Master Summoner Online

Chapter 774: Capture the Sky City

The final battle lasted 12 hours.

"After this battle, there will be no more clouds in the world!" Jiuquan laughed out of the death squad.

When Xiao Jiuquan was talking, he suddenly pulled out a big man, holding a tomahawk, riding a black war horse, his face full of a smirk smile, and passing by, the sharp blade split towards Xiao Jiuquan, and Xiao Jiuquan looked at it. Without looking at him, this man was extremely annoyed. A figure appeared next to the man. The **** flashes flashed over the man and brought three damage figures—18099—14277—12338 and the player along with his steed. They were chopped into three sections together and turned into an icy corpse. The man who shot and killed the man was a **** of pallid armor. An understatement to slay this man with decent strength, obviously death will never lack such a vicious role.

Immediately afterwards, Xiaofeng, a dragon soul riding a steed, gathered three golden light guns around him, bursting out and killing the three of them at once. After the spikes were finished, they also faced Shinto: "What?

"Cut!" Wu God showed an unpleasant expression. "Huh!" Suddenly a shout of anger shook the sky, but when a beam of light rushed into the sky, dozens of Lingyun Pavilion soldiers roared and planted, followed by the beam of light and turned into A figure, this man is wearing a red robe with gold and silver patterns on it, especially the golden light on the chest, which is full of baby fist-sized gems, and full of luxury, if the face is not a neck No one thinks that he is a man when he hits the ground.

"How about! Both."

Dragon Soul Xiaofeng and Wushen stared at each other and said, "Dead Lady!"

"You two have the courage to say it again!" The man was clearly angry, but then a voice sounded, "What are you doing?"

The three turned their heads to see the rain, and saw the rain falling off the dust, throwing an archer who had broken his neck as if he wanted to throw out trash. Outside him, the body of the player was piled up. These corpses are rarely said to have more than a hundred.

The three face to face and said two words: "pervert!" After speaking, they continued to kill the enemy.

Countless players, from the ground, from the sky, like the sky of locusts, launched attacks. Everyone was in a frenzy. Players fight hard, fight bloody, succeed and succeed, and crazy enemies to trade for damage and life.

Seventeen hours after the battle, Lingyun Pavilion has 150,000 troops. The total number of coalition forces on our side has also been reduced to less than 250,000. The death squad has less than 20,000 people. A strong man with real terrorist power. Everyone is afraid of death for their faith in the guild, and sometimes they often pull the other side together.

After a while, the remaining 50,000 troops of Lingyun Pavilion were stubborn under Tongtianzhu. We still have 170,000 troops on our side, and there are more than 2,000 people on the death side. The battle has been decided.

Laughing Jiuquan said: "If you want a beast god, if you take the city, you must take it to us."

"Okay," I said, "then I'll blast the Tongtianzhu first, and you'll take care of the rest!"

"Everyone spread out! Brother is going to get bigger!" I said with a smile, the dragon gun was lifted, the black flames began to brew, and the real red-eyed black dragon's ghost appeared behind him.

The dragon's head opened his blood bowl and opened his mouth, and the dark red flames gathered in his mouth. The King's Blade shouted at this situation and shouted, "Stop him! Never let him fight that trick!" Apparently he was scared by the black flame. Now, the Hei Yan bomb is 100% destroyed, and Tongtianzhu is also considered to have collapsed when the building was hit by the Hei Yan bomb.

"You must not let them succeed!" Ye Shuang took a group of Raptor Cavalry forward and stopped.


The Raptor rushed out with a roar, and behind the roaring trampling sound, the remaining 300 or so armored Raptor cavalry and 3,000 ordinary Raptor cavalry followed the charge.

Only 20-30 people were killed by the opponent's Red Cloud Iron Rider in the previous battle. These remaining Red Cloud Iron Riders led a group of various cavalry and rushed to the front one. God is a skill. We have won for three hours! "

The cavalry on both sides hit forward!

The light bloomed, the two sides pointed their blades forward, and the deafening shouts of various swords, lights, and swords flew one after another. Everyone danced with various blades, and various skills broke out in the crowd!

Although the number of Red Cloud Iron Riders is small, the strength is not weak at all. The ordinary Raptor Cavalry can't fight them at all. They were suddenly dropped by hundreds. Feng Xiaoyue used a sword of choice to slay the remaining blood Red Cloud Iron Rider. Road: "Everyone spread out! These red cloud iron rides are given to us to deal with."

"Yes!" Wu Canhua said.

Speaking with a group of Ye Shuang attacking a Hongyun Iron Rider at the same time, the Hongyun Iron Rider fell down, and the ordinary Raptor Cavalry around him also called a cavalry every two to attack with a combined attack. Nearly 500 ordinary Raptor cavalry, the remaining three or four were killed by the Red Cloud Iron Horse, and the rest of the various cavalry were also killed by the Raptor cavalry.

At this point, the Hei Yan bomb has been fully brewed, aiming at the Tiantianzhu in front.

"Everyone let go!" Feng Xiaoyue shouted, and the Raptor Cavalry immediately gave way.

"Hei Yan bomb! Send ..." Just then, a voice came from the crowd: "Stop!"


I looked up, but stood alone in front of me, not someone else. It was Mo Shaoyan. This guy did n’t know what he was doing recently. This guy did n’t take the lead in the siege war today. Now he ran out to do something for me. This trick is my indiscriminate skill. "

"I know that."

"Know that you won't let it come!" I didn't have the patience for this guy to talk nonsense.

Mo Shao said: "I have something to discuss with you."

I said, "Let's talk until I blast the Tongtianzhu."

This guy was right: "I talked with the king before the war, and now I ca n’t redeem this one. All hopes don't destroy Tianzhu and help Ling Yunge defeat the death, of course, it won't let you dry it out. Ling Yun will so far 50% of all the yields of the court are given to your dragon tooth and the rest are divided equally among your allies. The most important thing is to actively cancel the marriage contract with Ocean Shipping. I hope you will. How about it. "

"Ah! Which side of this guy are you!" I said, "I won't terminate the **** marriage contract when I wipe Lingyun Pavilion."


"Black God, Tianzhao pull this guy away!"


Two beautiful bodyguards dragged the guy aside with violence.

"When I blast Tongtianzhu, I'll settle accounts with you again!" I said Hei Yanbo aimed at Tongtianzhu and fired!

The next moment, Hei Yanbo passed by, and the sound of "Booming" suddenly came! At the moment, Tiantianzhu collapsed, and the system's prompt jumped out of view!

"Ding ~! The Sky Tower is destroyed! This war is over! Time taken: 18 hours, 36 minutes and 2 seconds!"

I said, "Ms. Liu went to occupy the city."

Shu Tao nodded, and I said, "The rest of the gods are left to you." Xiao Jiuquan nodded.

"Next!" I said to the Tianjiao group brought to Mo Shaoyan: "Kill this group of guys who are eating and eating!"


Suddenly, the arrogant people were attacked and killed, and the people brought by this guy were not many in front of our armies.

I came to Mo Shaoyan, and this guy carried a long sword with golden light and beautiful decoration on it. He punched him severely with a punch in his face, knocked him back two or three positions, and this guy yelled after he punched me: "You guy."

I said, "The guy who eats and eats, let's die!" He sent him a shot to deal a big injury. This guy is well equipped, but he can't do other things at all. He lightly waved the dragon gun to defeat this guy. "Ghost ... ... you little devil ... dead little devil, ah ah! "With the hoarse wailing rushed forward and waved the sword in my hand. When he came into the attack range of the sword, I swiped it horizontally with a dragon gun, and the tip of the gun slightly scratched the guy's cheek.

The guy covered his cheeks and flew backwards.

I took a hard step and cut the dragon gun from the front. Mo Shaoyan's reflectively raised right hand was cut off with a single blow from me, and the weapon and arm flew out at the same time. Soon after, a clear object sounded from the distance.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah! Hand ... my hand ah ah ah ah!"

The player's limb is lost due to the attack, and this pain is not ordinary discomfort. While this guy was groaning, I hacked his body with a dragon gun again.

After screaming like killing a pig, this item was cut into two sections by my belly and fell on the ground to make a heavy sound. At the same time, a thunderstorm started, and the earth shattered and surrounded the thunder and turned him into ashes. Then a **** wind blew away the ashes left by him and disappeared completely.

I looked at the time and said, "Okay, it's done! Go offline to eat."

"Well, everyone is tired and has been playing for almost 20 hours in a row."


So the five guild players left the rest of the battlefield to clean the battlefield.

I pressed the logout button hard. The radial light spreads in front of my eyes and surrounds my consciousness, then takes me to the sky above. Opening my eyes while feeling the fatigue that was deep in my head, I immediately saw the fire dance appear in my room, and I hurriedly held up my body.

"what happened?"

Fire Dance handed me a meal card saying, "Thank you to buy dinner."

"why me?"

Fire Dance sat next to the bed, holding one of my arms against her soft peaks and exposing, "Go, okay, okay." Holding my hand, the bad start wave It seems unwilling to stop my heart from beating.

The fire dance pose can compete with Xueyue and Yun Lan. It is definitely a drooling fairy who can't help but see it. Although my resistance is good, I can't stand it, and it is seen But it wasn't so good: "I see."

After getting a satisfactory answer, Fire Dance let me go and stood up and said, "I'm gone."

"Be careful on the road."

From the first floor downstairs, I saw that in the duty room, I did n’t know where to go. Forget it, buying dinner is now the top priority.

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