Match Point

Chapter 275: reporter besieged

Text 275 Reporter besieging

"...Here, please look here, yes, the two players please look here..."

"Another angle, Sasha, can you get closer? There seems to be a Grand Canyon between you two."

"Smile, Sasha, would you please smile?"

The photo session after the awards ceremony was definitely a torture for Zverev Jr. He was like a poor boy who was unwilling to be forced to show off his smile. He smiled all the way, with watery eyes I really feel pity for it. The stiff body language makes people reasonably suspect that the robot is wearing a skin to attend:

If you've been kidnapped, just blink.

Finally, the photo session was finally over, and Zverev Jr. turned around and ran wildly with a knife in his hand, and fled the press conference in three steps and two steps.

Hu da da!

The crowd of reporters swarmed away following the footsteps of little Zverev, like a flood breaking a bank, and most of them disappeared in a blink of an eye, and the stadium became deserted again, only two or three kittens remained in front of Gao Wen, you Look at me, I look at you, looking at each other silently.

If it is a Masters or a Grand Slam, such a scene is absolutely impossible. There are official procedures for the photo session and interview sessions. The reporters and players only need to follow the organizer’s procedures, but Binghamton challenges No, it's just a small tournament.

Everything becomes chaotic.

Looking at the deserted scene in front of him, the competition director felt embarrassed—

It is obvious that Gao Wen is the final champion, but the object of all reporters' concern is Zverev Jr. who lost the game, which is not fair.

On the contrary, Gao Wen looked calm.

To be honest, Gao Wen really didn't envy little Zverev at all, because the reporters were like a group of vultures, they would swarm over the rotting corpses. They must have aimed at the hot spot of little Zverev, how could it be easy for him to feel better? , I am afraid that Zverev Jr. will not be able to pass the test today if he does not shed a layer of skin.

In comparison, there is no need for interviews on the news about the dark horse winning the championship. Anyway, the highlights are already concentrated on the score figures.

Gao Wenyao wished little Zverev good luck.

Binghamton Challenge tournament director Charles Lee is not a celebrity, nor does he have the connections or resources to speak of, but he was so impressed by the 2014 edition that he accepted it years later. During the media interview, Charles recalled that year.

From the time when Zverev and Stakhovsky decided to participate in the competition, to the controversy caused by the allocation of training venues, to the upsurge in topics caused by reporters provoking Zverev Jr., and finally to the incredible final, everything has been experienced. In the eyes.

Then, of course, there was the awkward moment after the game, when Charles was impressed by Gawain.

"He didn't care. I thought he would be angry and sad and lost, but he didn't."

"I apologized to him, but instead he thanked the event for its excellent organization and brought him a little fond memory."

"He showed incredible grace and charisma, even if he was still a freshman on the tour without a world ranking, he had already shown enough heart and wisdom."

Charles also said that many years later, he no longer remembers what happened after Zverev Jr. was chased and blocked by reporters, but he still clearly remembers Gawain's interview with the three reporters in front of him, especially when the reporter asked Gawain to win the championship. when feeling.

"He said he wanted my name to be remembered."

Years later, when Charles recalled that scene, he seemed to be able to see Gawain's calm and confident smile, and he couldn't help but feel excited.

How much more than Charles?

The three reporters who remained on the scene also had similar memories.

They were deeply impressed by Gao Wen's calmness and wisdom in the embarrassing situation of war and chaos, and they gradually realized that since then, Gao Wen has shown his unhurried strength under the big scene. The heart, which is also in contrast to the little Zverev who was almost on the verge of collapse after suffering setbacks—

Perhaps, at this time, it can already be seen that Zverev Jr. has psychological shortcomings at critical moments.

Instead, the reporters who surrounded Zverev Jr. got nothing.

"Sasha, after this game, do you still think being tall is not worth mentioning?"

"How would you rate your performance in this game?"

"Can you remember your opponent's name now?"

"What happened in the second set? You failed to save the situation, and even crashed. What is the reason?"

"What do you think today's score shows?"

"Sasha, do you regret your arrogance?"

"Do you feel you need to apologize to your opponent?"

"You only won two rounds in the game, do you still have confidence in the North American season?"

"Such a disastrous defeat, do you think that you underestimated your opponent and led to such an ending?"

"Did you expect such a disparity in the score? Is this the first time in your career that you have been liquidated?"


Boom boom boom!

The reporters tried their best to sprinkle salt on Zverev's wounds, concentrated their firepower to launch a full-scale attack, and fired at the **** pain mercilessly, even if passers-by heard it. Uncovered, it poured down on Zverev Jr.

However, Zverev Jr. seems to have accepted the advice of his agent—

The whole process did not say a word.

Facing the hustle and bustle of reporters, Zverev Jr. never made a sound, just like a ruthless avatar standing there without a soul, silent amidst the bombardment.

We will not respond to any questions or provocations.

It is precisely because of this that all the reporters returned without success.

However, even this did not stop the reporters from writing brilliantly.

"No one picks the top seed, and Zverev Jr. pays for his arrogance."

"Being defeated by a player he thought was worthless, Zverev Jr. finally shut up."

"Zverev Jr. refused to respond to the results of the final defeat, which was completely unprofessional."

In any case, the reporters were able to conjure up a flower, and the overwhelming attack was once again directed at Zverev Jr., and the matter obviously would not end because of Zverev Jr.'s silence.

Until later, Zverev Jr. talked about his defeat for the first time in an interview with local German media.

"I'm not in the mood."

"Obviously, after arriving in the United States, I have not adjusted to the best condition, and the same is true in the final. I was too eager to win but I never showed my full strength. I only played 20%, 30% of my strength, otherwise the game process and It’s not going to end like this.”

"I'm ready for the next meeting."

Zverev Jr. did not mention Gao Wen's performance at all, but firmly believed that the main reason was his abnormal performance. The subtext was that if he performed 100%, Gao Wen would have no chance.

It is foreseeable that the next encounter between the two players should be very interesting.

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