Master Summoner Online

Chapter 708: Advent

"Report, the main force in Lingyun Pavilion ahead!" Shouted a Dragonfang player.

Sure enough, players who saw the blockbuster emblem of Lingyun Pavilion on the shoulders of the blockbuster came to us in this direction.

"It looks like it's from us." Wu Canhua said, pointing at the group of people in front.

I said, "How many people are here?"

Gu Hen said: "There are about 40,000 or so. The equipment is very good and the grades are very high. It is the main force of Lingyun Pavilion."

Xiao Xiaodao's head crooked, "Why didn't you see the uncle who led the team?"

I immediately glanced at this group of people and found that indeed the core members who took the lead, such as a thousand machine changes, thunderstorms, and dark sadness, were not there. They were all just ordinary soldiers.

Xueyue Shen said: "In my opinion, they want to use this group to hold us, while the real main force led by those core members took the opportunity to enter the whirlwind city's player defense.

I nodded. "It makes sense."

"We can't let these guys hold back. The two-three-fourth alliance resists these silly soldiers. The main league and the first league go to Lingyun Pavilion's real main force to intercept it, and protect our allies at any cost! "The dragon gun pointed at Cangtian and shouted," In the name of the dragon! "

"Smash everything!"

"Meet on a narrow road!"

"The brave wins!"


Charged towards the enemy on the front, and saw the aggressively killed team on the other side. The King's Blade said: "I have the courage, thunderstorm and dark sorrow to bring you two teams to reinforce each other. Your task is to cover the main force. Troops enter Cyclone City! "


Immediately, a large number of troops in Lingyun Pavilion turned their horse heads and ran towards us. At the same time, our side and the original order to block our interception formed a trend of siege.

"President, we are surrounded!"

Seeing the players constantly rushing up, I was blocked immediately after making a breakthrough, and I immediately shouted, "We can't entangle with them here. It's only a matter of time before Whirlwind City wins, and this problem is ours. solve!"

The combination of electric light fire and Yu Longbu made me quickly enter the opponent's formation, one-handed one, the magical array flashed, the ark's huge body broke through, and a dragon roar had been abused into the crowd. Nothing to say, raised his head and roared, a spit of Lingguang breathed and killed the player in front of him, the next moment, a unicorn on his head sent out a super vibration wave, which connected an area in front of the ground to be cracked together by the ground. Regardless of the archers, mages, and fighters being slain in the sweep of energy!

"Boom boom!"

After a period of raging, a vacuum area appeared on the ground in front. The ground was full of potions and equipment. The original strength was against the ark, and it became stronger after being baptized by dragon veins.

One waved two wolf emperors and a water dragon reappeared. At the same time, the body armor flashed white. At the next moment, a trembling dragon rang, and a body that was not more than ten meters long appeared as if a dragon carved from ice crystals appeared out of thin air. This dragon was The summoning skills attached to the armor, the contract snow and ice dragon, and then called the amber dragon, the first to kill the encirclement. At this moment, the army led by the blade of the king passed by more than half, and some were passing, so shouted: "Hey! Eat! Army! Your opponents are here! Let's die! Dragon soul breaks! "


After the giant dragon-like dragon gun fell and set off the dragon-shaped air wave, the dragon soul was chopped down. The dragon soul slammed the ground and trembled violently, and the group of players who were under attack in front of them was even more distracted!

The King's Blade shouted, "Don't worry about him! Leaving two even to block the beast god, I don't believe he can kill all of my 100,000 troops!"

Immediately, some of the soldiers in Lingyun Pavilion turned around to stop me, and I immediately rushed forward without hesitation. The two wolves roared, and the two claws flew a few players who rushed up first. At the same time, the power of death was turned on again. The speed of the stone fire and the dragon step shuttled through the crowd. The dragon gun kept waving, and players rushed to kill it. Some of the residual blood was shot to death by the paw of the wolf emperor, or strangulated by the water dragon.

The ark fights without seeing my command. Fortunately, the players of our dragon tooth know that the ark and the enemy are indistinguishable from each other. Attacks, explosive breath, icy breath raging, ice and fire began to abuse in the crowd!

At the same time when the attack was launched, the opponent also launched a fierce counterattack. The dense arrows shook the armor, the magic of each element continued to fall, and the blood and blood were dropped. Although my attributes are strong, I ca n’t stand this. Repeated attacks of multiple attacks.


He poured potions one after another to restore his life, and gathered and summoned the beasts to continue their charge.

"Big Ben! Don't be pretentious alone!"

When I turned around, I saw a group of people coming from behind. It was the MM door of the Student Union with a group of dragon tooth companions rushing out of the surrounding circle.

"Chong! Protect President!"

"Ling Yunge's silly soldier! Don't be too crazy!"

"Kill! Let this group of silly soldiers see how powerful we are!"

A captain of Lingyun Pavilion held the horse, shook his broad blade, and shouted, "Hold up! Hold on! Hold the team at all costs before the Captain arrives in Cyclone City!"

"Companions of the Dragon's Tooth! Take courage! Take out perseverance! Don't let these silly soldiers look down on us! Give me a flattening of them!" Saying throwing a dragon gun at the same time, Red Dragon roared and started!

"Oh oh oh oh!"


Morale is up! After a series of skills, Lingyun Pavilion's team immediately fought, immediately following the companion's entry, the guarded mechanical army, mechanical tyrannosaurus and electronic dragon beast in front, and the battleship dragon beast continuously firing missiles in the back row. The air electron ultimate dragon spit out energy beams and stirred into the crowd.

At the same time, Ziyue's summoned beasts also entered the crowd. The **** slayer and the big devil are the most violent. With the powerful summoning beast assisted skills of the beast trainer, a group of people screamed and fell to the ground.


A **** light passed, accompanied by the hissing of the war horse, the battlefield commander was killed, and a **** spear pierced his chest. It was Kuchulin who was born.

With the command of the battlefield, someone would immediately take his place and command the battle. Lingyun Pavilion is worthy of our study.

Under our destructive power, these players who dared to block our way were torn to pieces.

"President! Go!"

"Here we are!"

"Beast God, go ahead! We'll be right there!"

"Leave it to us here!"

There were shouts from my companions behind me. I turned my head and nodded at them, and continued the previous Mercedes. At the same time, the Oriental Iron Gate slowly opened, the iron cables trembled, and the iron gate opened. When the gate opened, Lingyun Pavilion The first players have entered the city, but there are so many gates. It is not a half-time event for tens of thousands of players to enter the city. Moreover, not everyone in Lingyun Pavilion has poured into the city. Soul's flanks attack!

Falling down in a dragon soul combo and shouting, "Go to reinforce the fighting souls, don't let them rush into the position of the fighting souls! Our allies, we have to protect!"


With an order, the rushing Raptor Cavalry and Xueyue, Yun Lan, and the MM of the Student Union formed a huge group of hundreds. This team was enough for Ling Yunge's silly soldiers to drink a pot!

Frontal impact, strength and blood are the most important determinants. I launched the additional skill of the holy weapon 'Star Storm' on the face, followed by the amber dragon to launch the Hell Fury, and under the control of the sky, Gallulu launched the alphabet cannon. , Gatling Blast Dragon sweep out the infinite chaos energy cannon, the black **** drives the chariot ghost to launch, the black **** and the ghost iron ride trampled together!


Suddenly the players in the battle spirit position were impacted by our side. The opponent ’s strength was very different from ours. This time the impact was completely a torture. The opponent ’s mount and our Warcraft mount and the summoned beasts were completely out of proportion. We cut in to maintain a complete lineup, as if the army of Ling Yunge had been cut into two pieces with a sharp blade, and everyone slashed with a sharp blade. This attack caused at least thousands of enemy troops to be killed.

Although it is only necessary to separate the enemy, the players in the previous part continue to advance toward the War Soul Army, and the other side directly gives up and continues to move forward, pointing their finger at us, and the two sides immediately start a fierce battle!

After killing a Lingyun Pavilion player in one shot, he said, "Abominable!"

At this time, the camp of the war spirit saw Mrs. Xiaozheng riding a mount with some players to kill them, and shouted through a friend's dialogue: "Beast God! Thank you very much for your help! Let us enemies!"

"I see! Come on!"


A fierce fierce battle has begun on both sides. At this moment, six and a half hours have passed since the siege time. The battle in the north city is still ongoing. The team of the battle spirit has completely entered the inner city. A large number of high-level players in Lingyun Pavilion After entering the city, the players in the city cooperated to fight back, and the siege team of the battle spirit was greatly blocked.


On the other hand, when surrounded by enemies, Ye Shuanghuan pierced an enemy with a blood-stealing demon gun, Xiaoxi suddenly said, "Yeah, what's up!"

"What's wrong, what's up?" Ye Shuang wondered.

Xiaoxi looked to the back of War Spirit and said, "Come here, and a lot! The situation has changed."

"Ah?" Ye Shuang's head crooked.

Soon the movement was getting bigger and bigger, and many players outside the game stopped their hands and looked away.

After about five minutes, a large group of people appeared in the field of vision, one by one, very determined, the level was scary, the emblem on everyone's shoulders was exactly the same, the leader was a class 109, wearing a smart leather armor, around Filled with blood that can never be dissipated, a pair of cold eyes, this assassin, looking at the whole of China, such a guy is unique, it is the rain falling dust!

In addition, behind the rain falling dust, the players of the blade of death such as snow dancing with the wind and blood, never expected that the blade of death will also appear on this battlefield.

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