Master Summoner Online

Chapter 230: Promise

"You are the **** father of Tian Xueyue!" I said angrily.

The other said, "Yes. To be honest, you really have the ability. Since you can hit all the way here, I think you already know a lot about our situation."

"how do you know?"

The other said with a smile: "You're the assistant who forced me to ask at my door. Do you think I didn't hear that loud voice?"

"Really? You just heard that so well, return Tian Xueyue to me." I said coldly.

"Oh!" The man smiled at the corner of his mouth and said, "Give it back to you? What are you doing? Why should my daughter give it back to you!"

I pointed at him coldly: "Your daughter, someone like you deserves to be called Xueyue's father. I don't think Xueyue is your flesh and blood."

"You bullshit!" The middle-aged man slammed the table and yelled at me: "Tianxueyue, of course, my own flesh and blood, how can our outsider get involved in our family's affairs, please let me go or I will call the police!"

"Then you report it!" I came to him when he was talking. When he was finished, he smashed a punch on the phone on his desk. When I spoke, I smashed two punches. The telephone was smashed and completely scrapped.


"You what you!" I said directly on his forehead.

"What do you want?" Said the other.

"I want you to hand over Xueyue." A pair of vertical long eyes stared fiercely at his eyes and said in an extremely angry tone.

The middle-aged person sat down again after I said, and said in a calmer tone: "Snowy moon, I will not give her up, you will give up, my daughter has no reason to give someone like you."

"Then why do you want to let you return Xueyue to me!" My tone eased a little, but it was just as cold.

"Reasons? How about letting us make an agreement?"

"Appointment? What fame do you want?" I said.

The middle-aged man single-handedly said, "I think you're playing the Second World game now."

"Yes, but does this have anything to do with you?" I said.

The middle-aged person continued: "You should also know that in the twelfth month of today, there will be a grand PK event in the entire China region."

"Then your agreement is ..."

"If you want to win the championship in this PK, then I will entrust Xueyue to you, but if you do not win the championship ..." The other side sold a trick.

"If not?" I asked.

"Then, please don't try to hit her again, that is, you should leave her completely and never show up in front of her." Middle-aged humane.

by! This bastard! Now that you have come up with this kind of thing to make an agreement, you need to know how many of this grand event will be played in China. At that time, the masters will be like clouds. It ’s easy to think about the championship, but as long as there is a silver lining, I will hurry up. I'm afraid it would be counterproductive to go on like this. I'll ask the police to come to the detained bureau. Then I can't see Tian Xueyue anymore. By then, I don't regret explaining it, so I pondered for a while. He said, "Okay! I promised, and I'll show you this championship. Don't leave it alone."

Middle-aged humanity: "How can that be, the most important thing for our businessmen is the word credit."

I said, "Okay, remember your words. When I won the championship, I came back here to pick up Xueyue. At that time, you must dare to run away. Even if you escape the far corners of the earth, I will let you out, sternly. You have a meal. "

"Rest assured, I will be waiting for you with Xueyue, and I will also pay attention to your game."

"Then we will see you then!" Turning around without leaving, I walked down without any man in black to stop me. When I walked to the lobby on the first floor, I was beaten down by the man in black. Already stood up, but they were holding one by one, and everyone was very embarrassed with injuries. Since I was in the lobby, there were still some people in black who stopped me, but when I squeezed my fist, this person couldn't help but step back. Come up.

There were a lot of people and a few cars outside the door at this time, but I didn't manage it, and strode to the road, but at this moment there were three people standing in front of me.

The three of them were wearing a pair of black clothes and black pants, with epaulets on both sides as if writing something, and a belt around a belt. The belt was covered with various instruments that I could not recognize.

"Boy stands and don't leave." A handsome man of about thirty or so said in an arrogant tone.

I couldn't help scaring a little anger in my body. I rolled his eyes and looked at him coldly. The man suddenly resisted. At this moment, a man next to him grabbed my shoulder and said, "Please walk with us. "

"Go away!" I said in a bad mood that it was launched at the same time. At the moment, this person was pushed out by me. I looked at my hand. This guy was too shoved. At this time, the other two wanted to freeze. It ’s the same. It ’s best to stand still. It ’s best if they do n’t move. Then I came to the side of the road and took a taxi on the side of the road. Then I drove to the park. Before the car had time to pay, the man drove out of the car even if he escaped, which made me very incomprehensible.

When I returned to the college, my mood was very low. When I returned to the dormitory downstairs, many people were standing here. In addition to the student congregation girls, even Long Xin and Ye Shuang were there. I asked, "What are you doing here?" ? "

Long Xin rushed to hug me and cried in my arms: "Brother, you fool, what have you done? Do you know how worried people are?"

I touched her hair and said, "Sorry to worry you."

"Longling brother, are you okay." Xiaoguang said at this time I looked at her holding a piece of paper, and when I saw that piece of paper, I knew that it should be Xueyue's left and took the phoenix: "Dragon Ling, don't be too sad, I suppose Xueyue also loves her. "

"Yes, the brother boat is straight to the bridge, isn't this what you often say? I always believe that a lover will eventually become a dependent." Ye Shuang said.

"That's it! Brother Long is in a good mood." Xiaoxi.

"Dragon spirit, I don't want you without spirit." Feng Xiaoyue.

At this moment, everyone said something to me, suddenly Xiaoguang said: "I decided!"

"What did you decide?" I wondered slightly. Xiao Guangdao: "Let's discuss the countermeasures together and go to Sister Xueyue's father's company to rescue her."

I said, "Don't go, I've been."

"What happened?" Summer said.

Then I said something about my big trouble and that agreement, and after I said that, everyone looked at me with a surprised look at the summer and said, "Is that what you said is true?"

I nodded and Ye Shuang also said, "Brother, I know you will come to your door, but this ..."

"A little overkill?" I said.

"No! It's because they didn't even say hello and took my brother and girlfriend away. I would do the same for me." Ye Shuang said.

Xiao Ai glanced at him and said, "Can you do that?"

"Oh, kidding!" Ye Shuang scratched his head.

Xia Xia said: "I probably understand what you are going to do next, and I believe in you!"

After she said that, I am more confident. Although I do n’t know what will happen, I only know what I am now. I just want to let go!

Long Xin left my arms and said, "Brother, you must do it, come on!"

"Brothers cheer! Let's do the class battles, brothers rest assured that leveling." Ye Shuang said.

"Long Brother, you must win the championship!"

I realized that the next day of the game can't live like this anymore. To win the championship with my current strength is nothing but a nightmare. What I have to do now is to break through and break through this embarrassing situation for me. Tian Xueyue can no longer be seen in this life.

"I will!" I finally left a sentence and flew back to my room the next moment.

The next step is a gambling process full of risks. It is not just a game to gamble, but also my body and energy to gamble, because if you win, the beauty and the future will be won back, and happiness will be shrouded in the second half of life. Passed! Tian Xueyue is waiting for me and I will surely get the champion to pick you back.

Come back to my mind, I regained my mindset, I have to go to sleep now, I will rest tomorrow, set the alarm clock to the end of the update, and then lock the door and prepare the instant noodles. I don't like to go to bed or skip class or something, but now it can only be the case, I have enough awareness in the next days.

After washing it up, the doll holding Xueyue was sleeping deeply, and I used to hold things to sleep many times since then.

Until the alarm clock woke me up and got up, the clock showed that there was still half an hour to leave the suit, just right!

Washed it, cooked instant noodles, and filled the stomach to have the energy to stay up all night tonight!

Now I have to hold on every minute!

I have ten minutes to look at the time and adjust my status. These ten minutes have passed. I put on my helmet and officially went online.

Mirror synthesis, the characters appear on the streets of the Dragon City, without saying a word, turn off all the levels, return to God, only to find a person looking at me in doubt

Needless to say, it was amazingly bright, she couldn't help but said, "Master! Your mood is better and worse, what's wrong with you !?"

Looking at her expression that longed for the truth, I realized that there was only Aizhao, and the only person accompanying me during the retreat period was her, and I was not alone!

I probably talked about it a bit. I completely disregarded the release of Tianzhao. First I rented a warehouse in the Dragon Capital called a workplace manager to organize my stuff. Then I bought a lot of potions and repaired the equipment inside and out. .

"Master, Tianzhao is with you!" Tianzhao said firmly.

I said, "Is your body OK?"

Tianzhao resolutely said: "Yes! The host will follow wherever the day goes. The host will also do whatever the day to do, and the host can leave out for Sister Yue. Then the day can also be left out for the master."

"Thank you," I said.

"What did you say? Master."

"Azure! Let's go!" I said.


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