Master Summoner Online

Chapter 737: Burst into Thor's altar

This road is extremely long. We killed from the beginning to the end, and killed more than ten powerful Thor blades and dozens of ordinary Thor blades. There were a bunch of miscellaneous equipment, and there were two sets of choices, which were belts. And shoes, if you can, you can explode several sets of choice sets to equip the top fighters of the guild, which is definitely a wonderful thing.

When the crowd turned around the corner after cleaning the battlefield, two powerful thunder blades rushed out, dancing head-on and blocking in front of us!

Thor's Blade wields a sword and splits Snowy Moon to fight the sword. However, the powerful Thor's Blade's impact not only blocked Xueyue's attack, but she also retreated halfway, but hit so many monsters of the same type. I got up very handy, and everyone immediately retreated. I commanded the Gatling Blast Dragon to attack. The Gatling Blast Dragon ’s No Money Bullets consumed the shields of the powerful Thor blades, and I also used the Ripper to attack the two Thor blades After the shield was lightened, the skills that were already ready in everyone's hands were immediately launched, and the lost shield of the thunder blade immediately attracted us to overwhelming attacks. The MMs blocked one of me and the summoned beast against the other click! A series of bullets immediately hit each other's sparks, and the powerful thunder blade without shield was under our siege, and it could not make much waves, and it was quickly destroyed into parts. After defeating these two Thor blades, they continued to advance.

But I didn't get out of the distance of 100 meters and my heart was completely cold.

There is a **** in front of us. Below the **** is a huge corridor about ten meters wide. It grows darkly at the end of this corridor. There is a huge circular platform at the end. It is full of dense powerful ordinary thunder blades. The numbers were unclear, and a dazzling blue light shone on the platform.

I sent the wolf queen down to try and test, but the two wolf princes just went down and immediately chopped up the sword again. One wolf queen was chopped to death instantly. The other wanted to run and was pulled back by the opposing pliers. Cut vegetables.

When I saw this scene, I was shocked. If I went down, I might be the result of being split by a knife. So many monsters, let alone myself, even if the Gatling Blast Dragon fell, it would be chopped to slag.

"What a terrible place, this game company is really dark! Ordinary players can only come in this way," Yinyue scolded.

Erica said: "Let's try to fly over?"

I nodded and summoned the Amber Dragon, turned over and came to it and said, "I'll try it first." After I patted the head of the Amber Dragon, the Amber Dragon immediately rose into the air and flew towards the end of the corridor.

But when I was about five hundred meters away, when I saw more than twenty Thor blades on the ground looking up at me, I found that the weapons equipped by the thunder blades were not war swords, nor swords and shields. But cannon! That's right! The magic crystal cannon similar to the one seen in Black Iron City has a small body and a small caliber, as is the machine gun of the Gatling Blast Dragon.

These twenty or more Thor sword blades equipped with this reduced-size magic crystal cannon raised the muzzle, and the white light gathered in the muzzle "咻! 咻! 咻!" One after another, the amber dragon quickly hurled its wings. Backing down, Yan Long fired a mad fire at the ground. With the cover of the fire, he kept backing. After exiting the range, the gun blade on the ground also stopped firing.

The Amber Dragon fell on the slope, and I came down from the Amber Dragon and said, "I can't get through the other side and there are air defenses."

"What then?" Mo Yan asked.

I said, "It can only be advanced from the ground. Waves of waves are drawn to kill them. Although it will take a lot of time, it is at least safe."

"It seems that can only be the case." Xueyue said.

So everyone summoned all kinds of war pets out there. There is a lot of space here to summon the beasts and war pets, plus we stand together.

"I'm going to blame, everyone prepares!" I whispered, to be honest I don't have much confidence in killing low mechanical monsters, but now there is no way out.

Xueyue said: "Get all your control skills ready. Don't draw too many waves, or you won't be able to carry it."


A series of bullets from the Gatling Dragons immediately attracted the attention of eleven thunder blades. The propellers behind a dozen thunder blades ejected flames and flew towards us when they entered the range of Gallulu. Direct it immediately to launch absolutely frozen gas!

However, since these thunder blades spread out in the air, avoiding the air conditioner, but the range of air conditioners is very large. They spread fast or slow. The mid-range volleys became ice cubes. Those thunder blade edges that were not frozen Come at us immediately.

Up there are countless bullets, arrows, magic, energy, and the blue light hitting their shields is constantly flashing. By the time they dive down to the ground, the shield is already digested, and the lions and lions that fall into Yunlan bear the brunt.

After releasing the flame attack, Lanshi leap forward and threw a thunder blade floating in the air to the ground. Two powerful claws patted each other in turn, and the flames popped between the claws. The claws tore the metal armor of this Thor's blade, causing great damage to it!

The four-headed dragon in the sky, the Amber Dragon, the Snow Dragon, the Storm Dragon, and the Aquamarine Dragon, breathe wildly! A series of injuries floated, and the thunder blades that were frozen up and the thunder blades that rushed down before us were attacked by our stubbornness. The powerful shields of the thunder blades are similar to ordinary thunder blades, and the damage suffered is Obviously, the original neat attack formation became chaotic among various attacks.

Some thunder sword blades and swords are stabbing and slashing people. It's painful, but this can't prevent our output. As long as Mo Yan is protected, everyone is very strong under the continuous treatment of Mo Yan.

When the thunder blade was called by the summoned beast and the pet of the war, we also launched an outburst. Xueyue and Hua Lian's huge sword and attitude draw a sword of light and sword, Yun Lan's fist also hit the tiger with vigor, Ai Rika and Silvermoon's magic arrows cover attacks indiscriminately.

I spotted a Thor blade, Baigui Nightwalk slammed into it, hit it heavily on the wall, and made a loud noise. Baigui Nightwalk slammed its head and severely deformed it. The splash collapsed weakly to the ground.

Its destiny is just the epitome of other companions, but Thor, the advanced monster, began to fight back after losing several companions, but lost the advantage of group cooperative operations, and they could not afford much waves.

Even if they were beaten badly, these Thor blades showed no signs of escaping, or their data did not escape.

call out! One shot of Gatling Blast will hit the left eye of a Thor blade and immediately strung it. This Thor blade blasted out the flying claws and caught on Gatlin Blast's arm. Instead of dragging the Gatling Blast Dragon over, it was pulled back by the Gatling Blast Dragon. This Thor's blade was stumbled and dragged over!

Click! Click!

A shuttle bullet fell on the thunder blade's scarred body like a raindrop and suddenly became the last straw that crushed the camel. The flying sword 0 fell less than half a meter away from the Gatling blast dragon. .

In the ten-minute battle, the last Thor blade fell, and the dozen or so Thor blades brought in were wiped out. We have damaged a lot of potions. Take a look at the potion of your backpack. 20% of the total potion has been consumed along the way. It is estimated that the remaining potions are about 20-30%, and these monsters also burst potions. Yes, so our sustainability is guaranteed.


With regard to this wave of consumption, a group of us almost went through the entire corridor for more than ten hours, and finally killed all the Thor's blades in this corridor regardless of their version, and our ranks were all After rising to level 115, while giving Hualian and Xueyue each a set of choices, they also harvested six complete sets of choices and a dozen sets of spare parts, including four light weapons. One of them is because Hua Lian does not like the sword weapon, so the weapon of her choice suit is not used, otherwise there are only three weapons. After finishing Thor's Blade, we also broke into Thor's general altar. Then face real battle.

Looking at the time, it was already more than seven in the evening, and several MMs were already groaning hungry.

Yinyue carried the thunderous thump behind her and stretched a lazy waist, and her flat belly and elevated twin peaks suddenly showed her eyes, and said, "Big Benlong is hungry. Let's go eat."

I said, "Well, I am also hungry. The son of thunder and lightning should hide in it, and the next real challenge!"

"Well, everyone went to eat in the original underground line!"

"it is good."

Everyone took out the tents in preparation for going offline. I have only 30% of the durability of my Red Eyed Dragon Gun. It ’s rare to have equipment that can automatically restore the durability after taking a break from the offline.

Get into the tent, exhale the control panel, and go offline!

The moment he took off the helmet, he washed his face and left the room. Yun Lan, Xueyue, and Yinyue were all there. Immediately, Mo Yan and Hua Lian were met on the way to the dormitory. Everyone went towards the cafeteria.

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