Marvel’s Kryptonian

Chapter 529 Eagle Eyes Want to Retire

Quicksilver looked at Ultron's steel body, these alloys are considered advanced, isn't it enough?

"Certainly not enough."

Ultron said calmly, without swelling at all.

"There are a lot of powerful superheroes in the Special Operations Bureau, and the current body alone can't deal with them."

Ultron said.

Tony Stark's database has recorded too much information about superheroes. After Ultron killed Jarvis, he also got this data.

This made Ultron very frightened, knowing that the Special Operations Bureau was its greatest threat.

"I need vibranium, indestructible vibranium to build my body."

Ultron found information about Zhenjin, but fortunately Zod was well prepared and did not let Magneto tell Tony that there was still a real Edman alloy, otherwise it would be difficult for Ultron to get a real Edman alloy body out.

"In addition to vibration gold, I also need a regenerative cradle technology to build my perfect body." Ultron said.


Kuaiyin let out a light breath.

"Okay, what do you need us to do together?"

"I've found the source of the vibranium...but there should be trouble with the special operations bureau and superheroes, and I need to make a plan."


Scarlet Witch said.

Their opponents are not ordinary cats and dogs, but famous special operations bureaus and superheroes.

Extremely powerful.

In this world, there are not many people who can and dare to compete with them head-on.

Even if there were, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver were actually just two little people, and they couldn't get in touch with them at all.

The Special Operations Bureau is also carrying out a sniper operation against Ultron.

On the edge of the city, inside an abandoned ship.

Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch looked at a sloppy guy.

"God, I don't know where you got my information from.

"The man looked at Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch.

"But I never do business with Mao children. I call your grown-ups here. I only talk to the people in charge."

In the hands of this man, there is a lot of vibranium, which is also one of the raw metals for the shield in Captain America's hands.

This metal is also called sound-absorbing steel.

It is one of the hardest materials in the Marvel universe.

Thor's hammer can't leave any traces on Captain America's shield.

Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch came here for Zhenjin.

"Are you sure you want to talk to the steward?"

Kuaiyin looked at the man and said.

"Please think about it carefully, he is not a good talker."

"Oh, really?"

The man took out a gun and pointed at Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver casually.

"Exactly, me too."

"All right."

Quicksilver shrugged.

"I hope you don't regret it."

Following his words, a silver robot appeared outside the window behind him and the Scarlet Witch.

"Damn it! What is this!"

The man's face changed greatly.

"Where are my people!"

Only then did he realize that his subordinates had not yet come out.

"Look, I said, it's not something to talk about...sorry, it's not human at all."

Quicksilver picked up the Scarlet Witch and instantly disappeared from the room.

At this moment, there was some noise from the top of the abandoned ship, and the superheroes who had tracked the signal of Ultron descended from the sky and appeared here.

"Oh, this is your new body? Much better looking than before."

Iron Man froze for a moment, looked at Ultron and said.

Ultron didn't answer and fired directly.

A battle broke out.

A large number of robots rushed out from other places to fight with the superheroes.

"I'm going."

Quicksilver said to the Scarlet Witch, and with a flash, he appeared in front of Captain America at a speed that the naked eye couldn't see clearly.

At this moment, Captain America was about to reach out to catch the shield he just threw.

Quicksilver punched Captain America in the jaw, knocking him to the ground.

Before Captain America came back to his senses and realized what knocked him over, the Scarlet Witch appeared beside him and reached out to Captain America's head.

A burst of red energy materialized from her hands and invaded Captain America's consciousness.

Captain America's face changed and he fell into a fantasy.

This also made it impossible for him to transform into a Hulk.

Bucky roared and was about to transform, and then was tripped to the ground by Kuaiyin, and then the Scarlet Witch also controlled his consciousness.

The two continued to cooperate and quickly "knocked down" Black Widow and Thor, but they did not kill them.

The revenge object of Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver is actually Iron Man.

For the other members of the superhero, there is no such hatred to get rid of them quickly.

Even, there is no such deep hatred for Iron Man himself.

It's not so much that they hate Iron Man, it's more that they don't know who to hate.

I just saw Stark's logo and decided to let Iron Man take the blame.

Tony Stark's image of a playboy who is "famous" in the world and is in the limelight is indeed quite annoying, and it is easy to draw a lot of hatred.

Get everyone else out of the way.

The Scarlet Witch silently appeared behind Hawkeye, and when she was about to make a move, Hawkeye turned and drew the "arrow".

Some kind of strange electrical discharge device was ejected from the tip of the arrow.

The eagle eye pressed it on the forehead of the Scarlet Witch.

The Scarlet Witch trembled. These electric currents were not fatal, but they were enough to cause her to fall into a state of paralysis from her mind to her body.

"I've had enough mind control tricks," Hawkeye said.

"Now, take my companion—"

Before he finished speaking, Kuaiyin appeared, knocked Hawkeye into the air, and rescued the Scarlet Witch.

"you again!"

Hawkeye roared, and at the base in Sokovia, it was also because of this man who was going to the extreme that he was injured.

This is the second time.

Kuaiyin turned back, smiled at Hawkeye's evil charm, picked up the Scarlet Witch and ran away.

After the two left the old ship, Kuaiyin took the Scarlet Witch to leave first, after all, her condition was not very good.

However, this is itself a means of attracting the attention of superheroes, so Ultron is quickly defeated.

It's just that the superheroes can't be in high spirits, because the main data of Ultron is not here.

Everyone's mood was very low.

"I know there's a place where we can take a break."

Hawkeye who flew the plane suggested.

"where is this place?"

The fighter plane stopped in a suburb far away from the hustle and bustle, Tony Stark couldn't help asking.

"This is where I settled after I retired," Hawkeye said.

The crowd entered the house, and Hawkeye's wife entertained the crowd.

Everyone else was dumbfounded.

Including Black Widow.

No one knew that Hawkeye got married secretly.

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