Master Summoner Online

Chapter 789: Vigil

Immediately after the threat of the mist ghosts was lifted, I and Lemon Flower returned to the army. We will never lose our way with the shadow beast.

We returned to the team to see that at this moment the troops were amending the surroundings, once broken and threatened by the mist ghost, the players began to search for the traces of other cherry blossoms around.

Entered into a battle and used the mist ghost to ambush our seven cherry blossom ambassadors. I killed two with the assistance of lemon blossom and solved one and then ended the mastermind of the ambush. The remaining two of them, one of which was a cherry blossom The expeditionary players were beaten apart from the broken blood and died on the spot, because they did n’t know if they were confident or arrogant. Since they dared to go alone, they fell into the siege of the expeditionary players, although they killed seven or eight people in a row. , But he could not escape his fate, and then the other person was beaten to death, but a ninja emerged to rescue him and the two fled against the abyss monsters around them.

In this battle, Sakura Twelve killed 11 people, and the Expeditionary Army suffered even greater losses. The number of people killed in the battle was as high as nearly 300. However, some of them were killed while chasing two fleeing Sakura. Killed by monsters around the abyss.

After the war, most of the players killed were very low-level players. The opponents should be targeted at low-level players, which should make it easier to kill in seconds.

After reorganizing the troops, the army set off again. At seven o'clock in the evening, it finally crossed the jungle and appeared in a trench in front of everyone.

The end of the jungle is a slope, and there is a beach under the slope. Everyone came to the beach one after another, watching the sea in front of them. At this moment, the army was not in a hurry to launch the water because God knew that there was something in the water waiting for us. Every tent rises and everyone enters the tent. Of course, there are also players taking turns to guard outside the tent to ensure that the enemy launches a night attack and also ensures that a large group of players or monsters will not surround us around the camp.

The system's camping tent is invincible by default, and will not be damaged by the attack. Of course, it will be another matter if it collapses.

After arranging the order of the guards, everyone went offline.

After eating and drinking, I went back to the room, fell asleep darkly holding the quilt, and I did n’t know how long I slept until the bell rang. I took the phone and the bright light on the phone screen made my eyes look good. Painful, look at the time on the phone, it is exactly late at night 0:00, it is really a daddy, why do I have such a time to come to work for the class, there is also a time when the pig's foot aura is weak.

Get up and wash your face and go online. The vigil time of each group of players is actually two hours, which is six hours of game time, and the female players do not need to participate in the vigil. This is very bad.

Mirror image synthesis I appeared beside the tent in the tent, and the black **** slept extraordinarily sweetly, although they knew how much I had done or what they did to their bodies, they could only leave it to me. However, I carefully drilled out of the tent and the vigil player outside the tent to make a transfer.

At this moment on the core island.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha, wow ha ha ha ha!" A man in armour was sitting on a stone bench and laughing at the moment, and it should not stop to see him fall from the stone bench without smiling.

The corner of the eye next to him twitched continuously: "Is it so funny?"

The guy paused and laughed, "Of course it's funny, and very ridiculous. The invincible cherry blossom twelve in the country has made it impossible to find the north at this moment, and among the twelve people, Six people were killed by one person, ha ha ha ha, this is definitely the funniest thing I've been into this month. Hahahaha. "

The man said indignantly, "Be careful, smile and dislocate your chin."

Cut back to the perspective, this time I sat on the edge of the beach in front of a bonfire, stretched a lazy yawn.

"Hey, hey! How can the boy stay vigil when he falls asleep." Ark's voice sounded in my mind.

I said, "Why didn't you sleep?"

Ark said: "I have been sleeping for a few days. Although sleeping is good for us to summon beasts, sleeping always is a tedious thing. As a kid, you might as well go to the forest and fight. I don't want to sleep anymore. "

"You're right." I said, "It's not okay to leave at will."

Ark said: "What's the best, you can still watch hundreds of people here. It's not bad for you. Take care lightly at work, but it's much more sinful than leaving."

Well, then stood up and looked in the forest to find something to do, but not long after entering the forest, you saw a huge white wolf surrounded by a team of five people! Although the surface looks very snow-white, and the fur is still faint silver, the height of three meters, the sharp claws of almost half a foot long, the horrible wolf mouth opened, revealing the birthday water. Sharp teeth, the horrible fury in the eyes of White Wolf!

Huoyanjinyan took a look. The 120-level ordinary BOSS has three active skills. Each of the five players has a level of 110. Although everyone has a dark gold, the others are gold, and the five are soldiers. Two knights, one mad warrior and two swordsmen, although the supplementary supplement can be a little cryptic without treatment.

Seeing that these five people are working in an orderly manner to beat the wolf, although he was beaten, he has also suffered a lot of injuries. At this time, the giant wolf opened up and sprayed a blue energy blast blasting the two knights at the front. On the body, these two people were directly blasted out, then sharp claws swept the other three, and immediately when they saw that they were about to hit,

"Hundred Ghosts at Night" cried and fell, and the roaring cube was right on the left cheek of the giant wolf!

—14939 Damage came out The giant wolf was attacked suddenly, and his body lost balance in mid-air while being suddenly hit by the night ghosts. He flew out and crashed into a big tree not far away. The strong impact caused the big trees to appear. A crack. The wolf's body slid down the tree.

"Hello, you're saved," a knight said, breathing heavily.

Another swordsman stood up and said, "Thank you, the beast god"

I said, "You're welcome to continue to fight." After turning, I left, but I have to leave, but someone will not let me go. The wolf is not the master to mess with, and quickly stood up again, dancing to the claws in the roar. Slammed at me fiercely, I waved one-handedly, waves!

The water whip flew up and **** the giant wolf boss directly.

—7044 I was so entangled in it that the five people immediately stepped forward and hit the water dog, but the giant wolf got rid of the spray faster than I thought. When each of them hit each other, the guy forcibly broke free. The restraint of the waves, a long howl, two claws opened on both sides, like a martial arts master issued a series of strokes, and even avoided a knight's shield strike, rushed towards me, a pair of dewclaws each I took a hard shot, and two damage numbers flew up—674—588 wouldn't it? It's incredible that the two add up to only one thousand points. Although I don't know why I broke it and gave it a bit, I used it to fix it and let them finish it.

As I was about to go to the forest, a sudden tragic sound came from the beach. I immediately ran out of the forest and saw the body of a summoning beast of a summoner was torn into four quarters by life, and then red by ammonia. The tongue rolled away.

Immediately afterwards, the summoner himself took a heavy blow on his body and fell into the sea.

At this moment, I saw that there was a huge sea snake that was more than thirty meters long, with a round body and a thick waist. It was like a giant immortal tabletop with an immortal tabletop. This sea snake was covered with ink scales, opened its blood basin and opened a mouthful of beer. The blood-red tongue shot a roll and swallowed the summoner who had fallen into the water instantly.

"Kid, let me out. It's been a long time since I started fighting." Ark said.

I said, "Then you try to make the noise smaller."

"Look at the fortune." After speaking, the summons collided with each other, and the ark came down. As soon as it appeared, Lingguang breathed out. Although the sea snake also spouted the water column, let's say that its powerful water column hits the boat's breath, let alone decay. , Simply can not match the breath and easily press down the water column.

After receiving the breath of the ark, the sea snake knew that the enemy in front of it could not deal with it, so he turned and fled to the sea immediately, but the ark did not intend to let it go at all, and rushed into the sea to fight with the sea snake.

One supernatural dragon, the other is a sea snake in the deep sea, this fierce battle, although I made it as small as possible, but it did not listen at all. The thunderous thunder that continued to hit the sea was enough, and waves of water splashed.

There was not much sincerity from the beginning of the battle. Within three minutes, he reappeared on the beach, and a huge sea snake corpse that was torn apart was also brought up by him. He opened a few pieces of equipment and a pile of gold coins. There was another dying summoner player who fell to the ground. Obviously he was lucky, and Ark's timely shot saved him from being buried.

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