Marvel’s Infinite Power

Chapter 286 Skye's Shot (5/5, Please Customize)

After listening to Lu Yi's unbiased introduction to S.H.I.E.L.D, Phil also understood what kind of organization S.H.I.E.L.D was. Phil was really shocked by the existence of S.H.I.E.L.D.

She really didn't expect that there is such a powerful organization that maintains the earth in reality, and that ordinary people like her know nothing about it.

In the same way, she did not expect this world to be so wonderful. Unheard of werewolves, vampires, magicians, super-ability people, and aliens were all real.

All these together made her curious about such a powerful organization as S.H.I.E.L.D, and then really had a little idea of ​​joining this organization, she wanted to see more things.

"I'm interested in what you said about S.H.I.E.L.D. Can I join S.H.I.E.L.D?"

"The reason why I tell you this is of course possible, but are you willing?"

There's nothing wrong with S.H.I.E.L.D having a special scrutiny for those who join, but with Skye's power now, it's really not difficult to pull someone into S.H.I.E.L.D.

Not to mention that this person is not an ordinary person, but Phil who possesses demonic power. This is already considered a special talent and can be recruited completely.

"I need to think about this!" Phil said instead of confirming immediately.

"It's up to you!"

"Thank you, can I leave now?"

"I never meant to restrict your freedom, um, yes, this is for you!"

Saying that, Lu Yi took out a piece of paper and wrote a phone number on it.

"After you decide, make this call, and answer this call is your future immediate boss, and she will arrange a different life for you!"


In English words, female she, male he, and animal have different pronunciations. Phil derived the fact that his immediate boss is a woman from the word representing female her.

And this woman may have an extraordinary relationship with Lu Yi, which belongs to a woman's intuition.

A woman who had a close relationship with Lu Yi became his boss. Phil was very curious about this woman and did not refuse the paper with the number written in Lu Yi's hand.

Taking this piece of paper, she left Lu Yi's residence.

"Lu Yi, since you want to find help for Skye, why did you let her go?" Phil left, Lu Yi didn't have any special reaction, and asked the little naughty puzzled.

"Then what do you think I should do?"

"Convince her!" Little Naughty said directly.

"I already agreed, why should I persuade her?" Lu Yi asked lightly, not at all surprised why the little naughty would speak for Skye.

Although the little naughty did not deal with Skye before, but with the idea of ​​sharing the pressure on chuang, the relationship with Skye has eased a lot, and it is not abrupt to speak up for Skye now, Lu Naturally, Yi didn't feel anything strange.

"When did she agree, why don't I know?"

"Actually, you know it, but you didn't find it. Just now she didn't reject Skye's phone number, which was a disguised acceptance. She actually agreed in her heart, but she didn't show it. Next, it's up to Skye!"

"What do you mean?" Little Naughty asked, puzzled.

"This girl is a somewhat indecisive type. Even if she makes a decision, she will not say it easily, but carefully consider the pros and cons. At this time, Skye needs to help her make a thorough decision. You go and call Skye and talk about Phil's situation and what to do, Skye knows very well, after all, she's a professional!"


After the little naughty shouted to show that she understood, there was no nonsense, (abbf followed and called Skye to tell her about Phil.

Skye is now the director of a branch. Because the branch is a newly established relationship, as a director, she has to be busy with a lot of things every day.

Today, as usual, she was in her office reviewing documents, reviewing the progress of the branch's expansion work and budget issues. She never imagined that a woman who was the least likely to call her called her and told her Ask her to follow a girl named Phil.

This girl is a subordinate that her boyfriend Lu Yi found for him. She is very strong and can be used as the number one thug under his subordinate.

Although Skye didn't believe her, she believed that she would not deceive herself with Lu Yi, and immediately asked people to find the identity information of all the girls named Phil.

After removing some unreliable ones, she focused her attention on a girl who had just been identified as a criminal suspect by the police, and started a more detailed investigation.

It turned out that the girl had been to Lu Yi's house twice, and there seemed to be some special changes recently.

During a more detailed investigation, she sent two agents into the girl's room to investigate and found some fragments of things that had been destroyed with great force.

According to the traces, it was done by hand.

The girl who can do this level is definitely the girl Lu Yi mentioned.

Faced with the appearance of this girl, Skye put down all the things she was holding, took a document that had been prepared for her special move into her branch of S.H.I.E.L.D, and walked into the cafe where the girl appeared.

The strength of S.H.I.E.L.D's intelligence network is really not to mention. In just one day, Skye has already found out everything about the girl, and her whereabouts are no exception.

"Can I sit here?" After ordering a cup of coffee, Skye politely said to the girl named Phil in front of him.

“Definitely can!”

The row of seats in the cafe often happened, Phil didn't care at all, just glanced at Skye, and chose to agree, not at all aware of the fact that Skye's purpose was actually her.

"Alone?" Skye said with a faint smile after he sat down.

Phil glanced at Skye suspiciously, she naturally couldn't figure out what Skye meant.

It is common to fight tables, but it is not common to ask random questions to strangers.

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