May You Return In Stardom

Chapter 2019: Extraordinary: Ai Xiaoxiao ending (4)

Ai Xiaoxiao’s voice was calm, and her tone was calm, "Zip Hai, if you disagree, I will unilaterally sue for divorce. Then the scandals between you and Ye Ziyu will be all over the world, I will give You can think about it in three days."

Ai Xiaoxiao has always been a strong woman.

As the mother is just Gang.

She could forgive Ye Zihai's heart not belonging to her alone, but she could not forgive him. In his mind, Ye Ziyu was even more important than millet grains.

And when a woman is truly heartbroken, she can be insensitive.

Zihai was stunned for a moment. He wanted to say something, but the other party hung up.

He called again and the other side was shut down.

Ye Zihai stood in the room blankly, feeling as if life had lost some of the most important things.


Three days passed in a flash.

In the past three days, Zizihai wanted to talk to Ai Xiaoxiao, but Ai Xiaoxiao seemed to have evaporated and couldn't be found anywhere.

As for Ai's family, he didn't even look good.

So three days later, Ai Xiaoxiao’s phone was called on time, and Zizi Hai was almost a little bit irritated, "Smile! Have you had enough trouble?! Are you sure you want a divorce? If you want a divorce, then I won’t give you anything. ."

"I don't want anything, just leave the house alone. My lawyer is waiting for you in the villa, Zizihai, you can do it yourself."

"Smile, I won't agree!"

As soon as Ye Zihai hung up the phone, the phone rang again. It was his father who called, and he answered, and there was a reprimand from the other side, "Divorce! Otherwise, our Ye family will become a joke for the entire capital!"

Under the coercion of both parties, the divorce went smoothly.

Millet is not yet two years old, so Ai Xiaoxiao didn't want anything, just a child.

The two of them went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the certificate, and Ai Xiaoxiao walked out with a particularly cool smile.


Zihai Hai returned to Ye's house.

In the house, where are grandma, grandpa, and parents, when he saw him, grandpa immediately shouted, "You kneel down for me!"

Zihai Hai knelt down suddenly.

"Our Ye family has never had a divorce before! You really give us a face!"

"Grandpa, everything is my fault!" Ye Ziyu suddenly rushed over and knelt next to Ye Zihai, and then kowtow, while speaking, "Grandpa, grandma, brother and I love each other sincerely, please forgive me! "

"I really love each other!" Grandpa was furiously swearing, "Get out of my Ye family! We don't have people like you in the Ye family!"

Ye Ziyu lowered her head and cried, then suddenly put her hands on her stomach, "Grandpa, I can leave, but Ye family's great-grandson, can't leave!"

When a word fell, everyone was suddenly surprised!


Ye Ziyu and Ye Zihai, Fengzi married.

Ye Ziyu's lower abdomen has been painful. She has been lying at home for three months, but she has not been able to save the child. Because she has undergone too many abortions, it has been a habitual abortion.

After the child ran away, Ye Zihai's mother saw Ye Ziyu all kinds of dislikes.

Originally, his son had a bright future, but now his life is ruined by Ye Ziyu!

His official career has become the biggest black spot in his life because of the divorce, and there will be no further opportunities in the future.

After the children were gone, Zihai Hai was decadent and drinking all day.

A good son, was abandoned!

Zihai's mother will be full of anger and vent on Ye Ziyu!

PS: Write like this, Ai Xiaoxiao will end in a rush, right? Does it depend on the abuse of Ye Ziyu? Well, then the most important notice: a new book will be released tomorrow~ the new book has an activity to grab the floor and send Q coins~ everyone must participate! The release time of the new book is about the morning. The specific time depends on the speed of the editorial review! In addition, the Gongziyan tribe also organized a message to send Q coins activity, everyone can go and check it! !

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