Master Summoner Online

Chapter 796: Dark night

The silver armored lizard dragon screamed in the sky, and suddenly it rose into the air.

It's simply terrifying. Then I heard a loud bang behind me, and when I looked back, I saw that this guy fell to the ground and shook the ground like a shake, and there were spider web-like cracks on the ground. Jumped up piece by piece.

"Roar!" The boss snarled, and then suddenly rushed towards me with such force. This huge body slammed into it, and the sound was terrifying. I swaggered away to a cat, and the boss rushed out of the side and immediately ran into it. In the woods, a line of trees sounded a "squeak" since they all broke down.

I said: "The black **** brought nirvana and the sky came back. We left here, and this guy is not the only guy we can deal with."

"Master beware!" Tianzhao returned to the Summoning Beast space, and the Black God lifted Nirvana in a coma and stunned while exclaiming. At this time, I realized that BOSS was early when I spoke. The huge body has been re-adjusted. When the black **** exclaimed, the long tail suddenly waved out. This time, suddenly, I couldn't avoid it. I was suddenly swept by the huge tail and screamed. The body flew out, qi and blood fell nearly 10,000 points, the body hit the heavy sky tree not far away, and then rebounded more than a meter away before falling.

Damn it! I didn't expect this guy to be so powerful. I now strengthen my body and equipment. My total health is close to 40,000, and I have more than 6,000 defenses. In this case, I have been killed by 10,000 health. If you want to kill me, just hit me four times.

When he took the potion and swallowed it up from the ground, he saw that the boss had turned to the black **** who was carrying the nirvana in a coma.

"Black God!" The Black God also has more defense than me with more than 100,000 health. Naturally, you don't have to be afraid of Knessi. Nirvana is a druid. The growth of druids is mainly in magic, blood growth and magic. The division is almost the same. It mainly depends on the attributes obtained by combining the summoned beast. Now that his blood volume has broken through 10,000, it has reached the sky. If he is hit, the consequences can be imagined. You can hit me with the BOSS just now. Counting 10,000 injuries to count, he suffered four or five rounds of BOSS that was nothing.

At the same time I reminded, the black **** is more a manual operation than a computer AI. He turned quickly and obliquely jumped out to avoid the collision of this boss, but the boss who failed to attack suddenly lifted his body, and then the front paw turned out to be incredible. When he came out, he was shocked.

The black **** snorted, and was immediately hit by this claw on the back. She rolled and rolled out, and then fell heavily to the ground seven or eight meters away. She fell on the ground, but fortunately, she already protected Nirvana in advance. In his arms, so that Nene could be directly injured, he could not climb for a while.

High-level monsters, especially such king-level bosses, have very high-level recognition capabilities, and they can't be held back by attracting hatred. BOSS will give priority to the one who looks weak, and now this boss has felt the weakest nirvana in everyone's breath. Nirvana has now become his priority target.

"Don't miss it!" Arms spread out: "Ghost Dragon shot!"

As many as ten transparent ghost dragons flew out from the claws of the white dragon, instantly entangling the boss, and turned on the sparkler fire and rushed to the side of Nirvana and the Black God to make a call to Gallulu.

Armed mechanical wolf Garulu appeared. I pointed at the boss who was entangled by the ghost dragon and shouted, "Galuru! Absolutely frozen gas!"

"Roar!" With this roar, it has absolutely zero-degree air-conditioning. Although this silver-clad dragon lizard is also covered with cold, the temperature of the absolute zero-temperature air-conditioning from Gallulu has exceeded its own tolerance. Yes, it freezes immediately, but the freezing time is obviously not as long as before.

While freezing the BOSS, he took the Black God and Nirvana into the cockpit, and then stepped on the accelerator with a kick. Garuru rushed out like a dangling arrow and kept running in the dense jungle. After ten minutes of running so wildly Finally, the BOSS was completely thrown away, and Gallulu ran to the foot of a mountain before stopping. If he ran like this, it would have been the Sonic Werewolf or the Hurricane Wolf King. .

The bumps running all the way, in addition to escaping the position of the BOSS perception range, also woke up my little brother.

Ni Zhen got up and looked around and said, "Brother, where are we?"

I said, "Here is the cockpit of Gallulu. The BOSS has been dumped, and now we are fine."

"Really? Really worthy brother." Nier laughed.

Hei Shendao: "Master, we should be here soon. I have wasted a lot of time to avoid that boss. We haven't even found one by now."

I said, "It's the same thing, now the scattered Chinese players, what should be done again." After taking out, take out the display to see what the scout in the sky can find for me, and see our island through the scout The topography is a circle of beaches followed by forest landforms and a small amount of hilly terrain. There is a high mountain in the middle of the island, but I don't see the fortress. It should be hidden in the forest. Our position is just below the foot of this mountain. Observe through the reconnaissance a group of green punctuation marks showing Chinese players, not far away, located on the other side of the mountain. These people are hiding in the forest. The reconnaissance group should be quite large in number.

In addition, in order not to alarm the hidden monsters around, we decided to walk by, come out of the cockpit and enter the forest, and just after entering the forest, everyone saw a group of Japanese players in a group of eight from a distance, but unexpectedly, this group of people saw After we voluntarily fled and did not attack.

Obviously, this should be a very weak group of players, so I took the initiative to avoid it. At least I think so. I do n’t think they are moving towards the place where Chinese players are gathered. Although we are very cautious along the way, but The frequency of encountering monsters is still not low. In less than an hour, hundreds of heads have been encountered, but these monsters were also killed by our way.

Nirvana's end is his main summoning beast, because the BOSS attack just fell into a deep sleep. This sleep only requires two hours of real time to attribute and the higher the level, the longer the summon beast will fall asleep, the wolf I think should be a god. Level Summon Beast.

In all this battle, Nirvana used another summoning beast, which is a three-meter-high dragon-type creature called a mech dragon beast. He has a pair of black claw monsters, behind him a pair of wings, and a pair of wings on his body. The dark armor can attack the enemy with long nails protruding from the carapace of the arms. At the same time, it can finally fly soaring. The most interesting thing is that this guy has a pair of things called biological cannons at the waist, which can be launched. It emits energy waves and attacks like a machine gun.

After killing the monsters along the way, my experience value has increased a lot. The experience value of Nirvana has risen to 75% of 111. After killing a hundred heads, it should be able to rise. It has reached the closest position where players gather. Just go over the hills in front of you.

Just stepping on the edge of the hill, suddenly a loud noise came from above the hill. Everyone was taken aback, but they saw the light of the skill about a hundred meters away on the left. Apparently there was a fierce battle between swords and swords, and it broke out There was a loud noise, and when we passed, we saw cracks on the ground.

Shows the severity of the fierce battle. I saw in the past that four people were fighting fiercely, one of them was a Chinese player, a female Kai Jia with a blood red cloak all over her body, one holding a shield and the other with a faint glow. A female warrior with a spear, I remember she is Mingling player called Ling Lin.

The other three are Japanese players. At the back is a woman. This woman is dressed with a set of extremely beautiful female armor, her face is exposed, her skin is snowy, her eyes are beautiful, she is beautiful. At the extreme, it is slightly better than Xueyue Yunlan.

In front is a man equipped with a set of blue armor holding a spear and a tallest male warrior. The whole body is tightly wrapped in a set of strange transfer armor with a lilac light, and this The three people have the emblem of the word "forbearance" on their shoulders. Their guild is the same as a group of players they encountered before. Rarely, there is another group on the island besides ghosts, heaven and earth. What guild to endure?

The fire eye and golden eye scans showed that Ling Lin's occupation was a firearm, and the long gun was a sealed package named Ba Bu Tian Long Ya. The other equipment was dark gold, but the three Japanese players who played against her were also hidden occupations, women's The class is a light ambassador. The player class of the blue armor is the warrior class, and the other is a mad warrior. The two main men and the woman who battled Linglin watched the show from behind.

Zero Lin's situation was obviously at an extreme disadvantage, and then suddenly the light angel saw our appearance and said a few words, since the warrior division and the mad warrior rushed towards us at the same time.

We were shocked as we attacked without even saying hello. It was shameless, but we could only fight when the other party came.

When we were preparing to deal with the two of them, suddenly, a giant bat with a skeleton structure all over it, and behind it were a pair of bone-winged monsters composed of countless small bones. Obstacles.

At this moment, sitting on the back of this bat is a figure who is covered in dark black leather all over his body. From the back, it should be a woman, and the woman whispered "Dark night, come on!"

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