Match Point

Chapter 503: go all out

"Match Point(

The sky of Arthur Ashe Stadium is burning, Yunjuan Yunshu's laziness is dancing in the wanton and gorgeous halo, the blue sky is dyed pink, and a coquettish peacock blue can be seen faintly Layers of ripples are rippling, everything is quiet but magnificent.

The entire audience stared with bated breath.

Snapped. Snapped. Snapped.

Gao Wen was playing the ball, hot sweat was slowly flowing down his cheeks, and the cool night wind was blowing gently, his skin couldn't help but tighten slightly, subconsciously, Gao Wen quickly turned the racket, raised his head and looked across the court Cilic glanced, then bowed his head again and continued to shoot the ball.

Snapped. Snapped. Snapped.

Concentration is high.

Throwing the ball, the touch of mustard yellow drilled into the splendor of the sky, just like an oil painting.

Gao Wen's movements paused slightly, and then he kicked the ground, bent his knees, turned his body, swung his arms, and hit the ball.


The tennis ball flies out like this:

Get close and press the backhand.

At the last moment, rather than risking his serve, Gao Wen still trusted his ability to hit the ball from the baseline, so he chose a close serve.

Cilic accurately predicted Gao Wen's intention to serve, and stepped aside in advance to make room for his swing, but what Cilic did not expect was that Gao Wen hid the side spin in the serve, and the tennis ball continued to drill to the right after it hit the ground. Further compress Cilic's swing space—

If Cilic hit the ball sideways with a forehand, it would be more appropriate, but Cilic predicted and moved in advance, and instead fell into a trap.

"Calculation VS Prejudgment", Gao Wensheng.

Cilic has no time to regret, he barely moved his body sideways, his hands were stuck on the backhand side and could not be stretched out, the result was a forced backhand, and the center of gravity of the body immediately leaned back in a hurry, taking small steps to control the body, and his eyes were anxious fly with the tennis ball.

How about returning the ball!

Backhand in the middle—

line, good.

Come on, not bad.

Although his strength and speed were mediocre, Cilic's conditioned reflex performance under desperate conditions was very good, and he actually pressed the tennis ball very deep, almost falling on the bottom line.


The audience exclaimed. Because of the angle of the pitch, many spectators couldn’t see where the ball hit. Seeing that Cilic’s shot was so deep, they thought the ball was out of bounds. Then he marveled at Cilic's hitting point and let out a low cry uncontrollably.

But the voice was cut off immediately, and the court once again fell into a state of gazing with bated breath, staring intently at the flying tennis ball.

Gao Wen was squeezed.

He really didn't expect Cilic's landing point to be so strong, and it was basically at his feet. If he chose to bounce the ball, there would definitely be no problem hitting the ball over the net, but there would be no problem with the second shot after the serve. up.


Gao Wen's first reaction had already started to retreat, and he took two small steps back, forcing his body out of the way, and at the same time, he slammed forward with his forehand in the opposite direction.


With a forehand attack in the middle of a retreat, Gao Wen completely relied on the strength of his forearm and wrist to hit the tennis ball in a straight line, flying straight towards the other side of the court.

Although the force is not strong, it can be heard from the sound of hitting the ball; but Gao Wen very smartly chose to hit the ball with a skateboard, and the whole rotation has a kind of forward momentum, relying on the strength of the wrist swing to increase the sliding speed. impact.


Low exclamations erupted again at the Arthur Ashe Stadium, because Gawain's shot was also very hard, hitting the baseline on Cilic's side without any mistakes.

It's a thread-pressing ball again, like a wild dance on a wire rope.

But the exclamation had just rushed out, and was cut off immediately, holding his breath and staring.

Cilic rushed to the horse at the first time, but immediately realized the hidden edge of Gao Wen's skateboard shot. The powerful momentum mixed with the stormy waves rushed towards his face; Very awkward posture hitting the Ascendant—


Cilic is not good at grabbing the ball, but because Gawain's return is too deep and he can't lose his defensive position, he can only bite the bullet and grab the ball.



Cilic forcibly exerted force, and a roar erupted from the depths of his dantian. Under the awkward movement, he completed a very uncomfortable shot. The way to complete this unconventional shot that grabs the rising point.


rushed out! Work hard!


The tennis ball exploded with unbelievable power along the diagonal, once again showing the power of Cilic's forehand.


The exclamation of the Arthur Ashe stadium can be clearly heard, and it is not only the exclamation, the sound of surprise and shock broke the tranquility of the scene, because the audience thought that Cilic was determined to hit the forehand this time, and the violent forehand The attack actually fell on the dead corner of the diagonal!


Is Cilic also going to copy Gao Wen's feat to save match points in a row?

However, this still requires Gao Wen's consent.

Thumb up!

Thumb up!

Gao Wen sprinted at full speed, stepping on the Hot Wheels with both feet to increase the speed to the extreme, ecstatically blending with the strong wind.

run wild! run wild! Run fast!

The roaring air waves of the audience beat above the eardrums, and Gao Wen seemed to hear the sound of his own blood boiling.

Got it!

Not only caught up! And Gao Wen was able to complete the counterattack in time!

brake! Kick off! swing! hit the ball!

The forehand shot released all its power at this moment, and it seemed as if it could see the vastness of the storm surging towards the Then the tennis ball was hit back hard, piercing through the diagonal line of the court, and again It landed on Cilic's forehand, however—

Got it right.

Damn it.

Gawain's footsteps were adjusted decisively, and the second start of the sudden stop and turn immediately pushed his body in the opposite direction, and then stared at Cilic intently.

In the line of sight, Cilic's eyes burst out with sharpness. He led the shot with his forehand early, waited in place early, and directly caught Gao Wen's return.

Change the line!

straight line!

Cilic's entire body fully rotated, and the force of the forehand's whip whip was all concentrated on the tennis ball, and he hit the killer hard!


The tennis ball bombed directly like a fireball, flew straight along the sideline, and exploded like an angry bird.


The Arthur Ashe stadium erupted for the third time, and I couldn't believe my eyes. In this round, almost every shot was challenging the nerve limit, coupled with the match point bonus, the ups and downs The tension and excitement are completely unshackled, and every shot is heart-breaking.

There were even Croatian fans who couldn't restrain their excitement and stood up directly, with their clenched hands on their shoulders, ready to celebrate scoring. The bustling and chaotic noise made the restlessness and heat wave in the entire stadium more violent and public, and it seemed that it might erupt at any time.




Gawain, still running; Gawain, still fighting; Gawain, still burning... The dark blue figure running wildly at both ends of the baseline turned into a gust of wind, whizzing past mightily, blowing the entire world in an instant. The exclamation and astonishment of the audience were all suppressed, and then—

The heartbeat just disappeared.

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