Master Summoner Online

Chapter 706: Orcs fight

The city gates were breached, and the outer walls had fallen into the hands of War Soul, and the army of War Souls swarmed into the city.

Standing lonely on the top of the giant triangle dragon, the first one rushed into the Whirlwind City, and a magic circle appeared on the left and right sides and behind him, followed by a variety of killing moves.

Wind system, fire system, soil system, thunder system, and water system. Under the violent bombardment of the five series of magic, all the people around us were smashed by the hurricane, roasted by flames, and burned by lightning. It can be said that flesh and blood flew, blood stained a large area of ​​land underfoot.

"Roar!" The giant Triceratops roared like a thunder, and their feet were constantly stepping on the ground. Every time they stepped on, a turquoise halo exploded. Players who rushed in contacted with this halo were instantly bombarded. Fly out.

This time the siege war spirit did not launch an attack on all sides at the same time, but concentrated all its forces to attack the north gate. The number of players guarding the north gate was about 7,000, but most of them were hired to help. How can these temporarily-established miscellaneous troops resist the top masters of loneliness in singing, night, and love, not to mention that there are many war spirit troops and that indestructible chariot behind.

At this moment, the team of the war spirit is completely invincible, and they have invaded the North Gate City. The arrow tower that has been bought for money has become history in front of the chariot shells, and the battle situation is immediately slaughtered.

Fighting soul players rushed forward, tens of thousands of people swarmed from the periphery, at this moment no one would be soft-hearted, rushing all the way, **** hands, hundreds of people fell on the battlefield in an instant, the white light of death followed one by one Floats.

When the battle spirit had occupied 50-60% of the position in the North Gate, the East Gate and the West Gate were opened together. A group of cavalry riding purple horses rushed out at the East Gate. A stormy player led a blue wolf ride to kill, and more leopards from the north gate stormed out of the city. The leopard cavalry charged forward, and the wolf rider and horse rider flanked by the flanks. The three cavalry teams dispatched together. Lock the battle soul team at the North Gate!

"President! We have enemies on both wings!" A war spirit shouted.

Lonely sang and said without hesitation, "I know."

"Legend!" Lonely called the legend who was concentrating on archery all his life.

The legend immediately stopped his job in his life and said, "Any instructions?"

"Call them!" Said Lonely lightly.

"Understand." After that, he pulled out a small stick from the backpack. To what extent was it a toothpick that was almost the same size as the toothpick, and then the legendary life inserted this toothpick into the open space, and the thing suddenly turned into a small stick like a toothpick. A five-meter-high pillar requires two talents to hug. Although it is a pillar, the pillar is carved with a very delicate pattern. It is more a totem than a pillar.

The lonely shaker threw a fireball to the top of the totem. The top of the totem was not burned but a thick black smoke floated into the air!

"The Fifth and Sixth Leagues are blocking enemies on the flank, and they must not be allowed to break through." Lonely voice ordered.

Immediately, the president of the Fifth League named So and so raised his sword: "Brothers kill me, let these jumping clowns know the strength of the top three guilds of the Dragon Capital, and the glory of the battle spirit is with me ! "

After the pre-war mobilization, the Fifth and Sixth Leagues were killed on both sides, and the cavalry units turned to criss-cross and smash together. The scenes of skill light, blood intertwined, and death's white light continued to form a series of successive scrolls. Heng Fei, players are using their **** to fight for their lives, and they are fighting their lives. About half an hour has passed, and the players in the Fifth and Sixth Leagues of the War Soul have almost lost all, leaving less than a thousand Human retired soldiers retreated under various leaders.

Just when Fengyun's team thought victory was in sight, they heard the sound of "Rumble Rumble" footsteps coming from afar, and Daluo saw the dust flying.

"Hey! Look what it is?"

"It seems to be a cavalry regiment!"

Closer to find that these guys are indeed a cavalry regiment, but these guys are not humans. They are wearing heavy armor, naked thighs, arms, and pectoral muscles are densely covered with gray soft fur. The strong muscles highlight their hidden contents The strength of his face is like a wild beast.

It's true that the guys are a group of orcs. Under these orcs are riding a giant wolf. Each of these gray-scale giant wolves is much larger than the situation. The squinting tusks of fangs were shuddering.

The weapons used by this group of orcs are also various, such as spears, maces, machetes, tomahawks, warhammers, and so on. The corps of wolf cavalry that they saw had a scale of no less than 3,000 people, and when they flew into the distance of the field of vision, the eyes of these wolves saw them all.

Black Mist Wolf Cavalry, Level 135, Enhanced Monster, Introduction: The Black Mist Wolf Cavalry is a relatively well-known of all the orc cavalry. The mounts under these wolf cavalry are the middle black mist wolf produced in the Black Forest at the foot of the Death Mountain. The Black Mist Wolf is bloodthirsty and aggressive and dare not approach it easily. The orc cavalry who ride the Black Mist Wolf is even more invincible.

Among the group of dark mist wolf cavalry, a giant wolf cavalry with **** hair is very prominent among the group of wolf cavalry.

Blood Wolf Cavalry Captain-Cardo, a 140-level super boss, introduced: Cardo is the captain of the wolf riding regiment of the Zanka tribe of the Orcs. He has an amazing fighting talent that allows him to back the leader of the Zanka tribe's strongest wolf cavalry Carmot became Carmot's left arm and right arm. Today, he received a rescue signal from the war totem to reinforce him.

"The situation is about to cry, the 3,135-level enhanced monsters plus one-hundred and forty-level special BOSS," said Jinyan, who had recovered his eyes.

"It's not going to work until the situation ends." The black **** laughed.

"There seems to be something behind the master!" Tian Zhao said.

After that, a large number of orcs appeared, and there were any orc warriors, wild stone pitchers, spearmen, wild men, war shamans, curses, wizards, orc warriors, and war commanders. Just look at the names of these orcs. Of weight. And their lowest level orc warriors are 110 elite beasts, others are enhanced monsters, opposite sexes, quasi-boss, and the war leader is a 150-level super boss.

Suddenly, tens of thousands of orcs joined the battle. At the moment, the war situation that had just been reversed was reversed again. Once the orcs appeared, they started a **** slaughter. After the orcs appeared, they attacked the players facing the east gate. Fear of death, fight to the end, and the remaining about 100 players retreated embarrassedly. On the other hand, the enemy forces coming from the west were attacked by some players of the main soul alliance and sub-alliance players. Fighting orcs and is a giant chariot. The strength of the two sides is completely disproportionate, and players who are constantly in the situation are turned into white light and return to the city.

Of course, the most killings are of course the Falling Dancing Dance, the legendary life, and I will only pit the three souls, the fighting spirit and the three base friends. Each of them has at least hundreds of people. With the help of the orcs, this group of enemies, except the ones who escape. Less than fifty were besieged.

Bang! Bang! Bang!


The chariot fired a round of volleys, and the bones of the fifty men who were bombed in this round of volleys are missing.

Right now on the battlefield.


"President, our losses are too great!"

"Fuck! This isn't a grade at all!"

The perimeter of Whirlwind City has been battered by the pit father ’s Big Macs. The original majestic city wall, which was thousands of meters long, now has only a few sections of the dangerous and crippled remnants. It has long receded. The situation in the inner city shouted loudly: "Retreat! Retreat! Give up everyone on the outer wall and retreat!"

At this moment, Fengyun's troops are retreating like a tide. After such a round of killings, Fengyun has lost at least nearly 20,000 to 30,000 men and horses, and the fighting spirit is only a few thousand. Most of them are playing the role of cannon fodder. The biggest reason for Fengyun's fiasco is not that he failed to direct the command, but that the goods were underestimated. The strategy of the war spirit is to use thousands of cannon fodder to seduce Fengyun to relax their vigilance and give them an unexpected blow when the other party is paralyzed. . The sudden emergence of the orc army was a shock, and the players who killed the situation were frightened and could only flee back to the city.


"Poor Kou Mo chase!" Lonely issued a decisive instruction.

Although he did not chase the running away enemy, he still killed all the people in the remaining North Gate City. After the kill, the players of the fighting spirit stopped attacking and began to clean up the battlefield. At the same time, the three base friends, Chu Han, Butterfly Wuyun Tears, Xu The core players of the battle spirits, such as rain, night, and affair, leaned towards the Triceratops, at the same time Triceratops bent down, and loneliness jumped from its head.

"The pit father reported the war damage ratio!" Said Lonely, and the pit father said, "This battle wiped out 56,000 enemies. Our side lost. Excluding the cannon fodder used for temptation, about 6,000 people were killed, mainly from the Alliance. The main league lost only a thousand or so in the front battlefield, and the orcs also said that dozens of low-level orcs had been hung up, and their combat power was always well preserved. "

Lonely sings: "Very well, tell everyone to take a ten-minute rest in place to restore endurance and fatigue. After ten minutes, this time, I will directly destroy Tongtianzhu!"



When the battle spirit rested, dense crowds of horses appeared again in the mountains in the distance. It was not others, it was Ling Yunge, the commander of the King's Blade, and finally it was no longer boring.

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