Match Point

Chapter 294: 2 week plan

BODY 294 Two-Week Plan

In the past, strength had always been the weakest point in Gao Wen's physical attributes, and endurance was his strongest point, but after eight months of targeted training and local adjustments, it was different now.

In the histogram, explosiveness is the shortest point, while speed is the strongest point. Among them, strength is almost the same as reaction, flexibility and other sub-items. Endurance, which was once the most proud, does not seem to have changed much, and the growth rate is obvious Not enough, the gap between being overtaken by speed and reacting has also been narrowed a lot.

It's not surprising that during the National Championships and Aptos, the stamina that Gao Wen was so proud of couldn't keep up with his strength.

Of course, endurance is still the second highest sub-item of Gao Wen's physical attributes. In those tough competitions, Gao Wen always recovered in time and gritted his teeth to the end. But in the past half a year, he focused on strength training and ignored endurance. Training, this is the inevitable result.

Judging from the trend of the entire sub-item bar chart, it is undoubtedly the most appropriate to focus on improving endurance in the next two weeks.

In comparison, the changes in technical attributes are not so drastic.

Pre-net is still the worst sub-item, and pre-judgment is still the best sub-item.

Such a result is not surprising at all, because Gao Wen hardly practiced his front-line skills, and he is still a pure bottom-line player; and anticipation is always the first step in Gao Wen's game tactics, and he will concentrate on every point, Use this as a basis for building your own game.

Not only that, the serve and forehand are still weak, and the return and backhand are still stronger. This kind of territory has not been broken, and it is no different from when the system was just acquired. But if you look at the histogram carefully, you can know that it is not unchanged of.

Although the comparison of strength and weakness is consistent, the service and forehand have improved significantly, and the return and backhand are also increasing steadily. It should be said that the strengths are stronger and the weaknesses are complemented.

In just half a year, the growth and improvement at the technical level is very significant, but Gao Wen's game style and pattern have always been the same.

So, in the next two weeks, should I make up for my shortcomings, or should I strengthen my strengths—

In fact, this is not a problem, a simple example can be clear at a glance.

Is it Thomas Berdych who has no shortcomings and is balanced in all aspects, or Juan Martin Del Potro who is outstanding in one aspect and has obvious shortcomings?

If it is an ordinary tour, there is no doubt that Berdych will be chosen, because stable output is more important; but if it is a grand slam, where he is competing with a lot of masters, then del Potro should be chosen.

So, the answer appeared.

It is still necessary to continue to exercise the backhand, especially to change the diversity of hitting methods and the counterattack in oppressive situations.

Of course, tennis is inherently a holistic sport. If you want to improve a technique, you need the cooperation of your whole body, rather than treating your head with a headache and treating your feet with a foot.

Thinking of this, Gao Wen glanced at the growth potential out of the corner of his eye:


But I don't know how far I can grow when I go to New York?

Then, open the page of the training plan, enter the time interval, two weeks; enter the time coordinates, from 6:30 am to 6:30 pm; enter the content, physical training, technical training; select the mode, system identification.


Wow, it ripples gently like water ripples. After a blue halo, you can see a detailed training plan on the system page. After a rough scan, you can see that the sub-training can even be subdivided Specific time for each set of detailed training within thirty minutes.


It is worthy of being a system, tailor-made and tailor-made.

Just like today.

The physical training in the morning has already entered an orange state, and it is obvious that over-training can no longer be done, otherwise there is a risk of injury, so the training plan for the afternoon has been systematically adjusted.

First, arrange a series of dribbling training to train hand-foot coordination and body flexibility. It is said to be training, but it is actually a game. It does not need to use a racket. It is purely using tennis to do some interactive training, and even some static training, which can not only increase the feeling of the ball, But also can train the gentleness of the body.

Then a series of endurance training was arranged, mainly based on basic variable-speed running, combined with some simple muscle relaxation exercises, and the distance and timing were just right, so as to avoid unnecessary over-training caused by vigorous combat power as much as possible.

In addition, in the follow-up training plan, the system arranges a series of battle rope items, which can be seen at a glance to improve Gao Wen's endurance and explosiveness, and at the same time increase body coordination and stability, especially the core strength. bring a sense of balance while minimizing the risk of injury—

If you are accidentally injured when the US Open is about to be held, it will not be worth the loss.

very good!

After packing his training backpack, Gao Wen walked all the way to the court. He was ready to return to training.

From a distance, a person can be seen waving.

"Hey, I hear someone needs a training partner."

It was Grant.

In fact, Grant's work was over until yesterday, because today Gawain will leave Los Angeles and go straight to New York after the Winston-Salem game, so Grant is the same as Five days off, and then it's time to start preparing for the Bruins' new season.

Gao Wen thought he needed to train alone, but he was pleasantly surprised to see Grant.

"I thought you had already started your vacation." A smile appeared in Gao Wen's eyes.

Grant also laughed, "I'm just lying on the sofa at home, and my wife dislikes being in the way, and my children dislike occupying the sofa space. It just so happens that I have an excuse to come out to bask in the sun and breathe fresh air. This is a good thing."

What Grant didn't say was that when Tobias called, he and his family had already packed their bags and were going to Palm Springs for vacation. Came to school.

This group of children, including Gao Wen, Macdonald, and Geelong, Grant grew up with them. More than anyone else, he hopes that they can grow up and complete their transformation, and then shine on the field and realize their dreams.

Gawain could tell that Grant was lying.

But Grant said before Gawain raised his objection, "How, are you ready? Is the training maniac ready to start training again?"

Thousands of words are still swallowed after all, some things cannot be expressed with a simple "thank you".

Regardless of the truth, Grant's support and companionship are invaluable to Gao Wen.

Gao Wen also showed a smile, and jokingly joked with Grant, "Who should be worried, anyway, it definitely won't be me."

Amidst the laughter, the training started again. When standing on the court and sweating, the passage of time is no longer important.

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