and he was overjoyed.

   is like playing a game to kill monster experience with one or two percent experience bonus.

  The gain may not be obvious in a short time, but this is enough to affect the substantial improvement in the later stage.

   Moreover, those negative emotions have been completely emptied, and now Su Lun has enough energy to suppress those external memories in a short time, and there is no need to worry about being impacted on his ontological consciousness.

   After the development of the brain domain, memory and understanding have also been greatly improved, which has also made the ability of the [Death Reaper] talent visible to the naked eye has improved a lot!


   Su Lun did not think about the content of the harvest.

   The eight-armed spider spear was also operated at the same time. Almost at the same time he was harvesting the soul fragments, he had already stripped off the storage rings and equipment from the corpse, and stuffed his brain into his storage space.

   He also conveniently put away the [Paladin’s Exorcism Cross] in the corpse’s hand.

   casually glanced at it, the effect is very strong, but it is only really the exclusive equipment of the spirit body, and it is not very useful in normal days.

   Then, he quickly came to the corpse of another Tier 5 professional, the white-faced man in military uniform who had been following Teresa, a court guard using a rapier.

   But this harvest, Su Lun was surprised.

   "Obtain the memory fragment of "Lassathi Kale"*2"

   "You have mastered a few pieces of alchemy knowledge"

   "You have gained a small amount of fighting experience"

  「Spirit +0.3」

   "This is still a fifth-order?"

  Su Lun looked at the certain pieces of the harvest this time, his eyes stopped, thinking that he had mistaken the corpse.

   The amount of debris is not as good as a second-order.

   Moreover, the incompleteness rate is ridiculous.

   But the strange thing is... there is indeed some incomplete knowledge of Tier 4 and Tier 5.

   Prove that this is the corpse of a Tier 5 professional!

   Didn't figure out what happened, Su Lun harvested a few corpses not far away from the impression that they were Tier 4 professionals.

   The same result.

   But soon, he also discovered some patterns.

  The souls of melee professionals almost completely dissipated, or there was a little fragment left that could not be maimed.

   And the legal professionals with strong mental power, there are a little more, but not much.

   "The magic arts used by the fallen angels before, even their soul power was taken away?"

   Su Lun frowned, and roughly understood the reason.

   is also fortunate that he came quickly, otherwise he would not even be able to drink the soup.

   As for the soul of the red beard exorcist, it is relatively well-preserved, probably because the mysterious warlocks have practiced some mental defense methods. Even if it is dead, the soul is better preserved than others.

   However, Su Lun's mentality is also good, and some of them are very satisfied.

   The sum of the harvest of this wave of soul fragments is almost the same as that of the fifth-order last time, and it is still precious mystery knowledge, the value of which is immeasurable.

   Of course, the spoils are more than soul fragments.

   The equipment and storage rings on the corpse are also a big gain.

   This is Archduke Raphael’s guard!

   It is also fortunate that the fallen angel divine art has helped a lot, otherwise such a few hundred elites, it is estimated that they can directly destroy the defense system of the old Ling Dun.

  Where would Su Lun have such a chance to touch the body?


   One hundred years of "mining", those treasures gathered from the bottom, like a pyramid, and almost all gathered in the Duke's mansion in the end.

   The equipment on the corpses of the guards in the Duke's Mansion are all carefully selected good things.

   Weapons, armor, robes, leather armor, boots, alchemy accessories...

  Most of them are high-quality equipment above "Silver Quality".

   Even those captains have "golden equipment" and a small amount of "dark gold equipment".

  Every piece is a rare top quality product in the auction house in the inner city of Old Lingdon.

  Su Lun put them away, this is not his trophy alone.

   I really want to say, the big head is still Mr. Mirror.

   Without her plan, the team in the Duke's Mansion would not be destroyed here.

   In addition to these equipment, Su Lun also found a lot of hot gems like burning charcoal in the two Tier 5 and those Tier 4 storage rings.

   I have a look at the appraisal.

  【Sun God Stone】

  Detailed explanation: Special gems with rich light energy;

  Su Lun also knows now, this is one of the necessary materials for alchemists to advance to Tier 4.

  The guards of these ducal palaces are mostly "light warlocks" from outside. They can't bear the strong dark spiritual power under the ground, so they need to carry these gems to prevent dark energy from corroding and deforming.

  On weekdays, the people in the Ducal Mansion almost never leave the inner city of Old Lingdun. They can obtain so many [Sun God Stones] at one time, but it is a rare "harvest".

   This is also an opportunity that cannot be met.

   There are a lot of them, definitely much more than the fifth-order siege last time.

  Su Lun is only the second-tier now, and the advanced third-tier is still far behind, and these gems are not available for the time being.

   But other people in the mirror organization should need it, such as Qianjo.

   And, after hearing the news from Mr. Jing's head in just a few words, it seems that they already have a plan to break out of the black tower.

  With these gems, the success rate is estimated to be even greater.

   Really going out, this kind of gem that can only be regarded as an advanced material in the outside world will not be scarce.


   Seeing the gems here, Su Lun is also looking forward to it. If Qianjo has advanced to Tier 4, how strong will it be?

   But he is also a little weird, what about the others in the mirror organization?

   Could it be that "Theresa" was besieged and killed?

   It’s just not long after it appeared this year, suddenly, suddenly there was a sudden vision around!

The dense dark spiritual power formed a mist in the ruins, but at this time, it seemed that an invisible force stirred, and then gathered in one direction, like a "dragon sucking water", forming two tornadoes. , Gathered in the sky above the center of this ruin.

   The mist was sucked away and dissipated, and his vision instantly disappeared.

   Seeing this vision, Su Lun immediately realized what it was, and his pupils shrank suddenly: "The'Elemental Realm' that professionals of Tier 6 and above might control?"

   From the memory of the previous harvest, he knew that this kind of heaven and earth vision was a certain technique.

   There are two major hurdles in the advancement of professionals, one is the third-level advanced fourth-level, which needs to master the "element barrier"; the other is the sixth-level advanced seventh-level "element field".

  The legend has mastered the field of elements and can absorb the elements within a radius for their own use.

   This is a law-level method that can only be mastered by a truly top alchemist.


   That kind of existence, even on the ground, can be regarded as the small group of strong people at the tip of the pyramid.

How would it appear here?

   Su Lun thought that he was wrong, the thought in his mind just flashed, and his eyes moved instantly.

   just looked at the core of the mist gathering, turned out to be two figures facing each other in the sky!

   Two figures, both with wings? !

   Su Lun looked over.

   One of them is the "Theresa" he has seen before, with a pair of jet-black wings on him.

   And another mysterious person with a golden silk cloak, behind her turned out to be a pair of huge bat wings!


   Su Lun looked at that fleshy wing, and immediately thought of a legendary abyssal undead creature.

   That is a "vampire" who has a long life span and can spend countless hours in a deep sleep.

   Looking at the cloak again, who is not Mr. Mirror?

this moment,

   everything seems to be understood.

   No wonder Mr. Mirror can live for a thousand years, it turns out that she is of vampire blood!

   However, Su Lun had long guessed that Mr. Jing is not an "ordinary human", and it was not too surprising to look at her bat meat wings.

   After all, Su Lun himself is also a special body with some fallen angel bloodline after the transformation of "X Serum".

   What shocked him even more was the strength of Mr. Jing!

   That "Theresa" can display the element field, Su Lun didn't think it was too magical. After all, it is a genuine god-level soul, although the physical body is almost inferior, but the technique is low, and it is not surprising that it can be used.

   is like the fifth-order 【King Kong】, Sulun second-order can also be used for one use.

   But Mr. Mirror, how could she do too?

When he was shocked, Su Lun immediately became confused and contradictory: "Mr. Mirror shouldn't be the seventh-order, but why does she have the seventh-order'Elemental Realm'? Is it her ability to mimic mirror images? Wrong," She shouldn't be able to imitate what she can't understand..."

  Su Lun has now stripped away the memories of those who came from the ground, and he is not ignorant of the outside world.

   He vaguely knew that the Black Tower was on an island called "Black Barrier Reef".

   There is a secret guard of Grand Duke Raphael stationed here, about one or two thousand people, it seems that the strongest is a sixth-order commander. Although the overall military strength is very strong, if Mr. Jing really has the strength of Tier 6 or above, he shouldn't be trapped here and develop wretchedly.


  Mr. Mirror is very mysterious to anyone.

   She never showed up.

   Even within the umbrella organization, the information about Mr. Mirror is only this "code name".

   To be precise, no one has ever seen her take a shot, no one knows her true strength, and what methods she has.

  Because even when there is a shot, but also because of the mirroring ability, the ability to simulate others is used. Others don't know that she is "Mr. Mirror".

   She may have countless fake identities.

   It doesn’t make sense to pursue what it looks like.

  Su Lun was also very curious about what level of professional is Mr. Jing?

   Although this underground world does not currently have the conditions to be promoted to Tier 4, Mr. Mirror is different.

   Now that he sees his vampire state, Su Lun is even more convinced that his guess is correct: Mr. Mirror is really an antique from a thousand years ago!

  Su Lun had guessed before that Mr. Jing and they dared to attack and kill Tier 5 professionals, so the strength of Mr. Jing's deity is definitely not only Tier 5, but even higher.

   But it didn't break through the black tower, and the rank won't be too high.

   now suddenly becomes the seventh order,

  Su Lun felt very contradictory.



   At this moment, a glimmer of light flashed in Su Lun's mind.

  Since it is determined that Mr. Mirror is 80% an "ancient person," then, is she someone close to Sir Isaac?

   Thinking of this, some clues that matched the conditions suddenly appeared in Su Lun's mind.

   He vaguely guessed the identity of Mr. Mirror a thousand years ago!

   If it is really that person, she has the strength of Tier 6 or above, which is understandable.

   However, reality and strength seem to conflict again.

   There really is a seventh level, under the crush of absolute strength, this "Theresa" will be destroyed if it is not destroyed?

   Or, are there other reasons that limit her strength?


   Without waiting for Surendo to think about it, the two in the sky fought into a battle.

The two winged figures held the exact same scarlet thunder and lightning in their hands. Between the touches, the wind and clouds were violent, the sky was thunder and lightning, and the "crack" sounded endlessly. Bunches of red thunder and lightning pierced the sky, red light illuminating most of the sky. This ruin is like a doomsday scene where the sky collapses and the earth sinks.

   No matter what tricks "Theresa" uses, Mr. Mirror completely replicated the ability of mirroring simulation, and he didn't give him the opportunity to steal countermeasures at all.

   You can discharge, and I will...

   You pick the thunder and poke at me, I also poke you with a stick...

  You can fly, and I can also fly...

  The two sides are entangled, and they don’t give him any chance to escape.

   Su Lun looked for a while before he was sure of his guess.

His realm is still far away, but his vision is not bad. It can be seen that neither side has kept hands: "Sure enough... Mr. Jing only showed the strength of the fifth rank, but why did she have the seventh rank element? What about the domain?"

   Although the movement was exaggerated, it still did not reach the level of destruction of the seventh-order in the legend.

   The body of Teresa has only Tier 2, and it can display the fighting power of Tier 4, which is already the limit that the body can withstand.

   And Mr. Mirror can be equal to, it will not exceed too much.

   But by the way, both of them have used the law of understanding far beyond the order.

  Fifth, sixth, seventh...

   even higher!

   Then, the battle went in a direction that Su Lun couldn't understand.

  The law of hedging, the field collision...

   gathered a large amount of dark spiritual power of the two sides of the Quartet, the aura is as high as a wild beast, this is not an exaggerated battle that professionals below Tier 5 can participate in.

   There is also the overwhelming coercion, even with the omniscient pupil, Su Lun's eyelids jumped.

   The crimson light in the sky made his scalp numb.

It was just the kung fu of watching the excitement. A lightning bolt sputtered from the touch suddenly blew down from the sky. With a "boom", it cut out a strip of several hundred meters directly on the ground tens of meters away from Su Lun. Long cracks...

   Two women holding lightning with their bare hands...


   Su Lun took a deep breath, packed up the spoils, and quickly ran a few kilometers toward the outskirts of the ruins, choosing a safer place to watch the battle.

   Fighting at this level is not common, and a bit of understanding is a reward.


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