Logan found that the life of the Authority was very leisurely, with endless cigars, endless wine, and endless funds to spend.

The Authority uses only the best of any equipment, because Director Zod Heath always gets a lot of money from the United Nations.

The salary is also very high, and it feels like you can buy a big mansion near Wall Street in a few years.

He could also go back to Xavier School to see other people, as long as he was there.

But here, Logan's interests only for mutants must become the interests of all mankind, because the Authority is responsible for the safety of all mankind, as their creed.

Human Occult Strategic Defense Assault and Logistics Support Administration.

Control, Protect, Contain, Manage!

And the Authority has also done new work. It seems that something fell in New Mexico. After alarming S.H.I.E.L.D., it was transferred to the Authority by S.H.I.E.L.D.

After the authorities arrived at the scene, the place had been sealed off, and Bronski had a popsicle in his mouth on a hot day, and he bit off most of it in one bite.

"Oh, why am I handling this kind of thing?"

Bronski crunched the ice in his mouth.


The soldiers in charge of the blockade saluted quickly. They are the soldiers of the Administration, the elites selected by the world, and Zod did not stop this.

"Kick all the idle people out of this area, and then pull the barbed wire to block it. Have you done the radiation detection around, why didn't you put on the radiation protection suit?"

Bronski looked at the soldier in front of him and said.

"The group of scientists has set up a radiation-proof room. The radiation index detected around is normal, the air is normal, and the soil composition is normal, so the radiation alarm is lifted."

Soldier answered.

This is naturally the action rule set by the director of Zod. He is not as big-hearted as the SHIELD in the original plot. In the face of unknown aliens, he rashly touches without even detecting the radiation, fearing that he will not be radiated. cancer.

In addition, people who had been in contact with the hammer before were also pulled for blood tests and other tests.

It takes 72 hours for the gold to be observed and released normally. As for human rights and complaints, they are directly ignored.

They have the power of life and death, and can directly deal with threatening and uncooperative targets.

In less than three hours, the barbed wire has been drawn around for a military blockade. From time to time, personnel wearing protective clothing spray disinfectant water. Even if no changes in air and soil composition can be detected, for safety, disinfection is still necessary. of.

Bronski's job was simple, too. He was in charge of security, making sure the Authority could retrieve the thing safely.

"Speaking of which, what is there to contain a hammer that no one can lift from the sky?"

Bronsky didn't understand very well. If it wasn't for the fact that he couldn't drink during the mission, he would already be drinking. In the past, in order to maintain the peak of his body, he restrained himself from exposure to alcohol and cigarettes, but now he doesn't need it anymore. After becoming an abomination, Powerful bodily functions make these poor toxins vulnerable.


A soldier rushed over, and any soldiers who entered the bureau were very enthusiastic to express themselves, because after they knew what the bureau was doing, they were full of a sense of mission.

"What's up?"

Bronsky asked impatiently.

"Someone tried to break in, but we shot him down."

Soldiers report.

"If you kill it, drag it down and bury it."

Bronski waved.

Even if you kill a reporter who shouts for freedom of the press, it's fine, and if you even want to break in, even if you are a level 9 agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., or a senior CIA, FBI, or UN senior, they all have the right to kill.

And Jane Foster saw that the blond man who trespassed on the military base was shot and turned into a hornet's nest after beating up a few people. She was shocked and pale, and then she was imprisoned.

As for the blond man's body, his identity will probably be checked to see if there is any power behind it, and then it will be burned.

If it is found that there is a force behind it, the Administration will also come to the door for inquiries.

Zod touched his chin, what's the fuss, with the density of Asgardians, will he be shot to death?

Even if he was sealed with divine power by Odin, he was not an ordinary person.

But it is estimated that it is also a drama that Odin came up with. Regardless, he left Bronski here anyway, and any accidents can be solved.

In the faraway Asgard domain, Heimdall, the guardian of Asgard, stood on Rainbow Bifrost with a guardian sword, his eyes crossed the distant star domain, watching the fast-moving car .

Odin, who was riding an eight-legged horse, came to Bifrost quietly, jumped off the horse, cast his eyes on the vast cosmic starry sky, and said softly.

"Thor, how is he?"

"He was killed by the Midgards."

Heimdall said with a strange expression.

Odin just nodded after hearing this, apparently without any unexpected expressions.

"I hope he can learn humility in the human world, and can understand that Wang cannot rule the nine star regions by fighting and killing, and the stability of the nine star regions can be maintained by applying both kindness and power. Humans have done a good job of this, and they deserve to fight. Fight when it's time, and negotiate when it's time for peace."

Odin spoke in a hopeful tone, but his words were not as neutral as before.

Heimdall said with some concern.

"King, if the news of Thor's loss of power on Earth is known to Asgard's enemies, they will certainly not miss this opportunity."

"I know, but I'm running out of time,"

Odin's eyebrows were full of sorrow, and he said in a soft tone.

Heimdall said with an oath.

"I know, Father of the Gods, I'll keep an eye on Thor."


Odin nodded, with a hint of exhaustion on his old face, turned around, jumped on the eight-legged horse, turned his head and said to Heimdall.

"Pay attention to the movements of the Frost Giants. Thor was interrupted by the Frost Giants because of the succession ceremony to the throne. He went to Jotunheim to make a scene and killed so many Frost Giants. Laufey will not let it go."

"I will, Father of the Gods!"

"Hopefully everything is in time."

Odin said in a low voice, pulled the reins, and let the eight-legged horse gallop on the transparent bridge, galloping away in the direction of the palace, and soon disappeared.

Heimdall seemed like a stone sculpture had continued to stand there, staring at the star field that would not change for a long time.

On a rooftop in the palace, the pale, slender second prince of Asgard, Loki Odinson, stared at Bifrost in the distance. In front of him was a water mirror. , reflecting the scene inside Bifrost, and the sound inside also came from this water mirror.

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