Master Summoner Online

Chapter 249: Icehill Troll

"Where is this!" It took me a long time to squeeze these words out of my mouth. At this time, there was an ice field in front of me. The endless, snow-capped ice fields are similar to Antarctica and the temperature here is extremely cold. I already felt the coldness of the bones.

"Why is it so cold, the wind is like getting into a bone." Tianzhao shouted.

"I have a hot drink." A small bottle of red liquid that the little knife took out was handed to Tianzhao, who took it quickly and drank it directly, then took a big breath: "Hi! Finally don't It's cold, thank you little knife. "

"You're welcome." Then the little knife gave me a bottle and said, "Here."

"Thank you." After thanking him for taking a hot drink, a warm sweep swept the whole body, and even with the hot drink, he was not afraid of the cold.

"Well, where is this place?" I said, looking around.

The little knife also looked left and right. Now that he shouted, "Ah!"

"what happened?"

Little knife said: Will it be an extremely cold ice field, ice and snow, extremely cold, snowy place where birds don't shit. "

I said, "Where is the Arctic Ice?"

The little knife said: "It would be great if this place is extremely cold, and the extreme cold hall is in the depths of the extreme cold, and we have found the hidden map!"

I suddenly asked, "How did we find it?"

"Don't know? Let's explore it. If it's an extremely cold ice field or some other hidden map, no matter what, we are absolutely lucky this time!"

"Let me ask, is there anything valuable in the extreme cold hall?" I couldn't help asking.

"Because there will be countless good things such as dark gold-level equipment and advanced materials in the extreme cold hall, but this is a rumor, but many people came to look for the extreme cold hall, but now everyone has left with the loot, all hanging Back to town. "The little knife responded.

I said, "I know, so let's be the first batch to leave the players with loot."

"Hmm!" The little knife nodded, but suddenly "cranked" suddenly under the feet of the polar devil wolf, and the ground suddenly cracked.

Then a huge white shadow soared into the sky, at the same time, a small knife and a polar devil wolf fell into this crack. "Ah!" The crack came exclaiming, one person and one beast crack, the speed was beyond description .

I quickly called for the Amber Dragon, a good wife roared, the dragon wings drew back, and I rushed into the crack of the ice layer. Then a roar and a fire came under the crack, and then the Amber Dragon carried a small knife and carried it. The polar devil wolf flew out and landed on the ground. The little knife was pale and frightened after landing, and the polar devil wolf was better, but his face was white.

"It's all right!" I patted the back of the little knife, and the little knife returned to God and said, "It's all right! Thank you."

"You're welcome", but as soon as my voice fell, the Amber Dragon howled and rolled out, and I saw that under this ice, this terrible monster had already shown its true appearance. This head was white, tens of meters long, flat The flat head had ten pairs of fiery red eyes, a retractable white tongue dragged in his mouth, four translucent ice sculptured giant hands, and a hoarse roar, like thunder.

"What kind of monster is this?" Tianzhao was shocked when he saw the monster.

Fire Eye Golden Eye Scan, Bingqiu Troll, Level 80 Ancient Warcraft, Introduction: Wanzai Xuanbing absorbs the terrifying monster of the earth's aura, and is born of horrible monsters. After thousands of years, it has infinite power, and lurks beneath the ground all year round. .

"Ancient Warcraft?" I was surprised,

A giant hand of this icehill troll stretched out to us, and several of us quickly jumped away and frowned. What is ancient Warcraft? Monster types are generally ordinary beasts, elite beasts, enhanced monsters and even BOSS. Ancient Warcraft is unheard of, but once this kind of thing is killed, it will definitely give good things.

The amber dragon spread its wings, roared and slammed the tail of the dragon, and found out with a heavy claw. The target was really the monster's big tongue. A row of bullets and missiles from the Gatling Blast Dragon were still sent by the crescent moon of the Sonic werewolf!





A large row of damage floated from the ice hill troll's head, making it howl, and then four ice-sculpted arms waved, blowing a "whirl" wind, the amber dragon's claws and its ice-sculpted giant The hand collided, and a snorting sound immediately, the amber dragon screamed and rolled out, constantly inciting its wings to stabilize its body.

The little knife rides the polar devil wolf to attack from the other side, the polar devil wolf ejects a row of ice lings, the little devil knife draws a cross in the ice devil blade, —510—534—535 ... It is another row of damage, but ice Qiu Troll giant hand fluttered the small knife and the polar devil wolf,-4331 points of damage were blown out, and I couldn't help but breathe in the air. This hurts the polar devil wolf. If it hits the little devil wolf, The knife is estimated to have been seconds.

The other side of the sky was approaching. When the ice hill trolls flew to the polar devil wolf, the blood storm suddenly raised, the double knife holders crossed, black energy, broke out, and bombarded the ice hill giant. On the forehead of the devil!

—The attack of 3780 points of damage from the sky is quite powerful!

Immediately after Aizhao hits, he quickly retreats, and at the same time, the Amber Dragon in the air also emits its explosive breath, "Roar!" The ice mound troll howled—5442. This ice mound troll is undoubtedly ice-type for fire. The resistance was naturally low, and the Amber Dragon burned tens of thousands of blood.

Take advantage of the air to attack the ice hill trolls on the ground. The ice hill trolls raise their bodies high, and their four arms are waving constantly. I take the beasts back, and the polar wolf also carries a little The knife stepped back, while retreating, I commanded Gatling Blast Dragon, released the skill four luminous missiles, and at the same time a beam shot out. The Sonic werewolf sent a crescent moon maneuver, hitting the ice hill troll, and lost his temper, this monster The defense force is very high, but the movement speed is slow. In addition to the blood from the amber dragon constantly blasting its blood with explosive inflammation, the little knife also polar wolf puts a kite at this ice hill troll, every amber dragon in the air explodes. Breathing can kill the opponent's blood of about five thousand. The fire and ice attributes have an absolute advantage, and the advantage of the Amber Dragon in the air is even more obvious. The ice hill trolls lose their blood and blood under our combined attack. I A heroic charge is launched!


Rushing up, the whole person hit the ice hill troll, and then Tengyun raid sent a lucky trigger, and the stun effect on the Ruyi stick was nothing more than a combo of destruction, smashing, energy explosion, and normal attack. Output.






Although the general attack finally triggered a strong attack, my attack of about two thousand was not enough.

Tian Zhao flew forward again, raised a death cross and cut the grass to remove the roots once, and then quickly exited the monster 10 meters after the battering. At the moment when the ice hill troll woke up, the little knife slid arms behind it, ice hill A blue light flashed on the back of the troll, and the icehill troll was stunned again! This gives me great relief, ordering the summons to make an output.

Finally, the ice hill troll woke up with thick blood, four big arms waved, and one arm waved with a blue light, slamming it on the shoulder of the amber dragon who was about to perform the flame combo. on!


This beast, I slap my amber dragon with a howl in pain, and lost most of my blood. The amber dragon climbed quickly, and at the same time, the side of the ice mast troll from the polar devil wolf, the ice devil blade in the hand of a small knife, blood red The light is flourishing! Split on one arm of the ice hill troll—4442 damage floated.

This blow gave the Icehill Trolls a serious blow, but the Icehill Trolls waved their arms in place again, making us unable to approach for a while. It hurt too much each time we hit us. At most, it was a level 80 ancient monster. Both the grade and the level are too high for us. It is completely impossible to harden it. The small knife and the summoned beasts are not suitable for leveling here. The consumption of potions is really horrible.

Between one advance and one retreat, several joint strikes, the amber dragon's non-stop riots in the air, here it is my main force DPS, with absolute AOE output, after wearing N for a long time, this ice hill troll began to shake Drunk, finally after the little knife stabbed across the ice hill troll's head and took away its last blood, the ice hill troll hill's body finally fell.


The explosion was colorful, and then began to pick up equipment. There were seven pieces of equipment, five of which required identification, and the other two were a staff and a sight.

The majesty of the ice storm, grade: silver, magic attack +1400, magic damage + 10%, ice attribute magic damage + 8%, magic +500, magic specialization +20, casting speed + 10%, skills: ice roar + 1. Level 60 is required.

Frost Armor, Grade: Amethyst, Defense +150, Overall Defense + 8%, Strength Specialization +20, Dexterity Specialization +20, 1% chance to block attacks, level 57 is required.

There were also 1,850 gold coins bursting, which could be a good harvest!

With the previous ice troll raid, I raised my vigilance, and it was absolutely unsafe to walk on the ground, so I put away the summoned beasts except Tian Zhao and Amber Dragon, and then let the little knife take back the polar devil wolf. I The three of them, Tianzhao and Xiaodao, sat on the back of the Amber Dragon and flew forward. I saw four or five icehill trolls along the way, and I even saw one that was twice as large as the icehill troll. Monsters, these guys are not something we can provoke, we can only avoid fighting to fly forward.

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