Master Summoner Online

Chapter 749: War fighter

Raised the dragon gun in his hand and laughed: "Everyone come with me, let these know that the dog knight only knows how great we are!"


Speaking, the cavalry sent a low howl under the beast, and the nether mounts with spears were horses, each of them covered with gray scales and burning with flames. In the corner, the golden eyes of the fire eye scanned and saw that the war horse named 'Flame Raging Foal' was an ordinary mount.

The cavalry of Rose Night is also a war horse and Mingshen. Some of them are not scales, but they are purple, and there is a series of purple current flowing on the body. This kind of war horse is called "purple gale horse" and it is an ordinary mount.

There are about 3,000 cavalry of Mingshen, and there are more than 5,000 cavalry at Rose Night. My cavalry is richer. There are 13,000 raptors and 3,000 armored raptors. Many, before the battle, ordinary Raptor Cavalry was killed more and armored Raptor Cavalry was rarely lost. After all, the properties of armored Raptor were much stronger than ordinary Raptor.

In contrast, the opponent's evening ghosts are probably about 30,000 to 40,000 wolf riding regiments and other small and medium guilds. Now our three family players add up to only 100,000 players, and each other has at least 200,000 to 300,000 more. I am afraid that it is still very stressful to fight, and I do n’t know the guilds who are jealous of this territory. Trends, once they start the siege together, we are in danger.




The killing sound was soaring, and the two cavalry regiments were close together!


Ghost is ahead of the generals' acceleration!

"Spiral shot!"

The spear in his hand swept through the opponent's armour, blasted the opponent's chest out of the big hole, and suddenly pushed the gun. A violent storm passed through the person, directly blasting a player behind him from the mount! Then the other players behind him hacked to death.

On the other side, the Dragon Slayer did not control the mount while carrying a giant sword while sprinting and slashing. The giant sword fell into the crowd with a single blow, killing a group of enemy cavalry turned upside down. As a profession that took extreme lines, the command of high attack power Human hair means that using group attack skills to cause significant damage to multiple targets, not only can kill the enemy, but also disrupt the opponent's formation is very sharp.

The two people brought the Mingling crowd to scream the dragon teeth of the dragon I led, and everyone could not show weakness. The dragon gun was cast into a huge dragon gun of ten meters.

"Dragon Soul Broken!" With a roar, the dragon gun slammed vertically, slamming the ground for a moment, and the weather was full of waves. Then the dragon soul was cut down and added a BUFF. The attack power was pushed to the extreme. The Dragon Soul combo would kill a few seconds and Beat more players into residual blood.

"Kill!" The people who madly killed these blood-sucking people couldn't resist, and they made countless heads in one charge.

"Death Hurricane!"

"Meteor fire and rain!"

"Lightning storm!"

"Ice Crystal Hell!"

The sound of crazy skills echoed in the air, and various crazy attacks fell on our positions. Many of the cavalry who rushed up were hanged in this overwhelming magic at the same time. At the same time, I also recruited countless magic attacks. The attack just started. It was destroyed in less than a second, and the subsequent skills did not evade the remaining attacks. The body immediately suffered several heavy blows, which lasted instantly and suddenly reduced.

At the same time, a knight of the dusk ghost rushed at me on a wolf beast. When preparing to wield a skill attack, the thunder caller thundered the paralysis on the spot and then the wolf emperor pounced on it and crazily bit the body by pressing down his paw and teeth. At the same time, the ice and snow dragon breathed out and the two wolf emperors avoided it. The man was breathless and then smashed into the ground with the fierce strength of the Snow Dragon's tail.

The ground collapsed instantly, and the man was trapped by the smashed unknown number of meters.

At this time, a druid and his summoned beast were combined, transformed into a golden tiger, and flew into the sky. At the same time, he launched a tiger pattern around the skill body, under the impact of the air waves, a piece of rock.

And the timing of this guy's selection was very good. I just repelled a player's flutter. This time I didn't dodge again, so I threw out the dragon gun and started the red dragon roaring. The huge red dragon collided with the tiger!

With a loud bang, the Tiger was severely hit and flew out without being hit by Chilong.

"Come on!" A group of assassins are hiding together, while other players are following closely. Obviously they want to gather the strength of everyone to kill me, and when my summoned beast is far away from me, it is too late to support, it seems You can only rely on yourself.

"Roar!" The amber dragon roared on the dragon's arm, and I laughed, "Please, buddy!"

Take a step forward: "Burning breath!"

"Roar!" A roar, soaring flames rushed up in front of the player and swallowed up the damage.

"Death lash!" A burst of artillery burst into the sea of ​​flames, and eight pythons like the tentacles of the python burst out fiercely. The flames and breath caused the sea of ​​flames to be instantly broken apart, followed by these tentacles. Suddenly, the ground was smashed with cracks on the ground. The strength of this tentacle can be imagined.

The sea of ​​fire dispersed and I saw a giant squid two meters high in front of me!

"Beast God! My little squid is good!" The long horse face in heavy armor is riding a wolf beast carrying a three-ring giant sword, and the long horse face says, "Beast God give it to me, and you all let me go!" Around dusk Ghost players have stepped back and looked for other opponents.

I immediately scanned this guy-Level 109, Warrior, Equipment: Mad Python (White Gold), Black Armor (Dark Gold), Cursed Pants (Orange), Mount: Firefang Greed (Normal), War Pet: Parade guard.

I haven't seen this guy for many days now that he has acquired a hidden profession and has platinum weapons, then the parade guard should be the squid.

The cavalry of the two sides around us scrambled to kill each other in succession, and judged the pros and cons. Although the number of our three guild cavalry was small and powerful, they were several times stronger. Under this impact, the greedy wolf cavalry except the dusk ghost could barely fight. Under the impact of other players, the cavalry began to shake the position and chaos, and it was not very obedient to the command of the Twilight Ghost, and they smashed these runners for a while, and even some weak guilds turned around and exited the battle. However, more people choose to continue to kill. The battlefield is full of corpses that have not been refreshed. Of course, they are basically all the bodies of miscellaneous cavalry. Among them, the bodies of the greedy wolf cavalry of the dusk ghost are as many as seven or eight hundred. The members of the Side Cavalry Regiment have losses. Although the number of disadvantaged can be reduced from strength, many players on the opposite side can resist and struggle. The disadvantage of strength can not only be made up by the quantity.


Turning his vision back to the long horse face and holding the sword in his hand, he shouted sternly: "Beast God! Take it!" The mad python sword pointed at me, and the thick air of waves gathered above the blade only heard "hum". There was a blast of air waves, and the collected energy was shot out with a harsh shriek, flying out at an indescribable speed.

The octopus patrol guard suddenly jumped into the air and leaped fiercely, and the eight tentacles flung out and split wildly towards him. At the same time, there was an ugly road in the mouth of a bunch of wrists and feet.

If you are hit in this way, you must do nothing, absorb the blood shield and sacrifice it, and directly absorb all the damage. The damage is absorbed by the blood shield into my supply, and the blood will immediately return to fullness.

Then he kicked his feet and slammed into the bottom. "Surging storms" launched water columns into the sky and turned into roaring water dragons, killing his face and his squid!

"The roar of war!" Long Ma roared, his mouth making a roar like a thunder, and the water dragon killed him in front of him because he had stiffened him. I was also disturbed by this strong voice. The whole body was suddenly shaken. Since the whole person was stiff!

"Ding ~! You are affected by the roar of war, stiff for 08 seconds!"

Although it is only a few tenths of a second, not even one second, but it is just a few tenths of a second to be killed! Long horse face jumped up sharply from his own sitting body, and the huge knife slashed fiercely on me, shattering as much as the ground under my feet and within a few meters, and then the eight tentacles drawn by that squid were even more powerful A steel whip was drawn on the body!

Qi and blood frantically decreased, and when I recovered, I saw it became a volley that didn't know what it was, and it banged on me!

"Ah!" This blow was very sudden, but my time was in place. Even if I wanted to use my skill defense, it was too late. I felt like I was under a mountain, and my blood was suddenly reduced to 3400 points. He was caught in the ground. Since he was not able to hang up with such a series of moves, it is really thanks to his defense of up to 5,000. If it turns into a previous strike, it is difficult to hold it.

When I opened my eyes again, I saw a huge shadow falling towards me. Now I can't move when I have time. If I hit myself, I will only die! !!

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