Master Summoner Online

Chapter 735: Thor Blade

For an hour, the revenge fighter in front of the tree became a body in front of us, with dense equipment, cards and gold coins folded in front of the ground.

"Clean the battlefield, speed!"

Back to the back of the red-eyed dragon gun and began to pick up the equipment on the ground, everyone's help worked together for a while, picked up a lot of equipment, took out a magnifying glass to identify them one by one, these equipment is green ~ Dark gold is available. Pack up more than gold, and worship below gold! In addition, this guy also contributed a dozen cards. Monster cards have also burst a lot before, but there are very few cards that can be used directly for enchantment, but the vengeful fighter has burst such rare cards.

[Revenge Fighter] (Consumable). Type: Card, Effect: Increases the attack power of the user by 20%. When attacking, it has a 70% chance to destroy the target armor. It requires a level of 100 and lasts 20 minutes.

It can be used for PK. People who can use this thing can cry without tears.

After leveling the avenger fighter, he opened the door. An object made of silver metal stood proudly on a large piece of open space. Its height reached thirty meters, and it gradually extended from the highest point in a triangle to the part that may be buried underground. One hundred meters, it looks like a special spinnaker when viewed from the side. The forward attitude splits the ground in the wind.

Despite the unknown storm storm and lightning baptism, the surface of this metal sail is still smooth enough to clearly reflect the surrounding scene.

I took out the map and looked at it and said, "According to the instructions on the map, that thunder god's altar is under the ground of this metal building."

"So what are you waiting for? Go ahead!" Yinyue said holding her chest.

It seems that the real test has just begun. From the map, the exposed surface is only part of the total altar. From the exposed part of the light, Guangguang can easily infer how huge the underground altar itself is. Existence, there must be countless dangers waiting for us.

I found it through the map. Because the intersection is very much because we put away the summoned beasts and war pets, I turned on the thermal scan and fire eye gold eyes to enter. The channel is very dim, but after we enter, the surrounding magic crystal lights light up at the same time. The tunnel lights are bright.

The dense, criss-crossed passage took about half an hour. Just as we turned over the next intersection, there was a message from the thermal scan, and a monster about 200 meters away was moving here.

Immediately said in a deep voice: "A monster is coming, everyone be careful!"

"Got it!"

Although this passage is very large, it is basically curved, and the straight part is no more than tens of meters. Everyone is ready to fight and stay in place, waiting for the appearance of the opponent.

In the bright and empty corridor, the five shadows are approaching us at a fairly fast speed, and we are very close, but everyone has not heard any running footsteps, which seems quite abnormal.

This is indeed very strange. Once again, everyone entered the game for the first time and stood in the second world for so long. Any monster has its own footsteps. The difference is nothing more than the size of the sound. The fast approaching sound is usually only found in monsters with thick feet.

But the next second, everyone's doubts were immediately answered, and only a light "squeak" sound was heard. At the corner of the passage, a silver mechanical monster took the lead in everyone's sight.

"Ah! Robot!" Erica exclaimed.

She's right, this is not very human, but it's all metal armor, with a shield on the left and a sword on the right. Shields and epees have energy shining on them.

Fire Eye Golden Eye Scanning-Thor Blade, Level 142, Alien, Introduction: Thor's altar has always been the forbidden area of ​​Thor's Church. Only church members summoned by the leader are eligible to enter, and the guards who guard the altar use super ancient Titan civilization The mechanical puppets created by the alchemists of these, the most faithful guardians, they have no emotions, they will only obey the manufacturer's implantation orders to guard this land, and any outsider who dares to break in will suffer their most Expulsion by strong force.

It is a bit terrible to have five heads in one breath, and they move in a different way. Behind these Thor blades are things like the jet backpack of Gatling Blast Dragons. With this thing, these Thor blades float in the air , Floating over pretty fast!

After seeing us, Thor's blade flashed a turquoise light in both eyes at the same time. The first one appeared less than a second later, and the other four also came along. .

Seeing this scene, Xueyue immediately picked up the life-threatening poison dragon sword, a concentrated energy attack was the first to greet Xiang Xing who was rushing to the front!

—The 14500 channel is not spacious, and the front Thor blade is immediately hit by the energy flow, the armor shell tears a scratch wound, and some parts and lines are exposed in the sparks.

Immediately after Erika's icy storm exploded in the robot group, the elemental flow generated by the ice burst immediately struck the five Thor blades. The first two were frozen down and followed up. Three collided. "Boom" Five thunder blades fell to the ground at the same time.

To be honest, sometimes seeing monsters makes people feel relieved. The presence of enemies is not necessarily a bad thing, at least you need not worry. As the so-called narrow path meets the brave, in such a face-to-face confrontation, only by killing a blood path can one set foot on the path to victory.

I summoned Gatling Blast Dragons. There is not much space here. Amber Dragons and Gallulu are not sure, but Gatlin Blast Dragons are more than enough here. At the same time, I also release the Wolf King, and the Thor Blade across from the frozen state. Released, this time they did not fly but rushed forward.

Click! Click! Click!

A series of bullets leaned on the front of Thor's blade, followed by a laser that shattered its final counterattack. Gatling Blast's intelligence was very high, and the support fire was very timely, which immediately paralyzed the opponent.

However, the four thunder blades in the back did not self-destruct because of the companions in front. Soon they flew up again and flew over the paralyzed thunder blades that day. The two wolf lords pounced on the front thunder blades. I saw this thunder god. A dazzling blue light burst from the epee in the blade's hand and hit both wolf empires instantly.

The Wolf Emperor was blown out instantly, and his forehead even jumped up-20,000 damage value.

I was shocked to see this situation. To know that the wolf emperor had all my attributes, since it was 20,000 hit by a note that hurt the thunder blade, it was too scary.

Just when we were surprised, the four Thor blades had come to us less than two meters, and the epee in the hands of the closest Thor blades stabbed at me, and quickly started the attack. The epee chopped on the shield and hurt the shield for a long time. Fortunately, this move helped me escape.

Whew! There is a tear-like sound in the air. The epee in the hands of the four Thor blades flutters in a volley, and the black **** quickly blocks in front of me to block the opponent's chokes. At the same time, Hualian, Yunlan, and Xueyue are all Attacked at the same time.

In the rear, Gatling Blast Dragon, Erica, and Yinyue kept sending out attacks. Mo Yan kept supplying for the people in front. At this moment, the Thor blade lying on the ground stood up again. I saw that the situation could not help it at all. It moved out of the dragon step, and the Red-Eyed Dragon Lance stabbed at the Thor's blade. Seeing that the Thor's blade stood up, he was caught by a cricket and almost fell on the smooth floor.

Seeing the situation, the ice and snow triple cut started immediately, but just a few seconds before I started, the thunder blade cut its shield in front of myself and blocked my ice and snow triple cut, and then strode forward!

The hugeness in my hand hit me hard. Suddenly the whole body was stiff.

The epee flashing with a stream of energy chopped down on me relentlessly. But our response is not slow. Seeing that the heavy sword is about to start, the real and fake movements are started, the real body avoids, and the throat, heart, and waist of the substitute are all hitting at the same time.

While it was in it, the Black Dragon stabbed into the thunder blade's waist and stunned it, followed by the devastating blow, the smashing blow, and the barrier hitting him, and once again it was paralyzed and unable to resist. Hesitantly replenished it with an energy explosion and completely destroyed it into broken parts.

Just as I was blasting a Thor blade, the Thor blade that was entangled with Yun Lan suddenly turned around and hurled at me suddenly. A blue stream of energy protruded from the edge of the epee. The whole body was spinning at a high speed, I quickly flashed around to avoid, but as soon as I avoided, the epee slashed to the ground and a stream of energy blew me out of my guard and was hit!

A huge number of injuries flew over my head—11023-12747. I am fortunate to say that the messy attributes and the effect of concentration training have been added. I have about 30,000 health. In this case, the total blood is also destroyed. With more than two-thirds of his health, the strength of this thunder sword is really fierce.

"Broken Hammer!"

Yun Lan's fierce boxing hit the back of Thor's blade and knocked it into the ceiling. After falling, he collapsed to the ground, and then our attack turned into scrap iron. After solving the two Thor blades, we immediately supported others to break the remaining three Thor blades one by one.

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