Marvel’s Kryptonian

Chapter 536 Sokovia Incident

"Guess slowly."

Zod shook his head.

He still has to find a way to get other Infinity Stones.

The Phantom has tested what she possesses.

In addition to modifying reality, there are various abilities.

Including great strength, endurance.

Flight, immortality "delay aging, seize homes", invulnerability.

It can change its shape, size, density, gigantic, regenerate its remains, disguise itself, expand and contract at will, and it can also transform part of its body into a weapon.


Energy generation, absorption and release of energy.

Mind power, mind moving.

You can even access technology products and perform remote control - but this requires a huge amount of knowledge to support.


After a temporary hiatus from superheroes, Tony Stark's life hasn't gotten any better.

Pepper broke up with him again.

Even though Tony hadn't put on that armor for a while, there were still conflicts between the two.

In addition, Tony was accused of killing her child after the speech.

The man's child was volunteering in Sokovia and tragically died in the Ultron incident.

Even if the superheroes and the Special Operations Department are trying their best to save people, it's impossible to save everyone in Sokovia.

Rather, Sokovia is already so much better than the original plot, the Phantom stops Sokovia and puts it back together.

It's just that it can't be avoided that it's just superheroes mending their own scourges.

Tony Stark, the playboy, rarely showed any aggression.

He silently accepted the mother's accusation.

His life is currently at a low point.

Other than that, the new superhero life isn't going well either.

Some time ago, when chasing down the remnants of Hydra, they caused relatively serious battle damage.

Scarlet Witch herself suffered from the train problem - although at the time, she didn't have the energy to think, just saving people.

But judging from the results, she did kill another group of people in order to save the next group of people.

Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch are actually only "children", but they don't have the iron-like will of their fathers.

After being criticized, his mental state has been relatively poor.

If this matter is left to the real father, Lao Wan, the big boss will just smile coldly and not care.

And if Lao Wan, who has been doing bad things for a long time, suddenly does a good thing, it is estimated that everyone will immediately praise him, and he can't wait to pull Lao Wan into the right path.

After all, a gentleman can be bullied, but a villain can't be humiliated.

"Dissatisfied with mutants saving people? Yes, then let's kill people."

This old guy has always been so extreme.

The strength is strong, and everyone can only provide him.

Of course, because of Lao Wan being subdued and getting younger, even Professor X thought that Lao Wan didn't know where to hide.

The evil camp, that's how they can do whatever they want - the premise is that they are strong enough, not strong enough, and naturally they will be hanged and beaten.

The good camp is more difficult.

In a situation where all sectors of society express their dissatisfaction with superheroes.

Officials will definitely take action.

On this day, all the superheroes (still, can be called) are called together.

A certain secretary of state took out audio-visual materials, as well as war damage documents, telling the serious impact of superheroes in these times.

International security has been endangered.

Everyone was silent, and not many people spoke, because this is indeed a fact. Although everyone is taking the blame for Tony Stark, after all, the big local tyrant was very generous when he was still a superhero, and the Special Operations Bureau and superheroes have also suffered A lot of funding, there is no way to turn around and not recognize people.

The Scarlet Witch looked sad, and Kuaiyin patted her on the shoulder.

"Your various uncontrolled, unregulated actions have exceeded the bottom line acceptable to many countries."

The secretary of state said he took out a document.

placed on the table.

"The Sokovia Agreement." Black Widow took the document and looked at it.

This agreement requires that members of superheroes must publicly identify themselves to accept government supervision, and must act with the government's permission.

Simply put, it's an agreement to bind superheroes.

And it has reached the consent of 117 countries in the world, and its influence can be said to be very large.

"You have to be regulated," the secretary of state said.

"I don't know."

Captain America said after reading the agreement.

"Are we going to become a tool in the hands of the government?"

After going through the S.H.I.E.L.D. incident, I'm sorry.

The originally loyal captain has already held a distrustful attitude towards the higher-ups.

God knows where the remnants of Hydra are still hiding.

He only trusts the Chief, Zod Heath!

The general idea is "someone wants to win the war before it starts, then he loses".

Or to explain it more clearly - he is against an arms race.

Even more do not want superheroes to become tools in the hands of the government, part of the arms race.

Everyone else more or less said what they meant.

Some people don't mind, and some people don't.

The Secretary of State was dissatisfied with the uncooperative attitude of some people and said angrily.

"You said you were protecting the Earth, so who can tell me where Thor and Hulk are now?"

"Two huge dangers are missing, and that's the result of you being left unchecked."

"Thor is not a person from Earth, and there is no way to control it, and Hulk is not a superhero that was programmed. He is a doctor from the Special Operations Bureau."

Zod's sudden appearance calmed everyone down. Of course, the superhero's morale was soaring.

As if as long as that man appeared, then no problem would be a problem.

"What's wrong? I'm not welcome, should I be qualified to hold a meeting here?"

Zod Heath was wearing a black suit with Aizen Sousuke's big back, which seemed out of tune with the atmosphere here.

"You are also one of the superheroes, look at this." The Secretary of State was surprised by Zod's sudden appearance, but he quickly regained his composure, pointing to the "Sokovia Agreement" on the table.

Zod walked over and kicked Tony.

Tony moved helplessly, leaving a place for Zod on the sofa.

Sinking himself into the soft sofa, Zod let out a contented sigh.

Phantom snapped his fingers, and the agreement went to Zod himself.

A beautiful secretary, in a suit and leather shoes, with a rebellious attitude.

It's a hundred times bigger than Tony Stark's most playboy days.

Let the high-ranking Secretary of State go head-to-head.

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