Master Summoner Online

Chapter 711: Bloody battle in the city

The two sides fighting into the inner city of Dongmen are fighting fiercely.

A large number of Lingyun Pavilion and Fengyun players rushed out and saw that this number was obviously the other party's desire to stay here, but let us merge with the fighting souls that have broken through the defense in the city. The number of enemies rushing in front of them is amazing.

"I depend! So many people!"

I said, "You can't decide what you want! You can't break it!"

Talking about shooting into the body of an enemy in front of them, these players are completely vulnerable, and they can solve one person with almost three moves. The skills of summoning beasts can be cleared up, but there are more and more around. The more players from the two guilds came, the worse the situation was.

"Too many!" Yan Yuliu said while flying with his two swords at the same time, "Wei Wei" two beeps, the one who just rushed up. Head, hands, waist, legs, all flew away one by one.

Take another kick, kick another player upside down and roll out, then turn around and sigh in a low voice: "If you don't break, the other's siege net will be formed!"

The red-eyed dragon gun pierced a player's chest like a lightning and shouted, "Break it!"

"Follow President! Break through the enemy line!"

"Breaking through the enemy line!"


Shouting a high roar, the two sides collided with each other, various magic skills, and bombarded each other. Part of the opponent rushed too fast. The player was caught in countless magic skills of various departments. Even before the screaming department had time to send it, he was killed. Boom to zero blood, disappeared on the battlefield.

Various horror magic skills of both sides confronted the bomber, and only the end of the defeat was involved.

Numerous corpses fell to the ground, and people around turned white light back into the city. In addition to having no advantage in level, players of Dragonfang have much better equipment and skills than Lingyun Pavilion soldiers, and much stronger than Fengyun Junk.

At this moment, the guy who saw Qian Jibian jumped out and said loudly, "The Dongcheng defense line is under my command!"

"it is good!"

The next moment, the opponent ’s troops adjusted their positions, and a “pop” sounded in their ears. I saw that Wu Canhua chopped off the opponent ’s three players and was stunned by a control skill, followed by a large magic arrow. On him! Then a high-level player from Lingyun Pavilion came out and pierced his chest with a smashing sword!

—1942 The damage is not high, but he has been bombarded by a large number of magic arrows. He has no time to swallow the medicine and receive the treatment of the priest. He makes a terrible cry and falls directly from the raptor to the ground. !!


Before the man had replenished his sword with the dance remnant and had no time to return, he was pierced by the weapons of two raptors at the same time!

—10145—9984 Howling screamed and fell to the ground while leaving a cyan helmet!

At the same time a Raptor Cavalry fell off the mount. Immediately after that, there were several magic skills that fell so quickly that the Raptor Cavalry turned to ashes and disappeared. An assassin sneaked in and waited to kill a ground dragon cavalry, but before he was too proud, the whole person was cut off by the rain and dust. At this time, the other four or five cavalrymen came forward to besiege, but they were avoided by the rain falling dust, and then these cavalrymen could not help being trapped in countless horrible magic, and were instantly killed.

In this melee, as long as you are hit by someone, your body shape and speed are affected. In all likelihood, you are involved in countless skills and return to the city immediately for free.

A knight wearing a light gold armor on a steed horse rushed out of the crowd, and the spear in his hand radiated a dazzling golden light. Sitting on the horse, the spear shot the skygun and pierced several players who rushed around. Throwing it, the spear was divided into two, two, and four in the air. It turned into eight two-meter-long golden light guns. In a moment, eight players rushed around and fell down, turning into eight white lights and returning to the city. .

The next moment, a stunned arrow whistled out. The man was dizzy at the sound, and stood there with the warhorse staring, and then, arrows, magic, arrows leaned towards him!

"Hmm ..."

The continuous blow of the squalls and rains, if how can it be resisted by a normal warrior player, but this guy goes differently, he just survives this kind of blow, although the blood volume has already bottomed out However, the opponent's attack did not stop there. At the moment he recovered, a new round of attacks fell towards him.

"Barrier of the soul!" On the verge of another attack, another figure flashed forward in front of this man. This is a player covered in **** armor and a **** sword in his hand. A semi-circular protective cover centered on him was opened on the ground, protecting him and such a man behind him from overwhelming attacks.

The man took a big breath and said, "Thank God."

The player named Wushen laughed and said, "Dragon Soul Xiaofeng rushes to the front again next time."

After each person said a word, they continued to move forward. The player of Dragon Soul Xiaofeng rode on the horse, and the player called the God of God carried a scarlet sword. The two rushed in the enemy line, and an enemy cavalry fell to his death. The number of coalitions on both sides of the Dragon Fang and the Blade of Reaper is inferior to that of the Lingyun Pavilion, but our firepower is better, and a series of strong acid breath from the Carrion Dragon Dragoons broke out in the opposing cavalry Many of the cavalry's mounts were melted, and the players fell off and were harvested by the surrounding people.

The fierce dragon cavalry led by Dragon's Tooth, Yanyu Liunian and Fiery Blood, broke into the enemy's formation like a sharp knife, and two soldiers with dual-arms gained great achievements in the enemy's formation.

After the dragon gun pierced an enemy, I shouted, "Everyone breaks a little! Break the line of defense in the shortest time!"

"Dragon Soul Broken!" The slashing dragon gun smashed the light blue dragon-shaped air wave, then lifted the Dragon Soul and chopped down. Garuru blew out absolutely freezing gas, and the Black God drove the chariot ghost to smash the ice sculpture. .

"Stop them!" Thousands of horses riding on Qianjibian yelled. I aimed at the place where Qianjibian was located. The electric light fire matched the upstream dragon step. With the advantage of speed and ignoring the impact of unit volume, it ignored the blocking of players around, and Qianji changed this guy to stand very forward, and when he came in front of him, he raised the dragon gun, and the blue flame was burning on the gun blade, which was the prelude to the breaking of the barrier!

"Barriers break!"

A single shot of Qianji turned into a mount, and a blood arrow blew back in the next. The warhorse sizzled. I was cut off by a pair of front horse legs when the dragongun swept the warhorse. Suddenly the tall warhorse fell and the Qianji changed. The fall mount hit the ground two or three times.

At this moment, the dragon gun stabbed at Qianji! Qianji became shocked and lifted the golden shield to block the dragon gun! Qianji Bian took this opportunity to stand up again, just as he stood up!

"Black Dragon Spike!"

The dragon gun hole with the real red-eye black dragon pierced through the Qianji transformer armor, and a gap was ripped directly into the armor.

—9092 My attack power even the highly defensive knights had to weigh. After one blow, the blood of Qianji changed a bit, and I did not let a homeopathic snow and ice rush out!


After three consecutive strikes, the Qianji became improper and became residual blood, and I was also cut into a stick. He immediately attracted attacks of various magic skills, and his body was directly bombarded to slag.


"Keep your feet!" When Qianji changed, a Lingyun Pavilion commander stood up immediately. This man was the Avenger. Although he didn't know how he survived, I saw him suddenly pass the blade across a player. Blood spattered from the neck, and he wiped the blood drops splashing on his face, screaming: "The front-line soldiers guard, the back-mage and archer output with all their strength, and say nothing to stop them!"

Before the words fell, the old cow rode him on the ground dragon and flew him out. He fell into a crowd of people and then attracted a set fire attack. Without a scream, it turned into white light. A ten-meter-long python, vomiting a red letter, bit his teeth bitterly.

The old cow raised the giant shield to escape the attack of the python. The silver moon and the fire phoenix beside the old cow appeared at the same time, and a whole-body blue bow in the hands of the fire phoenix, now he was bowing his arrow and making a noise! Arrows shot out across the void leaving a faint black pattern along the way, the python was shot and killed by the fire Phoenix!

At the same time, Yinyue shot an arrow to kill the owner of the python. Under their cover, the old cow rode on the ground dragon and knocked him off with a tomahawk, and then killed a person with a tomahawk. The giant shield stunned a dragon and opened his mouth The bite bit this person's head down.

But at the same time as he cut off the head of an assassin who was attacked with an axe, a **** light, a half-moon-shaped sword qi among the crowd, and a phantom sword with a length of dozens of meters cut across the sky. .

The old cow was frightened, the giant shield blocked the **** light, and the tomahawk blocked the half-moon sword gas, but it was cut in half by the giant sword that was dozens of meters long.

Open your eyes and watch your two halves fall from the mount and be drowned in a large number of magic skills!

"Old cow!"

Roaring at the Lingyun Pavilion player who launched the Phantom Skill of the Great Knife, he summoned the two wolf emperors to entangle it, suddenly raised the dragon gun, and the barrier broke through his back, bringing out a large number of injuries!

Breaking the barrier broke him into residual blood and the two wolf empires shred him.

While my wolf emperor shattered him, the two dragon souls Xiaofeng and the **** of death with the ground dragon cavalry had come with the front of the smoky and rainy years, fiery blood flying and some raptor cavalry.

There was a sudden burst of strong energy on the giant sword in the hand of God of God. After killing a person in front of him, the huge sword wrapped in a **** light whistled out. It burst into the crowd instantly and was directly hit by the player. The near one was beaten into empty blood!

Just after he had harvested the lives of these players, hundreds of magic skills fell on him and he was directly blasted into the blood. At the same time, dozens of warrior-based players roared up.

At the same time, a war horse hissed, and Dragon Soul Xiaofeng rode on the steed and rushed to grab the empty blood of the sacred god. Then immediately hundreds of ground dragon cavalrymen rushed up.

They blocked these dozens of players who wanted to pick up the cheap. The two sides immediately started a melee, with various melee skills crisscrossing. In the blink of an eye, three ground dragon cavalry were killed and five rival players returned to the city.

Dragon Soul Xiaofeng said: "The two of us don't owe each other."

He did not speak but just smiled.

At this time, a player commanding the battlefield in Lingyun Pavilion shouted: "Fifth and Sixth League of Lingyun Pavilion and Fengyun personnel continued to block the enemy, and other individuals immediately retreated!"

The next moment a large number of Lingyun Pavilion soldiers evacuated quickly!

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