Master Summoner Online

Chapter 778: Expeditionary Army Rally

At six o'clock the next day we got up early for breakfast. After the offline work was done, the top players were selected yesterday after going online. Obviously everyone was very excited yesterday. I got up early in the morning today. At 6:15, all the members arrived and rushed to Luye Port. I saw monsters on the way and avoided all the way. After 40 minutes, Luye Port was far away. Looking forward, and the situation is gradually getting worse.

On the road, from time to time, you can see people surging, riding a variety of strange mounts, or walking directly, all directions are Green Leaf Harbor, these people are not weak, all of them are strong masters exuding strong breath, fire eyes golden eyes Sweeping away, most of the players that can be seen are above 105 and there are a lot of 110, none of them are below level 100.

To the far south, there are even more terrible agglomerations of breath gathering, which make the sky and clouds change, faintly condensing into different shapes, looming.

On the way, I asked someone to find out. It turned out that in the south is the place where the little devils and the abyss monsters gather, and the place we are going to is not an island but an archipelago. The number of Japanese players on the archipelago has exceeded five. One hundred thousand, and there are also many abyss monsters lingering on the island. This battle is our first confrontation abroad. Naturally, the importance of this battle need not be said, and they arrived at the Green Leaf Port with everyone. A battleship outside Luye Port appeared on the edge of the coast. Thousands of battleships are densely packed in a row. It is spectacular. These battleships belong to the system and the right to use is shared by all participating in this expedition.

At this moment, there is already a look here, and players who know that the level is quite high are gathered there. These should be all experienced masters in China. We waited for someone to come in from the gate of Luyegang and walked over to them. Everyone closed their mouths tightly after seeing us, paying attention to us with a nervous expression. There were even people who saluted our guild with their right hands.

I stopped because I was very distressed, but Leng Yufei Poetry, Shu Tao, etc. beside me responded with skillful gestures. At this moment, Xueyue poked me in the abdomen.

"I said, Long Ling, you are the leader of our guild, and we can be the first guild in CA Pioneer, so don't pay back to others!"

"That is, do you want others to say that we don't even understand politeness?" Yun Lan said.

I smiled bitterly and had to salute with a stiff gesture. So far, the Dragon's Tooth has been established for quite some time. Naturally, its popularity is not low, but this is the first time it has received such attention.


I looked back because someone patted my shoulder hard, and saw the face of the swordsman who hadn't seen him for a long time with a smile on his face, and the Warcraft mount followed him. Surprisingly, he stood beside him with a huge body, fully armed, and carrying a huge metre-long cyan sword on his back.

I laughed: "Swordmaster, you have to participate."

The other laughed: "Don't always call Swordmaster, I have an ID, my name is Jingyunran. In addition, I will introduce a friend to you, this one is covered with scales, this one is the beast **** Weilong, and his friends and companions."

The male warrior, who was called scaly wounds, stretched out his hand. I also reached out and shook my hands. "I know you very well."

The other nodded.

"Master of the beast **** who hasn't seen you for a long time." A voice sounded, and saw a male archer with a silver long bow standing out, and I turned to look at it: "One shot to the end! I didn't expect you to show up."

"Is it necessary to be so surprised!" With a handsome look, he smiled in the end: "In addition to being quite hard, this battle is also related to the honor and disgrace of China. Although my strength is not very strong, I should be able to help."

I patted his arm that shot to the end and said to him, "I think you are not weaker than you. Are you interested in coming to my guild?"

As soon as I heard that, I shot my hands and scratched my hair, and answered, "This, this ... I haven't planned to join in time. If I want to join the guild, I will definitely look for you."

"Okay, I'll leave it to you."

In the Chinese area, it can be said that all the strong are gathered here, and the abyss dynamics are unknown. The Yamato area on the southern island is also a troop dispatcher. The king of the road has gathered people and gods. Compared to today, it has been concentrated in Green Leaf Harbor For the master, it is simply a small witch seeing a big witch. This time it can be described as a gathering of people from all over the world. Over time, a large number of strong people have poured into the Green Leaf Port for the most important battle ever in China.

I saw from a distance that there were about a hundred bald monks at the intersection. I said, "Monk?"

"They are monks from Shaolin Temple, and they are said to run games to promote the Dharma." Shu Tao said.

"Are there such things?" I said.

"Well, you see, there is a Taoist over there, Taoism also came to publicity?" Lie Xuefei pointed not far away.

"Where did you go!" The person stood alone in the backlight, making her figure very blurry, and she could only judge by sound that she should be a woman and about the same age as Xueyue.

It was a young girl wearing a blue and white robe, and there were many weird patterns drawn on the wide robe, such as a circular pattern composed of two black and white jade-like patterns. That should be This is the Taiji Yin Yang picture, and the strange pattern composed of long and short lines. These decorations make the whole robe look with a strange mystery. Even the girl wearing the robe is wearing a dusty look. temperament.

At this moment, besides looking away, the young girl was doing something contrary to the dusty temperament. She stretched out her hand and pulled a wide-brimmed hat on her head. It seemed very uncomfortable to wear this hat. The pair wanted to take it off. But it seemed that he did not dare to act because of special concerns.

"That person ..." Fire Dance said, walking up to him, "What more?"

The girl turned around and saw that she wanted to come over to Fire Dance Road: "Sister Fire Dance." She said tossing her hat forward at a more comfortable angle.

"It really is you, strange how you are alone." Fire danced.

The girl said: "Late sleep."

"Hi." Fire Dance: "I remember why she lived with you and didn't call you."

"Not yesterday." The answer was very simple.

Fire Dance: "Let's go." The girl nodded and came over with Fire Dance.

As the assassin's creed came to the line where Fire Maid brought the girl, "Finally, I caught up."

Beside Assassin's Creed is a young girl. She wore purple tight leather armor, purple long hair, and under her fringe, she had gorgeous purple eyes that seemed to restrain innumerable brilliance. See this impeccable girl who is perfect in both temperament and looks.

"Don't look at the sky." The Assassin's Creed patted the young girl's shoulder, and the girl suddenly looked around and looked at the Assassin's Creed, "Chairman, what do you shoot me for?"

The nether side smiled at a scarlet armored warrior beside her, "Zing Lin's girl is like you."

The female warrior named Ling Lin looked at Youming after a long while and said, "Are you calling me?"

Ghost exhaled, "It really looks alike."

Just then another group of new players appeared in the transfer gate. Leading by is an old and strong warrior wearing red armor, holding a cross shield in his hand and carrying a cross shield. The guy is not the elite army of Lingyun Pavilion behind the King's Blade. After seeing them, the tension once again enveloped the players.

The guys in Lingyun Pavilion have not achieved any fame since the military discipline has been rectified recently, but their unity looks can make people feel quite oppressed. Except for the same emblem and seal of the guild, each of them has different equipment, but the group strength emanating from the body is very different from ordinary player troops.

There were about 10,000 players from Lingyun Pavilion. These people entered the port and divided into two teams. Qianji changed one team to the direction of the system battleship. The other team's blade led the thunderstorm, the Avengers, the sorrow of darkness, and the one who would play self-explosion The five people came to the forefront of all the players who gathered the players, and the blade of the king who stopped, spoke to all the players who participated in the expedition: "Hello everyone."

Everyone's eyes gathered.

The King's Blade continued: "It seems that it is rare for the top players in the entire region to come together. I think everyone already knows the situation. The next thing waiting for us will be a severe battle, but I believe that relying on Everyone ’s strength will surely survive the crisis. "

Players looked at each other around this product.

"How is this guy?"

"Couldn't this guy think of himself as the commander in chief of the three armed services."

"Who wants to obey his command."

"But they are good soldiers and soldiers. Fighting should be better than us and experience."

"Experienced as the old defeated."

Watching the players rushing and talking, the King's Blade frowned and said, "Please be quiet."

The crowd shut up immediately, of course, but it was only on the surface, but they put the voice of the voice in various channels. The King's Blade continued: "Toyo Devils occupy our island and plunder leveling resources. Naturally, we cannot tolerate things going on. Hope everyone Let go of each other's hatred and muzzle unanimously and drive the Orient Devils out of this land of China! "

With a strong and powerful cry, players also roared with excitement. Although I don't want the players around this group of guys to have the same views as me, but now everyone's purpose is the same. Everyone naturally tries their best to face the same purpose, and it is irrelevant who shouted in front.

But the powerful charm of King's Blade, which was like a magnetic force, was stunned.

As if sensing my sight, this is a secret message from the King's Blade: "The beast **** pleases you today, and I look forward to your performance."

In that low and soft language, I didn't feel any timidity at all, and I could still maintain this relaxed attitude in the face of arduous struggles, which made people have to say, it was amazing.

After I answered without a word, I deleted him, and the King's Blade returned to his camp. I turned to our player group, raised one hand gently, and said, "Let's go. Let the little devil Know that we are great! "The players roared together. Everyone began to set foot on the battleship in an orderly manner, and the expedition was about to begin.

Little devils! I'm coming!

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