Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 199: [Steinitz's chess board]

Latest website: PS. First draft, look at it in 20 minutes.

The surrounding scenes changed, and Su Lun, no matter how much his eyes were, appeared in an independent space of black and white grids.

There was no surprise on his face.

Raising his hand to try, still able to catch the ripples of space.

This means that from the very beginning, the space of this board has no restriction on professionals who have mastered the "spatial ability".


In other words, it was of no use to him, Su Lun.

However, things can't be taken out of inferior space storage utensils like the Space Ring.

As someone else, in the face of this situation, apart from what he was carrying, he could only fight with the guy in front of him.

It's no wonder that Young Master Dan Ze took out a few very sophisticated alchemy puppets to protect him in advance.

However, this does not limit Sulun's folding space.

Although it doesn't take anything to kill this guy.

Also just right.

After throwing the bait for so long, this guy finally came with this treasure.

[Steinitz's chess board]

Description: Playing chess requires a fair one-to-one duel

Feature: Use this board to force a life-body target to have a one-on-one duel in a restricted space, until one party dies, or it is voluntarily dismissed; this is not a curse, but after the contract uses the board, the one The old lich's remnant will haunt you to play chess in your sleep, if you can't win, then keep playing with him.

Detailed explanation: This is an ancient alchemy soul holding vessel called'Mishael Tokster'. Through black magic and necromancy, he transformed himself into a lich; this is the thing of the dawn era, time Too long, the soul of the lich has been broken, and most of the curse characteristics have been lost; perhaps its value is not only in the chessboard itself, the old lich who said that he was the king of the'Talkoru Empire', Dohe He chatted, maybe he could know some secrets of Dawn Era.

"Enforce space restrictions...good stuff."

Su Lun glanced at the identified information, which was almost the same as he had known beforehand.

It's so strange that the "juggler" Lloyd can't forget it temporarily, this chessboard is indeed very suitable for the puppet master.

Treasures do not lie in being strong, but in having a good fit with professional abilities.

It seems that this chessboard does not have any attack ability, but it can force the target to be confined in this small space, and it is impossible to escape.

Then there is the "Puppet Theater" kind of puppet ability that covers the scope, within the same level, it is really difficult to have an opponent.

Also because there is only one-to-one, living bodies like living corpses can't be brought in either.

This thing really restricts Su Lun.

It's no wonder that Young Master Dan Ze is so emboldened and chooses one-on-one singles.


Young Master Dan Ze has been waiting for this day for a long time.

Since meeting this "Su Lun" on the stall of the dawn camp, after being robbed of a few hairs, he has been frustrated frequently from his smooth life.

In the battle of the White Monastery, this guy took his chance and killed his guards, making the family face lost. Later, in the battle, he killed his teacher and a group of ten second-tier masters, causing the Oliver family to suffer a heavy loss; a few days ago , Actually dare to come to provoke...

Frustrated again and again, Dan Ze's heart had already deflated a sigh of foulness. If he didn't kill this guy himself, he felt that he would not be able to swallow that breath.

He looked at Su Lun in front of him, the magician seal in his hand changed rapidly, and his mouth was full of resentment and said: "Just because you are worthy to fight against me?"

It's nothing more than an outer city untouchable who relied on the forbidden objects to be fierce.

Humph, now there is no sickle, let's see how you die!


Su Lun raised his eyes as he listened to the lines of the second.

He was also very familiar with the Warlock Seal, who was the starting point of [Puppet Theater].

The proficiency is not bad, it can be seen that the master taught it by hand.

It's probably because these young masters have become accustomed to domineering, and feel that without saying a few words, it is a bit unable to demonstrate the superiority of his top young masters.

If it was in other places, Su Lun would still be interested in nagging a few words with this young and old.

But first, there was a lively fight outside, he didn't want to waste time here, raising his hand also pinched the seal of the warlock.

With this hand, Dan Ze's eyes on the opposite side froze.

How is he unfamiliar with this start?

"He... how could he [Puppet Theater]?"

Although he knows that Su Lun has this detailed scroll of the puppet's profound meaning art, how can it be possible to get started without several years of painstaking practice for a profound righteous skill?

Moreover, how can this kind of manipulative skills be mastered quickly without the teacher's words and deeds?

Dan Ze was not only shocked that Sulun was using the same moves as his own at the moment, but also shocked that the Sealing Warlock was even faster than him!

how is this possible?

Dan Ze was shocked.

[Puppet Theater] There are 36 types of sorcerer seals in this Upanishad Warlock.

He took the lead, and the warlock seal was only half condensed.

The change of the mark in Su Lun's hand caught him in a blink of an eye!

The warlock seal is not just a few gestures on the hand, the more complex the warlock seal, the more complex energy transfer.

Not only fast, but also accurate, otherwise it will fall short.

But this guy in front of him is even more proficient than himself?

Looking at the proficiency, Dan Ze seemed to see the shadow of his teacher.

At this moment, he even suspected that this was another disciple taught by the same teacher.

But the reality did not give him a chance to think much.

One after another, almost at the same time, the last mark was pinched out.

The two sides condensed the art almost at the same time, and two blue six-pointed star formations lit up in the sky: "Puppet Upanishad·Puppet Theater!"

As soon as the formation appeared, two huge crosses slowly appeared in the sky at the same time.

When the same technique appears in a limited space at the same time, "energy plunder" will appear, and the strong side will easily defeat the other side.

Two crosses appeared at the same time, and one of them slowly collapsed.

"I... would I actually lose to him?!"

Young Master Dan Ze's complexion changed drastically, even if he forcibly put a curse crystal into the six-pointed star formation under his feet to supplement energy, it would not be able to prevent the collapse of his art.

That kind of destructive momentum is a situation that only occurs when the stage position is crushed.

This also means that no matter it is at the level of the law or the understanding of the technique, there is a crushing gap between the two!

He is Tier 3?

how could it be possible...

Dan Ze's face was as gray as death.


Su Lun ignored Dan Ze's shock.

As soon as the cross was formed in the sky, dense silk threads fell all over the sky.

Young Master Dan Ze still wanted to entangle the puppet with his own silk thread, but no matter whether the silk thread or the surgical technique, or whatever, the gap between the two sides was too big.

When the silk thread touches the silk thread, there is no right to wrestle at all, and it will collapse at the touch of it.

Dan Ze could only defend passively, involving his own silk thread to protect himself.

Su Lun didn't give him any chance at all, grabbing the void with his ten fingers, and manipulating the silk thread to tie this guy into a cocoon tightly.

Seeing that he was about to be charged to death, Young Master Dan Ze quickly unlocked the space on the chessboard and let out a miserable exclamation: "Help me!"

kill him?

No, Suren did not intend to do this.

The Danze was not dead, and the guards of the Oliver family had to come to rescue continuously.

This is much more convenient than chasing him one by one.

Su Lun looked at the scattered chessboard scene, licked his lips, and the violence in his eyes became stronger and stronger: "Now...just the beginning."


Originally, it seemed that Mr. Zorro was the SS wanted man Su Lun, and Lena and the butler of Anthony were shocked, and they all had some expectations.

That one face to face to kill "Night Blade" Ibn Jaliyad, Suren's strength can already be said to be very amazing. With the black sickle of the forbidden object, I have to say that they even have a chance to come back.

But I didn't expect the previous one to meet, that Dan Ze suddenly took out a chessboard treasure and sent the person away?

Don't think about it, that Young Master Dan Ze must have some confidence in restraining Su Lun before he could do it.

This caused a sudden chill in the hearts of the Kay three.

"Mr. Kaye, take the lady away! I will drag them!"



The situation is urgent, and there is no room for hesitation at all.

The old butler had already had a mortal consciousness, and with a roar, the whole person turned into a sturdy black-haired devil sheep, directly blocking the bullets. Even if the alchemy bullet hit him, it "knocked" out.

However, the high-level professionals of the two big families on the opposite side were not weak, and a group of people gathered around.

There was Nero, the third-tier "Wind Thunder Sword King", and later, the three plagues elders of the Mystery Association, and more than twenty second-tier professionals and nearly a thousand elite...

All of a sudden, countless surgical techniques smashed like a torrential rain.

Even if the body of the devil sheep and the rune armor can resist or cannon, but a face is spitting blood out of the intensive attack.

The old butler had the idea that it could be delayed for a while, and wanted to attract most of the firepower and create a chance for Kay and Lena to escape.

But I didn't think about it, before I had time to work hard, I suddenly heard a scream that resounded through the prison.

"help me!"

The miserable and desperate cry for help sounded like that of Dan Ze?

Looking again, Dan Ze, who was covered in black thread, was completely wrapped in silver thread into a cocoon. Squeezing with great force, like a python, the young man vomited with blood in his mouth.

This scream also seemed to have pressed the pause button in the fierce battle.

The people fighting on both sides froze for a moment.

what's the situation?

This is only three to five breaths, the battle is over?

The [Puppet Theater] in the air hadn't dissipated. Looking at the cross, Nero the "Wind Thunder Sword King" turned black and immediately understood something.

He is very clear about the effectiveness of the [Steinitz's chessboard]. In that kind of restricted space, Dan Ze was actually defeated?

At the same time, he was full of disbelief, and his heart was shocked: "This... how can Su Lun also use this technique!"

Without waiting for everyone to think about it, at this moment, Su Lun, who appeared again, suddenly took out a few scrolls, spread them out in the air, and uttered softly: "Solve!"

The scroll burst, fragments filled the sky.

Looking again, in the dark prison corridor, hundreds of red-faced rune dolls appeared out of thin air. There was a wicked smile on their faces, and their jaws kept shaking and gave out a creepy low-frequency weird smile.

There are single head, double head...

Double arms, four arms, six arms...

Like a kite, more than a hundred puppets floated in the air, looking straight at the enemies surrounding them.

The red light in Su Lun's eyes at this moment has gradually appeared.

Even people who are not strong enough can feel him like a burning flame at this moment. The special fluctuations of mental power spilled out on his body, like radiating ripples, which made people look slightly dazed.

Su Lun grinned with white teeth, and a crazy and excited smile hung on the corner of his mouth.

He uttered a low voice like a beast in his throat: "Secret Skill·Hairy Night Walk!"


Seeing the shocking scene of Su Lun manipulating hundreds of puppets at the same time, everyone was stunned.

Only then did the two big families of Oliver and Clark understand how ignorant they were before.

The intelligence of the SS wanted criminal Su Lun and the combat power of this one in front of him is not a concept of grade at all.

Not only was Dan Ze Da Young underestimating the enemy, before that, almost everyone thought that Su Lun was just a wanted criminal who had good luck, mastered a way to evade the black sickle curse, and escaped with luck.

But reality, given them a heavy slap, they immediately became sober.

Not to mention how the hundred puppets are, it is the weird sense of oppression on Su Lun at this moment, which is absolutely impossible to fake.

That is to make those second-tier professionals see a feeling of scalp tingling.

In the same level, there are people who can let them take a look and feel like they will be killed?

Just by feeling, they knew the strength of this guy's body, it was absolutely terrifying!

Even if the only Tier 3 professional "Wind Thunder Sword King" Nero saw Su Lun, his face became very solemn.

"So strong mental power, no wonder you can control so many puppets..."

Seeing this, the veteran Tier 3 eyes are not only solemn, but also solemn, "Could it be that his professional ability is'spatial ability'?"

He didn't think that these hundreds of puppets were bluffing.

Hundreds of weird puppets, each of them is densely covered with complex blue runes, this is not an ordinary low-level rune...

Instinctively told Nero that he should kill that guy, but Anthony was dragging him desperately, and he couldn't make any move.


When the puppet master Su Lun appeared on the stage, one person became a legion, abruptly making up for a large gap in the number of people who had been one-sided.

Although there is still a gap in the number of people, the puppet army's momentum is not inferior to the two big families.

As soon as the puppet came out, Sulun did not give any reaction to the enemy in the world, and the eight-armed spider spear was controlled at the same time.

Originally it was almost impossible to accurately control a hundred puppets at the same time, but at this moment, it was different.

He gradually released the emotions that had been suppressed, his thoughts seemed to spread, and a brand new world appeared before his eyes.

Happiness, anger, worry, thought, sadness, fear, shock...

Those depressed emotions are like "Su Lun" one by one, helping him distract him from the puppet of the manipulator.

"They" are very interested in killing people.

It was like a firework bursting into a burst, blooming out of gorgeous and colorful.

His senses are getting clearer and clearer, as if there is a trance like a thread, but it feels like a fairy...

The wanton indulgence of emotions makes the body feel extremely happy.

Su Lun licked his lips, becoming more and more greedy for the feeling that made his body extremely excited and happy, "Hey, what a pleasant state..."

When he grabbed his fingers, hundreds of puppets rushed into the crowd frantically.

"Kacha", "Kacha", "Kacha"...

The rubbing sound of the weird wooden joints sounded horrified.

Seeing those terrifying red-faced puppets flying in, the people of the two big families were panicked and raised their guns together.





There are also sharpshooters in the two big families, and many puppets have been hit.

But in a blink of an eye, they discovered that Puoting bullets were of no use to these puppets.

Bullets crackled on the puppets, but these puppets, which looked like wood, became indestructible thanks to the blessing of high-level runes.

This batch of quirky puppets is no longer the kind of rough stuff that Su Lun once made.

Since the last time stripping away the soul fragments of the Tier 5 professional, Su Lun now has a better understanding of Tier 2 and Tier 3 runes and enchantments than most of the "rune masters" in Old Ling Dun.

All the dolls are second-order enchantments and runes, and some even use third-order knowledge.

In the field of alchemy, rune rank division means power. Tier 2 and Tier 3 runes mean the offensive and defensive strength of Tier 2 and Tier 3.

Even with alchemy bullets, some puppets can occasionally be penetrated, so what?

The most powerful thing about the puppet master is that as long as the controller does not die, all battles are meaningless.

Even if it is beaten to a broken limb, a puppet can still kill!

It was this thread that was pulled, and the first round of gunfire was not stopped. These puppets, who were not afraid of life and death, threw directly into the crowd like a hungry tiger attacking a sheep.

The puppet is on the dagger. There are three levels of [Armor Piercing Rune], [Sharp Rune], [Devil Breaking Rune]...How can it be so defensive?

Tier 1 professions, except for those who reload professions, are almost always a blood hole.

One face to face, the puppets spread into the crowd, screaming again and again.

Moreover, let the puppet get close, that is the beginning of the real horror!

The trickiest thing about rune puppets is their mental power rune.

[Nightmare Doll] It can cause mental confusion in the visual and auditory systems. Once within ten meters, the impact will become greater and greater.

I really want to let the doll next to my body, even if it is a second-tier professional, it will suffer a lot.

Avoid it, you will be stabbed and killed by the puppet almost when you are in a trance.

Suren, the puppet army, came and hit these people by surprise.

Soon, people from the two major families discovered this problem.

The commander shouted in the communicator hoarsely.

"Don't look at that puppet's face, there is visual illusion!"

"Don't listen..."

"Keep the distance..."


Know, know,

So what?

The perception of most professionals relies on sight and hearing to capture the target. If you don't look at the puppets and close your hearing, how do you fight?

This is the tricky rune puppet.

For a time, this group of people deeply experienced the horror of being dominated by runes and puppets.

People who have seen this technique before are all dead.

Those who have seen rune puppets are almost dead.

Now, the ones I have seen are dying again.


The reason why [Puppet Theater] is strong is that within a certain range, this technique has no solution at all!

Where Su Lun stands, he has absolute control over a radius of hundreds of square meters.

The puppets are as flexible as real people in their manipulation, attacking in groups, and there is no enemy at all wherever they pass.

But Puppet Master is not without shortcomings.

The control distance is a big problem.

The people of the two big families were killed by the puppet army with little strength to fight back, and the experienced commander also issued an order and quickly retreated.

Su Lun watched those guys run away, and the puppet couldn't catch up.

Did not waste that energy.

He directly drew the tightly trapped young Dan Ze in front of him, and part of the tied silk thread was loosened, revealing his head.

Then, Su Lun stabbed this guy in the ass.

This Young Master Dan Ze also co-operated with a painful cry: " me!"

The screams echoed in the prison corridor for a long time.

PS. There is one more chapter, I will post it later.

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