Master Summoner Online

Chapter 752: Maple Leaf Station

When I woke up again, I went to class as usual the next day, and when I came down, I saw that the surname Mo was still sleeping in bed. I really want to know how this guy came to see this guy. You should talk to him when you have time.

Then I had a breakfast with MM, and the class came to class, and went online immediately after class.

Mirror composition.

Appeared in Panlong City, repaired the equipment, and then felt idle. I am now level 117. The leveling speed is definitely too slow. Do n’t rush to find the leveling map, just go back to me first. Take a look at the station, the current level of the steel capital is level 4, let it rise to level 10 I do n’t know the year of the monkey, and I heard that each level 10 castle will have exclusive BUFF and privileges, but I do n’t know me This alien castle will give us something good.

The iron and steel capital that has come has become a hi-tech city full of high-tech flavors. In this cold weapon era, such a resident is completely standing like a flock of chickens. The steel-rich capital surrounding the steel capital will never be enough. The city walls around the capital have been painted with a layer of paint-like things, completely painted black, and the number of crystal towers and photon turrets in the city is also large. Various facilities in the territory have been completed. And there are already a lot of players of Dragonfang Tooth who have thought about watching free high-tech buildings. Of course, there will be no hostile players here. For those who were dragged into the blacklist guild, as long as any of their players dare to approach the territory, the photon turret on the city wall will kill them to the **** without mercy. By the way, Tianjiao also has a share in my guild's blacklist.

In the castle hall, Tasada stepped out and waited for my next order. Unfortunately, I didn't ask him what to do.

I call out the control panel and look at the station name: Steel City (can be modified)

Level: Level 4 Administrators: 1 City wall defense: 55000 City wall lasting points: 200,000 Army number: 155 Production units: 70 Buildings: Protoss hub, crystal tower x25, portal, forge, control core, machine table . Light and Shadow Council.

Under construction: No fortifications: Defense walls (not activated)

Defense Weapons: Photon Battery X30 Warehouse Quantity: 1 Production: Gold Production: 1000 per hour (+ 0%)

Wood production: no stone production: 500 per hour (+ 0%)

Crystal output: 5200 per hour (+ 0%)

Sulfur production: Mercury-free production: Steel-free production: 4500 per hour (+ 0%)

Gas production: 5000 per hour (+ 0%)

"When is there any gold?"

Tasada replied: "The first two days we found a gold mine in the back of the mountain, but the reserves of this gold mine are too small to simply be the development of the resident."

I said, "How long can our funds last?"

"Three days."


Going to make money again.

Returning to the capital of the dragon, I was going to open a store and sell a large amount of ore in the warehouse. I brought the beautiful bodyguard to an old man named ‘Commercial Office’ and called ‘Fang Duwei’.

Fang Duwei saw me and said, "Haha, young man, are you coming to buy a shop or a house? I guarantee it absolutely: cheap, fair, affordable, great value!"

Seeing what he said so smoothly, if it weren't for the three letters of NPC on his head, I really thought this guy was a PPC.

I said bluntly, "I want a shop."

Fang Duwei said: "You need to pay 10,000 gold coins, 3,000 prestige, 3,000 trial points, you can choose a location you like on the map." He said, taking out a map of the dragon capital, marked on it The situation of each vacant store and those that have been purchased.

Looking at the map, it is not unusual to buy a shop now. There are many players in the world who have shops, but most of them are life players. Combat players do n’t really open shops. Later, I saw a mark next to the Akiba Market that turned into a circle, so I asked, "What is this?"

Fang Duwei said, "Someone has already bought it, but that person cannot afford the shop rent, it is closed. If you want to buy it, you must talk to him to see if this store can be transferred to you. I hope you can continue to drive as long as you pay a fee. "

"Can you tell me who that person is?"

"Of course you can." Taking out a resume, I saw that the owner of the shop was on the resume, which was a player ID called Desert Wolf.

Call out your control panel, add this desert wolf as a temporary friend, and then connect to the call. It takes about 1 minute to be connected. The other party's tone is quite bad: "Friend, what do you want from me?"

I said, "I want your shop. Let's talk."

"That's good. I'll see you in the open air in five minutes." The other party replied a long time later.

"I'll be back in a moment." Farewell to Fang Duwei, I'll fly to the rest and sit down and give my position to the other party.

Within five minutes of sitting, the desert wolf finally arrived. The height of this person is estimated to be one meter and seventy-five. The body is thin and the armor is the most I can see. The other parts are silver and purple. I also watch When it came to a pair of red shoes, it seemed that the man's life was very difficult. The desert wolf sat down and said, "Sorry, let the brothers wait."

"It's okay, so much time." I smiled and said, "I hope you can transfer the shop in your hands to me."

After I finished speaking, I saw the desert wolf's eyes staring like cow eggs: "Are you sure you want to transfer?"

"Why not?" I was skeptical about him.

The desert wolf said to me: "This friend, you are so rare. You are so rare now. Tell me about it, you will never lose money if you buy my shop. To be honest, only the shop that I bought , Damn, I'm not too young. "

I scratched my head and said, "Suffer? What kind of frustration? Can't you afford the rent?"

"Of course not!" Desert Wolf was also a little helpless. "How can a person who can afford the store rent for only one hundred gold coins a month can't afford this?"

"That is?"

"It's because my place is so good, but because of this, many shopkeepers are jealous. Especially since those big guilds are brazen enough to ask me to transfer the shopfront to them, but my brother is also a **** man, so he would rather die. But those shameless people, because I do n’t give them the storefront, I arrange my guild members to wait outside the city every day, I hang me as soon as I leave the city, and say that if I do n’t hand over the store, kill me out of the game! Asshole! "

I said, "Okay, okay, I know my brother has the energy to transfer your shop to me now, you don't have to be angry anymore, so you can level up in peace."

"Good-hearted man,"

"Go, let's go to the commercial office to complete the transfer formalities."

"Okay. Go now."

So we quickly returned to the commercial office to find Fang Duwei. After filling in various forms, Fang Duwei said: "Pay the 8,000 gold coin handling fee, this shop is yours."

I happily handed the gold coins to Fang Duwei, and Fang Duwei picked up the gold coins. From this moment, the ownership of the store has been placed in my name.

"Brothers thank you." The desert wolf thanked me.

I said, "There, there."

"Then let's stop there."


The desert wolf happily left the business office. A prompt jumped out after he left

"Ding ~ !, you successfully acquired all the stores of the Desert Wolves. Has the store type 'Grocery Store' changed?"


"Store name to reset. Please enter a new store name."

This place was right next to the Akiba Market and was named: "Maple Leaf Station."

"Ding ~! The naming was successful."

After everything was done, I bid farewell to the old man, and quickly ran back to my shop, a small shop. The plaque above the shop was written with four big characters: Maple Leaf Station pushed in the door, and there was someone inside! Are two beautiful NPC female clerks. It seems that this should be Desert Desert Wolf's previous request. Because I bought his storefront, his NPC clerk also belongs to me.

"Welcome! The new boss is on the job!" The two shouted respectfully as soon as I came in.

"Ding ~! Please redefine the names for the shop assistants TW120 and TW121!"

"Maple Leaf One, Maple Leaf Two." The name is simple and easy to remember.

"Successfully named!"

After the naming is completed, the store just puts the goods in. What kind of system is there when there is no goods in the store? So all the ore in the warehouse and the unallocated equipment were put on the shelf. The next step was to set the price, which was based on the price at the auction house, then cut some and put some funds. After everything was done, Maple Leaf No. 1 said, "Boss, we Is your store just a promotion? "

"Of course." Call up the store's control panel and click on the promotion option. After paying the system's 30 gold coins fee, the advertisement will be issued three times in a row!

"Ding ~! Attention all players! Attention all players! Maple Leaf Station officially opened today, the store location is the origin coordinate next to the Akiba market: 45171111! Welcome everyone!"

"Ding ~! Attention all players! Attention all players! Maple Leaf Station officially opened today, the store location is the origin coordinate next to the Akiba market: 45171111! Welcome everyone!"

"Ding ~! Attention all players! Attention all players! Maple Leaf Station officially opened today, the store location is the origin coordinate next to the Akiba market: 45171111! Welcome everyone!"

After the advertisement was over, I would not care about the things in the shop. I saw that my companions were already online, so I handed everyone to the station to take them to visit the Dragon City!

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