Match Point

Chapter 762: long talk

Until now, Martin still remembers that after the end of the US Open, Gao Wen returned to school and told himself that he was going to change his career. His eyes showed a reluctant nostalgia, but he still resolutely walked towards the unknown in front of him. Resolutely keep going on the adventure.

It seemed like it was yesterday.

"I watched both the matches in Paris and London, and they performed very well." Martin patted Gawain on the shoulder, like a father giving his child affirmation.

The twinkling light in his eyes revealed a hint of relief, and then changed the topic.

"However, there is still room for improvement, and there are still many areas that need to be improved. How about it, are you ready for the offseason?"

Even the Big Four are still improving every year, let alone Gao Wen whose career has just started?

It is precisely because Gao Wen has strict requirements on himself, so Martin always demands Gao Wen with higher standards, looking forward to Gao Wen's ability to bravely climb the peak.

Gawain could feel Martin's concern and affirmation, and deliberately made a gesture of eagerness, "Always be ready, coach."

The corners of Martin's mouth slightly raised, but he still maintained a serious expression, "Discuss with Pete, tell him all your doubts and ideas, and then listen to his opinions."

"I thought it would be good for the players to obediently listen to the coach."

"Other players can, Mike is, but can you?"

"Coach, so I look like this in your eyes."

"Otherwise, what do you think?" Martin complained mercilessly, causing Gawain to show a hurt expression on his face.

Martin's cheerful laughter surged in his throat, "There are many ways to get along with coaches and players. You are obviously a player with ideas and wisdom. You and Pete should communicate more and understand each other's ideas. Collaboration is very important."

Gao Wen didn't joke anymore, and nodded obediently, "I know, I have always cherished the opportunity to work with Pete, obviously I still have a lot to learn."

In this regard, Gao Wen clearly knew that Martin's suggestion was correct.

Of course, Gao Wen has a system, and he can make a perfect offseason plan by himself, but the system also requires him to input demand before it can output the plan.

The "needs" require professional advice from coaches, including Sampras and Pelt.

They have followed Gawain for half a season, and they clearly know Gawain's strengths and weaknesses. Next, they should plan for Gawain's future—

What needs to be strengthened? What needs to be shortened? Should the game style and tactical layout be adjusted?

and so on and so forth.

A far-sighted development plan, a clear and professional training blueprint, this is what a professional coach can bring to Gao Wen, and then Gao Wen enters his own needs into the system to come up with a professional plan, combined with Pelt's training plan , to develop a perfect training schedule.

The role of a coach is far more important than imagined, even though Gao Wen has a system.

In fact, before Gao Wen searched for Sampras, Sampras had already found Gao Wen first.

When Gao Wen returned to his apartment, Sampras was already waiting on the only sofa.

Seeing Sampras' slightly fatter burly back crowded on the sofa, the scene was so funny that Gao Wen couldn't hold back a chuckle.

Sampras didn't need Gao Wen to speak, he had already preemptively complained, "Look for yourself, how did you squeeze in with such a big man? Are you sure you didn't buy the wrong size? I really think you should change it." Living in an apartment, I feel like I can’t stretch my arms and legs.”

Gawain suppressed his smile and replied seriously, "Have you forgotten? I was a scholarship student before, and I don't have the ability to rent a good apartment."

Sampras opened his mouth: He really forgot completely, so that he didn't know how to answer the conversation for a while, and always felt that he had said the wrong thing.

Actually, Gao Wen didn't mind.

In just a few months, life has changed drastically. Grand Slam and Masters champions, generous tournament bonuses and endorsement fees have made him a new multi-millionaire. It's like getting rich overnight, and his mentality is easily out of balance. , as if floating in mid-air, unable to find the center of gravity.

Returning to his apartment again, going through the initial discomfort and discomfort, the sense of familiarity came back instead, allowing him to regain the feeling of being down-to-earth:

Sound the alarm, don't be dazzled by the colorful lights of Vanity Fair, and don't be overwhelmed by the halo of victory. The saying "pride makes people regress" will never be outdated. His career has just begun, and there are still a series of challenges ahead. Challenges await.

This is a good thing.

A smile flashed across Gao Wen's eyes, he didn't continue to dwell on this issue, but cut to the point with a smile on his face.

"You said so seriously in the text message just now, what's wrong? What happened?"

Originally, Gao Wen planned to stay with Macdonald and the others for a while, but he came back early after receiving a text message from Sampras.

Sampras was full of question marks, "Is it serious? What did I say in the text message?"

"'Gao Wen, we need to talk'." Gao Wen directly repeated the text message, "Peter, you should know that if it is a couple, this is the warning before the storm, and things may be very, very serious."

Sampras: …

"Peter, you should really pay attention in the future, and never send such text messages to Bridget." Gawain gave advice seriously.

Bridgette-Wilson (bridgette-wilson), Sampras' wife, the two got married in 2000, and it has been more than ten years.

Looking at Sampras's mouth that could fit a fist, Gawain realized that the prank could stop, "So, what is it?"

Sampras finally came back to his senses at this time, but for a moment he couldn't remember what he wanted to say, "You guy, you have been led astray."

He patted his head, sorted out his chaotic thoughts, and finally came back to his senses, "Offseason, yes, offseason training plan."

Gao Wen didn't speak anymore, but moved a small bench, sat down opposite to Sampras, and listened attentively.

Sampras had regained his concentration, thought for a while, and then continued.

"Gao Wen, do you know why John asked me to be your"

"Partly because of my experience, I've won some Grand Slam titles."


Fourteen seats! Before the rise of Federer, Nadal and Djokovic, Sampras was the first person in history, and for a long time it was considered an insurmountable pinnacle.

Sampras let out a smug smile.

"In John's view, these experiences are valuable, and at the same time, what you lack. They can help you grow rapidly in a short period of time and face upcoming challenges."

"Especially when you reach the top of the US Open, you become a target. The pressure is not the same. He hopes that I can impart some experience to you and share some pressure for you."

"After all, there are only a few players in the world who can understand these pressures. We old guys have nowhere to hide."


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