Master Summoner Online

Chapter 717: Reentry Tyrannosaurus Valley

"Eh! Nothing, Mo Yan, I'm sorry, I ..." Actually, after holding her hand, she ran into a corner of no one who could not cover her ears, and immediately apologized to her overwhelmed by herself. And ready to be captured.

"That ... that's okay, otherwise you will have to account for it sooner or later, and it will not be bad for you." Mo Yan blushed and lowered her head with shame.

"I don't say this."

"What do you want to say?"

"I ..." I kept scratching my head and couldn't think of what to say.

Mo Yan said: "It's all okay, I won't be angry, all have been sent out and there is nothing to say."

I said implicitly, "Well, I'll take care of this."

"Responsible?" Mo Yan said, "You are so responsible?"

I said, "Just what happened in the future, although come to me, as long as I can do it, never quit."

Mo Yan nodded and said, "Okay, that's it."

The ball was over, because everyone was doing well, and there was nothing to point out the best. Zhao Bo decided to give a small reward to all the students who participated. The ball did n’t end until 10 o'clock, and I did n’t have one night. Find Xueyue Yunlan.

I said at the stadium entrance: "I'll take you back to the dormitory."

"That's all right." Mo Yan promised to be speechless all the way, very quiet around, because we walk faster, Mo Yan and Long Xin are in the girl's dormitory, where it is not far from the dormitory of the Student Union and said five minutes Distance.

On the way, I also glanced at Mo Yan secretly, surprised to find that since the eyes of the two collided in the air, they turned their heads by accident.

But just after coming out of a corner about 100 meters, a voice sounded "Stop!" Only one person appeared, and the six people who were behind him surrounded us and saw that the situation was about to fight.

"What's going on?" Mo Yan exclaimed, and I immediately hid her behind her and said, "What do you want to do?"

The headed person came to the front and said, "Boy! Give the beauty behind you to Lao Tzu, I promise you to hurt you." This person is not someone else who was ignored by Mo Yan at the previous ball.

"Well, I haven't had a fight for a long time, I really miss the taste of hearing people's bones broken." The unshaken fist had slammed **** the guy's nose.

"Ah!" Blood dripped from his nose. At the same time a pig-like call was issued. The man fell backwards and fell to the ground, and the six people around him were shocked.

"Fuck! Since the guys do it first! Brothers come on!" The first person responded to shouting, just as soon as he shouted out, I hit an uppercut and hit him on the chin. Shouting through the breach: "Hide to the side."

Mo Yan ran out without hesitation. At the same time, a boy who looked slightly thinner kicked and rushed over. I had a wrong foot. Two hands held the backhand and attacked the right arm. Throwing him all out, the uncontrollable body and the electric poles not far came into close contact.

At this moment, a man rushed forward, and swiftly avoided the opponent's punch, then returned a punch to his cheek. This punch struck the tooth, and the blood and water mixed with saliva overflowed from the corner of the mouth. He hurt in pain. Scream.

In the blink of an eye, three of the remaining four people persuaded me and said, "If you want to hit, just hit if you want to, if you are a man, don't grind."

"Let ’s go, let ’s go." The three of them were scared and fled without pulling their heads back.

Mo Yan came over and said, "Are you all right?"

I laughed: "Of course it's okay, just these little idiots, what can you do with me. Okay, let's go, I guess they will call my associates later."


When Mo Yan returned to the dormitory, I also returned to my dormitory, but as soon as I opened the door, there were two identical roars: "Where are you going!"

The person who yelled at this is not someone else. Xueyue and Yunlan, I ca n’t tell a little bit. If I send Mo Yan back to the dormitory, I think they will peel me and cramp. I said, "Go and find you."

"Find us?"

I said, "Yeah, as you said, I was looking for you at the ball, but I didn't find it. After the end, I thought you were going back first, so I wanted to come back first to see, but I had some trouble on the road."


"It's just a matter of making a few chumps."

"Really?" The two looked confused.

I swear: "I swear in the name of the beast god, and everything I say is true."

Yun Lan and Xueyue looked at each other after Xueyue said, "You count."

Yun Lan twisted his wrists and said, "Trust me once you believe that you are dead!"

I was stunned, so it passed? The beauty is so deceived! What I said is not all nonsense, except for the middle I am making up the truth.

After settling this incident, he said, "Okay, it's not too early, and you should go back to wash and sleep."

Xueyue said, "Go and wash it."

I nodded and took a shower, then returned to the room, but this is to see Xueyue and Yun Lan are still here, I wondered: "What are you doing?"

Yun Lan said: "Since there is no victory or defeat, we decided to sleep well together, but you are not allowed to do anything."

I said, "Who did you sing?"

Xueyue said, "Yes, turn off the lights, it's ten thirty."

I said, "Wait a second, what's going on?"

Yun Lan said, "Sleep fast. Your skin will grow old if you don't sleep."

"This" is a bit depressed but happy to lie on the bed.

I woke up the next day, and then scrapped the power of the two cattle and invited the two MMs back to their own rooms to go online to level up. I also took out the phone and called Ye Shuang.

Ye Shuang said, "What's up with the brothers early in the morning?" Ye Shuang's voice was obviously lazy and unconscious.

I said: "I'll give you a task to collect some gang orders, and then go to the forum to send a post to recruit soldiers and horses, and get me at least three alliances next week!"

Ye Shuang said, "Yes, you can give me the order to collect the gangs and recruit them to Beacon Sugawara. The experience is rich, but whoever will be the president of the alliance, if you give it to someone you do n’t know, we will not be able to eat it in a mutiny that day Go on. "

I said, "Yeah, that's okay, so that everyone at Dragon Studio will not be long enough."

"good idea!"

I said, "Finally, you remember we have to recruit a group of top-level players!"

Ye Shuang chuckled: "Tell me!"

"OK! Don't let me down!"

"I can assure you."


Online after consultation!

Mirror composition.

"Ding ~! You get a small gift from the" Golden Dragon Academy "[Master Ball] x20 ~!"

Master ball? What the hell? Opening the backpack with doubts, I saw a pile of slap **** lying there quietly, and took out a look.

Master Ball (Consumable) Introduction: Capturing mounts or pets' props. Additional skills (passive) must hit in one hit: 100% chance of catching creatures.

Good thing, this little gift is good and there are twenty more. The black **** said, "Master, where are we going today?"

I said, "Go find new combat power."

"Where are we going?" Tianzhao said.

I said, "Tyrannosaurus Valley!"

"Tyrannosaurus Valley ?!" The two looked at each other and said: "Why is the master going?"

I laughed: "Your master my intuition."

After taking out the teleport crystal to the nearest city from the Tyrannosaurus Valley, out of the city summoned the Amber Dragon to take us to the Tyrannosaurus Valley. The Tyrannosaurus Valley has been held by our Dragon's Tooth for a long time, but it is not counted. The comprehensive charter is only to restrict the entry of hostile players, and the monster level is not low in the Tyrannosaurus Valley. With my current ability, it is absolutely no problem to brush the raptors outside. After all, the level is already 111, with more than 7,000 A point of attack power of more than 5,000 points of defensive power, sweeping the periphery is not a problem at all, and it is not a problem to go deeper.

Since the Tyrannosaurus Valley, we fell in a scorched forest, it is already in the depths of the Tyrannosaurus Valley, put away the amber dragon, the three of us explored forward, not too far, and suddenly a huge figure appeared in front of it, carefully At a glance, it was a terrestrial dragon covered with crimson scales. This earth dragon had a flaming one-horn on his forehead. The eyes of the fire sent out to see it. The name of the goods was Chijiadi Dragon, a 118-level elite. beast.

The location of the Tyrannosaurus Valley is very remote, and the distance is very far. Few people have nothing to run here to level, and the monsters in the Tyrannosaurus Valley are not low in attack power. The AI ​​is very high, which is very difficult.


The three spread out. As the dragon in the Akachi area looked eastward, the black dragon's spurs accurately stunned, the dragon gun continued to wave, and the sky and the black **** also fell on the attack at the same time, shaking its huge body and shaking slightly. Drop, wait for it to recover, and immediately hit it with a unicorn on my head. The speed is extremely fast. I tried to dodge, but I could n’t avoid the unicorn completely. I wiped out 1800 blood on my shoulders, and my attack power was very high. what!

After the blow, the ground dragon roared, and the sharp claws fluttered at me. I stepped back to avoid it. The red armored dragon opened his mouth and sprayed a fireball. I quickly flashed away. The black **** hit the 'destruction journey' to red armor. The earth dragon was dizzy. After a few seconds, the red armor earth dragon fell down in wailing, bursting out some silver coins and materials to pack and move on.

Along the way, after killing dozens of various earth dragons and raptors, I went deeper and deeper, constantly searching for new combat power.

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