Marvel’s Infinite Power

Chapter 336 One word, Yu! (5/5, please customize)

Thirteen pig teammates, HYDRA, were successfully captured, but Daisy was not completely relieved.

The successful capture of these thirteen aliens was entirely due to the fact that they were all pig teammates, possessed of strength and lack of combat experience, and were not opponents of Gordon and a transitional person at all.

When caught, they would not run away, but chose to be reckless and were easily caught by Gordon and the others.

The remaining two are a little different. After hearing Daisy's description, Gordon and the others determined that the two are the same transitional people, with powerful abilities and extremely rich combat experience.

With thirteen people added together, I am afraid that they will not be the opponents of the two in the end.

Everything that happened after that fully verified Daisy's conjecture.

Whether it was the residence of the two aliens, or the place of their activities, Daisy took Gordon and they didn't find any trace of them, and they asked other aliens, but they didn't find anything. They were like The world has evaporated.

These two really have a bit of HYDRA style.

"What?" Gordon asked Daisy.

Having identified the problems of these Inhumans, and seeing Daisy's performance when capturing these Inhumans, Gordon and the others had disappeared from Daisy's mice, and they now attach great importance to Daisy's point of view.

"Go to jail!"

Leaving these three words, Daisy took the lead in walking towards the prison, and Gordon and the others followed suit without any ambiguity.

Afterwards, they arrived at the prison smoothly. The oncoming heat wave made them realize that something was wrong and rushed into the prison.

The moment they rushed into the prison, they happened to see that the door of the cell of the original prisoner, Daniel Whitehall, had been burned with a large hole, and Daniel Whitehall in the prison had disappeared here.

"Run away...?" An alien couldn't help but said.

"It wasn't as simple as running away, he was let go!"

"Yeah, that one named Daniel Whitehall is a weak human being who can't get out on his own, probably Tom let him go!"

Tom is the Inhuman who can unleash pale blue flames.

"Not just Tom, but Hanks! Look at the ground!"

Everyone looked towards the ground, but they happened to see that on a piece of crimson magma exuding high temperature, a path was erected on it, turning the original dead end into a way of life!

Hanks is an Inhuman who can control the state of objects.

"First Tom burned the prison door and turned the prison door into lava. Hanks used his Ability to build a path for Daniel Whitehall to help him escape!"

Daisy said, crouched down, stretched out her hand, and carefully touched the path, "The temperature is not high, I just left!"

"Cruise, track!" Gordon said quickly after hearing the words.

After a transitional person nodded to show that he knew, he quickly ran out of the prison, his ears that were much larger than ordinary people and his very sharp ears moved, listening to the surrounding voices.

Soon, he seemed to lock on the target, turned his gaze in one direction, opened his mouth, and released a silent sound wave.

This is his Ability, he can release sound waves like a bat, use sound waves to locate, and his ear power is also different from ordinary people.

This also allows him to easily track people who are not particularly far away.

"It's in that direction, about two thousand meters away!" Cruise pointed in one direction and said to Gordon who was already standing behind him.

Hearing that, all the people did not have any hesitation, and stood by Gordon's side holding hands. After an electromagnetic storm-style protective cover surrounded them, they disappeared in place.

When they appeared again, they were already two kilometers away from the direction Cruise pointed to before, and Tom, Hanks, and Daniel Whitehall were not far from them.

Daniel Whitehall slowed the trio's progress so that the trio were spotted and Gordon followed.

With so many people appearing together, it is naturally impossible to hide the three of them. The three of them instantly felt troubled, looked at each other and began to think about what to do.

Run, you can't run away!

Gordon was right in front of them, and none of them wanted to run.

Then there is only one choice left, Yu!

As long as these people can be killed, then there is hope for a turnaround. Daniel Whitehall saw with his own eyes that Jia Ying absorbed the vitality of Lincoln Campbell, and they also helped Jia Ying deal with the body more than once. They are all evidence, enough to overthrow the fee Evidence of the evil rule of this old hag.

Daniel Whitehall, in particular, can play a decisive role as long as he is sent to the mind-ability person who has a serious defect and a memory search will destroy a person's brain.

Tom and Hanks had no intention of saving Daniel Whitehall, but treated him as a living proof that could be extracted.

"", for a while, be careful! Our battle may affect you, your body is too fragile, you will die if you do anything!" Tom asked Daniel Whitehall worriedly.

"You can rest assured on this point, I will protect myself, and you will also protect you, and a bright future is waiting for us!"

Daniel Whitehall really didn't expect that at this critical moment, the two of them would still think about themselves (Qian Hao, Zhao Ji, and have some doubts about the idea that the two of them had problems before.

Definitely, now is not the time to say this, and soon Daniel Whitehall adjusted his mentality, stepped back step by step, and hid aside Miao.

It's not that he doesn't want to run because of his loyalty, but that he is too old and has no ability to run at all. The speed of his travel is simply not enough for him to run past these people. It is better to hide and wait for the end of this.

"Now, are you still going to resist?" Daniel Whitehall hid, and a transitional person finally said.

"What's the matter? Do you think we are fools? There is still a chance for us to surrender. Surrender will only be absorbed by the old witch Jia Ying. Stop talking nonsense and do it!" Tom obviously has no intention of surrendering. , said.

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