Master Summoner Online

Chapter 1090: War Soul Extreme

In the field, the legend opened his distance and dealt with darkness and sadness all his life, and magic arrows kept on attacking his opponent.

Darkness and sadness showed strong distance control ability, riding a black pattern on his body to smoke black smoke, a three-headed scruffy head, a pair of goat horns on his head, a weird mount with limbs like goat hoofs, holding in his right hand A black gas twined double-edged tomahawk, holding a purple shield on his left hand, or blocking or defending, step by step.

The legend was forced by the opponent to retreat continuously throughout his life, while pulling back, while pulling back the long bow, spiral arrow blade + skyward arrow swept across, rubbing against the opponent's axe and shield to produce a dazzling Mars.

Obviously, the legend encountered a hard stubble in his life and controlled the distance to about 15 yards. The legend retired in his life and could only break through the wings.


A wild roar roared out of the sadness of his sadness. This guy was red with three eyes, and suddenly jumped into the sky. At the same time, under the energy suddenly excited by the tomahawk in his master's hand, he turned red, as if it had been burned by fire.

"It's hot!"

Darkness and grief fired the skills, and the burning red tomahawk was smashed by the domineering tomahawk.


A terrible loud noise sounded, and with a full blow, all within a range of 20 meters were plunged into endless bombing. Within this range, we must not only withstand the scourge of that great power, but also the calcination of that raging flame.

Under such a violent blow, a large pit more than two meters appeared in the center of the hit. The surrounding grass and rocks were completely destroyed. It is a long story. When the process is very rapid in less than two seconds, the blow I can't see the legendary life underneath, but was hung up in the blow just now?

Just when everyone was thinking about this.

"Well! ..."

I heard a burst of sound. Five consecutive beeps, and the dark sadness suddenly suffered five arrows.

—4562, —4571, —4568, —4569, —4570

It turned out that when the legendary opponent flew in front of him in life, he used the lightning flash to distance. During the movement process, the lightning flash was not selected by default, and the mobility of the nightmare was used to escape the fatal attack just now. For a split second, he opened the ultimate breakthrough, and he didn't want to hide his opponent directly with the breakthrough magic skill.

The dark and sad thorn in the arrow did not go to the gods at this moment. The riding horse immediately chased after it, and at the same time, the legendary lifelong blow of the spiral arrow blade broke out!

—8299 The dark and sad body shook, and blood lost a lot.


A wild roar roared again from the mouth of this mount, this guy has jumped up, this guy's mount will not fly, and a gliding action came when he leapt into the air, once hit more than once If the monster flying through the sky at a high speed took a deep breath, the arrow appeared on the string, and now when it is discovered, it is up to this fate to determine its fate.

Abandoning all distractions, the legend will leisurely ride on the transparent bowstrings throughout his life. The shadow of the ancient bow **** appeared on his back. This is exactly the sign that his magic skill "Hou Yi Marvel" is ready to shoot. With the previous lesson, he is confident that he can definitely shoot that guy.

"Houyi's wonder!"

The magic burst suddenly, this attack has the effect of ignoring the defense and invincible armor and attack power explosion bonus, as long as the hit, even if the opponent does not die, there is no power to fight again.

Just when this guy jumped to the legendary life just three meters away, the arrow shot into the heart of this guy fiercely, and penetrated the past, shooting him through.

— 178121 There is no doubt that under this powerful attack, it must be killed in seconds.

"Stop it!"

A scene of surprise happened. The legendary arrow of life broke through the body, but the other party actually thought of it like nothing, but continued to wave the tomahawk, the tomahawk flew out abruptly, and yelled, "Pus sores!"

The huge double-edged tomahawk hit the legendary life's head fiercely, smashing him with a bow, and then the guy directly hit him with his body!


After being hit to the ground, a deep pit suddenly exploded, and a damage number-78842!

1: 1, both sides draw.


"Oh, father! Why was that guy shot through my heart and not dead! And why did the horse jump so far!" The legend was puzzled all his life.

The pit father said: "That's because that guy's exclusive skill [Alien Cells] can extend the death by five seconds after the blood volume is zeroed! Jumping long is his ability to mount, and vertical jump can pass the unit in front. It can be performed continuously."

The legendary life burst into tears: "Why didn't you say it earlier ... pit !!!"

Yu Luo Chen Wu said, "What powerful skills does my opponent have?"

The pit father said: "The movement speed is very fast, the attack power is very high, there is an exclusive magic skill called warfare, don't let him get closer or fight harder."



After the dark sadness won the opponent, the third game soon began. Yu Luochen Dancing VS Fighting King, the boss of San Jiyou had already kneeled, and now I don't know if the second child can turn the tide.

The map of the two sides came to a field of grass, the rain falling dust dancing carrying a staff, the other riding a high-headed horse, carrying a two-meter-long tomahawk. I saw this man with very long hair and a shaved hair, like a madman running out of a mental hospital.

Fighting started. The King of Fighters on the field shouted, "The mount is transformed!"

Combining yourself and your warhorse into a two-meter-tall centaur! At the beginning, everyone was surprised. He turned into a horse on his chin and rushed to the rain and dust dance. He immediately launched the death hurricane. The guy yelled, "Rush!"

Carrying the death hurricane rushing forward, when in front of the opponent, decisively flashed away, immediately began to move, continuous magic control, brushed off more than 75% of the blood of the King of Fighting, but it was in the winning ticket While holding it, the King of Fighters launched the offensive again. The guy shouted his long hair and said, "A stinger shot!"

"Brush brush brush brush brush!"

The long hair turned into spikes, and as he flung like that, the needle rain spread across the sky and covered his face with rain and dust dancing.

"Storm barrier!"

The storm formed a magical barrier on his face, and the needle rain that fell from the sky collided on the barrier like a mud cow entering the sea. At this moment, the King of Fighters had already run round to the side of the rain falling dust dance, and rushed forward again.

The rain falling dust dance turned around and a wind dragon stormed and crashed into the ground, killing the dust, but the other party rushed forward with the strong and strong wind dragon, the rain falling dust dance secretly shouted, soft afraid of hard, hard afraid Severe, sternly afraid of death, the other is obviously the type of death. In desperation, I had to flash out, throw a few wind blades, and hit the ground with flying dust to come to this side's vision.

"Great Leap Forward!" The Queen of the Fighter kicked her legs into the air and leapt from the air to her opponent. The tomahawk in the hands of her opponent exploded with the light of her skills, and she clearly wanted to give her a powerful blow after landing.

The rain falling dust dance did not hesitate to choose the flash, just at the moment of the flash, the King of Fighters landed on the ground, catching the flashing point of the other hand, and made a snorting action!

Holding a tomahawk in one hand, holding his nose in one hand, he drank softly, "Viscous nasal fluid!"


A large pile of dark green liquid hummed from this guy's nose, and flew towards the rain drop dust that had just arrived. The rain drop dust was caught by the nose and covered the body directly. When this skill appeared, everyone was shocked. Staying, using noses as a weapon is truly amazing.

Suddenly charged, raised his tomahawk: "Damage deepened! Burst and Smash!"

Broken shields kill the rain and dust dance in seconds!

The score was 2-1. The rain and dust dance lost the game and the opponent got the match point.


The rain falling dust dance was transmitted back, with a ugly face, wanting to speak, and loneliness interrupted him while singing: "Don't say anything, I will win, and my father gave me all the information about that guy."

"The shadow charm is said to be the first female in India. In addition, this person's occupation type is melee mage. The exclusive skill is parasitic. It can be lodged in a unit and then kill that unit. However, it cannot be used by players in the PK field. The breakthrough skill is called [Magic Tube], and there is a trick called [Six Binding of Cursed Star]. The designated opponent cannot attack, cast, or act for a certain period of time, although the coverage is not small. At that time, it is a precursor. This skill guide time is about 03 seconds, and it takes 02 seconds to reach the predetermined coordinates. "

"The whole process takes a long time in 05 seconds." For players who are lonely singing, 05 seconds can do a lot of things.

Play after the discussion.

After loneliness appeared in the singing, a tall and pretty figure appeared on the other side, and the other side was also a big beauty, with a tall nose, long eyelashes, **** red lips, and a pair of beautiful eyes that seemed to be ecstatic. She wore a black tight and slightly exposed Fakai, a pair of slender beautiful legs and short ankle high-heeled leather boots, which made people feel an inexplicable impulse, holding a nearly two meters long purple in her hand Sickle, laughed, "Lonely is singing, but is a well-known female mage in China. I don't know if she is really strong or rely on her face?"

"You'll know in a while." Lonely singing coldly, the pretty face was very cold, and the surrounding space also instantly formed a layer of frost. The system will give some special effects to match the mood of the player.

Countdown to the start of the game-"3!"



As soon as the system prompt sounded, the two sides suddenly summoned their pets. At the same time, the halo of the extreme breakthrough was exploded, and it was clear that when he took office, he planned to do his best. The game videos of the players on both sides must have been studied, and I know that they are not the object of trouble. If there are still reservations, it is simply a dead end.

With a tweet, the shadow-enchanted war pet is actually a black eagle, an eagle with a body length of four or five meters and wings spread out, which can almost cover the sky and the sun.

The lonely singing pet is the giant Triceratops. The Triceratops has a high attack power. The strength of the arms is enough to smash the city wall. The power can not be beaten. The eagle that flies to heaven first is very troublesome.


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