Match Point

Chapter 262: smoke filled

Latest URL: "Can Nobody Live Out a Hollywood Fairy Tale?"

"The top seed is ready to win the title."

"It's never worth mentioning to break into the finals. This kind of career debut is exciting enough."

"Can Zverev Jr. defend his aura of genius?"

"No world ranking vs No. 1 seed, extremes collide with extremes, Binghamton is about to stage a song of ice and fire."

"Bizarre enough, weird enough and crazy enough, let's talk about the three highlights of the upcoming Binghamton Challenge Finals."

"Gao Wen: Is the unknown wild card player really so unknown?"

buzz buzz.

buzz buzz.

There was a hot wave in the air. The Atlanta Tennis Championship, which started in the same week as the start of the US Open series, should be the focus, but the bizarre story of the ups and downs of the Binghamton Challenge has become the darling of the news media.

Imagine that the top seed is pressed by a reporter, casually mentioning the name of an unknown person in an attempt to create a buzz, but the top seed casually says "not worth mentioning".

According to the normal development trajectory, the unknown is eliminated, and then the hot news disappears, and the reporters don't remember the kid who came in handy at all, as if nothing happened. This is a common phenomenon in reality.

However, this "not worth mentioning" was upset all the way. He even defeated strong enemies and reached the finals. He was stunned to put the "theoretical possibility" finals on the stage, facing the top seed across the net, and won for himself The opportunity to directly talk to the top seed provides journalists with brand-new explosive materials.

This is really... no coincidence, no book?

Not to mention the netizens, even the reporters were all amazed, and began to dig out Gao Wen's information one after another—

I didn't think of it until now.

There is no world ranking, and it is the first time to participate in a professional competition. These keywords have covered Gao Wen with a layer of mystery, as if he had popped out of a crack in a rock; but after in-depth investigation, it can be found that Gao Wen is actually the latest ncaa national champion , although the competitive strength of ncaa is limited, Gao Wen is definitely not an unknown person.


Now things get interesting.

A freshman, a national champion, the combination of these two keywords is equal to... a genius boy?

The difference is that Zverev Jr. is a genius who grew up in the vocational training system. He has invested heavily since he was a child and showed his talent early; Gao Wen is a genius who grew up in the high school to university education system. , choose to study while training.

But there is no doubt that one is 17 years old and the other is about to turn 19 years old. They are both freshmen who have just entered the professional circuit at this time. They are in the period of rapid growth. Vividly interprets the classic meaning of youth storm.

The game is worth looking forward to.

As a result, the reporters became excited one by one—even if it was a challenge competition, as long as they were willing to work hard, they could also dig out hot spots worth discussing.

Look, isn't that what it is?

The reporters patted their chests and proudly boasted, "I dug up Gawain", as if they were Billy Martin.

On the day of the finals, a large number of reporters gathered in the bustling Stadium No. 1, and the interview area was already full! Although Zverev Jr. is indeed a new star worth looking forward to, such a battle still far exceeded the expectations of the organizing committee.

More importantly, the attendance rate of Stadium No. 1 has reached 100%, and all 1,000 seats have been sold out!

The attendance of the Binghamton Challenge has always been stable at the box office, which is why the Challenge has been held for two decades, but 100% attendance has not been seen for nearly a decade.

People thought that the audience came for Zverev Jr., but on-site sampling surveys showed that if the opponent was not Gao Wen, the enthusiasm of the audience would not be so high. Sounds, the excitement of the game depends on both sides.

In the first round, Gawain's game against Kokkinakis was widely circulated in the small town of Binghamton and received a lot of praise; later, Gawain performed well in the game against Stakhovski, proving once again that His own strength has countless fans.

Although Gao Wen ruined the beautiful picture of the top two seeds meeting in the final, Gao Wen still won countless cheers with his **** performance on the court, and his status as an "unknown wild card player" added to the fairy tale The halo added mystery to the next duel.

Indeed, little Zverev is a highlight, and because the opponent is Gao Wen, the audience is even more looking forward to it.

Then, after many years, the No. 1 stadium of the Binghamton Challenge once again ushered in a 100% attendance rate, and the audience was full of heat.



There were rustling sounds in the stadium, and the audience couldn't wait to prepare for the final match; there was also a bustling heat wave in the locker room, and the atmosphere of tension was quietly permeating.

Zverev Jr. is slender and slender. He is 198 centimeters taller than Gawain by half a palm, but his weight seems to be only about 85 kilograms, which is almost the same as Gawain now, compared to the peak in 2020 and 2021. During the period, it was even thinner. It should be that the teenagers have not fully opened up, and the muscles are obviously not tight enough.

But at this moment, little Zverev could already feel the pride emanating from the inside out, and every pore of his body was written with the confidence of the proud son of heaven.

Obviously, Zverev Jr. didn't like Gawain, and he didn't intend to hide it. He showed a condescending attitude, lowered his head slightly and glanced at Gawain, as if the difference in height between the two was not five centimeters, but Fifty centimeters tall, with a look of disdain in his eyes.

However, in Gawain's eyes, little Zverev is proudly showing off his feathers like a The problem is that he is not a peacock, and he doesn't know how to appreciate it at all, so As if admiring the circus performance at the zoo, there was a look of encouragement in his eyes:

"Come on, Mengmeng!"

Little Zverev was slightly stung by Gawain's eyes, and seemed to be able to perceive the deep meaning in the eyes, the blue veins on his forehead protruded, and he hopped and hopped violently, but he still held back his anger and turned his head away. , ignored Gao Wen.

When the two players appeared on the field, the tense atmosphere spread, and the cheers and shouts of the audience made this tit-for-tat atmosphere spread even more, each of them was fanning the flames, wishing that the two players would just walk away. Going to the boxing ring usually starts hand-to-hand combat.

Naturally, the scorching and tense atmosphere continued to the duel on the court. From the first point, the two players showed high fighting spirit, and both sides tried to preemptively seize the opportunity in this youth storm , Immediately came a long and multi-shot round of ball see-saw.

Even if it's not the boxing ring, it's not far off.


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