Master Summoner Online

Chapter 754: Fenghan Mountain

Bring two little loli to travel in the dragon city, all the way to the hotel entrance of dragon city, Long Xin said: "Brother we went offline at night, people have never slept in bed in the game Too. "

I asked, "Then you won't be on the street in the Dragon City."

Long Xin said: "Of course on the street."

"That is?"



Xiaoguang hugged my arm tightly and said, "Longling Brother, let's open the room."

"Opening a room ..." I was a little bit crooked, but I still took them in to satisfy their curiosity. At this moment there were not many "people". A tree spirit family member stood at the counter.

The three of us walked in, Xiaoguang immediately came to the counter and said very politely, "How do I live here?"

The Shujing people said coldly: "10 silver coins a day in a normal room, 30 silver coins a day in a room, and 1 gold coin a day in a superior room."

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo expensive! The ordinary room in the dragon capital only costs one silver coin at a time, which is ten times more expensive." Xiaoguang put on a very distressed look of money.

I stepped forward and said, "May Iris be there?"

The tree spirits saw me and said, "It turned out to be His Royal Highness, our boss went out."

"Where did you go?"

"I don't know." Shujing looked at Xiaoguang and Long Xin and said, "Are these two Prince High Prince friends?"

I said, "It's my sister."

"It turned out to be His Royal Highness Prince's younger sister, disrespectful and disrespectful." The tree spirit took out a key and said, "This is the key of 407, this high key of your two princesses is yours."

"His Royal Highness?" Xiao Guang and Long Xin looked at each other.

Shu Jing said: "His prince's sister is naturally her Royal Highness Princess. Her Royal Highness Princess is here to stay here. It's an honor to have money there. All the rooms in this room will be as long as your Royal Highness Princess can live."

"Okay! Long live my elder brother (Long Ling elder brother)." The two little loli cheered again.

After getting the key, I quickly went upstairs and opened the door to see that this was almost the only thing different from mine. This was a double room.

After entering the door, the two little loli rushed to the bed!

"So soft!"

"Softer than my bed."

Looking at the two of them looking happy, but I unexpectedly rang a ringing bell. "Ding ~! You received a message in your store, please go to search."


leave a message? I left a message just after opening, so I said, "I'll go back for a while and come back to you later. Don't leave here."

"it is good."

I took out the teleport crystal and came to the dragon capital, and then flew to the Maple Leaf Station. Although I was very interested in that message, I was more concerned about the income situation.

At this point, the Maple Leaf Station was deserted, but there wasn't even a single person. Price is too high? Nobody cares?

I walked into the Maple Leaf Station and asked, "Maple Leaf One, how is the store operating?"

"Boss, the shop is very popular, but no one came after leaving a sentence ten minutes ago." Maple Leaf No. 1 respectfully said.

"What?" My voice rose ten degrees

"Show me the message," I said.


Maple Leaf No. 1 fetched a message board, and immediately frowned, and the guy who wrote the message board did not leave an ID. As for the content of the message board, it is quite sturdy and quite under-extracted: "Hello, the new owner of this shop, I'm sorry we liked this place, so I hope you will forward it to us, of course, if you do not want to forward it It can also be, it is troublesome that you transfer 50% of the store's income to account number 6227 on time every month. One day you consider the time. Tomorrow we will come to you at the same time and wait for your reply.

By! By! By! By! Lao Tzu came to blackmail within 24 hours before opening a store! Erase the message board and say, "Don't leave it open for business." This guy is probably the guy who originally threatened the desert wolf, NND, the desert wolf is gone. Now that he has found my head, he wants me to take the hard work and obtain it. I will naturally pay half of my income. Don't want to! Looking for trouble tomorrow? Well, I'll wait for you, see who is harder than anyone.

Taking a deep breath, I said, "Talk about your income today."

"Yes." Maple Leaf No. 1 said, "Today, I sold five groups of eight-level minerals, one group of nine-level minerals, and four pieces of gold equipment. A total of 16.06 million gold coins were earned. 20% of personal income tax is deducted, rounded Last income: 15,680,035 gold coins, please check with the boss. "

I felt dizzy for a while: I got rich.

More than ten million! Wonderful! Immediately included in the backpack. Farewell to the maple leaf station came to the station to inject 10 million into the station, and then asked the long-lost system administrator to exchange 4 million gold coins for RMB and return to the Dragon City to return the money owed to the dragon people before returning to the hotel.


"Longling Brother"

"what happened?"

I laughed: "Take some money to pay you debts."

Suddenly, there was a reminder to jump out.

"Ding ~! You are forcibly summoned to Long Yuan by the real red-eyed black dragon!"


I waited for Longyuan when the light was on again, but I found that the light transmitted around me was constantly flashing. I didn't expect everyone to be transmitted here.

"So what?"

"Where did we teleport?"

"Wow! A lot of gold coins!" Xiao Ai, a wealthy fan, didn't think about strange surroundings at all and saw Longyuan facing Jinshan Yinshan!

"Ah!" Suddenly Mo Yan screamed that all her nerves were pulled away, and she saw that Mo Yan holding the scepter in her hand was trembling slightly, and everyone looked at the direction that Mo Yan saw. I saw the really red-eyed black dragon lying on the huge Baoshan looking at us with a relish look.

"Little devil! Why don't you say hello to me when you ask someone to play." Really red-eyed and black dragon.

The corner of my eye twitched and said, "Don't call me a little ghost in front of so many people, okay. Give me some face?"



"Longling Brother (Brother)" Long Xin and Xiaoguang hid behind us.

I said, "It's okay, it won't hurt you." He motioned to the two adorable little loli to come out.

I said, "This guy is called the True Red-Eyed Black Dragon. He is the master of the Dragon City. This is where Long Yuan lives."

"Oh." Everyone nodded as if they didn't understand.

I turned to the true red-eyed black dragon and said, "Why are you suddenly calling me. And why are they coming?"

"I told you that something naturally happened to you. As for why your friends are here, it ’s because I made the teleport crystals you use. I want to call whoever comes, and whenever I want, call."

"So it is." I asked, "So what are you doing to me?"

True Red Eyed Black Dragon Road: "Just got the news that the Abyss Silly Hat is preparing to build a space-time gate on Fenghan Mountain, and will transfer a large number of Abyss troops to the mainland. Now you go to Fenghan Mountain to destroy the space-time gate and kill those abyss silly hats.

"Ding ~! Whether to receive the mission [Wind Cold Mountain], mission level: SSS, mission objective: destroy the time and space gate, destroy all the abyss units of the wind and cold mountain, the mission time is 48 hours, the mission fails: the team player is killed, and the time and space gate is completed. Mission penalty: The level is reduced by 50 levels, and all attribute points are permanently deducted by 200 points. (Shareable) ~! "

I directly shared the task with you, and everyone suddenly took a breath.

"Three S missions, I haven't even taken two S missions."

Ye Shuang said, "Brother, don't you do such a perverted task every day, right?"

I laughed: "Of course not, this task only happens occasionally."

Fire Phoenix said: "This task can be shared without the upper limit of sharing. We will gather the guild masters so that even the 3S task is not afraid."

"That makes sense," I said.

True red-eyed black dragon said: "You little devil, if you get things done, I will help you improve your strength."


Having said that, take everyone back to the station and then gather all the top players in the front line of Dragonfang To drive to Fenghan Mountain.

Fenghan Mountain is located in a high mountain in the Snow Dragon Mountains. The ground is full of monsters of about 100 levels. It is a leveling sacred place for advanced players. We are going to the deepest place of Fenghan Mountain. Even large teams can easily set foot.

Everyone went to Qi Hao out of the territory.

I summoned the Amber Dragon to bring the Black God, Tianzhao, Long Xin and Xiao Guang, the ice crystal of Snow Moon, the Phoenix Phoenix Sisters, and Yun Lan carrying the Silver Moon, and Zi Yue had a battle eagle, guarding the mechanical dog. Turned into motorcycles, everyone summoned their ordinary mounts of Warcraft mounts, and basically it didn't take long for them to enter the cold forest at the foot of the Snow Dragon Mountains.

On the way, we can see that many players are very happy in the team leveling. Of course, there are also chicken flying dogs killed by monsters.

A group of us quickly entered the cold forest area, but just passed through the cold forest. Now that we have found a group of people are killing a super boss, this is a hundred people group with a slightly lower level and it is more difficult to kill.

"It looks like the situation, you guys, I said whether we should treat them with BOSS in the past." Xiao Lou suggested.

I said, "Don't worry about their mission." Now brother is on the mission, and letting this group of **** here take a long time will slow down a lot of our leveling progress.

An hour later, after experiencing the eighteenth bend of the mountain road and the nine-way waterway, I finally came to the foot of Fenghan Mountain. The time and space door was in Fenghan Mountain. Finding a door among such huge peaks was a bit haystack.

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