Marvel’s Infinite Power

Chapter 281 The Suspect Phil (5/5, Please Customize)

Phil has been feeling weird, special and very weird lately, and she's had that weird feeling since she met the demon that night.

These days, she has completely experienced a different kind of life.

This is fully demonstrated by the broken things in her room and the punk youth who had been slapped by her before.

"What's wrong with me?" Burying his body under the quilt, Phil looked at the broken and invisible things around him and fell into deep thought.

All this is really weird!

While thinking about it, Phil gently picked up a plastic alarm clock on Chuang, put it in his palm, and pressed it gently.

Cow! Cow! Cow.

The dense cracks just appeared on the plastic alarm clock, and the constant cracking sound constantly sounded in the silent room.


Finally, the plastic alarm clock couldn't take it anymore. After a loud bang, it shattered completely, and the densely packed fragments fell to the ground like scattered flowers.

"What happened to me while I was in a coma?"

During the time she was conscious, there was no special place, she could prove it consciously, and only when she was in a coma would others be able to do something to her body.

Because of 810's inference, she targeted Lu Yi and Little Naughty. At the beginning and now, only the two of them have this Ability.

Bang! Bang! Bang...

Just when she thought so, a violent knock on the door suddenly sounded.

"Who's coming for me?"

With such doubts, Phil walked down the chuang, and after carefully bypassing the fragments of those things, she came to the door of the room.

But after experiencing the devil, out of caution, she did not open the door immediately, but looked out the door through the cat's eyes.

Everything outside the door was instantly exposed in front of her, and two policemen were standing at her door.


Confused, she opened the door.

"Are you okay?" Phil asked in confusion.

The two policemen looked at Phil who opened the door, and the joy in their eyes was undisguised. They took out a piece of paper and said to Phil: "This is an arrest warrant, miss, we suspect that you are related to a disappearance case. , please come with us! You have the right to remain silent, but (abbf) is that every word you say will be in evidence!

Phil never dreamed that a scene that could only be seen and heard in TV dramas or movies in the past actually appeared on his body, and he was deeply speechless for a while.

However, Phil, who was speechless, finally thought that his three original friends had died and had not come home these days. Even if their family didn't like them, they should call the police.

Then, she, the person who had the last contact with the three of them before their disappearance, became a criminal suspect.

Although she is a weak woman, she doesn't look like the opponent of a young and strong youth, but it does not prevent the police from targeting her with suspicion.

"Miss, please come with me!" Seeing Phil's silence, a policeman said again after waiting for a while.

When he said this, the policeman even took precautions to prevent Phil from suddenly rioting.

The police's defenses Phil looked at, but she didn't have any intention of caring. With her current strength, not to mention these two policemen's defenses, even if there were more policemen's defenses, would be of no use.

She is now thinking about whether she should stun the two policemen and run away!

She didn't want to do this either, but the reason for the disappearance of the three was not clear at all. Does she want to say that the three were killed by demons, and she was saved by two magicians.

After she said these words, she didn't need to be arrested in prison, but she was definitely in a mental hospital.

She has been hesitation!

Miss Phil, please rest assured, we will not do anything to you, you are just a criminal suspect, not a real criminal!" Just as she was hesitation, another policeman said.

The policeman felt a very strong threat from Phil, which made him not dare to arrest him casually, and said something that seemed to ease.

These words happened to be the last straw to bend the camel. Phil decided to temporarily serve as these two police officers, and planned to follow them to the police station to have a look at the situation.

The two policemen saw that Phil had chosen to match and did not say anything, and returned to the police station with Phil who had been groomed.

When she arrived at the police station, Phil's expected fatigue bombing, hacking, and subversion did not happen, and she didn't even receive much attention.

After taking her to the police station, the officers ignored her until three hours later, when she was already drowsy, when a fat policeman finally paid attention to her and began to talk to her.

"We retrieved all the surveillance footage, and on the last surveillance footage, you were together, and then, all of a sudden, you went back to your home, and the three of them disappeared, and there was no surveillance footage to prove what happened to you. You did it, I want to know what you did at the time, and what happened after that?" The fat policeman said straight to the point as soon as he came up.

"At the time, Ellis suggested that we explore a magical place that's not particularly far from us!"

Three hours was not long, but it was enough to make her think of a special excuse.

"And then?" The fat policeman said with a twitch at the corner of his mouth.

He had a hunch that something beyond his imagination might happen next.

"We went in, and then we saw something special!" Phil couldn't help shuddering, but he deliberately thought about the fate of the three of them.

"What?" Looking at Phil who suddenly shivered, the fat policeman did not think the shiver was fake, and said cautiously.

"A group of strange people, no, it should be said that they are demons. They are very terrifying. In an instant, they stunned us! When I appeared again, I had already appeared on a street. I am afraid of them and have been hiding at home until now!",

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