Master Summoner Online

Chapter 1102: Battle of the Avengers

"It's started!" On the third day of the second round of the World Series, now on the arena is the Lac de Cura family against the Pantheon of France.

The last member of the Pantheon, George, who is on the field, is about 30 years old. He is a blonde in black leather, a tall nose, long eyelashes, and sexy. Red lips, and a pair of beautiful eyes that seem to be captivating.

The French player George, with a sword in his hand wielding a ten-meter-long sword, was awesome.

The blonde, at the same time, lifted the huge bow in her hand and blocked it with a swift arrow, breaking through the sword's air and directly piercing the other's chest. Even with the arrow, she fell down a dozen meters away with a complete defeat.

In the next game, Russia ’s Seahawk Caves will face the South Korean team. Although Korea is a small country and a strong country in e-sports, its opponent is stronger than itself.

In the first game, King Crab played against the opponent's ace archer. Such an archer's strength is extraordinary. Being close to him is a very calm response. Although his short weapon operation is very smooth, the gap between the two sides is too large, the cold light flashes, and it is crisp for several consecutive times. The two blades collided, and the two pairs of crab claws solved the battle easily!

In the second game, Qing Lan faced a mad soldier against each other. The collision between the two was very exciting, but Qing Lan was superior in the position, and neither of them used skills. He killed the other with a pair of iron fists and lost his helmet and armor. .

The big score was 2: 0 to the match point.

In the third game, it was a pity that the Scorpion lost the game, and one of the other knights was surprisingly resistant. The Scorpion Demon had all the opponents dead and was finally taken away by the opponent's close-up set.

In the fourth game, the steel bucket came into play, and the opponent was still a knight. Although the opponent had strength, but the steel double flames of the sword, he easily scored consecutively!

The final score was locked at 4: 1 to win.


Soon after we arrived, our opponent was the American team, named the Avengers.


After we took the friendly question mark between the two parties, after entering the game room and discussing, Xueyue was the first to go to war, get a starter, Yun Lan was second, I was third, Hua Lian was fourth, and Mo Yan continued to the queen.

It didn't take long to wait, the confrontation of the ancient sword soul dream V wild throne appeared on the big screen, let us be slightly surprised-1V1: Mirage Moon, LV-170, Mirage Knight VS Captain America, LV-171 Sword Fighter 1V1: Warriors Storm, LV-170, Valkyrie VS Black Widow, LV-170 Hidden Killer 1V1: Vevey Dragon, LV-170, War Beast Master VS Hawkeye LV-170 Storm Shooter 1V1: Red Lotus, LV-171, Swordsman VS Steel Xia, LV-170 Judo 1V1: Mo Yan, LV-170, Saint Wizard VS Hulk, LV-170 Sanda, such a list of guys, this group of guys is really the Avengers, the first game, Snow Moon vs. Sword Fighter The captain of the United States, the thunderstorm of the Chess Corps is also a sword fighter. The thunderstorm strength is also one of the best. Unfortunately, his luck is too bad, and he will always meet his opponents, and finally hate.


The two sides teleported on the field, the map came to a plain, and the game countdown began.

"It's up to you today, partner. The glory of the United States. It's up to us to defend it." Captain America patted his most loyal partner. The golden leopard, this leopard I know is a creature called the Storm Leopard, with unparalleled super fast speed, but the general Storm Leopard is green or dark green and his head is golden, Needless to say, this guy's attributes are definitely much stronger than the ordinary Hurricane Leopard.

After photographing my mount, looking at the female soldier in a fresh and pleasant mask, licking her lips, she laughed: "Partner, we are honored to fight such a beautiful girl!"

Waiting for the system to count down, at the moment when the countdown was over-"Oh!" The leopard issued a terrifying roar, and began a crazy sprint.

"Rush! Partner!" Captain America grabbed his mount with both hands, at this moment he seemed to merge with his mount and became an inseparable part.

Soon, the figure of one person and one leopard turned into a blue and white light. The Wind Leopard was a beast with the title of speed. In front of him, Captain America on the leopard launched a frontal attack without fancy, launching with a sharp blade. One of the sword fighter's skills is angry combo!

"Hmm ..."

A loud roar came from the shield. Xueyue did not use the double swords this time, but took out the shield and adopted the in-place defense tactic. Her shield was strengthened, and her anger was chopped five times and shot down on the shield. Sparks splashed. At the end of the opponent's end, the shield suddenly shifted, and the inherited blood-spirited war blade held in the right hand shook the opponent's chest with the strong blood condensed!

—20399 At this time, his Majesty's open mouth was obviously a storm leopard storm bomb skill. The storm bomb retreated Xueyue a few steps. Captain America managed to turn this opportunity, raised his blade, screamed, and cut off evil light. Bombed on Xueyue.

Captain America chased while he was winning, but Xueyue's body shook, Phantom stepped, and her position was very exquisite. Captain America was attacked several times in the next few attacks, followed by the Leopard.


The speed of the Leopard was so fast that it couldn't be seen. When he saw it, Captain America's sharp blade stabbed from a tricky angle on the right. At this moment, Xueyue had no time to block the attack with a blade.

Between the electric light and flint, her sword and shield swapped positions. A beautiful slap of the giant shield blocked the Captain America ’s attack. Captain America resisted at this moment. The system did not stipulate that the weapon could only be held with the right hand. Players can adjust their hands allocation according to the way they like, but even if the swap is a process, Captain America doesn't know how quickly Xueyue can switch. The original attack is almost a must, but it can't be achieved.

At the next moment, Xueyue's two-handed sword and shield were retracted from her head, and she was as light as a swallow. The speed of the phantom step was not as slow as his leopard. Xueyue used the phantom step to open a large distance. Rushing towards Captain America, Captain America rides on the leopard, and the sword glows purple in his hand, bursting with a sword!

"Phantom Flash!"

Xueyue snorted, and the two swords appeared in the hands while pulling out a ghostly phantom, Captain America hurriedly received the sword to back up!


However, the speed of the phantom flash cannot be captured with the naked eye, and with a grunt, although it did not fall from the mount, the body also left a deep wound. Captain America's ability to ride the mount was poor, and Xueyue caught this. Weaknesses turned and the two swords sent out the slash!


However, his mount was still very competitive, knowing that the owner was in danger and rushed forward, the blade shook on the ground, and the leopard ran a few meters away with his owner, and then returned with a twist.

At this moment a phoenix came in the sky, the ice crystal phoenix descended, and a fierce blizzard whizzed across the wings. Captain America yanked the reins for a sharp brake, but the leopard ran too fast to stop it!


Captain America and the Leopard have been frozen into ice, while you are sick! Kill you! The **** sword that Xueyue's double swords turned into suddenly sent another sword. The sword was floating with **** flames. The **** sword has additional skills [Blood Flame Break]. A heavy blow pierced Captain America!


— 42837 The number of injuries was flying up, the ice crystal phoenix fell, and Captain America and his mount were blown apart.

1-0, Xueyue's outstanding performance, successfully scored the first point!

In the second game, Yun Lan faced Black Widow "Brush!"

The two stood in the valley of the Minamata. The black widow was an assassin. She didn't ride, she gave up the high-speed movement speed, but got lightning-fast flexibility.

"This is not, Sister Wushuang hasn't seen you in a long time!" The other party said hello first.

"You are ..." Yun Lan looked at the other side and thought for a while and then said, "Natalie ?! You are Natalie! When you changed jobs, you even changed your ID." Once the player's ID is entered, it cannot be Changes again but can be modified by some props, such as a card called a rename card, which is very popular with players.

The black widow looked at Yun Lan with a joke and laughed: "It has been changed for several months, yes, if you are not interested in coming back, I can consider giving you the position of vice president."

Yun Lan said, "Forget it, I'm also the vice chairman here. If you ask the chairman, I can consider it."

"I'm afraid this is impossible, you know the character of the SHIELD guy," said the black widow, spreading her hands.

Yun Lan said: "I have a little sympathy for the Iron Man guy now."

At this time, the countdown sounded, and the confrontation between the two big girls began!


Suddenly stepping on the smooth stones in the stream, the Black Widow is amazingly fast, and she is also the ultimate breakthrough, Yun Lan also started the ultimate breakthrough!

"Beast King Boxing!"

The Beastmaster punched a huge lion head-shaped shock wave and rushed head-on. The black widow fled decisively and disappeared.

The other party disappeared, Yun Lan didn't panic, closed his eyes and began to sense the surroundings.


Yun Lan suddenly raised her hand and punched a punch into the void, struck a transparent unit, and at the same time, swept toward Yun Lan like a ghost, this ghost was the black widow's body, A small vortex was formed on the body dagger, Yun Lan responded quickly, and his arm fluttered quickly. "铿铿 铿" continued to stab three consecutive times, and the fist armor concussively parried the attack of the opponent, followed by the sweeping leg!

If the dizzy effect is enough for her to hang for seven or eight times, she sips: "The Shining!"


With one leg swept away, the black widow seemed to tore the space, and suddenly appeared beside Yun Lan's side, drinking softly: "Dance of Death!"

—24465—24541—24499 The dagger took the debut to the cold, three damages flew out, Yun Lan's blood was drastically reduced, followed by a cyclone, and the shadow of the black widow spider appeared at Yun Lan. The shadow appeared along with the eight bulging bulges behind the black widow, apparently preparing to perform a lore, but Yun Lan took the initiative at this moment and hugged the black widow.

"Titan Nova!"

Yun Lan directly pressed the black widow to the ground, and the ground cracked beneath them. The golden energy flowed out of the soil. At the same time, eight thick purple pillars appeared behind the black widow, and the purple light shone faintly. The eight spider legs are like eight huge spears. The eight spear-like spider legs stabbed into Yun Lan's body from behind, "Boom !!"

The brilliant cross shines through the world. The position where the two fought was completely bombarded into the sky within 100 meters, and the energy rays devoured the two.

After the explosion, a wobbly figure stood up from a pile of rubble, and I saw a black widow, her whole body clothes became tattered, revealing a lot of smooth and delicate skin.

"It's okay to keep one hand, or it's over." The black widow knelt on the ground, panting loudly, and when she was panting, our little beauty fighting family returned to us with a sad look.

1: 1 The black widow didn't know what means to survive, and survived the mortal explosion, and pulled back a point.


Soon the third game started, and finally it was my turn to play, the opponent was Hawkeye.


I teleported with Hawkeye, he held a blood-red longbow and looked at each other without talking, waiting for the countdown to end.


The summoner who likes online games, please collect: ( The summaries of online game summoners' literature are the fastest.

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