Master Summoner Online

Chapter 234: Xueyue's Phone

After a while, when I came back to God, I found that Tian Zhao was lying on her chest proudly and tightly against her chest, only to realize that she was in the jungle again.

"Tian Zhao! Tian Zhao! Get up," I shouted.

Tian Zhao looked up and said, "Hello, master."

"Get up!" I said helplessly.

Tian Zhao looked at himself and looked blushed, and immediately stood up. I later stood up, and then saw a creature five meters away.

This is a monster that looks like a big lizard. It is covered with green scales and raises its head. It is about one meter high and about three meters long. It opens its mouth with a large blood bowl and keeps purring. I jumped at it very quickly, I lifted Ruyi stick towards the other party, and then I sang, Ruyi stick smashed in the head.

There was a loud bang, and Ruyi rod hit the ground heavily, hitting the small stones under the leaves, and immediately flew those small stones up, but it was a pity that the blow was not cut in the monster's head on.

It was avoided by it, and then opened the mouth of the blood basin, and heard a squeak, and then it bit my left shoulder, and the -30 points of injury floated out. I saw a little bit of crying and laughing when I saw this injury. As I shook it away, I left a mark on my shoulders, and the Ruyi stick turned into a pillar. The crushing blow and the energy explosion were launched together, and the Ruyi stick with two skills hit the monster's head heavily. The lizard's head had been smashed and his brain cracked. When the lizard died, he promptly brushed it out.

"Ding ~! Get 1 trial point!"

by! Here is the monster that will give trial points after death, but there is no experience or explosives, but this will definitely give the trial points monsters extremely rare, so come on tonight tonight to find the Dragon Dragon Altar, call the beasts, and then Rush into the forest with the summoned beasts! At the same time countless kinds of monsters rushed out to welcome me.


You can't see the roar of monsters from time to time in the forest on the edge, countless horizontally and vertically on the ground, the earth stained with blood, like a picture of hell.

Standing in the middle of countless monster corpses, I will smash the Ruyi stick and send a gray claw brown bear that has fallen in front of me back to the main brain. In the endless killing, my whole body has been infected with thrilling blood. red. The captivating blood red was stained by the blood that splashed onto me when countless World of Warcraft were killed by it.

The whole body was stained with blood, but there was no drop of my own blood, because I was protected by my summoned beasts. Most of the blood on my body was left by the monsters who dared to attack me. Part of it broke through the siege of the summoned beasts and was left behind after I solved it.

Let's look at the results of the summoning beasts. The dragon battle waved half of its tall black horror sword. In front of countless monsters, it turned into its soul under the sword. The revolving bullet brought the harvester's head into the life of the range monster. The Sonic werewolf avoided the monsters' attack with his agile skill. The harsh growling cannon did not allow a monster to approach the one-meter range around it.

In addition, there is my Sailor Moon skylight, with beautiful flowing red hair and red eyes sparkling like rubies. Even after such a fierce battle just now, those red eyes did not diminish. In her eyes, you can never see the word "fear". During the battle, her beautiful face has always maintained this serious state. Without the usual childishness, the serious expression becomes relaxed after the end of the battle. The delicate nose and cute little mouth can't help but play with it. impulse. However, those who dare to do so will not hesitate to use her double knife to give each other a life-long unforgettable lesson. The rest of Amber Dragon is purely soy sauce. Absorbing so much experience is not evolution.

"Master! Your clothes are stained with blood, let's find a place to take a bath, OK." After looking at the blood on my body, I said, I frowned slightly, then sighed softly, I felt that my appearance should be washed, and then I went to let the dragon fight to explore the road. Soon the dragon fight found a small lake. I walked over with a small lake on the side of the summoning beasts.

"Pop!" When I reached the small lake, I gently took off all the equipment on my body and washed it with the lake water. At the same time, I washed off the **** smell of my body. The Sonic werewolf jumped directly into the water to wash my hair. With the black sword that washed it in the lake, Gatling did not enter the water, and the Amber Dragon also jumped into the water to swim in the lake. Tianzhao was the most daring, undressed directly in my face, revealing the development of her chest. A good woman is proud. It shivered slightly, and she seemed to be shy in the air, but Aizhao didn't care too much. In this forest full of monsters, no one could see her body. Well, maybe the monsters should be excluded, of course I have all seen them.

"Ah! It's so comfortable to take a bath! The previous battle was really terrible. It actually caused several monsters to break through the defensive circle and made the master's whole body blood." Tian Zhao soaked her body in water, only one head was revealed. .

"It's okay, pay attention next time!" I said while washing my gear.

After about ten minutes, everyone cleaned all the blood on their bodies or on their weapons. I also washed my equipment and put it on.

"Okay! It's time to go, to find the place of the Dragon Altar tonight." After putting on the equipment, I took a deep breath, and then carried the Ruyi stick in my hand to my shoulder and said.

Tianzhao said at this time: "Master, you have to stay overnight."

I nodded Tianzhao and said, "This is not the case. The host must take a good rest today anyway. The host stays overnight all these days. It will be exhausting to go on. It ’s important to practice but more important to the body."

I shook my head and said, "Maybe."

I went on to say, "I'll go to eat first, and Tianzhao take a rest first."

Tianzhao said, "Master, don't go online after dinner. Take a good rest for one night. Tomorrow we will find the Dragon Altar."

I thought about what Tianzhao said makes sense. It seems that I can only rest.

So I set up the tent and went offline. Then I dropped the helmet and burned the instant noodles. Then I went to take a shower. At the same time, a text message was suddenly sent to my mobile phone. "Dear user, your account has increased by 650,000 yuan, please Confirm the account balance as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary losses. "The good guy sold those things for 650,000, and he can put the money in his account. It seems that Ye Youlan is still very creditable. I see that my account suddenly has a lot of money. With so much money, I know I bought the equipment, I don't know I thought I was robbing the bank.

Put away the phone and continue to eliminate instant noodles. But at this time, I found that the lights in the room suddenly went dark. I stood up and walked out of the dormitory. I saw that the campus had gone dark. Since the blackout would break through, the old man did n’t want me overnight.

Back at my dormitory, I touched the phone and drank the dishes and lay down on the bed when I was ready to sleep. The phone rang again. I picked it up and looked at it. The caller ID showed "Magic Moon". I answered the phone and shouted: " Is Xueyue you? "

At the end of the conversation, Xueyue said, "I am the Dragon Spirit, are you okay?"

I said, "It's me, Xueyue, what do you do?"

"It's okay ..." Xueyue said in a low voice.

I said, "You lied to me."

Tianxue Yue said: "Well, no matter whether I lied to you or not, first tell me that you made a big noise in my building last time. Have you been injured?"

I said, "Just what the 2B bodyguards can do to me is flattened by my three punches and two feet."

Tian Xueyue said, "Did you meet an uncle named Mo at the time?"

I smiled bitterly: "Yes, but I'm a horse."

"You ..." Tian Xueyue exhaled and said, "I won't allow it next time."

"Also ... next time!" I said with a bit of sorrow.

Tian Xueyue smiled softly: "I managed to steal my phone today. This may be the last call I made for you."

I said, "I won't let it be your last message."

"Longling, I really like you. The bowl of sober soup you made for me is the most delicious thing I have ever eaten in my life. I will deeply remember that even if I marry somewhere else, I will remember it. With you. ".

I lamented: "That kind of thing ... is impossible."

"Even if it's impossible, I can't do anything for you as an outsider. Long Ling go to a better girl and forget me as soon as possible, so that I can embark on a happier road." At this point, I felt that her figure seemed very illusive, as if it would disappear soon.

"Tianxueyue ..." I groaned.

"Well, what's the matter?"

"I think I agreed with your father that you should know, as long as I can win the championship, I can ..." I insisted.

After I said this, Tian Xueyue suddenly said, "Please don't ... don't say that this kind of hope gives me a glimmer of hope, but in the end there will only be disappointment."

"No! I won't let you down! I'll wait for the champion, I won't let you leave me, waiting for me." I shouted.

"Okay." Tian Xueyue whispered and then suddenly shouted, "My dad is here, the phone is over, and I will wait for you." After that, the phone was hung up.

I immediately felt heartache, so the so-called heartbreaker is probably the case, throw the phone aside and sleep! After class the next day, I went back to the dorm with a helmet, took the beasts, and walked into the forest ...

"Ah! Dragon battle, billion trillion lava!" As I ordered, the ground began to twist fiercely like waves. Then, countless huge cracks swim like poisonous snakes from all directions, and these cracks are getting more and more and bigger. Finally, in the rumbling muffled sound, the whole ground under everyone's feet exploded. A fierce air current raging like a tropical storm raged in the air, a hot lava erupted, and lava and rock that were 100 million degrees tall gathered into lava **** and roared towards a group of wolf monsters.

Balls of lava fell among the wolves. When the lava ball fell to the ground, it exploded, and almost all wolf monsters were destroyed by this devastating lava. These lava **** erupted into a terrifying power, and the wolf cubs were turned into dust without even having the chance to resist. After all of these monsters died out, they left deep pits on the ground and brushed out N trial points.

Today is the second day I came to this forest, but I ca n’t remember the number of monsters that died in my hands. It can be said that there is a battle almost every hour. Such a high-frequency battle, but everyone Some can't stand it.

"Abominable! This **** dragon altar is really hard to find!" Looking at the surroundings that had been ruined by the battle just now, I looked helpless.

However, no matter what, I must find the hope that taking things is my breakthrough, winning the championship, and taking back Xueyue. This is my vow! After shaking my body for a few moments, I continued to walk deep into the forest. Although I know that there are more powerful monsters waiting for me, but my steps have not hesitated ...

After fighting all the way, what appeared in front of me was a black cave. At this time, the place was very quiet, and it was a little abnormal. Is there any monster around the black cave for some reason? No, not just monsters, not even creatures. A sense of depression that made people almost impossible to move emanated from the cave, exuding terrifying coercion.

"But there's something ahead! I'm here!" After taking a bit of food and resting, after the endurance value was fully restored, because the cave height was less than ten meters, the dragon could not enter the battle, but only the summoned beasts except the sky photo Take it back, carry Ruyi stick and walk into that black cave that seems to devour everything ...

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