Match Point

Chapter 1349: fight for control

It took a full eighty-three minutes, and the opponents joined hands to save fifteen break points. The strong duel between you and me finally passed the tiebreaker, and then—

Big score, "1:1".

Tim did it.

Continuing the good feeling of winning the championship in Nice last week, when facing the second seed Gao Wen, they equalized the big score and returned to the same starting line.

There is no doubt that Tim is on the Grand Slam stage for the second time, showing his talent and ability to the world—

Or, is this the first time?

Last year in Flushing, Tim did not meet top players in his promotion, and all eyes and sights were occupied by Gao Wen who turned out to be out of nowhere. Although people in the tennis industry have noticed Tim's rise, but for ordinary fans Said, he is still a strange face.

This year at Roland-Garros is different. Against Gao Wen, this is his friend and the second seed. There are hot topics on and off the court. , Tim did not disappoint people, showing a top level.

—Wait, this young man is actually not in the top 20 in the world, or even in the top 10 in the world, is this serious?

Judging from the score, it was still just a "1:1" draw, but the audience who actually watched the game knew that the content of these two games was absolutely high-quality.

Both players contributed top-level performances, and the bayonets were red. In the end, the side with a slightly better performance took the victory. The importance of the three sets of "Tianwangshan Showdown" has skyrocketed:

Perhaps, this is the watershed.

Facts have proved this to be the case. In the third set, the intensity and bloodiness of swords and swords climbed a new level again.


Tim had trouble with his first serve.

Obviously, the tightness and heat of the tie-break in the second set was exhausting. Immediately after the third set came up, Gawain kept his serve for four points in straight sets, and then came to Tim's serve.

At this time, it can be clearly felt that the quality of the serve has fluctuated, the body and breathing have not been fully adjusted, and even the quality of the first serve has declined.

This is not a problem of experience, but a consistent problem of Tim's game. Because the burning feeling is too strong, intermittent weakness often occurs.

Gao Wen, who is good at reading the game and capturing the atmosphere, seized the opportunity, and although he missed a break point, he succeeded in cashing in the second.

First secure and then break and then secure again, "3:0"—

Gao Wen, directly opened the gap.

The situation was even stronger than the first set.

It was still Gao Wen who seized the opportunity to break serve in the opening game, and it was still Gao Wen who showed a mature and experienced temperament and controlled the game.

So, the result?

This time, Tim refuses to repeat the same mistakes.

After a few rounds of adjustments, Tim's breathing and rhythm adjusted, and then returned to "Apollo mode".

In the middle of the game, Tim tore through Gawain's defense through his tireless and strong attack. The penetrating power of the forehand oblique line was like an arrow. At that time, Tim still succeeded in cashing in with a forehand straight attack:

Violent, powerful, tough.


Tim, who has always been low-key, always honest and always restrained, finally released it uncontrollably, clenched his fists and roared:


This was the first time Tim broke Gao Wen's serve in today's game.

Back and forth, a total of seventeen break points were missed, and finally cashed in on the eighteenth break point. It was so hard and difficult, and Tim couldn't control his emotions. He roared and screamed, sweating profusely, blushing, Just like a **** of war bathed in blood, he is full of fighting spirit.

Although Tim won the second set, it was not until the middle of the third set that Tim broke serve for the first time; moreover, this break had more significance, because the score in the third set returned to the even.

The momentum, just like the whole game, the suspense of victory and defeat returned to a tense state again.

No wonder Tim growled. ..

On the opposite side of the field, Gawain was panting like a cow, breathing heavily, showing a smile, a little helpless and bitter, but he still applauded Tim.

At this time, the game time was rapidly approaching three hours, and Gao Wen also ushered in his second physical peak. The quality of his shots fluctuated slightly, but he was caught by Tim. Gao Wen gritted his teeth and persisted. The means have been changing, but Tim still caught it.

More importantly, Gao Wen knew that the extreme physical strength would last for a while, but the third set had already entered the second half, and the situation was not good.

Now, Gao Wen has two choices:

Or, make a full-scale attack in Tim's serve to see if he can break serve again and regain the advantage, otherwise the game may be dragged into a tie-break.

Or, concentrate your physical strength and energy in your serve, make sure you can keep your serve, and then wait for the tie-break to exert strength.

Both options have pros and cons.

If it was normal, if he was facing other players, Gao Wen would choose the latter and focus on his serve. He would at least hold off the third set and wait for his physical strength to pass before making any plans; but at this time he was facing Teddy. Well, things are a little different.

For one thing, Tim will not let Gao Wen serve easily. Even if Gao Wen concentrates on trying to keep his serve, Tim will not make it easy. There is no such thing as a "strength distribution strategy", just to rush forward regardless.

Second, if Gao Wen didn't miscalculate, Tim's physical fitness should have reached a critical point, and the situation of serving and receiving games may be slightly different.

You don’t need professionals. Fans who often watch the game will know that the serving game actually consumes more physical energy, because the serving and the subsequent offensive layout need to spend more thought and energy; Let go of the burden and rely on instinct to attack.

Of course, this kind of statement is "relatively speaking" and not absolute. Once the game enters a stalemate, the return game will consume a lot of energy.

Therefore, even though Gao Wen was facing extreme physical strength, in Tim's serve game, relying on fighting strategies might not be unable to create some opportunities.

The game is not only stalemate, but also complex and ever-changing.


The front foot Tim broke Gao Wen's serve for the first time in the whole game.

On the back foot, Tim faced a crisis in his serve. Due to the exhaustion of physical strength and energy, he made two low-level mistakes. The situation is chasing back.

In Tim's serve game, Gao Wen got four break points successively, but after a full 12 minutes of the game, it was still ended by Tim's break point.

At the last point, after Gawain returned the ball to the net, Tim clenched his fists and raised them high, and then roared to himself, cheering him on.

Immediately afterwards, Tim also grabbed two consecutive break points in Gao Wen's serve game, "15:40". At this time, we can see the tragic consequences. Gao Wen put too much energy in Tim's serve game , When he came to his serve game, he couldn't keep up with the rhythm for a while, and then fell into crisis.

However, at the critical moment, Gao Wen once again showed his big heart, scored four points in a row, and held the serve strongly without any danger, putting the pressure on Tim again.

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