Master Summoner Online

Chapter 721: Poison Dragon


The environment of the Snow Dragon Mountains is harsh! Even with hot drinks to keep my body temperature, I sneezed a lot. I don't know why the poisonous dragon likes to live in this kind of place. I'm fine with hot drinks, but the skylight and the black **** around me can't.

The cold, which seemed to freeze even the bones, made them shake. It hurts me to see this. I can only return to the city to buy two plush cloaks for them. This fur lining is very warm, but the price is very expensive and it is very hampering the combat player's performance in the battle. I bought this instead of a cheap hot talk. I took the plush cloak without hesitation and immediately wore it. This way they can't feel the cold wind, and I'm relieved.

After the purchase, we went up the mountain again, just as we stepped back to the snowy mountains.

A gray-haired old man came over and asked, "Are there adventurers, are you going up the mountain?"

I said, "Yes."

The old man said: "It's better not to go."


Elderly Road: "Sometime ago, the investigation team who went to the mountains to investigate was investigating a monster with reproductive ability."

"What is it?" I asked.

The old man said, "Our locals call it Gijinabra."

"Jichi? What is it?" I asked.

The old man said: "The alias" Poison Monster Dragon "mainly lives in the caves or caves of the snow mountain frozen land breeding dragons. The toxin produced by that guy's body is said to be the strongest of the dragon species."

"The dragon is the strongest?" I said, "Old man, we are just going to crumble on that guy. If you know its exact location, please tell me?"

The old man said: "It doesn't hurt to tell you, but can you deal with its poison?"

I took out a piece of antidote and said, "If you have this, you can do it."

The old man laughed, "No, no, your antidote is completely useless."

I asked, "Why?"

"The poisonous poisonous dragon's poison is not poisonous, but the antidote can only detoxify once, and it won't work the second time," said the old man.

I asked, "What should I do?"

"Use this." The old man took out a bottle full of blue semi-solid like jelly from his arms and said, "I can use my special antidote, and see if you are going to kill the people, it is to give ten gold coins. How about selling it to you? "

"Fuck! You talked to me for a long time just to sell my antidote!"

The old man shook his head and said, "Be kind as donkey liver and lungs, tell you not only that if you are strong again, you will not be able to move within two minutes if you win."

"Can't it be moved?"

"It will die!" Said the old man. "All for your safety, don't hesitate to buy it. Ten are too expensive. Just eight. Rest assured that I will not pit you if you are old."

The three of us looked at each other: "Well, I'll buy it."

Throw the gold coins to the old man. The old man took the gold coins and handed me the antidote.

Special antidote (consumable) effect: 100% to eliminate poisonous dragon poison poison damage, and immune toxins within 30 minutes.

Not bad, I went on to say that the money was in vain: "Now tell me where the Poison Dragon Cave is."

Elderly Road: "It's just on the mountainside to the north, where the investigation team was in distress."


The three of us returned to the mountain again and followed the direction of the old man's finger. There were monsters such as snow wolves, snow bears, and snowmen on the way. Among them, I also encountered an ice skeleton called 'Ice Snow Skeleton', which was a small boss. But monsters in this area are not my opponent at all. Even if the BOSS randomly brushed out did not cause me much hindrance, a few shots of the dragon gun turned into a pile of broken bones.

After walking on the snow-covered road for more than an hour, I turned into a steep ice wall and reached the cave that the old man said. When I entered the cave, I saw that the anchorage was a stack of vertical semicircular things. This thing looked like It looks very soft, and it also makes a 'plop plop' sound similar to a heartbeat.

"What the **** is this?" Tian Zhao stepped forward boldly to take a look.

I scanned it from the golden eyes of fire and said, "That's the egg of the poison monster."

"Egg ...?" Tianzhao scratched her red hair, and a pair of ruby-like eyes appeared with a bunch of question marks.

After asking the question, I looked at the eggs of the poison monster dragon again, and said, "Don't look at the sky, let's go."

"Oh." Tian Zhao turned and responded, but the black **** yelled, "Hurry away!"

A moment after Tian Zhao fell on Tian Zhao's shoulder, Tian Zhao screamed suddenly with the light of his eyes: "Ahhhhhhhhh!"

At the same time, he did not forget to sweep away unknown creatures on his shoulders, and quickly drilled back into the summoning beast space: ‘ohh! What would it be! How can eggs bite? "

I smiled bitterly: "That's not an egg but a pup."

Hei Shinto: "Yes, the owner is right. This is the egg of the monster. If you know that such a guy is just one, it will not pose a threat at all, but you must know that the monster of the monster is also born during the battle. Come down, so don't forget to destroy the eggs before it hatches. "

I said, "You know a lot."

"Thank you, the master praised him." Heixiao laughed: "The master didn't go offline to check the information. It is his duty as a mercenary to help the master to share his worries."

I nodded and summoned the skylight to: "Have you heard?"

"Understand." Tian Zhao said a little ashamed.

I said, ‘we ’re going to find the drug monster, and I think that guy should be nearby. "

"It's really nearby," Tianzhao said.


"Above us." Tian Zhao looked from the top of the cave. As soon as I looked up, I saw a shadow falling, and the three quickly dispersed to avoid it. They were not hit by everyone.

With the fall of this thing, we can also see its true face of Lushan, with a golden eye scan-Poison Dragon, Level 100, Super BOSS, Introduction: The flying dragon species living in cold areas such as frozen ground, has a flat body and unexpectedly soft skin. Although it is a flying dragon species, the action methods are basically crawling and gliding, and there are few flying times. Because of living in the cave for a long time, it has become eyeless, and for camouflage purposes, the tail and cloaca have evolved similar to the shape of the head. Both the head and tail are highly malleable and can hit the target very far. The cloaca also has a fang-like object similar to the mouth, which can also perform bite-like attacks, and the meat at the mouth and tail is always the opposite. The monster dragon has a luminous gland on its head and tail, which can emit purple fluorescence in anger or darkness.

The abdomen and feet of the drug dragon evolved into a flap-like grid like a gecko, which allowed it to be adsorbed on the wall of the cave, and even on the top of the cave, hanging upside down to attack prey. In addition, there is a set of poison glands in the head and tail and the abdomen, which can emit very toxic gas.

In order to adapt to the harsh environment, the poisonous dragon has evolved a very developed reproductive ability, the cloaca can discharge eggs at almost any time, and almost all poisonous dragons can produce eggs, which also makes the monsters considered to be androgynous monsters. There will be little poisonous dragons in the egg block. These little poisonous dragons will **** and **** on the human body like a leech. They are both the descendants of the poisonous dragon and the weapon of the poisonous dragon. Most of the little poisonous dragons are very Difficult to live into adulthood. In addition, the venom can also be used to discharge faeces mixed with venom, and the faeces will erupt and emit toxic gas afterwards.

A lot of information was scanned. At the same time, I found that this guy has a higher level than the drug monster dragon I have encountered before, but even a 100-level super BOSS may not pose much threat to me. We are even the king People who have been savage by the level BOSS.

The poisonous dragon did not know that there was a weird sound coming from the end of the mouth, and the sound seemed to be a signal, lifting the end near me to emit a torrent of purple gas.


I can't help screaming so much, I start calling without saying hello. Hurrying to avoid the poisonous gas, the poison monster dragon saw that his proud gas attack had not worked and he breathed his limbs and slammed into the snow.

Jump back and avoid again, but I always feel that something is wrong, at this time, the poison monster dragon's neck has grown! The poison monster dragon moves very fast. At this moment, I just launched the attack when I was still in the middle of the air. I couldn't escape this time!

Just at this critical moment, the Black God made a destructive journey and hit the poisonous dragon, and Tian Zhao also appeared directly above the poisonous dragon, wielding two swords, and the poisonous dragon roared in pain. Tian Zhao At this moment, the poison monster dragon aimed at her.

"Lower my body!" I yelled, and my voice stretched and the Necklace's neck stretched again against Tianzhao. Tianzhao hurriedly lowered her waist one after the other, her body turned into a bow shape to avoid the attack of the Gigaon dragon. Immediately after that, both hands supporting the ground turned back hard, exiting the opponent's attack range.

At the same time, a black god's cutting skills landed on the side of the poison monster dragon and made a sharp sound, and I immediately joined the attack of the three men to keep saying hello to the poison monster dragon. Although the poison monster dragon also swayed from side to side without knowing whether it was the head or the tail, but it couldn't withstand our continuous attack at all.

After a few minutes of fighting, the blood strips of Poison Dragon have been reduced by more than 30%.

——The battle is completely unilateral slaughter.

Although the poison monster dragon aimed at any of the three of us to breathe out poisonous gas, we can all do very sensitive attacks and re-attack again. With a scream from the poison monster dragon, the three of us attacked one after another and hit the target one after another, so that the blood value of the poison monster dragon was continuously reduced like a tap.

It took about half an hour to bring down its qi and blood to less than 10% of the position. It should end with one or two more attacks.

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