Master Summoner Online

Chapter 691: Find Thunderstone

In the mess update, I saw that the abyss monsters did not continue to attack the interior of China after the cracks had widened. Since it was marching toward the game areas of the surrounding countries, just after we completed the battle of the seal that day, countless ferocious flutters Into India, Vietnam, North Korea, Myanmar, Laos, Afghanistan and other neighbouring game areas, players smashed around, countless dead and injured players, but the same abyss monster also encountered the counterattack of the local player army, the two sides battled each other and suffered heavy losses.

At first, the army of the abyss monsters was defeated, and there were countless deaths and injuries. But soon, the abyss monsters that appeared were getting stronger and more terrible, and the situation gradually reversed. High-level abyss monsters continued to emerge, and the entire area around them suddenly became messy. The players around constantly resisted, but they couldn't stop the abyss monsters from stepping forward. They looked at yesterday's large number of abyss monsters and entered the Russian game zone. They fought a battle at the junction of Russia and China.

Although Russian players and NPCs were ready at the time, they were waiting behind the border, not only a large number of players, but also a large number of NPC troops, and a large number of war machinery prepared for the advent of the abyss monster. The two sides fought fiercely on the frontier. The defense of the Russian frontier was destroyed by the abyss monsters. A large number of abyss monsters rushed towards the territory of Russia. No abyss monsters passed by. No one was left alive. All living beings became all Their food.

There is also news that in the early hours of this morning, there were more than one billion abyss monsters across the sea and marching towards the world across the sea. At 9.30 am today, more than 200 million abyss monsters entered the Japanese game area Yamato Ward. A fierce battle has begun between the two sides. 15% of Little Japan ’s land has been invaded by abyss monsters. Containing this momentum, it may take a few days for the entire annihilation of Yamato Ward, even if they block it.

But in this piece of report, you can imagine that the rupture of the seal is suffering all over the world, and even some small countries' game areas are in danger of being destroyed. As one of the main people responsible for this matter, I can only pray silently, and then bring Put on the helmet to enter the game.

After entering the game, the first thing is to take out the teleport crystal and return to Longyuan to hand in the task.


After a brief blank, it appeared in a treasure chest full of gold and silver jewellery. At this moment, the dragon guarding the treasure chest just opened one eye. I said, "The five of them are back safely, shouldn't it be rewarded to me?"

The real red-eyed black dragon said very trouble-free: "Take it, take it, don't affect my sleep."

"Ding ~! The task [Protection] is completed and you get: one million experience points, ten thousand gold coins, and one blue crystal dragon egg."

"Fright!" Pet eggs are out!

True red-eyed black dragon said: "The little man's egg Manny's child, she said that you want to take her to see the outside world, and you have to treat it well."

I laughed: "Rest assured, I must take care of it. If anything else, then I leave."

"Wait." The real red-eyed black dragon suddenly stopped me.

"Is there anything else?" I asked.

True red-eyed black dragon said: "Look at this first." After speaking, a crystal ball appeared in front of me. The next moment is condensed into an apocalyptic scene in front of each other-huge volcanoes are slowly erupting magma. In the center of the mountains, eleven figures come down. There are eleven figures, each with a different and shy appearance. The emergence of these trembled the whole earth, and countless monsters emerged from the ground. There were countless monsters between the mountains, and there were countless evil beasts in the ocean leaving and coming to land. More land creatures occurred. Anomalous, a huge crack in the sky, as if the sky was broken by something, endless monsters flew into the crack through a beam of light.

"this is?"

The true red-eyed black dragon Shen Shen said: "This is an image of the abyss. Because you humans are clever enough to expand the cracks, you also wake up ten abyss monarchs and one abyss ruler in the abyss. If these guys come to the mainland through the cracks, then this world All souls will be wiped out, including you and me. "

I asked, "Is there any way to stop it?"

True Red Eyed Black Dragon Road: "There is no way to stop it, unless the seal crack method is found again, all this will become a reality. In addition, I am telling you something. The abyss world is much larger than the world we live in. There are 51 continents and 15 oceans. Each continent is inhabited by ten abyss monarchs and rulers of the abyss. The fifty continents are the basic continent, and one is called the upper continent. The true master of the entire abyss, the abyss crack on the Holy Meteor Mountain connects one of the continents in the abyss. This continent is estimated to have a total of more than 10 billion abyss monsters. It can be imagined that all of the 10 billion abyss monsters came to this world. What a terrible thing. "

I asked, "What should we do?"

True red-eyed black dragon said: "It is not easy to develop your own abyss monsters, but the abyss monarchs will probably come soon and be prepared.

I asked, "What will they get?"

True red-eyed black dragon said: "I don't know, maybe a few days or years, maybe hundreds of years, who knows."

I laughed: "When they come, they will fight back."

"I have ambition, I like it." True red-eyed black dragon.

I said, "Can I ask you a question?"


I said, "My friend wants to come to visit Dragon City. Can you help me?"

"Just this little thing." After I spoke, I rang a finger, and immediately a small earthy box appeared in my face. I opened it and saw that there were more than ten teleporting crystals in it.

I asked, "Is this for me?"

"Yes, but not for nothing."

"What task to say." There is no free lunch in the world, NPC will not give players something for nothing.

True red-eyed black dragon said: "Go and help me find something called Thunder Stone, find it and give it to me, and I will give you this box of teleport crystals."

"Ding ~! Whether to accept the triggering task [Find Thunder Stone]"


"Where can I find Thunderstone?" He asked.

"I heard that in a place full of thunder and lightning, you go and see for yourself." The real red-eyed black dragon said impatiently.

I said, "Okay, I know, goodbye." I took out the teleport crystal and returned to the Dragon City. I was going to appraise the equipment. The seal campaign won a large number of equipment. what.

When I came to the smithy, Dharma rushed over to greet him. When I walked into the smithy, I saw the dragon man still sitting on the sofa watching the ‘love paradise’ with great interest.

Dragons turned a page and said, ‘Dharma goes to work. "Dharma immediately fled the equipment and received the equipment while he was busy at the appraisal table.


"Come, my prince, I have identified your equipment. There are two pieces of platinum, four pieces of dark gold, three pieces of orange, eighteen pieces of gold, and thirteen pieces of silver. After the discount, you need to pay forty-five. Thirty-seven, seven hundred and twenty gold coins, you can pay forty-five thousand and one thousand for you. "

"so expensive."

Dharma Road: "If you are willing to sell me gold and silver equipment, you only need to pay 300,000."

"Okay 300,000." Although we have money, we ca n’t be so bad. After paying the money, the equipment is recovered and orange and dark gold are put in the guild for everyone to compete. As for platinum, I want to see what kind of goods .

This time it was two swords to get platinum equipment, and the demon lord burst out. This guy is really generous.

These two swords are Snow Moon, but Yun Lan is afraid that she can only give her the blue crystal dragon's egg to appease her. Yun Lan is a good girl and must be worthy of this noble dragon egg.

Look at the properties first.

Caruya's Teachings-Gallop Grade: Platinum

Attack power +4450 Attack speed + 25% Increase user's attack power by 15% When attacking, deal 50% splash damage to nearby enemies (ranged 35%).

60% chance to knock down enemies when attacking.

Special Attribute: When attacking the target, you can break the opponent's equipment and make it unusable (the lower the level, the higher the chance of triggering)

Additional Skills (1): Carrua's counterattack (passive) has a 30% chance of being attacked. Carrua's energy avatar launches a slash to attack the enemy.

Additional Skills (2): Carrua's Blessing, consumes 2,000 magic, increases Carrua's divine weapon by 30% of attack power and life steal, maintains 15 seconds, and cools down for 15 minutes.

Additional Skills (3): Skybreaker, consumes 3000 magic, and launches a fierce slash on the target. If this skill kills a unit, the cooldown of this skill will be refreshed and the cooldown will be 115 seconds.

Requires level: 110, reputation 10,000 points, lucky value 5 points.

Ruling Blade-Guoyu Grade: Platinum

Attack power +5500 increases user's attack power by 9%. When attacking, it has a 50% chance to dispel, dissipating all BUFF on the target (not valid for BOSS).

Critical strike rate + 30% vitality +5000 magic +5000 special attributes: blocking skills will not block failure.

Additional Skills (1): Extreme Blocking (Passive) forcibly interrupts all skills being released to use Blocking.

Additional Skills (2): Guoyu, consumes 1700 magic, strengthens his weapon within 20 seconds, increases the attack distance by 20 yards, and adds a small range of 100% splash effect to the skill attack, cooling for two hours.

Additional skills (3): Glory of the country, consumes 3,200 magic points, doubles all its attributes within 30 seconds, enters a high-intensity state of weakness within one minute after the end of maintenance, all attributes return to zero, and blood magic is 20% of the maximum on-line. Cool for 5 hours.

Requires level: 110, dedicated to fighters, 2 points of charm.

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