Match Point

Chapter 235: break the line of defense

Latest URL: "Come-On!"

On the court, Gao Wen watched the tennis ball break through Kokinakis's net cover, forming a passing ball to win. He clenched his hands into fists and roared impassionedly.


He vented it heartily and unscrupulously, not only because it was Kokinakis' match point, not only because he was forced to the extreme of one-handed cutting, but also because the energy burst in a desperate state really stimulated out of their potential.

He loves moments like this, when the blood is burning.

The audience is boiling!

Like a proud lion, Gao Wen unreservedly roared at Kokinakis in front of the net, and the powerful energy swallowed Kokinakis overwhelmingly—

Let the storm come more violently! This battle is not yet complete!

Kokinakis was panting like a cow. He had tried his best, patted his strength, released all his strength and speed without reservation, and pursued the ultimate route and landing point, but still failed to score, and Gao Wen still countered back with such an imposing posture.

what happened?

Kokinakis believed that he could beat Gao Wen, and he firmly believed. Today's game process also proved this point, but after entering the second set, things got out of his control little by little. How could this be? What's going on?

Involuntarily, Kokinakis thought of Gawain's game against Kyrgios. Was it really luck?

Faith is slightly shaken.

But Kokinakis quickly forced himself to calm down, two points, he was only two points away from victory, he should believe in himself, the game is still under his control, Kokinakis kept cheering for himself, and cut off his wild thoughts signs of.

Is it really that simple?

Mental state is such a thing. Once there is a gap, everything will become turbulent. Even the Big Four may be tight at a critical moment, let alone young players who are fledgling?

Kokinakis forced himself to calm down, but the act of "forcing" already distracted his attention.

The question is, can Gao Wen seize the opportunity?

Hoo hoo.

Hoo hoo.

The stadium became quiet again, and the two players returned to the bottom line. This serve to win the game will continue to entangle.

Snapped. Snapped. Snapped.

Corkinakis was hitting the ball, he forced himself not to pay attention to Gawain's movements, but he seemed to be able to feel Gawain's gaze from the corner of his eyes, almost piercing his skin, it was so hot that he couldn't breathe Come on, this made his palms slightly moist.

But Kokinakis still did not slow down the pace of the game, took a deep breath, and immediately started to serve—

The character is still impatient.

Send it off the net.

Kokinakis wanted to increase his strength, but his serve movement was obviously deformed, and then the hitting point was a bit late, and he didn't go over the net.


I don't know if it's an illusion, but I always feel that the air is getting hotter and boiling.

Still unadjusted, Kokinakis took a second tennis ball out of his shorts pocket and was about to serve.

In the first area, how to serve?

After two consecutive outside corners, should you continue to paranoidly send inside corners? Or change the tactics and send the outside angle? Or is it a close serve?

Gao Wen's brain was running fast.

In the style of Corkinakis, the close serve is actually the most effective.

Because it is more difficult to form a winning point by serving alone, it often needs to be attacked for one or two shots; and the close serve is the best way to suppress Gawain's return line-see just now Corkinakis got the first one. The point of the match point is known, and now it is the second serve, and the close serve is the safest.

But with Kokinakis' character, he may not be able to figure this out, and even if he can figure it out, he may not be willing to do so.


Outer corner?

You guessed it!

Gawain's pupils shrank suddenly, and he immediately caught Kokinakis's serve movement. Kokinakis, who had always hoped to disrupt Gao Wen's prediction by surprise, was always taking risks and always changing. He is also the most daring to change at the most critical time, just like the previous serve from the inside corner achieved a miraculous effect, now he also tends to challenge the outside corner to break Gao Wen's guess.

but didn't expect-

Stepping! Kick off! swoop! Extend!

Gao Wen just took a big step towards his right side, fully extended his upper body, and completed the forehand pull.

This time, Gao Wen did not fully lead the racket, but pulled the racket quickly in a small range, and then used his strength to push it up. He did not need to use his own strength to push back the power of Corkinakis's serve.

Moreover, the speed and power of Kokinakis's second serve were significantly lowered by a notch, giving Gawain enough time, but Gawain did not choose to make a full swing, but chose—

Lower the center of gravity and grab the rising point.

Gao Wen took a big step sideways, bent his knees completely, squatted down, stretched his upper body out, seized the first moment when the tennis ball rebounded and rose, and used his strength to push and block it back, compressing the time to return the ball as much as possible.

Then, the knees stand up like a spring, because the force of kicking the ground is not enough, so the inertial force of squatting and standing up is fully used to pull up the flight arc of the tennis ball.


The flying speed of tennis **** is obviously accelerated. Minmin Kokinakis’s second serve speed is only 142 kilometers per hour, but Gawain’s fast connection hits the rising point to increase the speed of the return ball to 155 kilometers per hour, and even flies back at a faster speed. .

Just when Kokinakis had time to adjust his center of gravity, the tennis ball had already rushed back diagonally.

Damn it!

Kokinakis took a big step laterally, trying to complete the catch, even if it was a slice, there was no problem, unfortunately—


"Take the lead, high."

The referee was very sure that Gao Wen's return ball was within bounds, and Kokinakis couldn't touch the tennis ball at all, so he directly reported the score after the tennis ball made two jumps.



Corkinakis roared, very, very dissatisfied, and continued to complain in a low voice, unable to stop swearing Never would have thought that Gawain would catch his second shot and directly reply A return serve ace, this is simply too shameful!

Kokinakis tried to open the outer corner of the angle, but failed to tear the angle open. Instead, it became an angle for Gao Wen to use his strength to return the ball to win the ball. Sure enough, a tall man, tall and long arms are a natural advantage.

Kokinakis threw the tennis racket into the sky depressedly, even though he kept swearing, he still couldn't vent the bad emotions boiling in his chest. It was the result of patience and patience to not beat the racket, but after all, he still needed to vent his emotions .

Looking at the racket spinning in the air, Kokinakis' shoulders drooped weakly, his eyes were blank, and there was no answer—

It's not just one point and two points, why did he play so aggrieved while waiting to serve to win the game?

Obviously everything is the same, obviously nothing has changed, but why can't I take it?

Wait, is everything really the same?

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