Master Summoner Online

Chapter 783: Japanese Masters Strike

Over the east side of the jungle, an object arrived instantly. After entering a distance of about 30 meters, everyone saw clearly that the guy who suddenly appeared was a dragonfly magnified many times, dark gold all over his body, and his body was covered with strange blood. The stripes, with dark gold spikes on the spine, looked horrifying and terrifying.

On the back of this big dragonfly is a figure wearing a snow-white armor. This man puts his hands on his chest and displays a dominating momentum.

When I was preparing to fight the enemy, suddenly, the woods on the west suddenly exploded. With the sound of the explosion, several big sky trees collapsed. At this time, a monster appeared quietly in the collapsed tree. .

This is a huge monster with dozens of thin feet and a body shaped like a giant scorpion standing on the back of a man dressed in blue Fakai. This giant scorpion monster waved two huge scissors and opened his teeth and danced towards us. At this moment, more than a dozen people standing on the west watching the situation of Chinese players rushed forward, but these players were completely vulnerable to this big scorpion. Cut it with huge pliers.

Standing on the scorpion, the guy raised his staff in his hand, and heard a loud bang. The ground around the scorpion cracked and rushed out. At the direction of the man, the waterfall turned into three translucent five-meter-long The water snake slammed in all directions, hearing only the screams of "ahhhhh" and "ahhhhh". At this time, more than a dozen players were dead and the surrounding trees were destroyed.

"Haha!" The little mage muttered a sneer, and after beheading and killing a dozen or so people, he drove the scorpion under him and rushed towards us. Laughter excited when we saw us.

"Beast God, you can't let them do whatever they want. I'll deal with the guy riding the dragonfly, the mage and the scorpion, and the Beast God will give it to you!" Jingyun said calmly and summoned his mount to rush forward Get on that guy who dived down.

"Understood." I said, "Tian Zhao, Black God is here to give you, there must be other masters hidden around."

Now most of the real masters are eating off the assembly line. I just saw the strength of these two guys. Where are these people daring to stop all of a sudden, dodging away and rushing towards the guy. But then I found that someone rushed up faster than me.

"Little devil, my day you stun!" This guy sweared and slammed axe at the opponent.

The man sneered, and a large seam cracked open without warning, a transparent water blade soared from the crack, and the man who just rushed out made a terrible sound, which was too broken to be caught by the underfoot. All the halves of the water blade that rushed out like a horse.

"Damn!" The kick was already rushing in like a gust of wind, and the head didn't yell back: "Everyone is behind, don't approach." The underside of the law circle turned, and a roar came, followed closely by Garu. Lu rushed out.

This guy's staff immediately turned three water snakes with one finger, turned in the air, and rushed towards me. Garulu opened his mouth with a violent flow of energy and exploded, and the three water snakes collided with each other. "Boom!" The shocking explosion, three water snakes exploded and breathed together.

"All-Metal Meteor!" With a command, Garulu's whole-body launching port opened, and countless missiles split their heads and covered their faces against the Japanese mage and the giant scorpion below.

This guy read a word of bird and a huge mist of water appeared to protect him and the scorpion in the waterfall. At the same time, the dragon gun was thrown, the red dragon roared and started, the dragon yin appeared in the mountains, the huge red dragon rose to the sky and then returned Then, a deafening roar sounded "roar", the dragon claw attacked the water mist crazyly, and the sound of the water mist formed the shattered shroud, but it caused the sky and water mist and the explosion of the missile to generate smoke and dust. All the fields of vision around the ten-meter range, followed by a loud noise in the water mist, Gallulu suddenly made a roar, and the huge body flew far away, then smashed it out and hit a distant one. The "click" on the big tree broke and fell instantly.

Through the effect of the goggles, I can ignore the visual impairment around me. I saw that scorpion's head was squashed, and weird spit was sprayed on it. Apparently, it was caused by Gallulu. Because Gallulu nearly exploded his head, he was angry and roared and knocked Gallulu. The Japanese mage who was originally on his back was fighting on the ground at the moment, holding up his staff After a string of birds' words, countless water blades fluttered across the sky. The water blade cut the water mist and spread out in all directions.


A layer of round transparent shield was opened outside, and a sharp blade of water blasted on it. The shield 5000 lasted for a long time and immediately reduced to more than 1,000 points. As the level increased, the toughness of the shield also increased. Thousands of shields can prevent such attacks. Although the shield protects the person unscathed, the fierce power caused by the water blade has also slid my body apart from ten meters and also because of his skills. The water mist gradually dispersed.

The scorpion monster, whose head was almost flattened, was almost crazy, snarled and rushed towards Garulu. At this moment, his master immediately called for him to return, and immediately directed Gallulu to pursue the assault and entangle the big scorpion.

At the same time, the electric light stone fire + You Longbu fired. In front of the mage who came instantly, the other party couldn't help but be surprised when he appeared. In his surprise, the transparent energy claw appeared on his shield and hit him hard. Above, the shield bursts instantly, and it is launched against the night of the ghosts, and the roaring cube is sprayed out of the hand.

The Japanese mage was severely hit. Although he crossed his arms to his chest at this moment to reduce the direct damage to his body, after all, even if he summoned his strength, he would not be so high, but he was wrong. When the night walk hit his arms, a cracking sound was heard. The guy's arms were shattered by the night ghosts of the ghosts, and he shouted and flew away from a distance.

At the same time as he flew upside down, he quickly followed, and at the moment of landing, his hands first launched the dragon's claws, and then Xia exploded with energy and grabbed the cannon, and banged heavily on the head of this Japanese mage. Mo Fei, blood sprayed me all over my face. The headless body fell to the ground motionless without a head. How could he be alive.

After killing one person, he hurried non-stop to the other side, and heard the explosion of the bang before he ran for a few hands. When I came back, I saw a lot of corpses left on the ground at this moment, and the shocked clouds were covered with blood, and the other side's situation was obviously worse. A big vague hole was broken in the chest and abdomen, and it looked very injured. serious.

"Storm chopped!" With the screaming cloud, the huge sword thrown in his hand, instantly transformed into a huge tornado. The tornado rose to the sky and fell from top to bottom, and fell down on the man fiercely!

Seeing that he could not avoid it, he had to bite his teeth. He held the sword handle in both hands to raise the sword high, and a **** vortex formed on the sword tip. The vortex and the tornado collided. Since the two sides were fighting, they were evenly matched.

The other dragonfly and the frightened white tiger are fighting each other. The pair of wings of the dragonfly have been torn by the white tiger, and I just saw it when I arrived. The white tiger slammed into the dragonfly's body fiercely. The giant dragonfly was knocked down and flew out to spray blood in his mouth. A whistling white tiger emerged from the shadow of a huge white tiger. The tiger's claws turned into a huge white tiger. On the body of the giant dragonfly, for a moment, the claws, which were originally just shadows, became entities, and they banged on the dragonfly and squeezed each other's internal organs out of their mouths. The dragonfly's body was pressed into a meat sauce again.

At the same time, the shock of the cloud and the collision of the opponent's skills produced a shocking explosion.


The explosion sounded heavy smoke. At this moment, a shadow appeared in the thick smoke, and then came out slowly, just in shock.

After Jingyun messed up, he closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and opened his eyes again. When the smoke spread out, he saw that the whole body had just shattered into a ball of rotten meat.

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