Master Summoner Online

Chapter 724: Siblings vs siblings

"Everything is over, let's go." I waved my head and prepared to leave.

"Wait," said a crisp female voice.

I turned around and said, "What else?"

"Of course nothing will not come to you." A voice came from the purple magic robe.

I said, "It's not over between us."

The other person said, "That thing is just an opportunity."

"An opportunity?"

The other said, "I know everything from beginning to end."


"The little girl wants to teach the beast god's skill. It needs a proper reason, so I'll take a chance, otherwise this kind of trifling will take so much trouble?

"Indeed," he said, turning around.

"Longling brother."

I laughed and said, "It's okay, your dragon spirit brother is not that easy to lose."

"The power of the beast **** is interesting," the man said.

The female player said, "Brother speaks a lot today, more than before."

"Have you? Why don't I remember." The man scratched his head. The girl didn't speak but just sighed.

I laughed and said, "No more nonsense. It's too much trouble to come one by one. You two, let's go together."

"Is it a bit unfair to play two?"

Long Xin squeezed out the crowd and ran to me and said, "Just add me, you can do it, brother to sister, fair and reasonable."

I nodded and turned on the system duel mode, and the other side turned on.

"Ding ~! Player: Leng Yufei's poem, killing is not a crime to initiate a team duel to you. Do you accept the duel application?"

"Accept." After pressing the Accept button, the interface in front of me pops up with three options, limited time mode, kill mode, and free mode. The last update of the system integrated the player's PK mode. It is not so easy for players to directly check PK. Click to play, but you must choose one of the three options. The first time-limited mode is that the player PK has a time limit. The time limit is at least no less than three minutes and no more than one hour. If the winner is not divided after the end of the time, the win or loss is determined according to the blood produced by the two sides. The second kill mode has no time limit. Winning and losing depends on who gives the opponent a damage first, as long as one damage is done to win and fail, but not just hitting it casually, but another hit that causes the opponent's total vitality to exceed 10% of the damage. The last free mode can be played freely without any restrictions, but one common feature of the three modes is that they cannot use any potions and props.

After accepting the duel application, select the time limit mode and set the time to ten minutes.

"Ding ~! The duel application is approved, countdown one minute before the start."

Killing is not a crime. Pulling out the weapon behind is a cyan blade. This blade is not as long as a sheath and is less than half a meter in length. He said, "Come on."

I nodded and said, "That's what it is!"

Killing is not a crime. Put your weapon in my hand and say to the cold rain flying around you: "Cold rain, prepare to fight!"



I drank, "Long Xin, ready to go to war!"


In this battle, I want the summoned beast to participate because I feel unfair.

At the same time, two waves backed away. In addition to shouting cheers in the mouths of the players around him, they also screamed "Cut him!", "Kill him!" And so on.

Long Xin and Leng Yufei poems retreated one after another, the magician profession itself is very fragile, it is finished by being close. We both stared at each other face to face, killing was not a sin in our pupils. Even so, you can't be timid and receive the other person's eyes. The shouting cheers slowly walked away from me, I don't know if the sensory organs have started to accelerate, and I even feel that the surrounding colors have undergone subtle changes.

The countdown has begun. The cheers around have weakened to the sound of small waves.

Blood flow gradually increased throughout the body. With all my strength to suppress my urge to fight, after removing the last hesitation, I pulled out the red-eyed dragon gun on my back.

Both sides put on battle frames.

Neither side managed the system display panel, but when the text "DUEL" appeared, both sides rushed out at the same time.

The killing was not a sin to lower his body and rush forward, almost gliding on the ground.

I also pounced on the dragon gun. The red-eyed dragon gun stabbed past like a mad dragon going to the sea. The opponent shot down without showing weakness. The two weapons collided. The opponent ’s strength was obviously weak with me. The impact caused by the collision of the weapon Popped his body, although he popped, he quickly stabilized his body, slumped his feet, and forced it up again, just as I watched that the killing was not a sin, a low drink came from my ear: "Poison pulp bomb!"

In front of Leng Yufei's poem, a rotating purple magic array appeared. Several purple clusters in the magic array seemed to spray out the mud-like material, and the body moved to the left, and at the same time, the weapon of killing not sin had fallen!

"Crescent moon is broken!"

A silver light emerged from the dagger in his hand, and the weapon marked a crescent-shaped light in the air. The blow from the volley was very sudden.


When the crescent-shaped energy fell on the shield, something surprising happened. Since this crescent-shaped energy flow was not blocked by the attack, it passed directly through the shield and fell on the body with a lot of pain!

-10989 My heart sank, a very good skill, since I can ignore the defense of the shield to cause damage. If the opponent is a mage, even the strength of the opponent's shield can't stop this trick.

The moment I was struck, the body that was not sin was approaching my side, and the short sword in the right hand was slanted downward to the left. The dragon gun met his attack, and then a fierce spark broke out. Just then his left hand did not know when a dagger appeared. The left hand dagger was slower than 0.1 second from the right, and stabbed in from an incredible angle!

He jumped away without hesitation, and at the same time the dragon gun posed a stance of "Tengyun Assault" and stabbed at the other side.

Killing is not sin to cross my arms against my attack. But the intense shock that spread through him spreads him personally several meters away. Killing is not the safe landing of sin after a turn in the air.

With one hit, I didn't give him time to reshape the situation, and once again used the sprint to shorten the distance between each other. The red-eyed dragon gun in his hand fired the 'Declaration of Lightning'. The speed of the lightning declaration was too late to escape the rain, let alone him.

"Poisonous grenade!"

The announcement of the lightning immediately retracted my body and backed up. After a few seconds I backed up, something fell on the place where I was standing, leaving a half-meter-diameter pothole on the ground. There was a pool of bubbling purple liquid.

"Long Xin suppressed her!"

While I shouted, Long Xin would summon meteor fire and rain to fall.

"Poison Shield!"

She sipped a huge semi-circular object like jelly in her mouth and wrapped her inside. A fire rain fell in the sky and hit the semi-circular object and was directly ejected, followed by a wave of two poisonous bombs from the staff. Sending "Boom!" Towards Long Xin

Before the bomb dropped, Long Xin quickly flew back with a flash, and the staff waved loudly: "Burst fireball!"

"Poisonous grenade!"


The skills of the two sides offset each other in the air. While Long Xin restrained Leng Yufei's poem while killing was not a crime and began to attack in succession, I used the dragon gun to defend it. This man, like Solitary Mark, completely subverted the assassin's claim. At the same time that the short weapon in this man's hand was attacking close-up, it also issued a magic attack. The range of this magic is not too far but it is difficult to entangle. s attack.

Use the dragon gun to block the opponent's next attack, immediately throw the dragon gun to launch ‘Red Dragon Roar! ‘Moonlight Shield!’

The killing is not a silver shield outside the sin body. The giant red dragon swung his tail against the shield with two claws and swept him away. However, since his shield was not broken by the red dragon, his blood was slightly reduced. Obviously his skill is not to resist attacks but to reduce damage. And the damage reduction ratio is very high, otherwise how could my attack reduce his health by less than one tenth?

Killing was not a crime. When the dragon attacked, he also took the opportunity to distance us.

"It's amazing! It's a beast god."

"You're not bad, it's the first time you see an assassin using magic."

I spoke and rushed out again. Killing is not a sin and it is back in shape.

This was followed by super high-speed continuous performances. My dragon gun was resisted by his magic, and his attack was bounced off by my gun. A variety of colors of light constantly scattered around the two people, and the sound of impact ran through the snowy ground of the entire canyon. Small attacks from time to time sometimes hit each other, and the blood of the two people began to decrease one by one. Even if it was not fatally attacked, but I worked so hard that the final victory was naturally me.


When we were fighting, you heard the scream of Long Xin from behind me. When I turned my head and saw Long Xin's body was surrounded by a purple light, the purple light was like life, and it was crazy cutting Long Xin. body of. Her hands, feet, and clothes on her chest were cut into numerous fragments instantly. Fortunately, her body was being surrounded by a shield, and she was not harmed by the raging purple light.

After avoiding the killing of sin, I faced Leng Yufei's poem and dropped an AMP directly, hitting Leng Yufei's shoulder with a bang.


Long Xin finally broke away from the attack of Ziguang, and at the same time her magic robe had fallen off.

"Cough! Cough! Thank you, brother! I almost finished!" After the purple light disappeared, Long Xin knelt down to the ground and began to cough violently, and a stream of blood flowed out of the corner of her mouth. Most of the magic robes were torn, and most of the girl's wonderful body was exposed to the air.

While she was panting, a light and shadow flanked by the flanks, the true body of light and shadow was that killing was not a sin!

It's terribly terrifying!

Throw the dragon gun, the dragon gun turns into a giant soldier in the air, and the dragon soul is swept out!

"Cut the moon!"

Killing is not a crime to throw the short sword in hand, the short sword turned into a silver light in the air and penetrated Long Xin's body in one fell swoop!

At the same time, the giant dragon-shaped dragon gun falls, and the killing is not a crime-like dragon-like air wave that escapes the dragon gun body but cannot be avoided!

"Dragon Soul Cut!"

Raised the gun handle and sighed, the blood-colored Dragon Wave spread, the message from the golden eyes of fire, the killing was not a crime, and the blood was cleared in the Dragon Soul combo, meanwhile, Long Xin also returned to zero health.

"Vicious bombs!"

"Ah!" After being attacked, my blood was about to hit the bottom at the moment, and turned decisively! The combination of You Long Bu + electric light fire screamed out, while Leng Yufei's staff rose.

"Venomous Well!"

"Black Dragon Armor!"

True red-eyed black dragon's phantom surrounds the body to form a pair of armors. The black dragon armor is magically immune for three seconds and does not eat any skills or states. Leng Yufei's poems do n’t know well, and flash to avoid, but I am faster than her Too many, the ripper slaps on her shield! Leng Yufei poem hummed, the shield was broken, and the mage lost his shield, where could he withstand the direct impact.

At the same time, the flash was interrupted by me, and the skill was forced into the 2 second skill cooling time by the system. There were enough things to do in two seconds. The red-eyed dragon gun swept the ice and snow for three consecutive cuts. Cleared in combo!

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