Marvel’s Kryptonian

Chapter 398 Terrorists

The Iron Acropolis (you only need to know where it is, the author will not write it out.) This chaotic place near you (you only need to know where it is, the author will not write it out.), there is no shortage of relying on this The local tyrant who made a fortune.

In the past ten years or so, as the forces of all sizes, big and small, have intervened for their own interests, either competing with each other, or taking what they want, to satisfy their evil selfish desires.

It made the situation in this chaotic place even more chaotic, and many vicious organizations were born.

So that even Russia is sometimes threatened by its intrusion, and innocent people have suffered heavy casualties.

As a large city close to the land of chaos, it is not surprising that the Iron Acropolis has been infiltrated.

However, Zod discovered that these people were the most notorious separatists in the terrorist forces in the Land of Chaos.

They are not just threatening Russia, but Zod's own homeland, and are often annoyed by it.

However, this organization hides in a chaotic place like a duck to water, and relies on improved brainwashing technology to continuously absorb personnel and expand its team.

"Terrorists, everyone shouts and fights!"

Zod threw Bucky in the past, but also saved the mind of letting Bucky sweep the place.

The undead Ghost Rider is enough to sweep this place.

The official force, who had been staring at these terrorists for several days, found that they seemed to have discovered that they were monitoring them and were preparing to evacuate the Iron Acropolis.

"Sir, the targets we have left the Iron Acropolis, and the information shows that they are going back to the Chaos Land."

"Damn it! I've been staring at them for several months! I didn't expect to catch a big fish, so I had to watch them leave."

In the Steel Acropolis, the security personnel who have been stationed here sighed a little unwillingly after the report was completed.

"These guys are very heinous. They do all kinds of evil on the grounds of belief. They are involved in smuggling drugs, human organs, and slaves. I really don't know what the above thinks. They always watch them do evil on the grounds that they want to catch big fish."

One of the security personnel complained, but it was customary to start receiving information from the spies in the Chaos Land again.

After all, I missed it this time, and it took a long time to collect and confirm the information. This is a very expensive part of the money and manpower and material resources, but it seems that there are inexhaustible funds and manpower and material resources, and it has been wasted many times. .


Eighty percent of the chaotic land is rugged mountains,

In each mountain area, there are many local people who still maintain the tribal system that has not changed for thousands of years.

Many of these local tribes belong to the type of drifting, but some people have many weapons and many weapons, and they are directly like warlords, often listening to propaganda but not listening to the tune.

Here, countless evil organizations came with weapons and money, colluded with the nobles of these tribes, and used their cover and help to successfully take root in this chaotic place.

And then engaged in various illegal business.

Tariha, who was seen by Zod, was a particularly big one among these rooted evil organizations.

Their base is located in the mountains near Russia, and the personnel are fighters trained from various training bases set up around the world.

Therefore, the elite level of their soldiers far exceeds that of the surrounding thugs and militia organizations.

Even the local government did not dare to provoke this organization, and could only cling to its own several cities, maintaining a nominal rule.

If he encounters the people of the Tariha organization, he will take the initiative to retreat and lose the majesty of the ruler.

This is also helpless.

After all, this terrorist organization wants money, money, and people, and it even got on the line of American arms dealers early in the morning, smuggling a large number of high-end weapons.

It is also suspected of collusion with the senior officials of the American intelligence department. The intelligence power is amazing, and it can often infiltrate the local government into a basket. If there is just some preparations here, there may be dispatched in the next moment to eliminate this danger before it happens.

There have even been several cases in which weapons and equipment purchased by the local government with a lot of money were taken away by this organization as soon as they arrived, becoming the captain of the other party's transportation team.

Therefore, in the face of the Tariha organization, the strength of the local government is really unstoppable, unstoppable.

In the chaotic land, there are even rumors that if the primary goal of this organization is to split Russia and the Celestial Dynasty, it is unwilling to throw away the arms and business channels from the United States.

The nominal regime supported by the United States has long since been brought down to be the master of the country.

On this day, the base camp of the Tariha organization was in a mountain fortress dominated by masonry structures transformed from a village.

The leader of the Tariha organization, a middle-aged man who appears to be gentle, fair-skinned, slender, with a bookish appearance, is wearing a local traditional white robe, and is conversing on the videophone in a fluent foreign language. .

After a little while, a man on the video phone said something good and turned off the video signal.

The middle-aged leader chuckled lightly, touched the goatee on his chin, and looked at the large map hanging directly in front of the secret room with bright eyes.

Look at the nearby terrain depicted on the map.

The leader made a phone call and ordered.

"Just now, the head of the intelligence system in the Central Asia region of the United States personally contacted me and said that our plan was leaked."

A rough man's voice soon came over the phone.

"Those guys gave so much dividends every year, but they promised to facilitate us to deal with the North at that time. What are they going to do now?"

"Hehe, what else can I do, the other party plans to withdraw after the warning."

The leader sneered.

"But...their unreliable nature, didn't we already know when we first came into contact with them."

"It's just that we get what we need. Besides, after so many years of development, it's time to show our strength!"

"Get your people ready. We have worked so hard here for so many years, let that old northern bear, who has been weakened to the extreme, reveal his frail essence in front of us!"

"Once successful, it may not be impossible for us Tariha to go further!"

"Yes leader! The Tariha Empire will surely stand in this world!"

Hearing this, the leader opened a parchment scroll map with a flushed face.

On this antique-designed sheepskin map, there is a new country spanning three continents.

The area of ​​this new country is even larger than that of Russia today. If it really appears, it must be a new country with the largest area!

The leader looked at the map and couldn't help trembling, as if he saw that his life goal was approaching step by step.

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