Match Point

Chapter 520: debut today

Jenkins and Tobias stood behind the camera, supervising the live broadcast, and Jenkins immediately noticed Gao Wen:

eager to try.

Gearing up.

In the chaotic and orderly live broadcast scene where people come and go, Jenkins can still deeply feel the tense atmosphere in the air without even entering the camera range. Live programs are different after all. Outbreaks are always nerve-wracking.

However, Gao Wen was not afraid. Not only was he not, but he showed a positive attitude, as if this was the game field that Gao Wen was most familiar with.

Jenkins pinched his tight shoulders and sighed involuntarily:

"I didn't think so when I watched the press conference before. I always thought that you should have explained it in advance, which is why Gao Wen was able to do so with ease. But now that I look closely, I realize that you are not worried at all."

Tobias shrugged, "I prepared a thick manual for dealing with the media, hoping to help Gao Wen deal with those tricky media, but soon found that it was redundant."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at the text messages on the phone again from the corner of his eyes. The back and forth work negotiations were still going on, but he quickly raised his head again, and said in a low voice from sideways.

"I found that watching Gao Wen's interviews is also an interesting thing. On the contrary, many times, Gao Wen's reactions can also bring me inspiration."

Jenkins couldn't help but followed Tobias and looked at the live broadcast room. Even though the work was still busy, they needed to keep quiet and focus during the live broadcast. Watching the live broadcast was the most important work for the two of them at present, and they were brewing based on the program. The storm is ready.

In front of them, the two hosts are preparing for the next session with ease:

Next, Gao Wen appeared.

"...the new NFL season kicks off next week, and obviously football fans are gearing up for another year of Super Bowl contention, including me, although I can't wait to discuss the New York Giants' championship run this year Possibility, but as far as I know, the focus of close discussions at the dinner table recently is not rugby."

Matt-Lauer, the head host of the "Today Show", has long been accustomed to the rhythm of work, and starts the show with a light tone in a personable manner. Even when facing the live broadcast, he is not nervous at all, and calmly controls the situation .

Ann-Curry, Lauer's hosting partner, only became a regular in 2011. This is a non-traditional beauty with Asian descent, with short black hair, capable and intellectual. She has cultivated her critical skills through years of experience as a field reporter. Unchallenged and adaptable, he won a place in this golden show and won countless popularity in just three years.

"Matt, if you don't know the name Gawain, then you may miss the most sensational and legendary figure in the global sports world this year."

"Ha, fortunately, I have been paying attention to social networks. I know that Gawain is not the girl knight Gawain, but Gawain who just made history and became the US Open men's singles champion. So, Ann, this Gawain Where is the magic of it?"

"Two key words, first, the youngest; second, participating in a Grand Slam for the first time."

Keli, using the most refined and simplest key words to complete the introduction of the two people coming and going, then showed a big smile and continued.

"As for the rest, let the player who wrote the history show it himself, let us welcome, Gao Wen!"

clap clap.

The staff in the live broadcast room of the fish tank began to make effects one after another, applauding and whistling, which made the whole fish tank noisy in an instant, and pedestrians coming and going on the street outside could see someone stop and curiously Look at what is going on in the fish tank.

But in fact, the staff did not pay attention to the situation in front of them at all, because everyone has their own work to be responsible for, so one or two shouted without souls to create an atmosphere, which also made the atmosphere in the live broadcast room more delicate If you say it's lively, it's not lively, and if you say it's deserted, it's definitely not deserted. The deviation between professional posture and cheering and booing can easily confuse people.

Both Jenkins and Tobias were surprised. Although they are both veterans in the industry, they are not know-it-all.

Then, Gawain appeared—

White sports shorts and azure blue tennis shirt, such a simple yet sporty outfit, seem to be a little out of tune with the formal atmosphere of the live broadcast room, as if you went to the wrong set.

However, the slender and well-proportioned figure, the dignified temperament, and the gestures reveal a vigor and vigor. The clean and refreshing clothes carefully outline the corners of the cheeks and the cleanliness of the eyebrows, exuding the ease and confidence from the inside out, On the contrary, it forms a kind of visual impact that hits the face firmly, firmly grasping the audience's sight.

"Good morning, Matt, Ann."

Gao Wen entered the camera with a smile on his face, and came between the two hosts. His height and body shape immediately made the two hosts look miniature.

From clothing to temperament, from behavior to the whole existence, every cell in his body exudes the smell of "I am a guest", breaking into the show, but Gao Wen has no embarrassing and jerky appearance at all, nor is he restrained like the first time A rookie on TV usually greets the audience, but turns to look at Keli and says with a smile.

"Just now with Matt's question, I almost thought you were going to reveal the secret that I actually know kung fu, but fortunately, shhh, we should keep it a secret."

Seeing Gao Wen's serious nonsense, Tobias almost choked on his own saliva:

Great, really great.

Looking at the surprised expression on Jenkins who believed it was true, and looking at the expressions of Raul and Keri exchanging glances, it is clear that Gawain has bluffed them all:

Is it really the first time for Gao Wen to participate in a national live show? Such a sophisticated and comfortable performance left a deep impression on the stage.

He is obviously a guest, but now he is turning away from the guest.

Raul was still experienced, and after a short pause, he realized that Gawain was joking, but he still tentatively asked with a trace of suspicion, "Gaowen, you know we will take it seriously, right? We imagined The mysterious oriental country is a magical land where everyone knows martial arts."

"Shh." Gao Wen didn't respond, but just raised his hand to make a secret silence gesture, his face full of indescribable expression.

In an instant, Raul and Keri both burst out laughing—

If Gao Wen deliberately explained at this time, it would be superfluous, and the laughter would disappear; but it was precisely this mysterious reaction that proved that what he said just now was purely a joke. If you go down, you will wear clothes.

Raul sighed involuntarily, "Now I finally understand why you were able to win Flushing's heart."

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