Master Summoner Online

Chapter 538: Resentful Samurai

"Oh! It seems you dare not!" Said the tyrant, pinching his chin.

I said, "Of course."

The tyrant laughed: "It seems that you have chosen a path of no return, that's good! Since you dare not come by myself, I will kill you now! Take your two beautiful girls as your own, so I You can let them show me every day! "

"Don't be kidding! Tianzhao just don't!" Tianzhao shouted at the moment and pulled out his double knives.

"That's it." The black **** also said, and then the two MMs came to me, standing left and right, I pulled out the red-eyed dragon gun and shouted at him: "Tyrant talk less bullshit, get ready to die!"

As soon as this word came out, the tyrant said, "Hum, for the humans like you, do you use your own king to go and go, my most faithful mount!" This goods is really arrogant, arrogant to this point, and estimated strength is also Not bad, at the same time, after he ordered, a black hole appeared on the ground, and a figure crawled out of the black hole the next moment!

"Roar ~ Roar ~ Thick ~!" The figure made a huge roar and was deafening. I was in a daze, my hands slightly increased strength to hold the gun, and at the same time the three of us stepped back slightly. The tyrant said: "Come on! Tianhu! "

My heart secretly said: Open the sky! Sounds a bit NB!

"Come here, the master is careful!" The black **** warned, everyone nodded and made a full-fighting posture!

Prior to this, a huge tiger tyrant in a black hole said: "Open the tiger space!"

As the tyrant ordered Kai Tianhu to issue a huge tiger howl, numerous lightning energy moved around the front claws, raised the claws, and swept across the air, and suddenly "snarled", actually bringing out a path in the air. Space crack!

"what is that……"


Huge tearing force, the three of us were caught into the cracks in the space without being caught off guard. The next moment there was a continuous sound in my ear--

"Ding ~! Open the tiger to tear the space, you are sent to the new map-the castle dungeon!"


He fell heavily to the ground, couldn't help but drank it, and touched his buttocks. It wasn't the ground with his face at the same time. At the same time, I found that Tian Zhao had returned to the summoning beast space, and at the same time, I looked up and saw that I was facing There is an oval cavity above. This should be the crack in the space, but how can I see a shadow coming here this time.

"Master! Catch me!"

Black God! The next moment I stunned God, one of my beautiful bodyguards fell from the sky, and I immediately spread my hands to meet it.


Without humiliating the mission, I accurately hugged my bodyguard, but the impact was too great, he just overwhelmed me to the ground, and the Black God really had an effective weight.

At this moment, the black **** closed his eyes, and the whole person was crushed on me. After a while, he raised his head and opened his eyes: "Safe ground! The master is awesome!"

"That's right, how long do you intend to press on me?"

"Ah!" Black God was surprised, but the voice of Tian Zhao suddenly sounded: "The master is partial! While Tian Zhao is no longer in love!"

"Ah!" The Black God and I were suddenly surprised. I saw Tian Zhao not knowing when the big red eyes around us appeared for a moment and looked at us slightly angry, but they were cute!

"What does Tianzhao say!" Black God blushed to the ears and said to me, but she is really not a seat. Since it is the place of my lower body, one of my important organs is squeezed by her armor, forcing her I shouted uncomfortably: "Can you go first, I'm so uncomfortable with you!"

After listening to my words, Hei Shen bowed his face and became redder and hurriedly stood up and shouted, "I'm sorry! Master, I didn't mean it! I don't know which one is your master ..." The more you say, the more embarrassed I scratch my head He said, "It's all right."

Then stood up and turned to check the situation of the little brother quickly. Fortunately, it was okay. Turned around and saw Tian Zhao blinked, her beautiful red eyes said, "Master, please Tian Zhao help you check!"

I said suddenly: "No ... no need!"

The black **** still apologized. I immediately opened the topic and said, "Where is this?"

Black Shinto: "Isn't there a master's system prompt?"

I immediately opened the prompt bar and saw ‘castle dungeon’. How did the Sky Tiger send itself here, and I looked around all of a sudden, it was dim, and it was generally not visible when I could not see the surroundings.

Suddenly, "tat! Tat!" The sound of fragmentary footsteps sounded, and two figures appeared behind the black god. Fortunately, the black **** responded quickly, the black sickle appeared in the hand without warning, and then swept out of the attack. The two The figure was swept away instantly. The attacker didn't even have time to react.

After the two guys fell to the ground, I saw these two humanoid creatures, with gray armor on their bodies, and iron helmet masks covering their faces.

The two guys stood up quickly. They had an adult in their arms, each holding a large double-edged sword.

Deadly Warrior, 125, Elite Beast. Introduction: The samurai warrior was originally a human warrior. Thousands of human warriors entered the castle from different places in order to find the secret of the castle. However, they are undoubtedly not buried in this castle. After they die, their souls cannot survive, and mysterious The owner of the castle controlled them with great power, allowing them to guard all parts of the castle. They have powerful attack and defense forces combined with combat martial arts. Their mission is to kill and assimilate those adventurers who enter the castle.

The 125-level elite beast is not difficult to deal with, I said, "Go! Kill him!"

"Yes." The two men shouted in unison, the next moment the death cross blasted off, and then the attack of the black **** fell on the death grudge warrior. I also rushed to wave the red-eyed dragon gun and quickly cut Nanma started the gun to wipe out the dazzling fire in Jiayu, and then a lightning announcement announced that the dead warrior was flying.

This time another deadly grudge warrior rushed over, and the two MMs immediately came forward to resist, and I simultaneously chased the dragon gun and stabbed at the same time. Apparently, the samurai warrior could not withstand my powerful blow. The last shot pierced the body, and the dragon gun pulled out of the body and fell to the ground with a whimper!

On the other side, the samurai warrior also hung up under the cooperation of Tianzhao and the Black God. The two samurai warriors left some gold coins and a black armor brace. Pick it up and look at it for a moment. (One of the Death Complaint Sets): Unidentified!

"Huh? Dead suit ..." I sank aloud: "This thing will come out here."

Tianzhao said: "Yes, thanks to the credit of the open-air tiger, if it hadn't been for sending us here, it wouldn't have been possible."

I laughed: "Yeah, thanks for it, everyone, come on, fight for a few more green blade suits!"

"Well, come on!"

With the suit as the motivation, I was wary at once. Although there are many explosive suits in the second world, there are not many explosive suits. Each high-end suit is sky-high or even valuable. City, the level of equipment in this local explosion is not low, it must be a lot higher than the level of players at this stage, but I believe that the leaders in the game will soon be armed with such equipment, and its value will be inexplicable.

Continue to walk forward This time there are a few resentful warriors wearing grey full body armors, hovering in front of the broad-edged sword with both hands, I looked up to see the height, it is good enough for Gallulu and Gatling Blast Dragon call, The Amber Dragon transformed into his left arm.

"Tian Zhao brought them over!"

"Get orders!" After answering, he immediately stepped on the strong figure and rushed forward. When he returned in a circle around the pile of samurai warriors in front of him, there was already a blockbuster of samurai warriors behind him!

When Tian Zhao came to me, the Red-Eyed Dragon Gun trembled slightly, and seemed to be excited to be able to challenge so many advanced monsters.


The samurai warriors in front of them made a terrifying scream and rushed up with a double-edged sword. They kept a good formation, a team of teams was in order, but these formations clouded in front of me!


"Garulu, the explosion! Gatling Blast Dragon, Photon Smash!"

Dagaruru gave a sudden low-drink instruction, and Gatling's eyes lightened, and a burst of energy waves shot suddenly in his mouth. At the same time, Gatling's body launched a launcher and countless missiles. Launched from the whole body, the missiles and energy fell into the strange group in the first time!

"Boom boom!"

Under the wild bombardment, no matter what formation he has made me become unformed, the power of the two high-tech monsters is too fierce. Can these elite monsters bear it?

I raised my hand to open the mouth of Longkou to spread out the burning fire that burst out!


The explosive breath set off a huge explosion, and then a majestic force poured into the body, and the dragon's charge started! Instantly transformed into a 20-meter-long blue light dragon, accompanied by a dragon's groan, the light dragon twisted his body and rushed forward, a strong energy raged away, the light dragon was on a line that had passed in, and the warrior was resentful. After being knocked down, the helmet was removed, and even some of the limbs were directly knocked off by Dragon's Charge. After losing some of their ability to move, the threat of these guys was reduced.

I secretly rejoiced that the seal of the beast **** is really a good thing. With it, I can completely make up for my fighting power. With its existence at the level of monsters such as rain and dust, I have no reason to fear them!

The samurai warrior who was knocked open in my dreams has re-emerged. This guy is very clever. Since they are divided into two groups to attack the sky, the black gods and the other group rushed up to me. I took the homeopathy dragon arm and started again. Breathing, after the baptism of the flames, these samurai warriors are already blood, and the red-eyed dragon gun begins to clean up!

The blood-scarred monsters fell down, and dozens of deadly warriors on the other side were shrouded by the power of two technology monsters. Then the black **** and Tianzhao saw them and harvested vegetables.

Pushing all the way all the way through this way almost made me forget the time. When Xueyue got a message, it was only noon. A new monster appeared when I was about to go offline.

This new monster is wearing a dark brown jumpsuit with a stout body. He wears a horned helmet with a black mask on his head to cover the entire face. He holds a small round shield on the left and a dense cast of weapons. Barbed Hammer! The whole body is protected by heavy iron armor, and it looks like a heavily armed steel fortress!

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