Master Summoner Online

Chapter 746: rescue

Break through the barriers of the soldiers, and everyone broke into the opponent's interior and rushed left and right like no one's realm.

"Unstoppable, they are too aggressive."

"You can't stop it!"

"What stop?"

"Take your life!"


After this article was finished, the straight trajectory swept across the ground, launched an assault, and rushed towards me, coming to me "pretentious!"


This person directly hit the prestige hall, the black **** drove in the chariot, crushing countless players.

A few quick steps, I said: "Speed ​​forward!"

Xueyue quickly came to me, holding the shield from Thor's Valley, and this shield 'Thunder's Guard' was a platinum shield, and all the attacks on the opposite side of the shield were clouds.

Holding a giant shield in one hand and waving a sword of choice in the other, the opponent's warrior couldn't withstand her attack. She quickly held the long sword flat, and suddenly a blue light flew from the sword's edge. hit!

—29045, the sword of the day pierced a warrior with the shield on his chest, the man widened his eyes, and seemed unable to believe that since his shield was completely a cloud in front of the opponent ’s attack, he knelt slowly on Ground.

Xueyue strangled to death. This is the last soldier. After the soldiers hung up the next battle, they were completely caught in a massacre. However, we have no intention of continuing the massacre now. .

"Last hit!" We saw the dragon-slayer shortly after entering, kneeling on the ground with one sword, and supporting his bruised body with a huge sword. Thirty meters in front of the dragon-slayer, the white-armored man had white hands. The sword slid against the ground, setting off the dirt and grass roots. It turned out to be a conscious control of the charge!

Under this attack, the Dragon Slayers had to return to zero on the spot.

"Thunder breaks!"

Yinyue quickly opened the long bow in her hand, bursting out a thunderbolt-like arrow like lightning, breaking through the sky, and screaming through the sky. The white armor man responded quickly, leaning back at a fast speed. This arrow Ya hid from him in front of him, and Arrow hit a hapless guy in the distance, only killing the man back to the city.

"Save him over."

The Black God immediately drove the chariot and pulled the Dragon Slayer onto the car, while the opponent took two Rose Night players and rushed up.

At this moment, as the rocket hit an enemy player and punched a hole in that person, the fire phoenix was now surrounded by red flames, and a pair of flame wings flew up behind, looking noble! gorgeous! Holy and inviolable!

"Lan Xue, let's get rid of this guy!" Yinyue burst and fired an arrow to kill another person.

Huofeng nodded, and the other laughed: "I like to choose two and let them disappear as your opponents." After that, he turned and waved his sword.

Fire Phoenix immediately shot and hit the opponent's sword with an arrow, the opponent's attack track deviated, and at the same time the whole person could not help but step back. The silver moon of the other person's body immediately opened the thunder and gave her a shout, "Thunder Arrow!"

A strange howling sounded, the arrow was like a galaxy, flying madly towards itself.

Yan Xiaoyun scattered without showing a weak sweep of a sword gas to meet the lightning bolt of Yinyue.

"A shot in the sky!" Huofeng followed Li Xiao again, shooting the arrow with the strongest single attack and fastest speed.

The strike of the sky is as natural as defensive defensive attributes, and the sword disappearing across the chest: "Hail Wind Shield!"

"Boom!" With a sound of ground, Yan Xiaoyun shuddered, and the Fengfeng Shield was torn apart by the phoenix sky.

Yan Xiaoyun's heart shook, and he was afraid to underestimate the strength of the two beautiful archers. The struggle between the two sides is fierce.


Fire Phoenix Yinyue dealt with the smoke disappearing, and the other side "Boom Boom Boom ..." In an instant, the air burst loudly, and the archer of the ghostly counterpart retreated back and forth. The opponent rode on the leopard and pressed his hands to hold the long bow.

"Arrow of Light!" With a clear howl, a dazzling light dazzled above the long bow, a golden arrow, and when he saw it, he would hit the Nether-"Shield of Xuanwu!" Xiao Guang drank the turtle and beast soulfully On her left arm, she blocked the opponent's 'Arrow of Light' attack.

"Shotgun!" Summer carried her new weapon and blasted at the archer!

"Awakening of light!" The man yelled at the four walls of light to protect him inside, and the summer artillery shells bombarded the wall of light and immediately destroyed the light wall and the person, setting off an air wave to lift the person from the mount. Go out.

"Damn! Why suddenly such a powerful figure popped up!" The man stood up and said with a carp.

"Help." A young lady who was about the same size as the early cold stretched out the cube's enchantment and blocked a huge black python that was ten meters long. The python sprayed green juice against the enchantment, and the enchantment was in the juice. The attack is at stake.

There is a big white bird in the sky behind this python. This big bird is very similar to Xueyue Ice Crystal Phoenix. On the back of the big bird there is a beautiful beauty, which is no better than Xueyue or clouds. Lan is poor, each with his own temperament is very good, and the body is perfect to burst, tall chest, slender waist, slender beautiful legs, rounded hips ... are simply the best in the world.

Beneath this big bird is a huge monster that looks like a huge body! The huge head is like a dragon head, with obvious dragon-bearing dragon horns. The center of the forehead is strangely inlaid with a huge water-blue pearl. The light is very bright. The limbs are like horseshoes, exuding majesty and the power of the king.

The python struck his tail once and struck the enchantment. The enchantment collapsed. The python rushed up against the lord too much. The too **** was so frightened that his legs were soft and he sat on the ground. when.

The flames of **** flames surrounded the flames, stepping on the ground, roaring and rushing up.

The ten-meter python did not fear the murderous **** slayer, and screamed to greet him.

There was a squeaking noise, a harsh grind-like sound sounded, and the **** slayer was roaring completely. The burning arms grabbed the python and let the hind arms pull. The moment the snake was torn into A few paragraphs disappeared into the air.

Ziyue stepped forward with her arms in her arms and laughed, "What kind of skill is it to bully my little brother. I have a kind of gesture."

"Okay." The big white bird smiled.

The female soldier in blood-red armor barely supported the group with a spear. The opponent did not give her a chance to breathe, her fists burned into flames, her hands turned into a circle in the void, and the flame formed in this circle. A fiery dragon, a terrible dragon groaned.

"This trick is over!" The female martial artist said: "Reading the Beast: Fire Dragon and Xiaotian!" A huge fire dragon burst out into the flames and was about to devour the female warrior in one fell swoop.

However, at this moment, Yun Lan suddenly shot out of the void and punched out. He was on the head of the fire dragon and broke it with one punch. Yun Lan said: "You step down first and give it to me here."

The female soldier nodded and retreated immediately. At this moment, the other female martial artist tried to step forward and was intercepted by Yun Lan: "Your opponent is me."

"Then you are talking about it first!" Said the female martial artist, and she furiously punched him up, Yun Lan fisted up to show her strength.

The song of life has been killed, and it is not a crime to be killed. When he is about to finish, he suddenly flashes away from the place where he was standing, and blasts out a huge deep hole.

The killing was not a horrified sin, and looked up.

But in the void, a halo angel with a pair of white wings behind his armor appeared, and the sword in his hands suddenly chopped at him! And the sword drew with a volley of golden flames, and rushed to the bottom of himself.


"Guardian of the Moon!" Killing is not a sin, knowing that he can't escape this attack, so he turns on the skill to resist, but just when he just resisted Xiao Ai's angel's inflammation, every golden light hit him and hardened him. Shengsheng beat out of several positions.

"Fearless charge!" Ye Shuang rushed to the killing with a new spear and launched a combo. Obviously, his time was not enough for his home. Being killed was not a crime. A few chic positions avoided him. All attacks.

Before waiting for him to stand still, Feng Xiaoyue, wearing a suit of choice, appeared behind him. The sword of choice in his hand was beating Lei Guang, and he was beheaded to kill not sin!

"Guide of the Moon!" The killing is not the sinful palms blasting an energy on the body and forcing the wind Xiaoyue's Benlei to forcibly bounce off. Killing is not a sin at the moment, and he has been surrounded by a group of opponents whose strength is not inferior to himself. Although he can single out he can defeat any one who shouldn't be in the group.

I used AMP to solve the fear of Shu Dao, and everyone was behind him, and Mo Yan immediately provided blood for him. At the same time the Thundercaller will be rescued by the blood charm of the siege of N players.

· Suddenly, the situation on both sides reversed!

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